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13 posts
*Kn-Knife… Nuff… NICE* -H I A T U S-
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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---------- 7 | 20 | 20 ----------
"Farewell, my paradise"
* H A P P Y • B I R T H D A Y • OIKAWA ^_^
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
7 | 12 | 20
- Shoto Todoroki
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Izuku Midoriya
-----------o t h e r s ------------
: My hero academia
; sweet talk - samantha jade
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
5 | 20 | 20
-----------o t h e r s ------------
: I want to eat your pancreas
; Sunday Best - Surfaces
Don't start now - Dua Lipa
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
5 | 10 | 20
- Tsukishima Kei
- Kageyama Tobio
- Hinata Shōyō
-----------o t h e r s ------------
: Haikyuu!!
; Playdate - Melanie Martinez
*still new to the show so i don't really know the names of the other characters so.. sorry* (✿^‿^)
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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one day someone even better will come and find you
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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Kageyama compliments Hinata!
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
What caused Kageyama to turn into the King of The Court
it’s officially March 22 so I am now allowed to post this:
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Ever notice how he was still innocent in his first years of Kitagawa Daichi? A lot of people assumed that it was because of Oikawa bullying him a lot that he got tired and just did what he wanted. 
But no it’s because his grandfather, the one that got him into to volleyball in the first place, who he always looked for every day to play, died. That’s what caused him to snap and have all these negative emotions around him. 
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That would also explain this: (credits to @iwillstillopenthewindow​ )
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
This is the first time we've seen how Kageyama really sees Hinata. Apparently, Kageyama never felt like he had company like he did with his grandpa until Hinata came along
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While everyone turned their backs on him, Hinata faced him head on and gratefully hits every single one of his toss. He finally found someone that would race with him just like how he did with his granfather. Hinata was the first person that reminded Kageyama that he's not alone since his grandpa passed away.
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Because of this, Kageyama sees Hinata as a player stronger than him because he was the best and the strongest teammate that he's ever had (Hinata probably thinks the same but the other way around)
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
your voice.
tsukishima kei
genre: fluff! bc i love this man
note: i would recommend listening to butterfly’s repose by zabawa (if you don’t know it already!) before reading this or while reading it :)
you and tsukki would go to each other's houses when you weren’t busy. hanging out together meant relaxation time. however, tsukishima was anything but relaxed. he had been so stressed this week. he’s been trying very hard to perfect his spikes but couldn’t quite hit them where he wanted to. he didn’t talk about it though, yamaguchi was the one who had mentioned it to you. not only that, tsukki studied a lot for his last test and still ended up receiving a grade he wasn’t pleased with. although he never strictly said it, grades were very important to him.
that’s why you decided to make him his favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake, in hopes of making him feel somewhat better. you were in the kitchen of your house looking back and forth from your ingredients to the recipe. kei was in the living room, trying to decide which spotify playlist to play on your speaker. he finally decided on the playlist you made for him a couple months ago, “for my idiot <3” tsukishima walked over you, “y/n, i decided to play the whack ass playlist you made for me.” you rolled your eyes. “just go lie down or something, kei. you’re being a nuisance.” he walked back to the living room while throwing up a peace sign.
he moved sluggishly towards the couch and sat down. soon, he laid his long body across the whole thing. tsukishima laid there for about 15 minutes, trying to fall asleep but failing. all he could think about was how badly he was messing up this week. his mind continued running about all the questions he got wrong on his exam and how he should’ve concentrated harder during practice. he furrowed his brows and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to recollect himself. that’s when he heard your voice. no, you weren’t calling for him, you were singing.
butterfly’s repose was playing. it was a new song you had added to the playlist. tsukishima listened carefully. “close your pretty eyes, my butterfly.” he had never heard such a beautiful voice before. he got up and quietly walked towards you, not wanting to risk making you stop. he stood still and listened to you sing until you decided to stop.
“y/n.” you were startled by the sudden call of your name but relaxed when you looked at tsukki. “what’s up? i thought you were asleep.” he stared at you. “your voice.” you raised an eyebrow at him then quickly said, “oh you heard me singing? i'm sorry if i woke you it’s jus-“ “your voice is amazing, y/n.” you gave him a soft smile. “oh it’s nothing, really…” he walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder and slightly putting his body weight on you. “keiiii..” he didn’t react. you started to push him off you but he soon spoke up, “please sing for me more often…. your voice makes me feel serene.” you smiled to yourself and felt an overwhelming amount of love for your boyfriend in that moment. “okay, now would you kindly get off me so i can finish your dessert?”
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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proof that daichi and suga share one brain cell
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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hinata's fluff is adored by everyone in haikyuu
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
Main Karasuno Boys When They Have a Crush
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(i didn't do yamaguchi because he's not a main player in the volleyball team, just a pinch server)
Possibly super introverted about it at first
But after he comes to terms with it, he will literally showers you with attention and gifts
He's so much more caring and calm around you
If you stubbed your toe or bit your tongue while two people in the team could be fighting, he would 100% be at your side in a second
Noya and Tanaka definitely tease him about it at first
But then he realises that he's the captain and will just resort to scaring them with a glare
Will probably go to the team for advice on how to ask you out, will offer them extra meat buns to give him in depth advice
He just looses his cool and it's the first time you've seen him legitimately scared and nervous since you met him
Invites you to every single practice game, if you're not already going
When you gladly accept the invitation, he grins like an idiot
Will probably debate setting up an extremely cliche confession right before volleyball game
The coaches of both teams are all in on it, even the referees are
"Before we start the game, could miss Y/n from Karasuno please stand up?" You're so confused like ??? how does he even know your name, but you stand up anyways
"Ah, hello miss Y/n! We have a small question coming from the team captain of Karasuno, Daichi!"
The team are probably in some kind of formation and are all looking at your expectantly as Daichi is handed a microphone
"Y/n, will you go on a date with me?"
There's a MASSIVE cheer (you can mainly hear Tanaka and Noya) as a microphone is handed to you
"Oh my god, you're such a dork, Daichi, Yes!"
A few people in the crowd are like ??? they probably thought it was somekind of marriage proposal at first
He's so nervous at first, especially if you're his first crush
Blushes whenever you're around
Dreamily sighs when you're not near him
Will definately panic to the team
Probably doesn't listen because it's mainly Kags being clueless, Hinata agreeing with Noya and Tanaka about complimenting your body & butt, Tsukki snickering at him and Daichi trying to be supportive, but failing
Leaves cute little love notes on your locker and signs them "Your Secret Admirer"
Probably roses and chocolates if you're lucky
He's super obvious about it, the entire team wondering how the hell you haven't caught on yet
"Soooo Y/nnn did you get a letter from your secret admirer today?" "Hmmmm! I wonder who it could be!!"
Probably super dejected when you don't figure out it's him
The team have even dropped tons of subtle hints
They've recently even resorted to dropping fairly obvious hints
All attempts failed
The only way you figure out is when he slips up one day and qrites the note in his handwriting
"Suga!! This is your handwriting, right?!"
Sugawara.exe has stopped working
Massive blush on his face as he sheepishly nods
He's relieved, yet terrified
He's been leaving these notes for years, but hidden behind the secret admirer nickname
Now it's all come out, it's probably given him an overwhelming fear of rejection
But you say that you like him too and he's so relieved
Instantly asks you on a date
Absolute disaster
He's such a mess when he realises he likes you
Probably panicks to Tanaka and Noya because it seems like they have experience with girls
He's so gullible and he's already told them everything, so he just listens eagarly to whatever they say
"So you see, you've gotta treat her like a goddess, worship her, compliment jer body, especially her butt"
"Flirting! Flirting is the key, my man!"
Probably instantly regrets it, but he can't face telling any of the others, Hinata would tell the entire school!
"Hey uh Y/- girl, you have a really nice.. um... body?"
Tanaka and Noya are cheering him on from the sidelines, while Kageyama and Hinata just facepalm nearby
"HE MEANS HE THINKS YOU'RE HOT!" hinata or suga shout from nearby
You literally snort as Asahi dies inside
He's bright red, fumbling with his hands
"Um- Yeah-I do- What- What um they said"
He's still an absolute disaster, but you just smile and grin at him
He manages to form a sentence together, after tons of encouragement from you and asks you out on a date
Thankfully, you say yes and he lets out a massive sigh of relief
Probably the type of guy to say thank you after you agree to go on a date
You already know how this is gonna go
Stares at your butt a TON
Makes his crush super obvious
Probably introduces you as his girlfriend or at least 'Y/n, she's super into me'
"Y/n, my beauty, my saviour, can i have the honour of carrying your bags"
You shyly accept his offer like once and ever since then, he refuses to let you carry your bags
Literally WORSHIPS the ground you walk on
Shows off to you in volleyball
"Y/n!! Did you see that?!" "Of course i did, Noya, i always do!"
God awful pickup lines
"As a libero, i do save the ball, but you know what else i save? My heart. For you"
Tanaka definately cheers him on, even if you're related to him, he would usually be protective, but he trusts Noya with your heart
Blushes madly onlt when you respond to his pickup lines with equally awful ones
"It may saay number four on your t-shirt, but you're number one in my heart"
Let's face it, you definately know he likes you
You're probably just waiting for him to make a move
He would probably make a move in the most cliche way possible
I'm talking roses, candles, chocolate and stupidly romantic music
Like Noya, but a little more soft and loving
LOVES to see you blush
Tries pickup lines, but he's into the more crude ones
I ain't giving y'all an example, i'll leave it up to you ;)
It's probably a bit harder to realise that he has a crush on you, but i would like to think that you eventually caught on
Probably calls you "my love" or "babe" before he even confessed
Maybe even holds you hand
If he's sat next to you, he'll probably put his hand on your knee, it's just a habit that he can't break
Will invite you to the movies a load, but won't explicitly tell you that he considers it a date
Noya will definately cheer him on
Noya = best wingman
They probably celebrate by eating tons of food and watching tons of tv shows
Will throw out those magazines in a heartbeat, if you ask him to
Probably actually good at baking
Will get his sister to help him bake cookies, not that she's very good at it
Will be super confident to ask you out on a date, but when it actually comes to it he'll be super nervous
How could he not? in his mind, this one moment could change his entire future with you
"So... Y/n? Movies? Tonight?" "Sure!" "But this time, do you want to make it a date...?"
Probably a blushing mess, but as soon as you say yes his head will snap up and he'll have so much energy
Bonus points if it's before a legitimate game, not a practice game, because you can bet your entire house, he'll win that match with the new found energy and confidence
Similar to Asahi, but a little less of a disaster
Still tons of blushing, but he's not afraid to talk to you
Probably has no clue at first, like at all
"I get this funny feeling when i'm around Y/n" "Oh my god, you have a crush on her Kageyama!" "...A what?"
Knows better than to ask Tanaka and Noya, will probably go to Hinata or Sugawara
He most likely prefers Sugawara's advice, but will probably chicken out and take Hinata's advice of just getting you attention and then screaming confessing
"Y/N!" You probably turn around, super confused at why he sounds so nervous "I REALLY LIKE YOU!"
Hinata would just face palm. He meant for Kageyama to tap you on the shoulder and take you aside
But no, poor Kageyama probably just embarassed himself
Probably apologizes profusely before running off
Will most likely avoid you for days, the entire team have tried to get him to face you, but he somehow disappears as you walk around the corner
You finally catch him one day, spin him around, while he's distracted by Hinata or Daichi, and kiss him on the lips
"I like you too, dork"
He's so relived
Probably ends up hugging you and just won't let go
Probably the oblivious, yet confident kind of person
He literally never notices your flirting attempts, but will 100% flirt on his own terms
Probably only visibly blushes when you walk away
He will 100% show off to you in volleyball practice
"Y/n!! Watch this!" "Y/n!! Did you see me do that?!"
Will probably go to Kageyama for advice, not that the poor boy is any good at giving it
"Kageyamaaa! What should i dooo??" "Um, i dunno, talk to her maybe?"
Hinanta probably just storms off muttering "Stupid Kageyama"
Will probably end up confessing to you by doing a tik tok of some kind
Possibly the "you look so sexy" song, where the person sends the lyrics to their crush
Or sending you one of those "The person who send you this thinks..."
Hinata would probably send one like "The person who sent you this thinks you should be their girlfriend"
Bonus points if you send one back that says "The person that sent you this would love to be your girlfriend"
Probably super embarassed to have a crush on you
You're most likely his first legitimate crush, so he's extremely inexperienced
Will probably go to Yamaguchi or Kuroo, maybe even Bokuto if he's around
Safe to say, Yamaguchi fails and just shrugs, sheepishly
Bokuto, however, will most definately snort at him and start teasing him
"Tsukki-poo has a crush!!"
Kuroo, suprisingly, gives really good advice
"Just talk to her man, tell her how you feel, get her some chocolate and roses! She'll love that"
Kuroo probably carries on talking about how Tsukki should compliment your body, but Tsukki has already left to buy chocolate and roses
He probably asks his mum to help him buy the stuff because she has experience and knowledge on what girls like, right?
She probably relentlessly teases him, before taking him to a shop to buy roses, a cute card and chocolates
He'll be so nervous to confess to you, but when it comes to it, i imagine him being totally blunt
"Here have this, i like you and i'm bery attracted to you. Will you go on a date with me?"
You'll probably just burst out laughing, but before that, you would also confess your feelings towards him
He's probably so awkward
"Oh um- I didn't expect to get this far?"
Will definately be hesitant to tell everyone
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mssyprsn · 5 years ago
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Haikyuu Smau
Choose my next SMAU
“It was known among the volleyball community that Oikawa had called dibs on you, the manager of Nekoma. Everyone knew that, except you, of course. It hadn’t caused any problems until you were forced to move to Karasuno and their first year setter starts to fall for you.”
Pairing: Kageyama x Reader
Status: Ongoing…
Warnings: Swearing, some unwanted flirting, some slight innuendos
Pronouns: They/Them
Updates: Every night!
Introductions —
Kageyama’s Friends || Y/n’s Friends
Chapter 1 || Late
Chapter 2 || (Don’t) Call Him The King
Chapter 3 || Wrong Person
Chapter 4 || Naive
Chapter 5 || You Played Yourself
Chapter 6 || Popularity Thing
Chapter 7 || Brainwashing
Chapter 8 || What’s Wrong?
Chapter 9 || Backfire
Chapter 10 || The Surprise
Chapter 11 || Oopsie
Chapter 12 || Can I Call You?
Chapter 13 || Denial
Chapter 14 || …
Chapter 15 || …
Chapter 16 || …
Chapter 17 || …
Chapter 18 || …
Chapter 19 || …
Chapter 20 || …
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