Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
It's been fun. Goodbye.
As much as I love my URL, I don't want it to be associated with the stigma of things that people now assume is part of my character: that I'm a downright bitch (well that's sort of true) who hates everyone and is willing to pick a fight with any unsuspecting person, and who is now one of those evil people who should be avoided/unfollowed/bashed on at all costs.
I have a real life outside of here. It's time I return to that.
(And if you have any questions about my whereabouts--ask someone else who knows me.)
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It has been said that a public apology wasn’t going to do anyone any good (or something to that extent). I said I wasn’t going to do this, but apparently it’s been requested that I do so (and yes, I actually feel that I should).
Here’s something about me: I know about bullying. But it’s not because I’ve been one. That’s not in my character. Far from it, actually. In fact, I have been bullied all my life for being different, for doing things that other people have found strange and unusual, or generally for being a person that the popular people didn’t like. I grew up having to go to the school counselor to resolve each and every one of these issues, but I never was able to stand up for myself when confronted by someone who bullied me. In fact, I cried every time these bullies had gotten the upper hand on me—and I know they didn’t care, and probably still don’t.
Since I’ve been on Tumblr, I’ve seen my fair share of hate messages, aimed in every direction, to people I know and love, and to people I don’t know at all, but I would rise up to defend those people anyway. I’ve been blamed more than once for getting into an issue of defending one of those friends. I will say that I am sick and tired of the hatred that the Internet spreads.
But now apparently I’m part of that hatred.
For the most part, I’ve never been the target of someone’s animosity, until yesterday when I posted that letter. I accused two people of being bullies (you know who you are and I don’t want to name names anymore)—people who I don’t know at all, who don’t know me or my character—or even the friend I was defending. I lost followers who were friends of the people I hurt.
What happened is that I jumped into an issue where I did not know the full extent of the story. That is, until I saw what had transpired between both parties.
You know, when someone writes a post here, or a status on Facebook that sounds like it’s aimed at someone in particular? Any person could take that post personally. And so my friend did. This is what got her into trouble. When it was rebutted that the post was, in fact, not about her, things got very heated, very quickly. That’s where I stepped in.
I accused these people of bullying. I called these people “nothings.” I said that they weren’t worth anything and probably still lived at home with their parents. My emotions have pulled me towards this statement because it’s a stereotype that most internet bullies probably are high school students or guys who live in their basement who actually have nothing better to do with their lives (we all know this stereotype, right? Even with the current GamerGate scandal going on, which is totally unrelated.)
I am a college graduate. I live with my mom, who provides 100% of my support because I am unemployed, as are many of my best friends, and countless others in the world who live under the same circumstances.
And that’s completely fine.
The person who got hurt the most has expressed the feeling that she should leave Tumblr because “we won.” No. We didn’t win anything. This girl is hardworking. From what I learned about her, she works two jobs and goes to college. That’s more than I can say for myself, who had two jobs during college, but not at the same time. Yes, she still lives with her parents as well—but she wants to get out, like the rest of us millennials who probably feel screwed over by the state of the world economy.
The other person I had involved in my letter is an artist, with his own kid. I don’t want kids, but I’m only a year younger than you, and my best friend has a 3 year old son who is the most wonderful, annoying nephew in the world. I don’t know what else you do with your life, nor should I be involved. But this is what I learned about you in the short time I have been rebutted due to my post. He told me that I made his best friend cry. And he was stepping in to the debacle to rescue her, just as I did with my own friend.
Do I feel good about it? Not exactly. But I wasn’t happy either when I heard that my own friend felt that she wasn’t being treated fairly.
In the few months that I’ve known her, she has been nothing but good to me. I only wish that I had caught on to the underlying issue that was going on (but that’s for her to talk about when she feels ready, and not me) that caused this entire argument to ignite. She’s been through a lot in her life, and is trying to stand on her own two feet. I’m proud that she is able to do what she does in her life outside of Tumblr, even if it’s a struggle, because we’re all struggling in reality, whether it’s to be independent, whether it’s to stand up to people who try to put us down, or whether we’re just trying to get by.
I’m sorry that I got involved in things that I shouldn’t. Getting into an argument is not at all in my character. I hate fighting, and I still can’t really stand up for myself when faced with adversity. I’m also sorry to my friends who got involved, but I am also thankful that they stood by while they watched as I stood up for a person who I believe in, and I am thankful for their clear-headed advice, where I wasn’t able to have one.
I no longer want any part of this, and I don’t wish to associate with anyone of the other party who is involved directly or by extension because even as we try to forget this issue happened, there will always be the little spark of resentment—you will all remember this, and you will remember that you hate me because of it.
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On a brighter note I've missed my KB and had a very fun evening hanging out with her.
And i have a very energetic puppy to come home to, so there's always that.
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I need your help you guys.
I always thought the young adult Broadway-loving community was so cool because everyone’s so passionate and vocal and supportive and guess what I just learned? We’re INVISIBLE.
This month I’ve heard over and over from a few established people in the entertainment industry that BROADWAY IS ONLY A MARKET FOR PEOPLE IN THEIR 50’S AND YOUNG ADULTS DON’T CARE FOR MUSICAL THEATRE.
Cleeeearrrrllllyyyy, this is false. My best friend and I are trying to do something awesome for all of us young lovers of the theatre but I need to prove that this community is alive and well. Please REBLOG (don’t repost as I can’t trace it haha) and have our voices heard!
"And the die is cast, and the torch is passed, and the roar wil rise, from the streets below, and our ranks will grow and grow and grow and so the world will feel the fire and finally know!”
I’m 17 years old and I LOVE BROADWAY.
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Last post for the evening 1. Preliminary sketch of Katy in Percy Blakeney's clothes 2. Watercolor rendition of above (I don't like it) 3. Marguerite Blakeney
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mira-everwood replied to your photo:Sketch of Waddesdon Manor, a.k.a. Spenser Manor,...
holy shit that’s really good
Thanks beb ^^ I'm about to do more Katy sketches (outfits, including DE stuff)
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Sketch of Waddesdon Manor, a.k.a. Spenser Manor, the residence of Katerina di Giancola Pencil on watercolor paper, to be continued.
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I did mention that my storyline needed a facelift.
I think I'm gonna just scrap the divorce thing from now on.
However I had a running fanfic with it so if I do continue it, that's where I'll write about the conflict.
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Yeaaaaaah I haven't even been able to get anything done for NaNoWriMo, I've been so busy so...20 days and 2500 words with no plan? I'm not gonna be able to do it this year.
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Not you xD I was shopping at Old Navy and this dude with long blonde hair was working there (albeit more golden brown than platinum)
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There is a wannabe Lucius in front of me. This is awkward.
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Indepentant Hermione Granger Blog. Very friendly mun.
Home Verses Rules Open starters
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☭ orange is the new black
((I don't watch this show sooooo...I don't know anything about it o.o))
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For The Sake Of Crossovers, Send Me ☭ + A Fandom And I Will Describe My Character In That Verse
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Follower Survey
Send me a symbol with what you want more of out of my blog!
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ABC cancels all the good shows :( Like GCB.
I urge you all to send feedback to ABC, urging them to reconsider reinstating Selfie, which was cancelled today, leaving us with only 13 episodes.
You can contact them here. Select “ABC Programming Feedback” and either use a statement I’ve prepared or one of your own:
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