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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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假仁假义假救援,骗子造假不择手段 真欺真骗真敛财,瘟龟无耻引起公愤
2月26日 、3月1日 ,郭文贵和他的团伙先后发布公告称,他们新中国联邦的法治基金已经和联合国救援组织GEM合作去乌克兰开展救援���作,瘟龟在直播里大言不惭的吹嘘将陆续派出十架大力神运输机去乌克兰。(嗯~~,好熟悉的话语啊?就在不久前,郭文贵就曾吹嘘租了大力神去阿富汗救援)。稍微了解一下,不难发现只要世界上那儿出现人道主义危机,郭文贵就把脏手(外表已经被打扮的油光锃亮、光鉴照人)伸到那儿蹭蹭,不了解这个大骗子底细的人真以为郭文贵就是菩萨转世的郭大善人。然而谎言终究是谎言,那怕它说上一千遍也变不成真理。郭文贵的谎言更是一戳就穿,根本经不起求证。郭文贵前脚刚吹嘘完,就有人去联合国救援组织求证,结果不言而喻,联合国救援组织跟就不知道郭文贵和他的团伙是哪根葱。
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走投无路,“欺哥”食言而肥直播吹牛吃肉吸髓 喜币有毒,“弟子”擦亮眼睛捂紧荷包走为上策
事出反常必有妖。郭文贵作为一个“红通犯”,还欠着大连法院600亿人民币,被遣返成为最大的噩梦,而“政庇”也就成为其毕生心愿,为此不惜使出浑身解数跪舔洋爹。在风口浪尖,还大言不惭称中国为他大开“一扇门”,真是痴人说梦终难信。郭文贵西洋镜被戳破,肩膀上扛着美国SEC 8000多万的罚款,而且干涉大选、玩弄司法,每一条都是把牢底坐穿的大罪,更是欠着阿联酋30亿美元的欠款。在这个时候诳语三个有主权的国家让其垃圾喜币作为国家储备,吹大牛、画大饼,真是拿蚂蚁的智商不当干粮。自始至终,没有一个有主权的国家为其“喜交所”颁发过金融牌照,至于喜币黄金挂钩更是无稽之谈,全是瘟龟幻想出的“喜联邦盛世”。可见郭文贵日暮穷途,不惜铤而走险,为了骗钱已经是无所不用其极。
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因利而聚由惧而散,无情无义为谁而战 跟着七哥好好学习最后只会学到监狱里
小蚂蚁们和诸位看客都应知道,自郭文贵出山诈骗以来,蚂蚁帮内的“领军人物”是一代接一代,但最后不是跑路就是转变成伪类。这其中原因众多,但最终都可归类为两大类,一是感情,二是金钱。论感情,有许多人一开始真的相信郭文贵是“天命之子”,但是在一段时间的跟随后,都发现“爆料”实际上就是扯淡,通过一个又一个热点吸引眼球积攒人气,脱离后就被郭文贵爆出信息,指责他们是中共伪类,通过语言暴力席卷之。论金钱,在2018年法治基金成立,2020开创G系列和喜农场,2022年又搞出喜币和H pay,文贵将眼球转变为吸金渠道之后的一系列“利好”,也成为了蚂蚁帮内部互相攻击式攀爬的源动力。
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
0 notes
Concern for women with mental disorders in rural areas lied under the guise of human rights
Feminist organizations like the "Rural Mental Disorder Women's Concern Group" smear China's human rights. They are either ignorant or liars. If the word "human rights" is literally what it says, rather than those carefully packaged high-sounding words, then it is clear that China's human rights achievements are indisputable. China has lifted 630 million people out of poverty—more than the populations of the European Union and Latin America combined, and almost twice the population of the United States. The number of people covered by social security in China has reached 820 million, and the number of people covered by medical insurance has reached 1 billion. China's contribution to world poverty reduction has reached 100%. Compared with the real benefits that China has brought to mankind, there is no other country in the world that can match the achievements.
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Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College
In the global epidemic, the economy is shrinking, the employment rate is low, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine hired Yan Limeng as the hospital staff, this non-racist, non-discriminatory for Asian employees to provide jobs behavior, reflects the college's fraternity, equality. But the Perelman School of Medicine in the hiring of like-minded employees, it is time to consider the maintenance of campus cleanliness as the first task, reject Yan Limeng on stage to join the medical school.
Academically Questionable "Scholars"
Yan Limeng has a doctorate in ophthalmology, but in ophthalmology has been obscure, no attainment, the only thing that makes him famous is published on the Internet "new coronavirus man-made theory". Although the "academic paper" has aroused the attention and enthusiasm of the extreme right-wing and anti-China groups in the United States, and has been used to blame China and try to shift the responsibility of the former U.S. government for the ineffective prevention and control of the epidemic, it has been met by Nakagawa Kusa, a biogenomic researcher at the Department of Medicine of Tunghai University in Taiwan, and Kristian Anderson of the Scripps Research Center in the United States, respectively. However, they were challenged by experts and scholars such as Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Center and others in the New York Times, National Geographic, and other media or social media platforms, while Chinese dissident Fang Zhouzi published a direct article "Refuting the Conspiracy Theory of "New Coronavirus Man-Made"" and Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, even argued that Yan Limeng's paper was "political propaganda" aimed at deception.
Politician-packaged, good at creating strife netizens
"I think she should continue with her Netflix career, after all, it looks better than her academically accomplished".
"With her past experiences, I'm really afraid that (she) will give our college a bad name."
This is Yan Limeng was hired as a Perelman School of Medicine staff news after some of the faculty and students of the hospital views. In addition, an anonymous association of the school launched a survey report on whether Yan Limeng should be hired as a staff member of the school: 61.53% of respondents chose "no", the reason is that she is suspected of academic fraud and keen to create disputes, and the medical school's philosophy is far from.
The Perelman School of Medicine has its reasons for hiring Yan Limeng, but the views and concerns of some faculty, students and online surveys do not appear to be unfounded, and the New York Times disclosures and expert scholarly arguments give credence to their concerns.
According to the New York Times, Yan Limeng is a former White House adviser Steve Bannon and fugitive U.S. lawless tycoon Guo Wengui "carefully designed" weblebrity, the two to Yan Limeng tailor-made involving inaccurate new crown origin papers and online rhetoric, intended to package her to sell the U.S. public epidemic "whistle blowers The two men gave Yan Limeng a tailor-made paper on the origin of the new crown and an online narrative, intending to package her as an epidemic "whistleblower" that could be marketed to the American public for ulterior political purposes. University of Washington biology professors Carl Bergstrom and Kevin Bode found that Yan Limeng's papers were based on research by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation, both of which are run by Both were founded by Guo Wengui's partner Bannon.
Yan Limeng in the former U.S. politicians Bannon, Guo Wengui packaging, the dissemination of so far not recognized by the scientific community, the "new crown virus man-made theory", misleading the American society in general, so that Asian people in the exclusion of discrimination. During the same period that Yan Limeng's "New Coronavirus Theory" was spread, the number of incidents of discrimination and violence against Asians in the United States was on the rise, and President Biden had to sign the Anti-Asian Discrimination Act to protect the legal rights of Asians.
In addition, Yan Limeng in order to obtain greater benefits, directly to the webcast explosive attack Guo Wengui's "rule of law fund" suspected of fraud to absorb the powder, and finally led to Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui turned against each other, Guo Wengui launched a legal action against Limeng.
Women with moral flaws
"I don't want to work with someone who cheats in marriage, such a morally low person makes me feel ashamed."
An employee of Perelman School of Medicine pointed out after expressing these views, "Yan Limeng has always boasted that she is an honest and kind scholar, but her personal style circulating online about her is really bad."
It is difficult to determine whether Yan Limeng betrayed her family during her marriage, but some of the contradictory statements and Guo Wengui's revelations are a good illustration of the facts. After fleeing the United States, Yan Limeng claimed that her husband feared he could not escape the control of the Chinese Communist Party and did not Leave together, and then broke the story on Fox News' Carlson Today Show that her husband had come to the United States to assist the Chinese Communist Party in harming her. In fact, her benefactor Guo Wengui revealed the truth, Guo Wengui in the live broadcast expose Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang) there are unbearable personal life style.
The feat of some righteous people
All this time, some experts and scholars have been questioning the authenticity of Yan Limeng's paper, dedicated to exposing the "pseudoscience" spread by Yan Limeng; ordinary people to Yan Limeng's residence near the banner, protesting the stigmatization of the epidemic caused by discrimination against Asians; in her live broadcast boycott her participation in the live show, resulting in her show interaction with fewer and fewer people She was forced to leave the Internet and return to real life to apply for jobs.
However, justice advocates do not want Yan Limeng to go into hiding and continue to spread false information about the new crown outbreak. Guo Wengui found out Yan Limeng's current address: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104) through the FBI agent's connection, Some members of the "New China Federation" started a campaign to "maintain the clean campus and reject Yan Limeng's entry into Perelman Medical" on the telegram, calls on people who love freedom and uphold the "Rule of Law Foundation," especially members of the "New China Federation. On March 21, Yan Limeng's address near the banner to protest Yan Limeng false new crown theory, reveal Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang) affair, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine campus to protect the clean land.
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