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mrtinmtz · 6 months ago
Become totally empty
Become totally empty Quiet the restlessness of the mind Only then will you witness everything unfolding from emptiness See all things flourish and dance in the endless variations
Merge back into perfect emptiness Emerging, flourishing, dissolving back again This is the eternal process of return
To know this process brings enlightenment To miss this process brings disaster
Be still Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity Eternity embraces the all possible The all possible leads to a vision of oneness
A vision of oneness brings universal love Universal love supports the great truth of nature The great truth of nature is Tao
Whoever knows this truth lives forever The body may perish, deeds may be forgotten but one who has Tao has all eternity
Tao Te Ching - Verse 16
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mrtinmtz · 6 months ago
Negative Energy
When awareness grows, you are less affected by people's negativity, you are the awareness, and the sensed negativity is allowed to be there in the field of the space of awareness, no longer that problematic, because it is not who you are, negativity of course is contagious, highly contagious, but there is immunity gradually, presence grows, intense presence is no longer susceptible to that illness of negativity
all kinds of energy fields impinge upon us but there needs to be something in us also that resonates with it, as your pain body shrinks, you react less to negativity, it takes a while to dissolve, as long as there is pain body there is something resonating to negativity, you may feel it, it's nothing personal, nothing is really personal
as it dissolves you are free, you can go into a negative energy field and you are fine, presence doesn't build up a barrier around you, its not like that, it passess through, its a different frequency, it can't hang on to anything inside you anymore so it goes through you, the less presence stays in you the more you are susceptible to these energy fields, it is important to keep yourself clear with presence, the less you carry inside, the less likely it will affect you, you may still be able to feel it but it does not impinge upon you, it can't attach itself to anything, if you are in the state of alert attention, there is no negative thought in you that can connect you, so you are immune so to speak
Presence dissolves negativity not only for yourself but wherever you go you go there as a field of presence into an energy field, to some extent something happens, it dissolves through presence, you don't take it on, no need to suffer for others but you can let go of suffering for others, you let go of suffering in the same way you sit with a person which is suffering, it is your job to relinquish resistance and if they can't do it you can do it for them, enter the state of surrender, do it when you are with someone who is dying, with someone who is seriously ill, or has had some other kind of disaster or is just completely unhappy
be with that person and become very still and very alert and that means you surrender for them, it has an effect, it affects them it burns up some of the suffering, it invites them also to that space, sometimes they are able to join you in that space, but even if they are not it does burn up suffering. that's the most beautiful gift you can give, your presence, you give your undiluted presence, just that.
Eckhart Tolle
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mrtinmtz · 8 months ago
The fact is we are nothing
Becoming is the accumulation of memory, more and more memories, which is called knowledge, as long as that movement exists there is fear of being nothing, but when one sees the illusion of becoming something, there is an ending of that, ending of the psyche, ending of time-thought, the ending of that is to be nothing, nothing then contains the whole universe.
not my petty little fears, and anxieties and my sorrow, after all nothing means the entire world of compassion, compassion is nothing, and therefore that nothingness is supreme intelligence
that's all there is
why humans are frightened of being nothing? if i see im a verbal illusion, that i am nothing but dead memories that's a fact, the truth is i am memories, i understand the whole movement of memory, and see the fact, when there is insight, nothing is the present
being nothing, to grasp that zero contains all the numbers
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mrtinmtz · 8 months ago
The word fear is not the feeling of fear
Part of the brain, part of the mind is sensation, but the moment you name a particular sensation by a particular name you already created the response according to your conditioning
the association of the word with the thing, never realizing the word is not the thing, the word fear is not the feeling, you have only that feeling left, that sensation is part of the brain, to observe that feeling with all your senses, then you will see, if you do it, not theorize it, not speculate but actually do it, you will see that fear, which is a movement of thought, ceases
when one is free of fear psychologically, what effect has it on the physical instrument, if not frightened of any danger psychologically, what effect has that depth of realization of truth in the physical... if you are free from that fear now, what effect has it on your physical state
psychological fears dominate the physical, therefore the body, the instrument of this organism loses its own intelligence, if the fears of the psyche are in constant operation as with most people then there is a tremendous strain on the organism, frightened, nervous, apprehensive, always guarding itself, never open
the inner affects the outer, the body, its own native intelligence is being destroyed as you destroy the organism through the pleasure of a taste, smoking, drinking, drugs, meat, you are trained, educated along these lines, always destroying the deep organic intelligence, you must lay the foundation of all of this, to not be inwardly psychically afraid, and if you are afraid and still go out in meditation you caught in illusions, stupidities, absurd activities, cause the root, the essence of destructive action goes on and you pile in it all kinds of idiotic ideas, meditation comes naturally when you lay the foundation, biological and psychological foundation, deep, strong, healthy, sane, then meditation becomes something extraordinary but without that meditation becomes rather childish, meaningless, leading to illusion
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mrtinmtz · 8 months ago
When there is no image there is love
In our relationship the image making becomes an extraordinary everyday activity and therefore there is actually no relationship, relationship can only take place when there is no image, what is our relationship if there is no image between you and me
i have no image about you, which is the most important thing, i actually have no relation with you, no image about you, have you an image about me in our relationship? what takes place between us? you have no image, therefore you are not in battle with me, can you bring a state of mind in which the image making ends, that's your responsibility to me, you have a responsibility in our relationship to see that i don't make images about you, that is your responsibility. Two people having no images, the most miraculous thing, greater than any miracle in the world, if that takes place, then there is a total different kind of communion with each other, which means never quarrel, never possessiveness, never domination, shaping each other by words, threats, innuendos, we can have a relationship of the most extraordinary kind, i know it can take place, when there is no image, there is love
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mrtinmtz · 9 months ago
Significance of death
Significance of death we must answer that question, not avoid it must look at it very closely what is the meaning of death? it's not something at the end of life
the organism comes to and end what is death, the meaning, the beauty, the significance of it
our consciousness is made of its own content, the content is our life, the beliefs, the dogmas, the rituals, the fears, the sorrows, the ancestries, the wounds, the division of nationalities..
our consciousness is the consciousness of all mankind, you are your consciousness, which is the consciousness of all human beings, you are the entire world
you are like the rest of mankind, driven, uncertain, tremendously anxious, imitating, conforming, that consciousness of mankind goes on, its only those who free themselves from this contents of consciousness, they liberate themselves from the significance of death
have you ever ended anything without explanation, without resistance, without seeking a reward or punishment, any something, have you ever ended completely attachment, that is what it means to die, to end..
when death comes all that is cut off, your attachment to a person, the significance of death in its most profound sense is the ending, a wise man doesn't wait for death to end but ends, brings to an end fear, sorrow, attachment, loneliness, and where is an ending so completely, there is a total different dimension
death has extraordinary beauty, you will be surprised to hear it, because with death, the ending of something, there is also the beginning of something else which is love, good to be skeptical, good to doubt, it's not good to accept anything that anybody says, including the speaker, specially the speaker...
doubt your gurus and they will disappear, doubt your own beliefs, longings, desires, your own ambitions, your own sectarian spirit, doubt, question, be skeptical, so that you find for yourself what is truth, not depend on anybody, the priests, the rituals, the authority, especially in the world of spirit, so called spiritually, one must be a light to oneself, and you cannot be a light if you always depend on somebody else, this dependance to end it... not in some years but now
ending is death, and when you end something, in that ending is beauty, not in that which is continuous
the whole idea of personal immortality becomes nonsensical when we realize that our consciousness is the consciousness of the rest of mankind
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mrtinmtz · 9 months ago
We are peacefully ordinary
We are just peaceful and ordinary, that's the nature of our being, love is peacefully ordinary, it doesn't have to come with a great ecstatic feeling, love can also be very quiet, this quiet feeling that at the deepest level you are one with the other, it might not come with any emotion attached to it at all, some people are quieter, they just feel this quiet sharing of being, that is equally love, friendship is one of the ways love expresses itself, it doesn't have to be something extraordinary or glowing, just this quiet sharing of being
Rupert Spira
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mrtinmtz · 9 months ago
Does the mind like to live in illusions
why do human beings hold on to experience? not only sexual, physical experience but also so called spiritual experiences, which are much more dangerous, you walk along, you certainly have some kind of ecstasy, delight, and that experience you store it, hold on to it, the thing is over, there is the memory of it and one holds on to that memory, which is called experience, the actual word experience means to go through and finish it, not carry it on in your memory that which has happened
the human mind takes delight in something which is not ordinary, that which is not ordinary gives one a great pleasure, that which has happened suddenly after perhaps unconsciously working at it and then happening, and holding on to it... why?
does belief, ideal experiences, remembrances, do they give security? actual security. or does the mind like to live in a certain area of illusion?
is it we want to live in certain illusions in which we take delight? does security lie in illusions? scientific, religious, economic, national and so on? they seem to like it, but are we perhaps serious, not wanting mere entertainment, but deeply concerned, bringing a different quality of mind, a different society…
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mrtinmtz · 9 months ago
Near death experience
lucid experience, perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death, something remarkable happens in body and psyche when we are between the worlds, similar experiences, common elements, rapid movement across a landscape, a tunnel, meeting dead relatives, encounter with figures of light, transcending the physical body but staying in the same location, retaining a memory of what is seen and verify it after
A light, the light, the light if "god"... near death experience, out of body experience... it can cause substantial changes, a lot of people leave organized religion as it is too constrained and cannot convey what is now known.
is there life after death, a reassurance that there is something more, intimation that there is something more, the threshold of biological death
consciousness not contained in the body, the brain, machinery of how consciousness interacts with the physical body, but consciousness itself transcends the brain and is able to function without the body. what is required for consciousness? consciousness is not limited to the fisiologoly, the death of the body is not the end, incredibly blissful suggestion, a lived experience realer than real, rapturous
we have an experience that lets us know that our ego is just a tiny part of us in relation to the self, the approach to the numinous, coming back and knowing viscerally that your ego is not all there is, what is all this about?
reverence, awe, the awakening of the inner sensorium, ecstatic experience, its the body that needs to change in order to have certain capacities activated, whether trauma or technique, something needs to occur
one is liberated from the limits of the physical senses and can retain consciousness, afford a transformation of attitude and benefit from that in the rest of the life journey, a triumph over thanatos, not a decision but it is a lived discovery
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mrtinmtz · 10 months ago
The unread book of yourself
I don't know if you have gone into yourself very deeply. You are the history of mankind, the essence of mankind, and if you know how to read that book, you don't have to read any other book in the world
There is this vast unread book of yourself and to read it you must have the capacity to observe it, look into it, you can only look into it not page after page, but read the whole book in an instant, you can do that if there is no observer or reader reading a book
that book is yourself, and the reader is that which is reading, but if the reader says i'm different from whats reading, he is translating what he is reading according to his own prejudice, knowledge, previous history, therefore there is distortion and conflict
if there is the art which is to put everything in its right place, when you read that book of yourself there is just observation, not retention, not acquiring knowledge to read that book. just observation of that book. and it will tell you everything, literally covering all the psychological world
we are so frightened, because we want something permanent and we think the me is permanent, the me, identified with the house, our greatest illusion, i am permanent, when you look at that i, it is put together by thought, and thought is a material process,
if you see the me is impermanent, cause thought is impermanent, and thought puts together impermanence, there is no fear of ending, losing, it is thought that says i will continue, but thought itself knows that it is also an end, that movement not of time in which there is no beginning and no ending
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mrtinmtz · 10 months ago
This body is made of finite, mortal, earthly elements
This body is made of finite, mortal, earthly elements. What happens to this body and where this body comes from is no secret at all. This body comes from other bodies and all the bodies arise from the soil, just as all pots arise from the soil. And who does not know what fate each of these pots meet?
The soil carries no specific form. When it takes the form of a pot, then it assumes a particular name and individuality, but that name and individuality are just playthings for a little while. Sooner than later, the pot again meets the same earth, and the pot and the earth become indistinguishable.
This is the peaceful, silent realization that the Upanishad is offering in this verse.
Remember the futility of this body. Remember how misplaced is your belief in anything valuable that can emerge from body-identification.
What is it that we say? “I, who am the body, will achieve this. I, as the body, will reach there. I, who am the body, will amass wealth.”
Whatsoever we want to do we want to do as the body, whereas the body is just earth waiting to meet the earth. It is not even waiting to meet the earth – it is already just earth, soil.
Time as an intermediary, time as an illusion, has deceived us. We think we walk on the earth. No, there is just the earth. It’s not as if you are walking on the earth; it’s not as if you have stepped on the soil. There is just the soil – soil on soil.
So, the Upanishad says—and it is beautiful:
“Oṃ, krato smara kṛtaṃ smara, krato smara kṛtaṃ smara.”
Remember the doer, remember the deeds.
This body is not you, and yet whatever you have done, you have done as the body.
Acharya Prashant (on Ishavasya Upanishad)
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mrtinmtz · 10 months ago
Hell and Sacrifice
Dante makes the hell exactly proper to the person´s sin. Your hell is what your sin was. Hell is being fixed to the thing that your ego decided was the great thing for your life, you get stuck in it and becomes your hell. Hell is symbolic to the state of the soul that doesn't open to the spiritual but remains with the material aspect of experience.
Catharsis, being purged of your rational ego system and opened out so that you become transparent to transcendence, to experience the vision of god as a god.
all you have to do to transform your hell into paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. Say yay to it. this is my intention, to be this mess that i am, and you will find that you are an angel. Say yes to your crucifiction, make it what you came for. That's how we should come into life, which is a crucifiction, joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes
The great model of sacrifice is the mayan ball game, the captain of the winning team was sacrificed on the field by the captain of the losing team, his head was cut off.
The going through your sacrifice as the winning stroke of your life is the essence of the sacrificial idea, when you go to your death that way as a god, you are going to your eternal life, what's sad about that.. let's make it great...
heaven and hell are within us, all of the gods are within us, that is the great realization, all the gods, all the heavens, all the worlds, they are magnified dreams, manifestations in image form of the energies of the body in conflict with each other, that's what myth is, a manifestation in symbolical images of the energies within us, moved by the organs of the body, this organ wants this, this organ wants that...
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mrtinmtz · 10 months ago
obscene, profane, the delight of that, it doesn't fit sometimes to a persona, it is compensatory, as shadow compensates persona, vulgarity is compensatory to the civilized, upscaled, a release of tension, taboos, engaging in vulgar content, often allows us to be released from the pressures of polite society, outlet to express emotions and frustrations typically suppressed or deemed inappropriate, we like to transgress, its transgressive, but how far can you take it, tickling someone's nervous system to create laughter, or making someone really anxious
vulgar imagery, a way against an authority figure, swearing can activate the amígdala and is a natural source of pain relief, it has punch and feeling to it, something enlivening and arousing with curse words, something inside needs to break all the rules in order to feel free
the body element of vulgarity, the elemental naughtiness of it, a regression that is very enjoyable, it wakes us up, we can shatter the norms, is it gonna be funny, how vulgar can we be, there is power in the ability to shock, in a way that feels primitive and unrefined, you don't know what im gonna do, i'm not going to follow the rules...
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mrtinmtz · 10 months ago
Truth is so simple, nothing exotic about it
What is the nature of our mind if we remove everything we have acquired from experience, all the thoughts, images, memories, sensations, perceptions, activities, relationships.. that would be the primordial mind, or original face
that is not an extraordinary, enlightened thing, it's not beyond the mind, its prior to the mind, just our natural condition.
all spiritual traditions have become so elaborate, the simplye direct understanding has been obscured, cause over the years, after centuries go by the religions and spiritual traditions become parafernalia, so many ideas, practices, many of them based on a misunderstanding...
truth is so simple, nothing exotic about it, the idea of enlightenment, is such a misunderstanding, led to so much confusion, unhappiness, this is the age of the direct path, i see no reason to not go directly through our self. everybody is their self. we all have direct access to what we essentially are. what are we prior to the arising of experience? it's so simple, it doesnt need to be packed in mystic esoteric language, abandon it all, stand completely free from all traditions, ideas... naked being, stand in yourself, autonomous, free, needing nothing
Rupert Spira
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mrtinmtz · 11 months ago
To perceive the present, the past must be absent 
When you are jealous, greedy, violent, are you different from that jealousy, greed, violence? or are you that anger, that greed, that violence. Can you observe yourself in the mirror not as an observer, but only as the thing that is being observed, without the observer, because as long as there is a division between the observer and the observed, there must be conflict, there must be a sense of either conquering it, suppressing it, or avoiding it,
there must be no division, we are conditioned through education, culture, religion, to maintain this division, to "seek" god and so on, in the corridor of opposites there is conflict, effort, practice, so it is necessary to understand that there is only observation, not the observer trying to control the observed, can one do this?
It is yours, you have to find out, if you understand this you are completely eliminating conflict, one can live a life in which there is not a shadow of conflict, not only within yourself but outwardly
who is the observer, who is the one saying "i have been angry", "i have been violent", who is that entity, isn't it the past? whenever he observes, the whole observation is the movement of the past, right? past memories, past experiences, with the past he is observing himself in the mirror, so there is a division, and the conflict begins. if you want to love completely without contradiction, without effort, and therefore live in peace, live in love and compassion, if that is to be, there must be no division, where there is no identification there is no division, can you observe without bringing past memories or struggles? then what takes place? find out if its possible to live in a total different way...
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mrtinmtz · 11 months ago
Beauty is when you are not
what is beauty, is it the proportions, the height, the depth, the shadows? is it in your eye, or out there? is it in the eye cause it has been trained, cause it has seen that which is ugly or non proportionate? or it has nothing to do with the eye?
beauty is when you are not. when you look it is you looking, you are judging, marvelous proportion, depth, grandeur, but its all you looking, giving it importance, but when you are not there, that is beauty. beauty may be when you as human being, with all your anxiety, sorrow, pain, is not there
the mind is still, without a movement, what is there when movement stops, we don't know what is sacred, our images are "sacred"... whether u go to a church, temple, but images are put together by thought, and thought is movement.. is there something totally original, totally untouched by humanity and movement of thought? that may be that which is original therefore most holy. this is real meditation, to start from the very beginning, to start by not knowing, if you start by knowing you end up in doubt, but if you start by not knowing you end up with absolute truth, which is certainty
from that emptiness all the rest of it flows naturally, life has a total different meaning, it is never superficial, never, you may have ten suits at a house, but if you have this, nothing matters...
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mrtinmtz · 11 months ago
The mystic
All real progress in spiritual things comes gently, imperceptibly, and is the work of god, our crude efforts spoil it. remember that the only growth that matters happens without our knowledge and trying to stretch ourselves is dangerous and vain, think of the infinite goodness, never in your own state, we mostly spend our lives conjugating three verbs, to want, to have, and to do, forgetting that none of these verbs have any ultimate significance except so far as they are transcended by and including in the fundamental verb to be
being, not doing is the first aim of the mystic, and hence should be the first interest in the student of mysticism, god is always coming to you in the sacrament of the present moment, meet and receive him there with gratitude, many people feel unaware of any guidance unable to discern or understand the signals of god, not because the signals are not given, but because the mind is too troubled, clouded, hurried to receive them
love is creative, it does not flow along the easy paths, spending itself in the attractive, it cuts new channels and goes where it is needed, faith is not a refuge from reality, it is a demand that we face reality
the cloud of unknowing, the lack of knowing, in mysticism love of truth leaves the intellectual sphere and takes on the assured aspect of a personal passion, where the philosopher guesses and argues the mystic lives, looks and speaks the disconcerting language of first hand experience, not the neat dialectic of schools
the active person is a mystic when they know their actions are part of a greater activity
Evelyn Underhill
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