mrsuule · 5 years
Heads up
I’ve started a Twitter for the furshit I do - Stellar Diaries and stuff https://twitter.com/MrSuule
Let’s be honest Tumblr is kinda dead and there’s possibly bigger audience on Twitter that hasn’t heard of Furry LoGH
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mrsuule · 6 years
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“ Is it a dream? when will it end? When everything we've ever known Has ended and I'm all alone.
Where will I go? where will I be? The feelings that I've never shown Maybe I'll find the answer when you're gone- Gone- How in the world will I go on?”
Love on the Battleship.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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"Once we watched the lazy world go by, Now the days seem to fly. Life is brief, but when it's gone Love goes on and on..."
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mrsuule · 6 years
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While Junai version of "transhumanism" - cyborgs better than regular Junai has no traction in the society, which is more concerned about purity of the body, limb replacements and bodypart replacements are common for war veterans. Bionic technology is surprisingly well developed and the veterans have no problem working even after grievous injures. No peg legs or claw hands here. The problem is their re-integration in the society. The shock of losing limbs, possibly losing teammates is great and their psyche comes out broken. War heroes have problems finding themselves, which is possibly best show by Jin in the comic. Next we have the Empaths. Some Junai have some mild PSI abilities. Empaths are the Junai that have a much better time subconsciously reading emotions and feelings of other Junai and aliens. They are often employed on ships as psychologists to make sure trouble won't start with the crewmen. Breakdowns, poor morale - if it can be prevented, it's only for the best. Now there's also Empaths employed in special forces - as spies, intelligence agents and scavengers. Scavengers being the intelligence officers that will sieve through the battlefield looking for any survivors or pieces of intelligence that can be beneficial to Junai.
Last are the Navigators. Since Junai have special bans against "complex AIs" (Complex being AIs capable of unchecked higher thought functions), 'Junai computers' was always a thing of curiosity. Like mentats in Dune - those are individuals which exhibit high analytical capabilities and can provide quick answers after being fed the needed data. "Intuitive math" is one of those abilities which proved essential for the whole field of physics needed for FTL travel. For years these individuals were mostly seen in academia, but after a while Navy saw their potential, employing them in big numbers. Despite FTL drives having very capable Nav Computers, Navigators proved to be even more capable, being able to get capital ships out of trouble faster and more efficient than the computers. It should be noted though that those individuals are usually introverted and socially withdraw. In Junai society where social bonds are strong, they're usually outcasts. Despite their important, high earning jobs, most of them don't really 'feel right' fitting in and after their tour of duty is done, they withdraw from society totally. As you can probably see - Junai Navy has problems reintegrating their elements back into society as they're confident they can always get more "where it came from".
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mrsuule · 6 years
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Cute... DORKS!
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mrsuule · 6 years
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Whoops, I’ve spilled my economic data all over the floor
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mrsuule · 6 years
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@stedilnik Your accountant, huh?
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mrsuule · 6 years
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Cover of a Junai magazine directed towards soldiers.
In Junai culture warrior body is generally appreciated, so a lot of soldier publications tend to be very bent on showing off nudes of the top performing commanders/soldiers.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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mrsuule · 6 years
What will happen now? Tumblr banning porn and such
Stellar Diaries stuff will be probably moved somewhere else. I’ll talk with few of my friends about some kind of a hosting solution. Game Dev stuff might be moved to some other blog. Porn will be removed.
I just came back from work and I’m tired and this happens. Fucking ACE, Tumblr. Shoot yourself in the head for me.
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mrsuule · 6 years
Welp. It has begun.
the tag “fur-ry” (minus the dash) is among those in the site-side blacklist, and is why so much artwork and so many blogs are suddenly invisible from the search.
provided this isn’t a temporary measure, i strongly advise to remove the “fur-ry” tag and use stand-in tags such as “anthro” and “kemono”, since neither are affected. 
the New Xkit extension “Tag Replacer” is an easy way to swap your tags over, and you can change it back if this issue gets resolved!
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mrsuule · 6 years
I guess I should shill my friend here
Art Raffle!
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So, I’ve gotten a pretty warm response in the last several weeks, and I’ve been thinking about being more engaging on this platform. So let’s have a raffle. Everyone loves free stuff, right?
- The entry period for this raffle is from 11/30/2018 to 12/14/2018. So that means about two weeks. - For every 30 entrants, there will be another winner selected - Winners will get a colored sketch from me. I like to give all my work some amount of polish, so an example is attached. - If this post gets 100 reblogs, the top prize will be a fully rendered digital painting. See above for an idea of what that could look like. - Depending on how many entrants and winners, prizes should be delivered by 12/31/2018
1. No contest only / Raffle only blogs. Has to be a personal blog, rp blog, whatever blog that you actively post and interact with. Count on me scoping this out. 2. You must be a follower of mine. No exceptions. 3. Reblog (as many times as you want. The more you reblog, the more chances you get.), not like. You need at least one reblog if you want an entry. Likes do not count as enteries 4. Be respectful to other contestants and to the raffle holder. Meaning, don’t bother people to participate, and don’t bother people who do participate.
Ok good luck everyone! See more at: DeviantArt | FurAffinity
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mrsuule · 6 years
If it finally dies - my porn is on my FA. Or if you’re desperate you can find it on e621.
As for Stellar Diaries? I’m talking with few people about possible solution for this.
Game dev stuff? Well... that might be a problem. Might start another tumblr for that.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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Been playing around with the idea of furry version of Outrun lately.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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A proud and noble race.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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Oh yeah. I sketched out more of the comic. War and politics. War and Politics.
Let me talk about my inspirations for a bit. Few people I’ve talked to pointed things out - The comic “feels” like Legend of Galactic Heroes or Gundam. Right you are. I adore both and I feel that when it comes to talking about soldiers and how war has impact on them both series are top notch. I don’t agree with some finer points of them - hence why I’ve decided to work on something of mine.
As the phrase goes nanos gigantum humeris insidentes - culture is a wonderful thing where one can discuss or improve the materials of others by providing their own. In the end the more material that discusses certain topics there is, the better for such discussions.
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mrsuule · 6 years
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I know I’ve been quiet... life has been giving me the worst kind of a beatdown lately. Here’s some stuff about Junai Serf Race: Tallians.
So a little story - the Tallus system was inhabited by a race of intelligent beings on the verge of getting acquainted with proper space age. Unfortunately for them, during the second wave of colonization, Junai fleet orbited their planet. With few months of tense negotiations, Tallians were spared and got incorporated into Junai Empire. A Junai detachment was posted on their planet and a fleet was deployed to protect them. In short - the deal was servitude for protection. As time grew not only second planet in the system got colonized by a joint Junai-Tallian operation, but also a peaceful co-existence between two races formed... that is in-system. For capitol, Tallians were always seen as sort of a problem. They were second class citizens unable to achieve any higher ranks in planetary government (Mayor was the highest) or military (1st Lieutenant on the ground or Ensign in navy). The problem is that the Capitol doesn't seem to understand that Tallians are loyal servants and treats them as a liability. In the current Junai political system, the question of Tallians is a hot one as there is an almost paranoic idea of them revolting and 'taking back the system'. In-System Junai had a very hands-off approach to them. The ones that were left in charge that is. The outcome of the campaign was: Leave a garrison, told not to revolt and fucked off. Tallians did rationalize that it might just benefit them to keep quiet and reap the benefits (Like medical breakthroughs etc.) cause the conquerors didn't organize work camps or jail anyone as hostages. There wasn't really a reason to resist a force that could wipe them out and since the Junai didn't give fuck all about re-writing their culture, Tallians carried on as usual. As years grew by though, the Capitol got more and more suspicious (or rather paranoid) and started putting limits on what Tallians could do (can't travel outside of their home system, limits on government offices etc.). Local government though understood that most of these are unenforceable without unrest so half-assed them to the point that they're virtually dead guidelines. It's becoming increasingly hard for the government to press the colonies into doing anything. The Junai core worlds are somewhat similar culturally to the homeworld, but colonies and outer rim do things their way.
On the ground though you have homeguard mixed patrols patrolling the streets like nothing happened. Capitol might rant and rave, but Tallus system is Tallus system. 
On the culture side: Tallians value collectivism more than Junai - as Junai tend to favour teamwork, Tallians are made to be team players. It's not that Junai don't have a pack instinct, it's more so that Tallians have a stronger one. They don't have that strong of an individualistic drive and prefer to have success as the smallest social unit (pack) rather than individual. Pack is perhaps a good word to explain - as it's a bit more loose version of a family - with few (1-2) males and females (1-4). Even though they are omnivores and started as such you can tell that Tallians are more fit for survival and thus their social bonds tend to reflect that - it's easier for a member of the pack to sacrifice themselves for a welfare of the pack than in Junai culture, where Junai are very touchy about "No life left behind". Perhaps this is also reflected in their religion as well - while both are monotheistic, Tallian one focuses less on ancestors and self-betterment and more on aestheticism and selflessness. So in short: Tallians are made for harsher climates and harder work and if given time their slow but steady drive towards a goal would probably be do better than the frantic and aggressive goal-seeking of Junai. Mind you culturally they're also more divided than Junai. There was no unification event like on Junai's homeworld and at the time of the conquering, several nations existed - thus there are Tallians that are more aligned to Junai's way of thinking, there are also ones that are left alone completely as they're very closed communities.
Mixed marriages exist (Junai-Tallian), although probably the pact-marriage is more 'suited' for this kind of a childless marriage. Yet Junai adoption laws are very robust and there isn't a problem to carry names down the line. There's a stereotype (largely untrue as both cultures tend to keep to each other) that Tallus-living Junai are unapologetic xenofuckers. But that comes more from the fact that Capitol line promotes xenophobia as the 'main line' and can't understand that mutual cooperation can be achieved, without resorting to 'sleeping with the enemy'.
Population wise: Tallus have about 30% Junai, 70% Tallians. Where the numbers for Tallus IV (Tallian homeworld) are 10% Junai, 90% Tallians, Tallus V have about 50% Junai, 50% Tallians.
Looks wise I kinda bashed together few species - kangaroos, capybaras. Wanted to make them a bit more muscular and resistant in comparison to the relatively thin Junai. They will be featured in the comic BTW in one chapter so they're pretty plot important.
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