msunate · 4 years
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For a moment, her mouth opens slightly to speak, before ultimately deciding to retreat. Despite having said as little as she did, Malia could practically see the gears moving around in her brother’s mind as he put the pieces together bit by bit. Once his words had confirmed exactly what the younger had assumed they were on the same page about, a sad sigh slipped from her lips at his response.
It was just like him to bear the full responsibility of the situation. Nate always wanted to shoulder any problems as the older brother. Malia could only assume that he did so in order to protect her. And while she greatly appreciated knowing that he would always be there to shield her from harm, there were times when it made her feel hopeless and frail. But right now she was stuck in a hole of guilt.
Her extremely stupid mistake had not only lead to an act of violence from her brother, but it hurt another person as well. Despite him leaving out the name, Malia already knew exactly who that someone was. The whispers in the hallways were inconsistent in regards to what had gone down, but the names of those involved weren’t. If she’d just watched where she was going in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any story for that anonymous buzzard account to gossip about. 
“It is my fault— entirely. I was the one who kissed him— but it wasn’t even a kiss! It was an accident and then it happened when I fell!” Before she knew it, the confession was pouring out of her mouth in a jumble of words. Despite previously telling herself that there was no need to let her brother know any of what happened, Malia couldn’t bring herself to bottle it up any longer. For starters, she needed to clear Levi’s name. “He didn’t do anything wrong or deserving of a punch.” She let out another sigh, her fingers running through her hair in mild frustration before returning a sad look to her brother. 
“You could have been hurt and gotten in big trouble, and it would’ve been all my fault.”
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‘i was the one who kissed him.’ kissed. so they had actually kissed, levi and his little sister. yeah, he doesn’t like that, not in the slightest, but— she did say it had been an accident. what had levi said about it again? that they’d ran into each other and ended up on the floor? well... okay, yeah, he hates to admit it, but he supposes that checks out. had this been coming from anyone but malia, though, he would be way more hesitant to believe them. but, at the end of the day, his little sister is his favorite person in the world, and he’ll always put her first. that includes believing everything she tells her. 
“so you did kiss him, then.” his words aren’t said with any malice — if anything, he sounds relieved, at finally hearing the truth and it honestly not being as bad as expected. the queen bee buzzard account had made it seem like levi and his sister were, well, fucking, and that would have been a completely different story. doesn’t mean he likes that there was a seemingly accidental kiss, but in this situation, that certainly is the best case scenario. 
does he feel bad for punching levi over this, though? hm... no, not really. he’d been wanting to punch the younger for years now, albeit for other reasons, and so he thinks this was kind of inevitable. not that he’d ever expected any physical fight between the two to end like that, though.
“it’s okay, malia.” he puts a reassuring hand on her head, stroking through her hair as he speaks. “none of this is your fault. i’m the one who overreacted, though i won’t lie and say that bastard didn’t deserve—” okay, not reassuring at all. “uhm. anyway,” he pulls her into a hug, hand still resting on the back of her head as the other comes to rest around her shoulders, “i’m not mad, okay?” 
he keeps her in his embrace for a moment longer, before he lets her go, giving her a smile as their eyes meet again. “please don’t worry about it anymore. none of it was your fault. it was all an accident, so let’s just forget about it. besides, levi and i already, uh... made up.” yeah, let’s leave it at that.
        — the end.
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msunate · 4 years
( outgoing owlet → 네이트 🌙)
(2.37) nate… (2.37) you did not just drink this potion, did you??? (2.37) you did! (2.38) i’m coming over right now with an antidote! (2.38) don’t die 😭😭😭 (2.39) unlock your door right now, sir!!
( outgoing owlet → jinjinnie ✨ )
( 2.39 ) ?????!?? ( 2.39 ) what part of ‘i am asking for a friend’ did you not get 🤔 ( 2.39 ) I DIDN’T DRINK THE POTION ( 2.39 ) DO NOT COME IN HERE ( 2.40 ) but also tell me what to do bc my friend doesn’t look so good 😳
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msunate · 4 years
( outgoing owlet → jinjinnie ✨ @msujinri )
( 2.35 ) hypothetically ( 2.35 ) and i am asking for a friend here i swear 😅 ( 2.35 ) but okay /hypothetically/ ( 2.35 ) if someone forgot to add wolfsbane and wiggentree bark to a wiggenweld potion  ( 2.36 ) and instead added wormwood  ( 2.36 ) and then.... proceeded to drink it.......... 🙂 ( 2.36 ) what exactly would happen 🤔 ( 2.36 ) and remember i am asking for a friend here 😁😁😁
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msunate · 4 years
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this man causes me nothing but pain (inkigayo 201025)
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msunate · 4 years
false god.
getting distracted with @msutaeyeon / dec 1.
this thing with taeyeon? an unexpected, but welcome distraction. honestly, at this point, nate will take anything that can distract him from his, uh... feelings, he supposes. but, he’s glad it’s with taeyeon, someone he’s already close with, and not to mention, already comfortable with. it’s easy to get lost in her, the feeling of her body against his and their lips sliding against each other. it’s easy, simple, and most importantly, uncomplicated.
“god, tae,” he gasps in between kisses, fingers getting tangled in the younger’s hair. he’s got her pinned up against his bedroom door, her legs wrapped around his waist as they get lost in each other’s presence. he doesn’t know how many times it’s been in the past week at this point, but this, him and taeyeon, is definitely turning into somewhat of a habit.
they really need to get away from the door, though. the both of them had been eager that day, not patient enough to wait until they could get into his bed, but at this point... yeah, they need to move into a more comfortable position. “tae,” he repeats again, pulling away slightly from the kiss. his gaze meets hers, and he smiles, wide and genuine — because despite everything that’s been on his mind lately, he does feel happy in this moment, with her. 
“bed?” he asks, leaning in again to leave kisses along her jaw, obviously getting more and more desperate.
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msunate · 4 years
only twenty minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany. in nate’s dorm, the night between november 21st and november 22nd.
there’s a comfortable atmosphere settling in over his room, filled with a silence that almost feels loud. it’s the kind of silence that emerges from the knowing that there’s a very high probability everyone but you are asleep. there are, surprisingly enough, no noises coming from any of the surrounding dorm rooms. an uncommon occurrence, especially on a weekend, but it seems like the joint quidditch victory party in the hwaseong common room, has somehow managed to shut the geumseong dorm up. 
all nate can hear is the sounds of heavy breathing around him, coming from the two figures currently cuddled up to him, already fast asleep. he really should be asleep too, god knows he’s getting beyond tired at this point, but something’s keeping him up — though he can’t pinpoint exactly what. with how warm and comfortable he is, the limbs of his friends wrapped around him, there’s nothing stopping him — he’s comfortably fallen asleep like this many times over the past month. 
he sighs, looking down on the shapes of those in bed with him. callie had fallen asleep first, which had been expected, considering just how drunk she had been. he’s relieved, really, that she had thought to message them, rather than sit there all night wallowing in her own misery. not that he would say he’s an excessive worrier, or a worrier in general, but he does wonder if something would have happened had they not come to pick her up. but — he doesn’t want to think about that, about the horrible possibilities, not when she’s here. her warm body pressed against his, as she’s clinging onto him in her sleep. 
on his other side is levi, significantly less clingy, but the warmth of him is still there. the seeker has his arm slung across nate’s torso, his hand clutching callie’s. so, in short, nate is trapped under a tangle of limbs, though he doesn’t mind, despite how warm it’s getting. no, he’s more focused on the comforting, familiar, touch of the both of them. 
hm. he really should be asleep by now. it might have been hours, at this point, that he’s just been lying here, mind drifting between various states of nothingness. still, there’s something keeping him from completely putting his mind to rest, though he can’t pinpoint what. just that there’s some sort of heavy feeling in his chest, unlike anything he’s ever—
his thoughts are interrupted by levi, his voice breaking the silence surrounding them. nate can’t make out what he’s saying, the words coming out as unintelligible mumbles. is he sleep talking? there’s a tug of his lips, a smile threatening to break free across nate’s features. honestly, that is cute. levi’s mumbles continue, with the feeling in nate’s chest growing, an almost overwhelming feeling of fondness for both of—
wait. what was that? fondness. nate takes a deep breath, gaze shifting to focus on the ceiling instead as he considers his thoughts. fondness… or affection. yeah, he supposes that’s about right. with callie, there’s no hiding that he’s always had a fondness for her, with how affectionate the two have acted with each other ever since their friendship began. that’s normal for them. but with levi? well… with the way their relationship has developed over just the past month, maybe theres… some, emphasis on some, affection there. because, well, he cares about the seeker — they’re friends now, right? 
… right? both of them, they’re his friends, and feeling affection like this for your friends is completely normal. or— his mind immediately goes to kirby, who’s become his dearest friend over the past years, and… he… uhh… doesn’t feel like this with her? well, he does, but at the same time, he doesn’t. not like this, not this strongly.
huh. okay. what the fuck. honestly, he’s not really sure what this means, but he already knows he doesn’t like it. a creature of habit, anything new, anything too out of the ordinary, is usually not immediately welcomed in his life. and while he doesn’t know what this is, not yet (will he ever? he’s not sure), he knows that it’s something new, and scary, and— 
another deep breath is let out, more shaky this time. his gaze is still stuck on the ceiling, forcibly so, as he’s quite honestly terrified of looking back down on the two cuddled up to him. being aware of their presence is bad enough, now making his heart race slightly. nate’s never been an anxious person, not really, but he’s starting to wonder if this is what the beginning of a panic attack feels like. 
deep breaths. in, out, in, out. slowly, increasingly more steady. calm the fuck down, nathaniel. stay. calm. this is… yeah, it’s slightly terrifying, he won’t lie, but what is there to do about it now? he’s stuck here, buried under sleeping bodies, and he’s meant to be asleep. he won’t get anywhere with this, not now, not while he’s here with them. 
fuck. this is going to be something he has to figure out, though, isn’t it? but, for now, he does his best to push the thoughts, the feelings, away, closing his eyes in an attempt to finally drift off into sleep. 
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msunate · 4 years
nate isn’t surprised when hyunki approaches him before practice. he had been expecting it, actually, following a heads up from professor moon that he would have to make certain line-up changes the rest of the season. well, that, and he had seen an excruciating one whole minute of hyunki’s, uh... home video before he realized what exactly was happening in it and closed out of it immediately. 
so he’s already waiting around for the seeker when he gets there, the rest of the team under orders to prepare for practice on their own — at this point in the season, even newer recruits know how to fend for themselves. 
the seeker seems oddly nervous as he speaks, which nate has to admit, is a welcome change from the constant attitude he’s gotten from the younger over the years. should he be feeling bad for him instead? maybe, but nate thinks he should be allowed to be at least a little bit petty, just this once. 
“so i’ve been told,” he says, taking the letter offered to him. he skims it, though there’s nothing there that’s new to him — hyunki has to skip out on official matches the rest of the season, no surprise there. 
upon reading, he looks up again, back at hyunki. he should act civil, it’s the responsible thing to do as hyunki’s captain, but he has to admit, part of him is feeling rather smug about this. sure, the team will probably be doing worse without their main seeker, but at least he gets the pleasure of finally being able to tell hyunki he’s off the team, despite it being only temporary.
“you’re off the main team, then, effective immediately. we’ll bring in the reserve seeker the rest of the semester. i’ll trust you’ll be willing to work with him to prepare him for the matches.” nate wants to leave it at that, but despite how much he might dislike hyunki, there’s always gonna be a bigger part of him that values kindness above all else, and so he has to ask... “you doing okay, though? with... everything that happened?”
.time out
it was fair. he didn’t like it, dreaded it and was ashamed by it, but it was fair. hyunki was the one who slipped up, who wasn’t more careful in his postings and in return, screwed up not only his own reputation, but soohwa’s as well– and with the helpful reminder, the schools too. 
so the consequences, they made sense. they were something he couldn't’ argue. 
no, he’s had the fight effectively beat out of him for the time. and it couldn’t be more evident in how he trudged down to the practice fields, tail between his legs and head down. there was a letter from the school administration clutched in his hand, paper slightly wrinkled from how hard he was holding onto it. 
nate was going to hate him, he was going to kill him, effectively rip him apart. but hyunki deserved it. he felt he deserved it. 
“hey– uh.” the field was busy, players setting up for practice and getting their brooms ready, talking among themselves and he spots the captain, off to the side. “i got… um, i have a letter from the school. you need to read it…” 
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msunate · 4 years
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“no, i swear she’s over here!” nate insists, for what must be at least the fifth time now, hand clutching levi’s as he attempts to drag him in what is, according to him, the right direction. he’s met with an attempt at being dragged in the other direction, though, as the seeker clearly disagrees with him. “would you stop it already? i said she’s—” 
he cuts himself off, as he catches sight of someone who looks suspiciously a lot like— wait, no, that is callie, and... well, turns out neither of them were right. there’s a glance over at levi, though nate doesn’t say anything, not willing to admit to the other that he had been wrong. “let’s go see how she’s doing,” is all he says instead, taking off in the suseong captain’s direction while stringing levi along with him. 
“callie!” there’s an immediate grin upon seeing her, though it soon falters, because callie does not look, uh... good. well, she does, she always does, but she looks... beyond drunk, tired and unfocused. how long had she been here drinking by herself? though, upon seeing the two of them approaching, she seems to immediately brighten up, and he’d be lying if he said hearing the younger’s laughter didn’t immediately make his heart feel warm.
though he’s slightly confused about what she’s even laughing at, he can’t help but laugh along with her. “i missed you, too,” he tells her, and is about to comply with her request when— wait, how long had he been holding levi’s hand? he immediately lets go, and does his best to ignore the slight flush he feels across his cheeks as he sits down next to callie. 
“you okay, callie?” nate thinks back on the quidditch games earlier that day, and how suseong had lost, again, and can’t help but wonder if that’s part of the reason why the chaser is here, getting drunk all by herself. “how long have you been here for?” 
a small detour
w/ @msunate​ & @msulevi​
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she was grateful that they were coming. that was her thought as she distractedly watched her phone screen fade to black after reading the final message from nate. she knew she was hitting her limit with the drinking, her vision blurry from both the alcohol and her exhaustion combined while she can feel her face growing warmer by the second. but, of course, she was stubborn. she didn’t want to go back to the dorms yet, not with the way she was still feeling. and although it was probably only wishful thinking on her part, she hoped that levi and nate would at least hang out with her a bit before dragging her back to campus. 
callie sipped on her drink slowly, the taste not appealing to her anymore. it seems like all she really wanted was some company after all, not the booze; and she could have told herself that sooner if she wasn’t hellbent on being stupid. resting her head into her palm as her arm was propped up against the counter by her elbow, the junior closed her eyes for a moment to refocus herself. she didn’t know how many minutes had passed, but by the time her eyes had opened again, two very distinctive but oh-so-familiar voices were getting louder as they approached where she was. lifting her head almost instantly, an easy grin formed on callie’s lips, her attention now fully turned towards the two men who came to meet her. 
“nathaniel! levi—athan?” she couldn’t help but laugh at that one though it probably definitely confirmed just how drunk she was at that moment. sure, her jokes were normally sub-par, but that one was just terrible. “i missed you guys sooooo much. come sit with me!”
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msunate · 4 years
belated wishes.
     ABSURD ; absolutely absurd. the boy had to be mental to be making this case  , especially in front of the self-proclaimed ice cream queen —- yes , she just proclaimed the title —- and if it was up to her , nate would’ve been banished to the dungeons to bring something like mango mint ice-cream into the world. her thoughts visibly seen through her expressions as he posed the suggestion that could haunt her dreams. 
                   “ no , absolutely nothing is right about that. nathaniel —- you’re on a time out. ”
        taeyeon carefully listens to him repeat her order , correctly , as she reaches into her bag to pull out the money because damn , he is not paying again !! she wouldn’t allow it , she—- “ wait , you already paid? noooooo it was my turn !!!! ” okay the whining just comes with the amount of alcohol in her system , let’s move on. she simply looked up at him with a pout before turning away. “ first you pay at the bar , then you go on about mango mint ice cream and now you pay again?? — i’m not talking to you. ”
           she’s serious with her little tantrum as her gaze now follows the employee , unfortunately it isn’t jamie , she’s usually more patient with her customers , no this one looks at her with annoyance and the senior is half ready to jump over the counter and fight them. even though , they had all the rights , these two had been here for way too long. and you bet that usually , an endless amount of sorrys’ would be rolling off her tongue. but the senior was nothing if not moody. okay , so this is why taeyeon didn’t get drunk often around other people.  
           instead she chooses to keep her eyes on the prize , her masterpiece creation which is hopefully miles away from nate’s… disaster. —— the first bite of her dessert and a content sigh leaves her as she smiles , laughs even when the geum boy brings up their encounter. “ i don’t know what you mean , people find me charming. maybe it’s just you he didn’t like. ” she teased while scrunching her nose as she looked at him. charming was not a word you’d use to describe taeyeon but let her have this for now. 
          although , the senior knew the outcome of his experiment , she still watched from the corner of her eye as the older took a bite and the grimace actually a little satisfying because of course she was right. “ you’ve lost the battle , nathaniel. the respectful thing is to lay down your sword. ” a slight high and mighty tone as she took another bite of her own creation. 
           soon enough the expression falls as horror approaches in the form of the worst combination of ice cream flavours and she takes a step back before glaring eyes look into his. “ i will hex you into another dimension , you get that thing away from me. —- get it away from me and i’ll offer you a bite of what ice cream is supposed to taste like. ” she offers with a spoonful from her own bowl slightly extended towards him. 
“oh, i don’t know, tae, i think i’m plenty charming myself,” he shoots back, a smug grin on his face. while he won’t say he’s not sure of himself, he wouldn’t normally be this vocal about it — but, the point they’re at in the night, it seems like anything goes at this point. besides, he has heard from more people than he can count that he is indeed a charming young man. his mother’s friend, and older customers at the store? they all love him. “let’s go with... we’re both charming, unbelievably so, but i think that guy was just tired of his job. possibly tired of everything. i don’t know, he seemed kind of...” what was the word again? “salty?” 
while he’ll agree to taeyeon calling herself charming though, there’s no way he’ll let her win the ice cream debate. sure, his own concoction might not have been a success (what had he called it again? chilled mango toothpaste? something like that), but that doesn’t mean he’s about to admit just how terrible it is. at least not until he makes her try it as well. 
“nah, i don’t think i have. like i said, other people might be into this. you don’t know that, tae. i mean, how could you, since you haven’t even tried it yet?” he cocks an eyebrow at her, challenging her to give in, and accept the spoonful of ice cream he’s offering her. 
not that it seems to be working, based on the, uh, threatening reaction he gets from her. he’s sure she’s all talk and no bite, though, so her threat of hexing him is promptly ignored as he makes another attempt at changing her mind. “come on. you can’t knock it ‘till you try it! for all you know, this might end up being your favorite flavor of ice cream ever, to the point where you want to brush your teeth with mango every day. you’ll never know unless you—” 
okay, so this whole battle to prove his ice cream isn’t as bad as it actually is? it’s a lost cause, and not worth keeping up if it means turning down a taste of taeyeon’s, admittedly, much better looking — and probably much better tasting — scoop of ice cream. 
“i give up!” he proclaims perhaps a bit too dramatically, dropping his spoon to show he’s actually serious. he should probably pick that up, actually, but — later. “you’re right, tae. this is terrible, and i’d much rather be eating your ice cream.” his smile is still there, though there’s no longer any smugness behind it. if anything, just a touch of teasing. 
stepping closer to the toseong student, he accepts the ice cream offered to him, bending down slightly to be able to catch the spoon in his mouth. his eyes flutter shut as the flavor hits his tongue — god, this really does taste heavenly. what the hell had he been thinking when placing his own order? “mmmm,” he hums as he pulls back, though they still remain standing closer than before. 
“yeah, okay, you win. that was way too good for me to be able to keep lying. my toothpaste ice cream was so awful, you have no idea.”
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msunate · 4 years
ghosts that we knew.
stephanie had chosen mokseong as a sort of an escape.
there was little to no chance to run into her past. she wouldn’t have to relive it. she wouldn’t have to answer the questions of those who wanted to know where she went or why she left. she wouldn’t face the scrutiny of some. mokseong was the furthest from ilvermorny. it would be like starting anew. or so she assumed.
stephanie had somehow convinced herself that she moved passed it all. she was no longer ashamed, no longer hiding, no longer taking anyone’s shit. she had gotten quite good at convincing herself of this. it was the furthest from the truth it seems.
the reality of facing caleb was one she hadn’t anticipated. it was a stark reminder that even if she tells herself she’s over it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it was the truth. the truth? well, stephanie was fucking terrified of running into old classmates. how could she relate to untethered 20 year olds when she was sacked with a kid? she had chosen not to bring natsuki with her - a difficult decision to make - for the sake of allowing herself a hint of a chance of a normal college life. she could never run from her past.
out of sight, out of mind for her peers. no one can truly treat her differently if they were simply never made aware to it. it was a shit plan but it was the only one she had. she just hadn’t anticipated that it would be derailed within two weeks by caleb of all people.
now when she’s faced with nathaniel moon of all people in her face after years, she feels as though its the final nail in the coffin. she’s going to have to suck it up and deal with whatever comes her way. even if it means having a repeat of her seventh year once again.
“believed i was an apparition of some sort?” she teases with a half smile, ignoring the twist in her stomach that tells her that this is possibly a bad idea. especially when he mentioned caleb telling him she was there.
god dammit caleb and his big ass mouth.
“you only came to see if i had a kid, didn’t you?” she asks. she didn’t need to use her legillimency to guess that one. caleb and nate have been friends for such a long time that she isn’t surprised that caleb told him. and nate wasn’t exactly subtle with his choice in question. she sighs. at least she expected nate to be a bit more transparent about it.
“no, i don’t babysit. the girl is my daughter. does that satisfy your curiosity now?”
“what? no, i... i wanted to see you. catch up and all that.” which is true, but... he’d be lying if he said wanting to find out whether there was any truth to her having a kid or not had made him more eager to find her. not that he wasn’t excited about being able to catch up with her, it had just seemed like a much less pressing issue than trying to find out whether or not she actually has a kid or not. 
which... apparently she does. shit. how old is this kid again? unfortunately, caleb hadn’t been very descriptive in the details he provided — in fact, he hadn’t even realized it was a girl until stephanie had mentioned it just now — but caleb had said it, well, she, he supposes, had seemed to be at least four years old. 
well, shit. he doesn’t want to make assumptions here, not really — he still firmly believes that if stephanie’s disappearance had anything to do with him, she would have told him. because while they did break up, it’s not like they ended on bad terms. quite the opposite, really, as they had both agreed to remain friends upon realizing they just weren’t working out. 
but, he won’t lie. this entire situation does make him wonder. it’s been at the back of his mind for days now, the possibility that... maybe... this girl is the right age to be his? but... no, surely that can’t be it. can it? he’s mostly managed to suppress his curiosity, until now, when it’s suddenly starting to seem all the more likely. 
then again, he’s sure there’s an explanation for all this. there has to be. because while he might not know a lot of things, one thing he does know is that there is no way he’s prepared to be a father any time soon. and to a four year old child, no less? no way. he supposes the best he can do for now, is to stay calm — at least, as calm as he’s able to, considering the circumstances. 
“oh.” he’s not sure how long it took him to react to her statement, as his mind had been churning for a while now, probably for several seconds longer than intended. possibly to the point where it’s weird. maybe stephanie knows what he’s thinking, maybe she suspects why he’s here, but... he hopes not. 
“i didn’t know you had a daughter. that’s... nice?” he winces almost before the words are out, because even he can tell he sounds stupid. okay, okay, he needs to reel it in, uh... somehow. “how old is she?” he asks, figuring his best bet is to show some interest, as if his true intentions were truly just to catch up. 
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msunate · 4 years
(msg to 🧜🏻‍♀️& 🌛)
🦉: im where the booze at 🦉: thats like right behind u dumbass 🦉: wya callie? u ok? 🦉: we’ll come pick u up
[ message to king levi 👑 & fish husband 🐟 ]
✉: hmmmm???? am i ddrunk?? ✉: ..yes im drunkk hehee ✉: wahhhhh u guyss  🥺 🥺 🥺 🥰 🥰 🥰 i dooon’t deservve 😭 ✉: whereami…. bo… borealiiiis?? yess that’s where i am!!!!! ✉:  come drinkkkk wme ijnsteead!!!
[ owlet to kang 💦 & fish wife 🐬 ]
✉️: 😱😱😱 ✉️: callie!! of course u deserve!!! 🥺❤️ ✉️: we’ll be right there 😘
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msunate · 4 years
end of the day.
after that devastating upset — merlin, he doesn’t even want to think about it anymore — it had come to no surprise to levi to find callie at his door after her own match, waiting to cheer him up. he’d already kind of expected her to come over, considering she always had some sort of sixth sense when it came to knowing the exact time to show up and make his day. the real surprise had been nate, who’d tagged along too. but even that hadn’t exactly caught him off guard as they’d been… hanging out. a lot. “we friends now?” he’d teased when closing the door behind them, because yeah, at this point they were, but the grin on his face had been half-hearted, and the both of them had noticed.
he can’t remember how they’d ended up on the couch, with him resting in-between them somehow. he feels nate’s chest against his back, and levi’s leaning most of his weight on him. he’s got callie’s legs sprawled in his lap, his thumb subconsciously drawing circles over her knee. it’s a flurry of limbs, arms and legs everywhere — and levi feels more at ease than he has all day. that might be because they’re also watching the matrix, though. “pay attention,” he purposely digs an elbow into nate’s thigh. “you’re not focused, that’s why you’re confused.” there’s nothing about this movie that’s hard, if you asked him.
“neo woke up in the real world, for the first time. that’s why he’s in that tank,” he nods towards the screen, where neo — now bald like a newborn baby — tries to escape the wires that are stuck inside of him. at least callie’s been paying attention, and levi digs into the popcorn she’s sharing, talking around the pieces in his mouth. “it’s a dystopian future,” maybe he’s more into this than he should be, but this is his favorite movie. “and yeah, humanity’s unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality. the machines have been using humans as energy sources. but the movie tells you that! watch.”
“ouch.” though the elbow being drilled into his thigh makes nate feel slightly more awake, it still hurts. his hand is quick to make a grab for levi’s arm, forcing the seeker to lighten the pressure. “that hurt, you fucker,” he complains. he’s tempted to retaliate in some way — and he very nearly does, prepared to pinch the younger’s side — but he remembers why they’re here: to comfort levi, not tease him. 
he doesn’t let go of levi’s arm, absentmindedly stroking his thumb over the other’s skin as his attention moves back to the movie. “i am watching,” he insists. well, he’s trying to, at least. his attempts definitely haven’t been that successful, judging by the way he barely recognizes half of what levi’s trying to tell him. “i’m just tired from the day.” had today’s match been the most intense match he’s ever played? no, far from it actually, but there’s something about losing twice in a row, during his first semester as the main captain, that has him feeling drained. probably the fact that he’s gonna have to start drilling his team even harder, if they want to get out of this losing streak anytime soon.
at least losing hadn’t been for nothing, though. callie had finally managed to reel in suseong’s first win of the season, and her first win as captain. despite her win resulting in his loss, nate couldn’t be happier for her. oh— speaking of, he had hit her kind of hard at one point during the game, though not hard enough to send her to the hospital wing. still, he wants to make sure she’s okay. 
“hey, callie.” his voice is a low murmur, barely loud enough to be heard over the sound of the movie. he looks away from the movie, his gaze instead landing on callie. the hand that isn’t holding levi’s arm reaches out for her leg, the smoothness of her skin familiar under his touch. “you still feeling okay?” he asks, and yes, he might have asked several times already, but he had hit the bludger with an unnecessary amount of force. “you’re not hurting after i hit you, are you?”
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msunate · 4 years
[ owlet to kang 💦 & fish wife 🐬 ]
✉️: calliiiiieeeee!!!! 🥺🥺💕💕😭 ✉️: wait are u drunk??? 😱 ✉️: we wanted to catch u after the match but u seemed busy then u were gone ✉️: so we’re at this dumb party rn 😕 ✉️: but i’ll ditch immediately for u ❤️ ✉️: levi are u coming too?? ✉️: wait where are u 😮 ✉️: i swear i saw u like 2 secs ago 
[ message to king levi 👑 & fish husband 🐟 ]
✉: heyyyyyyy ✉: i sort of ditcheddc you guyss today huh?????? ✉: sorrrryyyyyy 😔 😔 😔 ✉: i don’t wanna be aloneeee… come hang out with meee pleaseeeee
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msunate · 4 years
flushed emoji.
dahlia’s the worst. the wicked witch of the east. and west. and every other direction, because she’s everywhere. no matter when, no matter where, his sister somehow always knows where he is whenever she needs him to do her a favor. this time, it’s for a potion of hers, some sort of ingredient that they didn’t have back at the castle. so who does she send out to get it? levi, of course. because levi cannot say no to his sister, for whatever reason. he insists it’s because he can’t stand the pouty look on her face she gets whenever he tells her no, but it’s probably that feeling of duty, as her brother. she’d taken care of him when they were kids, he should do the same.
or whatever. he hates this. he’d wanted to stay in his dorms, think up a more effective training regime for his team, but noooo. he’s at dalfin’s emporium of solutions now, waiting for anyone to help him. this is nate’s mother’s store, and though he hasn’t come here often, she’s always been incredibly nice to him and pleasant to chat with, so at least there’s that. but it’s not delphine whose head peeks out of what levi assumes to be the storage unit. speak of the devil…
“hey.” he snorts at the rather blunt question of why he’s there. “damn, nathaniel, are you always this friendly to your customers?” it’s obvious he’s not done yet, because of the grin on his face. “or you givin’ me the special treatment because we’re fucking?” it’s a good thing he’s the only one there in the store right now, or else that would’ve raised a few eyebrows into their direction. but levi obviously doesn’t care, because it’s not like he’s told a lie.
but he’s there for a reason, and flustering nate isn’t it. though that’s an added bonus. “my sister needs some ingredients for some potion she’s brewing. goosegrass and, uh, whatever’s on this list.” he digs around in his pocket for it, handing the crushed up note over to nate with an innocent smile that suggests that yes, he did crumple that paper on purpose and no, he’s not going to smoothen it out for him.
“hey, they’re not my customers,” he’s is quick to insist, “i don’t even work here.” though, levi does make a fair point — he doesn’t usually treat his mother’s customers with such bluntness. then again, the customers aren’t usually kang levi, which he should be thanking whatever higher-ups there are for, judging by the topic immediately brought up upon his arrival. 
following a quick look to the back, to make sure his mother is still not here (because god knows he’d be beyond ashamed had she just heard levi’s words), there’s a roll of his eyes at levi’s words. “sorry, no special treatment here, kang. just didn’t expect to see you here, that’s all.” it’s not like levi deals much in potions, does he?
the reason for his visit is soon explained, though, as nate is handed a crumpled list of items. there’s a glance over at levi, bordering on a glare, as he smooths the piece of paper out to the point where it’s readable. okay. so there’s a few ingredients he doesn’t recognize, but thankfully for him, he knows everything is labeled on the shelves. 
“i’ll, uh, get them for you.” with a nod, he leaves levi as he goes to grab the right ingredients, making quick work of it despite carefully double checking everything. he doesn’t know dahlia, but if he’s being honest, the grad student does slightly intimidate him. just a little bit — enough for him to want to ensure there’s no room for error. once everything’s collected (again, he’s carefully double checked that he got everything), he brings it all back to the register, again facing levi. 
“so...” how do you talk to customers again? wow, maybe his lack of customer service skills is the reason his mother has never wanted to hire him officially. or maybe, it’s just weird that levi is the customer. this isn’t usually the kind of setting they meet in, after all. “is that all you need?”
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msunate · 4 years
belated wishes.
        don’t do it. don’t start off with that question like this is a 90s sitcom , the episode had just began and she was one troubled teenager stuck in a sticky situation while pondering over life’s mysteries and how it had come to this. —— HOW DID SHE END UP HERE ? 
         and it’s only this dramatic because the girl had sworn to be locked into her room to save the embarrassment that was her birthday night. — but nate had asked so politely and honestly , she might’ve owed him one after her not so pleasant behaviour the last time they’d met. besides , a few drinks with a friend never hurt anyone !! well , it hurt her liver because a few drinks turned into a few too many and even with her iron steel tolerance , the senior could definitely feel her feet not obeying orders to walk straight. 
          or even now at the ice cream parlour , her fuzzy brain couldn’t come to the conclusion of picking one damn flavour. an endless repetition of “ i waaaaannnntttt…. ” before trailing off with the answer as eyes got lost in the deep ice cream sea of different flavours. not saying nate was better off , and honestly? his confusion only encouraged hers. 
           SPEAKING OF HIM , her thoughts were paired with gaze turning to him and eyes narrowing suspiciously , why’d he ask for this night to begin with? sure they were good friends and they hung out here and there… but this , drinks ( which he paid for? ) and then ice cream…. hmmm…. does he want to distract the beater before their next game??? nate sus. 
           suddenly his voice rings and taeyeon is a little more than surprised than she should’ve been as thoughts break , “ OH ME? —- oh !! hmmm i thought i’m gonna get—- wait did you just say mango and mint???? nathaniel , i thought you had better taste than that. i , on the other hand like to keep my mint in the toothpaste and NOT in ice cream.”  audible tsk tsk tsk’s left her mouth as she shook her head. 
                      “ —- i want one scoop of strawberry &. one scoop of chocolate with pieces of banana cut up and whipped cream and a caramel drizzle and sprinkles… for fun. ” ——- okay , maybe she was drunk.  
“okay, taeyeon, listen,” he starts, prepared to make his case for why mango and mint could potentially be a great combination. only potentially, as it’s not a combination he doesn’t think he would ever consider had he not been as tipsy as he is right now, but he’s not about to knock it until he tries it. 
“have you ever brushed your teeth, and then, suddenly, you’re thinking — hey, i kind of want mango right now?” well, not that it’s ever happened to him, but theoretically, it could happen to someone. right? “that’s when you go for this combination. so you see, it kind of works, right? i’ll call it... chilled mango toothpaste. it’s perfect, right?” 
at this point, he knows he’s wasting way too much time trying to defend his choice, one he wouldn’t even make had it not been for the alcohol in his blood. a chuckle is let out at his own ridiculousness, though it’s soon interrupted by a cough from the employee awaiting their orders. 
oh, shit. right, the time is running away from them. following a curt apology, nate places their orders, taeyeon’s far more extravagant than his. he’ll have to convince her to let him try some of it after. again, he pays for the both of them, not giving the younger the chance to even make the offer. it might not be her birthday anymore, but he’s still determined to treat this as somewhat of a birthday present. 
their ice creams are handed to them by the now probably beyond annoyed employee, and they barely have the time to offer up their thanks before closing time is announced, and they are forced to leave the ice cream parlor. the late-night worker had seemed overly happy to see them go — had he been less affected by alcohol at the moment, nate would have felt bad about his behavior, ashamed even, but at the moment? he mostly just finds everything to be extremely funny. 
his gaze meets taeyeon’s once they’re outside, and he can’t help but break into laughter once again.“i don’t think that guy liked us very much. did you see the way he looked at us when we left? i’m sure he wanted us dead.” it’s with a grin still on his face that he scoops up some of his ice cream (carefully making sure he gets an equal amount of both flavors — he’s going to try this out properly or not at all!), but it soon turns into a grimace as his mouth is filled with the weird combination of sweetness and — honestly, toothpaste flavor. 
“merlin, that’s awful. you’re right, tae, mint does belong in toothpaste, and not in ice cream. still think someone could potentially be into this, though.” he’s not about to admit defeat that easily. his spoon is filled with ice cream again, but this time, he moves it towards the younger. “you should try it, tae! maybe you’ll find out it’s your favorite flavor of... toothpaste, i guess. you never know!”
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msunate · 4 years
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mingyu ✦ wkorea #drawingterview
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msunate · 4 years
end of the day.
watching the matrix with @msucallie and @msulevi.
nate kind of feels like he’s about to fall asleep. it’s been a long day, despite both quidditch matches being surprisingly short, especially compared to most of the other matches this season. he doesn’t really want to think about quidditch, though, not now — he’ll deal with having to put his team through harder training later. for now, he’d like to focus on just about anything else instead.
anything else being this movie, apparently. the matrix, levi’s favorite. nate isn’t sure exactly what is going on in it — something about a simulation? or computers? something like that. the plot line is a touch too intricate for him to properly process (besides, he’s more of an animation guy), but he’s been trying, all the while fighting the urge to close his eyes.
“i don’t get this,” he says, trying to stifle a yawn. admittedly, he does feel somewhat bad for not being able to pay attention, for not getting it — they’re watching this for levi, after all, and he wanted to do this for him, to do anything to keep the seeker distracted. still, he needs some kind of explanation if he’s going to have any hopes of keeping up with the second half of the movie. 
“why are they in some kind of alternate universe now? i’m so confused.” from his seat behind levi on the couch, he glances over at callie, eyes searching her expression to figure out if she’s as lost as him.
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