mrssoup · 5 years
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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mrssoup · 5 years
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:)  More Behind the GIFs. 
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mrssoup · 6 years
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mrssoup · 6 years
I was walking behind a woman for five minutes and she got catcalled three times.
I usually walk everywhere with my headphones on, but I had them in my bag and I was reading a book on my phone instead (I do that when the foot traffic is light).  A young Latina was coming down the street as I was coming up the avenue, and when she got to the corner a few paces ahead of me, she turned to walk in the direction I was going.  We were traveling at the same speed, but since she was like ten paces ahead and it’s bright outside in the middle of the day, I didn’t feel the need to fall back or slow down to give her more space. At night, I try not to walk too close behind women just so they don’t feel like I’m any sort of threat.
We got to a corner and this dude standing outside of the bodega was like, “Slow down mama where you goin? You don’t have to work today, you can stop and speak.”
She didn’t break her stride. “I’m going to the gym.”  The Walk sign was on, so I didn’t break mine either.  
A block later, a young guy was coming toward us on the sidewalk riding his bike.
“What’s good shorty?”
She didn’t respond.
“Well you was lookin, you can say something, stuck up bitch.”
We kept walking.
In the middle of the next block, an older man was walking toward us and he put on a friendly smile and said, “Smile young lady, it’s a beautiful day.”
I don’t know if she smiled, but we kept walking. She went into the gym and I kept on toward where I was going thinking about how that was just five minutes of her day.  How many other blocks of five minutes are just like that?  
Only one of them was truly aggressive. The other two guys seemed nice enough and it felt more like a pleasant compliment. It felt like the kind of thing a guy says who argues with women online about catcalling. “We’re not all bad guys. We can’t even compliment women? We can’t even say something nice?”
No.  You really can’t.  I was annoyed in that five minutes and I just happened to be walking behind her with no headphones on.  Can you imagine those five minutes over and over every day of your life?  Nobody wants to be spoken to by strangers day in and day out forever regardless of what they’re saying.  
So no.  You can’t say anything. The quality of your life has not decreased because you aren’t allowed to say nice things to strange women on the sidewalk, but your silence greatly increases the quality of hers.  So just be quiet, and let her go where she’s going.
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mrssoup · 6 years
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These rare color photos of Paris were taken over 100 years ago. 
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In 1909, a wealthy French banker named Albert Kahn wanted to document the world using a new color photo process called Autochrome Lumière, so he commissioned 4 photographers to take their cameras all over the world.
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One of the cities they documented was Paris.
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Starting in 1914, Kahn’s photographers, Leon Gimpel, Stephane Passet, Georges Chevalier and Auguste Leon, documented life in Paris using color filters made from dyed potato starch grains.
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They made these color photos over a century ago (with a small amount of color enhancing done on the original shots).
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In addition to the many shots of Paris, around 72,000 Autochromes from around the globe were created through Kahn’s project.
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mrssoup · 6 years
whenever i see a girl complaining abt her shitty boyfriend and she says that “guys are just like that!” i’m always so sad, because i know girls that are in happy and healthy romantic relationships with men! having a crappy, horrible boyfriend is not something that’s inevitable if you like men. if a man isn’t fulfilling your needs or if he’s simply just a piece of crap, you don’t have to stay in a relationship with him. not to be cliché, but not all men are like that!!! if your man ain’t shit, find a better one!!! it’ll all be alright, please realise and admit to yourself that you deserve better, and that better is out there!!! you need to put yourself first.
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mrssoup · 6 years
“did chris evans actually jump that high to grab onto that helicopter in civil war?”
friendly reminder that chris vaulted with ease over chris pratt after just telling him less than a minute before that he would be able to clear him if he only put his head down.
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mrssoup · 6 years
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mrssoup · 6 years
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mrssoup · 6 years
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Virginia Hall (1906-1982): The Most Dangerous Spy of All 
Book 2 available here. Full entry on the website - with footnotes and citations  - available right here. Art notes after the cut.
Keep reading
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mrssoup · 6 years
Omg my cat does this too! But I can’t put my hand in the front like that cuz he will chew on my hand instead of his leg.
Bleeeeugh om niom niomniom blereegh
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mrssoup · 6 years
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(via richhomiewen)
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mrssoup · 6 years
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The games in waiting rooms that even 9 year olds can not resist playing with. #aviventures #aviendhajane (at Hillsboro Eye Clinic)
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mrssoup · 6 years
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She is now regretting asking Uncle Mat to hide Easter eggs at a level 7. Even with help, it’s difficult. #aviventures #aviendhajane
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mrssoup · 6 years
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I get stuck Tamagotchi sitting while Avi is at church. This is what I get for giving her “living” things for Easter… #aviventures #aviendhajane
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mrssoup · 6 years
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I have a good helper this afternoon on some website work. He knows how to squash all the bugs! #PumpkinCat #internetisforcats
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mrssoup · 6 years
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So glad that #IcarusCat is here to help figure out what we’re having for dinner…
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