mscerisier · 4 years
Are there any fics where either of them is a single parent? Or both of them?
There are some great single parent fics, and, admittedly, I haven’t read a lot of them, since I don’t do kidfic much, but here are some I can suggest.  If anyone has other recs, please feel free to add them.
Perceptions of Light and Shadow by @winterstar95​:  Signing up for an art course had not been his intention at all. He’d gone into the building after something else entirely. And not the hot teacher, the other one, the one with the arm or lack thereof. Tony Stark might be a warmonger to the rest of the world, especially his soon to be father-in-law, Obadiah Stane, but his true heart lies in building, inventing, and helping others. After what he saw in Afghanistan he decides to change everything with his company and way of life. He wants to redirect the company into biotech, green energy, anything that will make the world a better place. So, walking into the little art school was only to find a way to talk with the disabled Vet, it wasn’t to sign up for an art class, and it sure had nothing to do with how hot the teacher was. After all, Tony Stark is engaged and about to be married to the love of his life, Ty Stane. Why would he care about a down on his luck art teacher, who is a single father, and who has a mysterious job at a downtown exclusive club? Nope, Tony is perfectly happy in his life…yep, perfectly happy. He just can’t figure out why he just signed up for art classes.
ten years too late (just in time) by theappleppielifestyle: Steve never went out with Tony when they were young despite Tony’s attempts at wooing him, mostly because he thought Tony was too much of a flimsy playboy who could never really commit seriously to anything that wasn’t partying.Years later he runs into Single Father Tony taking care of his 3 year old. Tony refuses to buy his kid candy before dinner and is overall a pretty decent dad. Tony also thinks Steve could never be interested in him, since he was always rebuffed before, but Tony’s in for a surprise.
Me, You and Peter, Too (series) by starspangledsprocket; Steve can’t stomach the thought of Peter growing up in an orphanage. He knows what that’s like, and he will do anything to stop that from happening to another child. If that means he adopts Peter himself, so be it.In the meantime, he has to figure out what to do about his feelings for Tony.
My Nightingale by Tobezilla:  An accident leaves Steve raising his four year old son and working two jobs. His world has been flipped around more times than he can count, each time harder than the last. When he becomes the personal assistant of the billionaire, Tony Stark - his world is flipped around for the millionth time. But maybe this time will be the different than the others.
The Billionaire and the Army Captain by @captainneverever​;  Facing finanical ruin and needing to care for his sick daughter, Steve Rogers agrees to marry Tony Stark, who needs to get married by his 30th birthday to inherit. It’s just a job for Steve until he starts to fall for the enigmatic billionaire.
Buy You a Mockingbird by jadedoll:  Babyfic! When Tony unexpectedly becomes a parent, his world view drastically changes. And changes. Then it changes again. And then again.
We’ve Been on this Path Before by vassalady: Years ago, Steve and Tony were the it couple over all the magazines. Now, Steve lives with his four-year-old son, Ian, in a shabby apartment. It’s not perfect, but life is good. Then, Tony shows up at their door and asks for Steve to come back.Steve isn’t sure that getting back together with Tony is the right thing. There’s so much history between them, and he has Ian to think of. But Tony could provide opportunities for Ian that Steve can’t. And, underneath it all, he still loves Tony even after all these years.It will take time and a lot of work to find the life he wants for him and his son. However, secrets both old and new may prove a threat that will cost them dearly.
Proof Positive by @megaranoelle​: Tony is no stranger to paternity claims from his female conquests, there’s a system in place for them. But when one of the tests actually comes back positive, he makes a rash decision to not tell anyone about it, not even Pepper Potts. All Mary Parker wants is for Tony to spend a little time with their son, and she’ll badger Tony Stark into showing up at least twice a month in any way that she can.And then he goes missing for three months in Afghanistan. Tony has a lot to think about in his life now, how he wants to run his company, how his life is going to change with the arc reactor, and what he’s going to do about his son, Peter. Then, the Avengers Initiative pops up, and in waltzes his childhood hero, and enemy, Captain America.
Signs of Life by cvsossong:  Tony Stark gets thrown into a new world when a one- night stand ends with him having a son. When it’s discovered that Peter is deaf due to his mother’s mistakes while pregnant, Tony vows to become the father he never had. Fortunately, he’s got the Avengers to step up as a team— and a family.
My Son, My Sun by @wordsplat​:  Just before the events of Iron Man, a baby is left on Tony’s doorstep. He wants nothing to do with it at first, but his time in Afghanistan changes his mind and Tony vows to become a better man for his son’s sake.
Breakfast at Steve’s by KilltheDirector:  Owning a diner, Steve is always there to hear about his customer’s problems. Raising a six-year old by himself (well, he knows he has help from Peggy and Michael) and having to deal with the annoyance that is Tony Stark, it’s a small wonder that Steve hasn’t cracked yet.
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed: There were days when the realization that he was someone’s father made Steve’s head hurt, but mostly he was grateful that he could trust his instincts, because apparently Peter was what had been missing from his life. Yes, he still had lingering, unresolved issues from his time in the Army, and sure, he had what Bucky annoyingly referred to as a criminally untapped ass, and no life outside of work and Peter, but Steve was okay with how his life had turned out because of trusting his instincts.Unfortunately, those same instincts had straight up betrayed him by going absolutely haywire upon being exposed to Tony Stark.Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. For his 40th birthday, Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but falling in love is something else entirely. Steve struggles with the idea of actually letting someone into his life. Tony is left trying to keep his heart from being broken while Steve figures things out.
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mscerisier · 4 years
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It’s Time Traveler Tony! You can only reblog him once a year!
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mscerisier · 4 years
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“When I put on this armor, I took on more power than any human was ever intended to have… and maybe more responsibility than my heart can truly bear. But today… I will do my job. I will protect you. No matter what it takes.”   
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mscerisier · 4 years
Harlequin Romance Stony
You know how much I love this stuff.  Here are some prompts from Discord:
PROMPT 1: Tony is a very wealthy Lord who is engaged to the heir of an American steel company, Aldrich Killian, who he has never met, just heard described.  Killian is sailing to marry Tony when he meets Maya Hansen and they fall in love, hatching a plot to hop off the ship when it stops at a port before getting to its final destination.  Steve stows away on the ship b/c he has to get to where Bucky is being held in debtor’s prison and figure some way to get him out.  Killian finds out about him and offers to exchange clothes and papers so that he can escape with Maya.  After Killian and Maya hop off the ship, there’s a storm and the ship is lost at sea, except Steve, who is found by a rescue boat with no memory of who he is, but with a betrothal contract with Lord Anthony Stark, who shows up at the hospital and goes from being pretty unhappy about this whole marriage situation to rather delighted by it.  They fall in love, but then Steve gets his memory back, and oh no, he has to help Bucky somehow, but will Tony ever understand that he wasn’t just using him?  
PROMPT 2:  Steve was an orphan who grew up working in the Stark stables and befriends the young Lord.  As they grow up, Steve falls head over heels, even though he knows it can never work.  With war on the horizon, he decides to enlist, and Howard helps him get a commission, so he isn’t thrown right into the front lines of the war like most poor orphans would be.  When Tony comes home from university, Steve decides to throw caution to the wind and tell Tony how he feels, except Tony scoffs at him and completely rejects him.  Unbeknownst to Steve, this was b/c Howard thought they were way too close and it was threatening his plans for Tony, so he told Tony he would take away Steve’s commission.  During the war, Steve distinguishes himself greatly and is rewarded with a title and lands.  Meanwhile, Howard is killed and his company, as it turns out, is revealed to not only be heavily in debt but there is evidence he was selling arms to the enemy in order to be able to make some extra money (it was really Obie, dundundunnn).  Assets are seized, lands are mortgaged and titles are stripped.  Years later after many failed attempts at resurrecting his good name and a new business, Tony is in dire straits.  He has nothing left. No one will work with him.  The banks won’t extend his loans any longer.  All he has left is the Stark estate, which is in total disrepair, but it is home to Jarvis, Pepper, and the rest of his household staff and if he loses it, they will be out with nothing, since he can’t even afford their pensions.  He has no choice but to turn to newly minted Lord Rogers for help…except, well…he really only has one thing left to offer Steve.  Himself.
PROMPT 3:  Lord Anthony Stark is beset by a brigands on his way to his country estate.  Omega Steve Rogers (skinny Steve) was on his way home when he happened upon the scene and helps Tony fight off the bad guys.  Except, Tony collapses from his head wound and Steve has no way to move him safely, so he stays with him until the morning when he can get help.  Tony’s deeply grateful and when Steve’s guardian, Pierce, shows up at his estate, he plans on making sure Steve is handsomely rewarded.  Except, Pierce tells him that won’t do b/c now, with Tony’s reputation and them spending the night together, the Alpha they had lined up to Bond with Steve refuses and Steve’s reputation is in tatters.  It wasn’t like someone like Steve had a whole lot of great prospects, given his lack of any dowry and his health issues.  Tony feels terrible, but what is there to–you know, actually, why not?  He needs to Bond.  Steve did save his life.  He can’t just leave him like that and Steve’s guardian is horrible.  Besides, he can just shunt Steve off to some random manor house and live his life the way he wants!  Get an heir on him one day, but otherwise, he won’t have to change his lifestyle at all. Works out great.   Steve is horrified, but also rather moon-eyed over Tony. They Bond and have a great night together, but then Tony leaves and is (oh no!) attacked again. This time, he is sold to a bunch of pirateers, even though the brigands were supposed to kill him, but they figured why not make some more $.   Everyone thinks Tony is dead.A year passes. Steve mourns terribly.  So badly that Pepper and Rhodey have to have a heart to heart to explain that Tony hadn’t really been exactly deeply in love with Steve.   Steve also, let’s say, blossoms.  So much so that between that and the amount he is due from Tony’s estate, he is attracting a lot of unwanted attention.   They keep telling him he has to Bond, but he doesn’t want to do that again.  Duels are being fought over him, there’s a kidnap attempt, Pepper knows they are one misstep away from a major scandal, so finally, Steve agrees to Bond with his best friend from childhood, who is back from the war, injured and in need of respite and a lot of help.  Even if it is platonic, they can be happy together and Steve doesn’t want to love again anyway and Bucky insists he doesn’t want that, either.  So, it’s a win-win.  They are in the middle of the Bonding ceremony when Tony returns.Tony managed to escape after a grueling year during which he went through a lot of changes and realized that maybe he kind of had something great with Steve.  But, he also wants to find out who was so determined to kill him.  Then he comes back and finds Steve, very much changed, and about to Bond with this Alpha he has known forever, who just happened to be around when Tony was attacked.  Tony is Not Happy.
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mscerisier · 4 years
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I really, really love them in all-black suits
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mscerisier · 5 years
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– but your heart is far too broken to realize the unimaginable light you hold inside. 
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mscerisier · 5 years
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❄️They are just chillin❄️
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mscerisier · 5 years
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by @harmonys​
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mscerisier · 5 years
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#how dare  6/∞
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mscerisier · 5 years
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Tony Stark in Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame A Fully Realised Dad
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mscerisier · 5 years
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C - Combo. Love parallels and reincarnations. How about you?
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mscerisier · 5 years
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It’s you and me, there’s nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince
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mscerisier · 5 years
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For @some-blue-jack who won my @marveltrumpshate​ auction!
It’s a scene from the wonderful fic “Take Care, I’m Easily Broken” (please, go and give it some well deserved love!♥ ).
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mscerisier · 5 years
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People bumping into Steve and Tony kissing/almost kissing continue. Noir kiss.
Part 1
Do not repost (you can reblog, just don’t repost). | Instagram | Twitter | ☕️ Buy me coffee ☕️
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mscerisier · 5 years
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SteveTonySeptember is almost over so here is my last doodle. I wish I could be more productive this month 😔
What they do in the Avengers Facility 🤫
| Instagram: banemeart/ Twitter: banemeart/ ☕️ Buy me coffee☕️ |
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mscerisier · 5 years
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                             King Anthony/Knight Steven AU.
    | Instagram: banemeart/ Twitter: banemeart/ ☕️ Buy me coffee☕️ |
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mscerisier · 5 years
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                             King Anthony/Knight Steven AU.
    | Instagram: banemeart/ Twitter: banemeart/ ☕️ Buy me coffee☕️ |
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