Mystery Skulls Over Green
8 posts
AU made by binaconfusa. 3 pages every week, I hope :']. [ Ask : OPEN ] Just a reminder that this isn't a Askblog comic, meaning that the questions sended here don't interfere on the story, is just some extra while the pages isn't posted.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
msaovergreen · 2 years ago
Hello! Sorry for not posting here lately, I have quite busy focused on my original project for Webtoons called Surprise Machine!
It's my first original project so far and would make me really happy if you guys read it. Reading it would it be also a huge support as I'm making big part all by myself.
Episode 2 just came out the time that I'm posting this so go check it out!
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
Stay Tuned!!
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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First of all, sorry for the missing around here. My school got myself with a lot of homework and no sense works that took my motivation away.
I started doing the other pages but in the pass of the time, the script seemed to boring for an amazing fandom that msa has, but my writing skills isn't so good, specially on english that even being my second linguage I'm not so good when the thing is big dialogs.
I was about to call for help from some buddies on a server that I'm in ,but how I don't have a lot of conversation with them ,I gave up. So in case some of them are seeing this post, I'm shy,okay?
So let's go to the important part!
because for sure some people just ignored the start.
The Writers:
Any fanfic or fan comic writer are welcomed, but experience on writing dialogs and actions are needed. Can't forget that need to be into the msa universe/story too.
The Artists:
Need to be into the msa universe/story and know how to draw. I don't know how is going to be this part bc all the art and pages are made by me, but probably will help on the thunderstorms sketches and sketches from the comic.
How the conversation is go with the group, we plan more about both sides to avoid future conflicts and to what the members are confortable to work with.
The Rules will be passed on the server when all 6 be there. In case of interest on helping, dm @binaconfusa for talk.
( 6/6 places free )
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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Thank You so much for the 100+ Followers!!
Pay attention on the posts, sometimes I can give some spoilers with what I'm working in the comic >v>)
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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For the comic Over Green
The pages production will start this weekend if my homework don't take my motivation
Hope you guys to be excited as i am :'3
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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Plot and Beta pages
Oh yeah, a good fact. I have put numbers in the pages for you guys know the sequence.
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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The comic is about an Alternative Universe, meaning that everything here doesn't have conection with the original story.
All the story here are just one of the ideas that the artist thought that how would it be if Arthur was totally possessed by ??? and got missing. Some events from the original story stills in here, like Shiromori and Mushi's apparition.
Some characters from the artist are included in the story for avoid empty places and do some comedy sometimes.
All the art and script are made by one person, @binaconfusa
So please be pacient if take a big time of post from another.
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msaovergreen · 4 years ago
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some backstage sketches while the pages are being made :'3
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and this sketch from a part that is not going to appear on the comic
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