ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
with @ms-katrina-scott​, at the casino floor of The Iris
   “Back to playing already?” Rowan asked, taking on a rather surprised tone. How could he not, when he found out that Katrina was already back at the gambling floor and at it already, as if nothing happened in the past 24 hours. For what it was worth, he was still shaken from it all, and he wondered if she was doing the same in only putting on a brave front for the sake of it.
   “You know you’re allowed to rest, right?” 
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Hearing a voice behind her, Kat instinctually tensed up. Ever since the ball she’d been a little jumpy and today was no exception. Her body language softened as she registered Rowan’s dulcet tones. Trying to project the usual air of confidence, the brunette shrugged, hardly making eye contact. “A girl’s gotta eat.” That was a bit of an overstatement, Kat was hardly in danger of starving if she took the day off. Quite the contrary she could probably quit playing all together and live comfortable for a few decades. Still, it wasn’t going to happen. “You know me darling, I’m a shark. if I stop moving....well, you know the rest.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Shh: Three things they wouldn’t want their parents to know.
N/A, they aren’t at all present in her life and she doesn’t care about their opinions.
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Similar: Three members of the same sex they find attractive.
@maya-chambers, @alexandrawhitlock, @zelie-vaux
But let’s be honest, Vegas is full of beautiful women. Kat is very #blessed XD
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
“If I get close to a tree I’m going to go mad,” Lorelei said, staring at the long plants that formed the park in front of her. “I don’t think I want to be near one ever again.” After what happened at that stupid ball, she had been lucky to come up with a few cuts here and there, specially her hands, and a sore body. It could have been worse, much worse, but luckily, people got together to help her and leave that disaster behind, but it would always be in her memory. Her hands were bandaged and her boss gave her a few weeks off from work, her “official” one, anyway. She thanked him and even when Death never stopped working, she could use the rest to get her energy back. “I bet you were at the ball, right? I went there because of the food and hell is unleashed.” 
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“Well thankfully this is Vegas, not Washington state. So I think your proximity to trees is unlikely to be a constant issue.” Kat pointed out, shrugging slightly. “Plus you can probably get a bunch of them cut down if you really wanted. I could spot you the cash if it’s that important to you.” Looking down at her phone for a moment, the brunette checked the time. Still a few hours to kill until she needed to be anywhere. “If the trees freak you out so much, lets just grab a drink or something. Most problems can be solved temporarily by a stiff drink.” She was certainly speaking from experience, it was one of the best drugs out there. And that was saying something given everything Kat had tried in her day. At direct mention of the ball she stiffened slightly. As much as she willed it not to bother her, the night still haunted her dreams. “Unfortunately yes...but what’s done is done.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Her words caused Christian to snort, followed by a light chuckle. If he let her, he knew she’d give him a ride for his money. Still, he remained poised and grinned back at the brunette. “It’s good to keep your options open,” he reasoned. It was a smart move at an event like this if you were single and mingling. “Almost jealous?” He cocked a brow at her, finding her words entertaining. “I think green would look lovely on you. Don’t sell yourself short,” he playfully scolded and then moved onto her next question. “I’m doing well. Here to make an appearance and then have my own little after party. I’ll spare you the details though.” Christian winked while wearing a coy smile. No need to rub in his extracurriculars when he enjoyed Katrina’s company. 
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“No, you’re completely right. I really have to stop underestimating myself like that.” To a passive observer Kat’s words would seem highly egocentric and arrogant but to someone that knew her, a subtle deadpan was obvious in her tone. The brunette hadn’t underestimated herself a day in her life, unlike others. “Thank you for the pep talk my dear.” She pretended to pout as he mentioned his after party. “But I love a good detail! Though of course not in the name of violating anyone’s consent or privacy. Anyway, enough chatting, will you take me to the dance floor or must I ask another?” 
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Camille inhaled as she picked up her bag, holding it in her hands. She wasn’t exactly a cop but most of the people in her life were. She lifted her eyes up towards the woman. “Why do you avoid it?” She questioned softly. Mostly out of curiosity but she could only assume either the woman was embedded in the life of the gangs or she was just walking down another path. “Uh, Camille Vazquez.” She put her hand out towards the woman. “What’s your name?”
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“Well, like most sane individuals I prefer not to tangle with cops if its not necessary. Things can get messy.” The brunette shrugged rather matter-of-factly. “But besides that, there are more productive uses of time....fun one’s too.” At the return question Kat paused for a moment. “Katrina, Katrina Scott.” The bathroom door swung open and a few older women, clearly hammered stumbled in. “I think that’s my cue. Thank you again Camille. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” With a nod of recognition, the brunette exited.
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
“And it’s not my fault you’re a conniving woman that uses her good looks to charm men into thinking you aren’t a professional.” Devrim rolled his eyes as he looked past her, already regretting starting this conversation. He dealt enough with shady characters in his line of work that he didn’t need people like her trying to con him out of things. There were a lot of things that Devrim was but a liar was not one of them. She might think she was innocent but the deceitful nature she clearly possessed was distasteful. “I should have known better than to trust a pretty face I suppose.”
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“Well thank you for the compliment.” Kat returned calmly, a cool smirk settling onto her face. She held back a snort at his comment about trust. How thick were people? Really, the limitlessness of human ignorance sometimes astonished her. “Given the room we’re standing in, and the town we’re living in, I’d argue you should know better than to trust anyone darling. But apparently you till have lessons to learn...not just when to fold in Texas Hold’em though. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have actual fun to attend to.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
   A faint heat swept on his cheeks, briefly bashful at the notion of being called art, that is. Katrina always had a way with words, a way that always got him hooked and eager for more. “You’re too kind.” he dismissed, feeling a little more confident now, given her compliment. Accepting the glass flute thrust in his direction, they soon clinked glasses in toast, enthused and thrilled to be seeing her once again. After a curt sip, the male remained all ears for her. “Oh, dearest Penelope Park, you mean?” The lady was Payton’s sister, which meant that she was equally known and therefore in the protection of the Dahlias. “Now I’m curious as to who the lucky person would be…” After all, once upon a time, it was he she managed to leave with. “Ah, I’m afraid my dates are already set on taking me home. That’s them right over there.” Pointing over to the pair that was on the dance floor, Rowan gestured over to Esme and Christian, who were busily chatting away and drinking, getting cozy in each other’s company. “And yes, you heard me right. Dates.”
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“As am I” Kat chuckled. “I suppose all we can do it wait and see. Unless you have a suggestion? I trust your taste.” It was perhaps the highest compliment the brunette could offer someone. She followed Rowan’s gaze over to the dance floor to see Esme and Christian. Nodding in approval, Kat returned her focus to her companion. Well played Mr. Whitlock, I am genuinely impressed. You’ll have to give me the details someday. But alas, that will have to wait as I know seem to have a date with the powder room” With a sly smile and a kiss on his cheek, the brunette disappeared back into the crowd.
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Lorelei took Kat’s hand and let herself be guided to the bar, where she took a seat and closed her eyes for a minute, trying to calm herself before the tears came back and this time it was sure she wouldn’t be able to keep them at bay. Her friend’s words made her laugh and come back to reality. “You know? I would love to see you trying to break Easton’s neck. People would pay for it, I’m sure,” she moved on the stool to face her. “We talked. Actually, he bumped into me and strangely, instead of keeping myself cool and offer a police smile, opened my mouth and told him things that never thought I would.” She explained everything that happened and took a tissue from her clutch. “I made a mistake in thinking that I could become more important than his…job. I guess I was just his girlfriend, nothing important about that right?”
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Kat perked up further at the mention of Easton. Her friend wasn’t wrong, it would be a very interesting scene. But more than anything she was concerned with Lorelei at the moment. She let out a deep sigh. “And this is why men can’t be trusted....lots of women either. That’s a load of bullshit and he knows it. But we aren’t wasting anymore time on him tonight. Instead, we get drunk and think about nothing.” As if on cue their drinks returned. The brunette held up her glass. “Cheers. Here’s to alcohol.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
It took a moment for Nic to recognize the person that stood near the table he was sat. He’d been stealing quick glances at the woman’s side profile until it finally clicked that it was Katrina. “Wow Scott, you look amazing.” he beamed in her direction pushing out the chair next to him. “Join me, tell me all the things you’ve been up to.” he voiced with a curious smile. There was always something that Kat exuded that made him want to know more. 
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Even before Nic spoke up, the brunette was certain she felt eyes on her. It was a bit of a useless superpower but Kat could always be certain when someone was looking her way. Now, what it meant or what she did with it, well that was a different story depending on the eye of the beholder. In this case, it being Nic, she deigned to engage in conversation. “Nicholas, a pleasure as always. And I will, on the condition of a drink.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Camille gave the woman a nod. “Yeah, well… Us women gotta support each other, right?” She turned her head to look over at her, shrugging her shoulders up slightly. “Actually, I’m not sure. It’s possible that we could have met on the strip or even at the coffee shop down the street from the police station. It’s the number one place I go to for coffee every day and it’s how most people remember my face.” She teased. 1
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“Right....” Kat agreed slowly. While she certainly agreed, particularly because many men were trash, the full on sisterhood thing had never really been comfortable for her. She was much more of a lone wolf than a pack animal. Thankfully the stranger didn’t seem interested in trying to recruit her. “Hmm, well I generally try to avoid police stations given I’m not a cop, but I’ve been by that coffee shop before so it’s certainly possible. What’s your name again?”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
At the Sinfully Classic event with @ms-katrina-scott​.
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        Maya wasn’t near shocked to see everyone dressed up so damn good for this event, but when her eyes landed on Katrina, she could feel herself start to drool. She looked hot and for being someone she saw more of naked, she wanted to take her gown off herself. Within moments, the thirsty waitress was found approaching one of her current hookups. “If you had a dollar for every time someone complimented you tonight, I think you’d be rich,” She told her in a confident tone. “I also think you’d be rich for all the times I took off your clothes, but that’s besides the point.” 2
The brunette saw Maya’s approach out of the corner of her eye but made no attempt to move from where she stood, more than content to allow the other woman to come to her. “Hmm, so what I’m hearing is a hypothetical win-win situation for me between money and entertainment. Though I’d certainly hope at some point the entertainment part transformed into reality.” Kat murmured in response, a pleased look in her eye. She was silent for a moment as she drank in Maya’s body from head to toe. Nodding in approval, the brunette met her gaze again. “Now, I can’t claim I’m not a little disappointed at the lack of skin your showing....but there are easy ways to remedy that.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
{Sinfully Classic event @ms-katrina-scott​ }
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Catching a glimpse of Katrina and Rowan speaking together, Christian could tell the conversation was more friendly than usual; or at least that’s what the body language revealed. Sipping his bourbon he gave it a few minutes before moving closer to the pair, to see if he could overhear part of their conversation without being detected. Given he did this sort of deed for a living, it wasn’t too difficult to achieve.
Once the two parted ways, Christian came behind Katrina and tapped on her shoulder. “Hey stranger,” he gleamed a smile at her. “Fancy bumping into you here,” he remarked with a wink. This sort of scene was definitely Kat’s, more so than it was his. Had it not been for Esme and Rowan he would have sat this one out, staying home to sharpen his knives and clean his weapons. “Date or no date?” He asked with his grin turning devilish. 
If she was a believer in coincidences, Kat would’ve thought they were in the air this evening. To conclude her conversation with Rowan only to turn around and come face to face with Christian seemed far too convenient. “Mmm we can get more familiar any time you like darling.” The brunette chuckled teasingly. She had no intention of doing so but any chance to provoke a reaction wasn’t something Kat was willing to pass up. “Friend-date, but who knows who I might be leaving with, I sure as hell don’t. It seems like you boys and Esme are having some fun. I’m almost jealous, but it’s not a good color on me so I refuse to be caught wearing it. Anyway, how are you? Surviving?”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
Humor became visible on her lips before she could lightly shrug her shoulders at the accusation Kat made. “You wouldn’t like me very much if I wasn’t,” She pointed out with her eyebrow lifting to challenge the observation made with the time they had spent together. An inevitable laughter was muffled by pressed lips as the brunette used the sly commentary to further the banter they shared. “Don’t tempt me so early,” Indigo warned her counterpart just as the edge of her mouth lifted with taunting suggestion before she could glance at the woman. The physical appearance was only a bonus but it was truly the witty responses Kat supplied that kept Indigo coming back for more. “I assume you didn’t come alone?” 
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Kat grinned nodding slowly. “So you’re saying you want to be tempted later?” she deferred, a quick, sly wink flashing across her face. “No, no. Penelope’s around here somewhere. I stepped away and got distracted” This comment was followed by a pointed look at the woman in front of her “But I doubt she’ll get up to much trouble, usually she needs protecting from it.” It was merely an observation rather than a complaint. She did truly care about Penelope, but that didn’t mean a leopard, in this a Kat, ever fully changed its spots. “And what about you? What hopeless man are you leading around like a lovesick puppy today?”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
location; sinfully classic event with; @ms-katrina-scott​ - closed
Devrim did not like to be taken for a fool, and the night that Katrina Scott had hustled him in a game of poker on the strip he’d just about lost his mind and had to step outside and smack his fist into the wall to avoid being kicked out of the casino. His rage had little to no exceptions and when he saw her tonight he felt that same distaste bubbling up in his stomach. “Well, if it isn’t the hustler herself. I take it you’re here to steal my money again?” 
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Drinks in hand, Kat had begun to make her way back over to where Penelope stood on the far side of the room. A rough tone stopped the brunette in her tracks. Turning on her heel to lay eyes on the voice’s owner, her face grew puzzled for a moment. He was clearly enraged and yet she had almost no recollection of who this man was. “Sorry, do I know you?” Kat asked coolly, pausing as he continued to seethe. A smile spread across her lips as their intersection dawned on her. “As I recall I did warn you you’d be getting in over your head taking me on. Not my fault you’ve got more pride than brains.”
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
What’s a little sexting between pals
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ms-katrina-scott · 4 years
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THAT ‘70S SHOW | 1998 – 2006 6x16 - “Man with Money”
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