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Ways to Protect your Commercial Security Cameras from Hackers
You lead a connected life – a byproduct of the age of the internet. Without connectivity, one cannot even take a step out of their home, apparently! So when it comes to the safety and security of your home or place of business, it’s no wonder that you would go for a wireless security camera system.
In the opinion of experts associated with companies offering commercial security systems Dallas TX solutions, there are many upsides of choosing a wireless security camera system. But, yes, there’s always a ‘but’, a wireless security camera system can also be hacked. The reason is simple – anything connected to a network, whether public or private, can be hacked by cybercriminals with just the right set of skills and gear!
So, what is the solution then!?
There are plenty! But, according to the spokesperson of a company associated with offering commercial security cameras installation Dallas TX area, the following tips should suffice.
Please pay attention.
It is best that you avoid viewing the live feed from public networks
Experts associated with a leading low voltage installation company Dallas TX strictly warn their clients to avoid using public networks to view live streams from their office or home security camera systems. The reason is simple – public networks do not have strong firewalls to keep hackers at bay. This is the reason why a hacker can easily target you by gaining access to your device and ultimately to the live feed from your wireless security camera system – need more convincing!?
It is best that you go for cameras that use encryption
Technology is evolving even as you are reading this post. As an additional precautionary step, you can also ask your security camera solutions provider to install security cameras that encrypts its signals before sending it out on the internet. This is a great feature to hide the feed from your home or place of business from prying eyes!
Avoid going for used cameras
You should never compromise when it comes to securing your home or place of business. If you are planning to purchase a used security camera system just to save a few bucks, please don’t!
According to experts associated with companies offering low voltage installation services Dallas TX, a used security camera system may come with a compromised firmware that has several digital backdoors coded in it.
This could either be deliberate or a result of a hacker attack that the previous owner failed to monitor. In the end, you will be suffering since what goes inside your home or place of business could be a reality show in the darknet!
Do you still want to take that chance!?
It is imperative that you follow the tips mentioned in the above sections. It is the only way you can ensure that the wireless security camera system installed in your home or place of business is not compromised. For the best results, always hire a renowned security camera service provider like Mr Security Camera. By choosing Mr Security Camera, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best of technology in the market!
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How to choose the right burglar alarm system for your commercial property?
Installing surveillance and burglar alarm systems in a commercial property is as important as equipping the same with fire retardant/suppression systems. Owning a business comes with a lot of financial liabilities. In order to keep costly mishaps at bay, installing a burglar alarm system is mandatory.
But how to choose a system that will be ideal for the job!?
Well, all you would need to do is keep the following things in mind!
Choose a system based on the type of your business
You should choose a burglar alarm system based on the type of business you are running.
For instance, you simply cannot install a system that is meant for a home in case you run a car dealership. You would need to choose a system that comes with sensors that can be attached to the glass panes in your place of business.
So if anyone even tries to tap on the glass panes, the security system will send a silent signal to you as well as the authorities. In this way, the system will prevent your place of business from getting robbed at the nick of time!
Choose a system after making a list of security weaknesses of your commercial property
Every building has a lot of security concerns no matter how well the same has been planned. Your commercial property is no exception. This is why you simply cannot install any system. Every burglar alarm system has its own unique features that are on par with the building on which it is installed.
To make sure the system you are investing in is appropriate for your place of business, get in touch with a leading company offering commercial burglar alarm systems Dallas TX. Companies like Mr Security Camera are known for their diligence. They do not readily install a system in the property of their client. They will survey the building and help their client to identify the property’s weaknesses.
Choose them so that you can identify the security concerns of your commercial property as well. In this way, you will be able to select a burglar alarm system that all the features it needs to keep your property safe. Get the idea!?
Be sure to look for the access control feature in the security system
One of the best ways to ensure that your business is secured is to control access of both visitors and employees to the same. But how a commercial burglar alarm system can do that? Well, in the opinion of an expert associated with a leading company that deals in burglar alarm system Dallas TX, business owners should install a system with access control feature.
Not only the system will keep people away from sensitive areas in your place of business but also allow you to keep tabs on people coming and going out of your commercial property.
In case of any mishap, systems with access control feature can help you and authorities to nab the perpetrator in no time!
You have spent considerably to set up your venture which is why you would need to ensure that it is protected at all costs! Investing in a commercial security system offered by a leading company that deals in commercial alarm systems Dallas TX is the way of the wise! So what are you waiting for!? Get in touch with the professionals right away!
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A brief look into different types of low voltage security systems
Low voltage security systems are those systems that comprise of individual equipment or rather devices that use a mere 50 Volts of electricity or even less!
In the opinions of an expert associated with Mr Security Camera – one of the leading low voltage installation company Dallas TX, low voltage security systems are available in the following voltage configurations:
48 Volts
24 Volts and
12 Volts.
It is best to keep in mind that installing low voltage security systems in a home or commercial property are your primary defence against:
Break-ins and
That stated, it is time to take the discussion to the next level. The following sections shed light on the different types of low voltage security systems.
Please pay attention:
CCTV surveillance systems
CCTV stands for Closed-Circuit Television. A typical CCTV surveillance system will consist of:
Surveillance cameras
Digital recording equipment and
Storage equipment.
CCTV surveillance systems are designed in a way to ensure that the owner of a home or commercial property is informed every step of the way about:
Activities going in and around the commercial property
Whether someone is trying to break into your home or vandalizing your private property.
Given you get in touch with the right company offering low voltage installation services Dallas TX, your home or commercial property will be equipped with a CTV surveillance system that will allow you to view recorded or live surveillance footage remotely at any time of the day!
Intrusion detection systems
Intrusion detection systems are best suited for homes and it can consist of:
An intricate network of motion sensors spread across the home and its premises
Window and door contacts
Panic switches and
Related security measures to make sure home and its premises are safe against intrusions.
An ideal intrusion detection system will also, come with monitoring services that would automatically notify the authorities in case the sensors of the system picks up attempts of unauthorized entry to your home.
Access control systems
Access control systems can be both tangible equipment that needs to be integrated into the infrastructure of a commercial property as well as software applications that are installed in the IT infrastructure of a commercial property.
The goal of an ACS is to restrict access of personnel through the different entry points to the property. It can also be used to restrict access of personnel to the sensitive areas of a business complex.
Software-based ACSs are installed in the IT infrastructure of a commercial complex to keep sensitive data from the hands of unauthorized personnel.
Keeping your home, commercial property or place of business safe from ill-doers is now easier than ever! All you would need to do is hire a company that offer installation services for low voltage security systems. If you are looking for one in Texas then you should definitely get in touch with Mr Security Camera. It is one of the leading providers of low voltage installation services Dallas TX!
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A list of ways you can keep your commercial property safe
Ensuring that your place of business or the commercial real estate assets you own are safe and shielded from break-ins is the part and parcel of being an entrepreneur. If you fail to take the essential steps to keep the ill-doers out, you are literally leaving your place of business open to attacks!
So what are the ‘right’ steps to keep your commercial property safe!? Don’t have a clue!? Well, fret not! Simply pay attention to the following sections and you will be sorted!
Always invest in commercial CCTV and alarm systems
Always equip your place of business with the latest commercial CCTV systems in Texas.
With that being said, be sure to choose a renowned company that offers commercial security cameras installation Texas. A renowned company with a stellar track record will equip your place of business with foolproof solutions that will leave you with satisfactory results.
Reinforce the entry points to the commercial property
What is the primary difference between a residential and commercial property? Well, the answer is simple – a residential property will have one or maybe two entry points. That is not the case with a commercial property.
Commercial property is bound to have multiple entry/exit points. Now, this a particular feature is good for business but is really bad when it comes to the security of the property.
It is best that you consult with an expert and figure out ways to secure the entry/exit points in your commercial property. If this is not feasible for you, you can always equip the multiple entry points with tamper-proof doors and windows.
You can also take this a few steps further and install:
Bulletproof/shatterproof glass on the windows and doors
Equip doors with bio-metric or smart locks and the likes.
Keep a close watch on your workforce and the visitors
In the opinion of an expert technician under the payroll of a leading company offering CCTV camera installation Texas services, one doesn’t need to become like the ‘All Seeing Eye’ when it comes to monitoring your workforce or ensuring the safety of your business from the visitors entering the building.
All you would need to do is to run thorough background checks on job applicants before you hire them as a member of your workforce. And to ensure no unauthorized individuals have gained access to your place of business, install an electronic sign-in/sign out system. You can always get in touch with a leading company that is associated with the installations and servicing of commercial alarm systems Texas. Companies like these also deal with such security measures. This system will help you keep track of people who are visiting/leaving your place of business.
Always take detailed inventories of the articles you have in your place of business. In this way, you will be keeping your business less vulnerable to theft and related damages. Be sure to take plenty of images of your stock and assets within the property so that you can produce proof to the authorities in case your place of business is subjected to a break-in. If your place of business recently suffered a break-in, contact your security solutions provider and replace the affected systems. Avoid installing the same systems since the ill-doers are now capable of disabling the systems – get the point!?
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