mrs-hwangh · 27 days
Oddinary - the new chapter
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word count: 3,2k
warnings: slight angst
pairings: in this one not really
sypnosis: your life enters the stage where every day feels the same. It's an endless cycle that repeats itself day in day out until you come across a mysterious building. This encounter will change your life forever.
authors note: hiii! This is my first ever stray kids oneshot so please bear with me :'D This one here is also meant to be some kind of intro for my acc and for my works. A project is already in the works and you'll find the easter egg right here! This shall be proofread but we all make errors sooo..
Well then, I hope you enjoy this c:
The city was as grey as ever.
Another boring day. Another boring walk. Another boring bus ride.
My life came to the point of an endless repeat. Re-living the same moments, tasks and actions everyday now.
How did my life become so grey?
Since when did the colors dissappear?
The once so vivid world became a place of raining days and a neverending madness.
Jobs as boring as ever, food losing it's unique taste and beauty, turning into a tasteless, quick produced mass so that the day could move on faster.
Growing up was supposed to be something young kids could look up for.
Instead it's just the beginning of an neverending cycle.
Here I am now, the dark sky hidden by countless of black clouds. Small droplets of rain filling the citys area while I was waiting at the bus station.
Another rainy day just like the rest of the month.
The cool wind breezed throughout the tall buildings. Trees sang their songs composed by their leafs. Birds started to flee and find some shelter from the cold change as I spotted my bus turning to the street and station I was waiting at.
The doors opened and the driver couldn't care less to see which person would enter his ride.
The metallic floor was covered by a black carpet. Seats looked as lifeless as ever while every passenger was concentrated on their phone.
There was one free seat next to the window.
And there was one single person who decided to look outside the glas of the said window rather then the one of a phones display.
As the driver closed the doors, the motors cries filled the room while the vehicle started it's journey to it's next destination.
Everything looked the same.
The same house layouts. The same lanterns. The same cars. The same colors.
The heavy loss of sleep was going to get me until my eyes catched the bright lights of a small building.
I looked around to find any sign showing me the name of the building but there was none to be found.
What was this?
There was a bus station, not a fancy or comfortable one but definetly one that did it's duty.
I pressed the stop button but the driver wouldn't stop. He didn't even seem to use the brakes. Was he ignoring me?
"Excuse me, I have to leave here!"
Our eyes locked as I catched his gaze on the mirror that was placed right above the entrance.
The vehicle stopped in it's track but something in me didn't want me to look away.
Everyone here didn't move a muscle since I entered the bus, not even looking my way when I entered.
Not even the driver.
The eye contact we were holding right now was the first human interaction I've got so far.
The doors finally opened and this was the sign to look away and continue my way to the unknown place.
The familiair cold breeze hit me the second I stepped on the ground.
But I felt a strange feeling.. as if someone was looking at me.
The doors closed behind me as I turned to look at the driver again but what I saw was something different.
The bus was empty but nobody form the passengers I saw earlier left with me nor where they out here.
What was going on?
The silhuette of the driver was still recognizable and I managed to get a glance on the mirror that was placed right above his head.
I was met with a pair of eyes I that didn't see earlier.
They were dark.. I know what I saw.
But why were they blue all of a sudden?
Why was his hair a bright shade of red?
A slight smirk formed at his lips as he started the engine and took off.
Was I hallucinating things now? The bus disappeared as it turned into some alley that wasn't visible from my position.
All that was left for me was to at least enter the building I saw because it was slowly getting cold out here.
And let me tell you one thing, it was bright.
The warmth of the light was something I forgot existed by now.
I found myself attached to it just like a moth to a source of light in the darkest night.
A sign on top of the entrance said 'Ordinary'.
What a strange name for this place.
This right here is everything but Ordinary, if anything it's standing out.
I decided to open the door since it seemed to be some kind of hotel.
The bell ringed once it hit the wooden door when I entered the building.
The furniture seemed to be quite normal as I walked by the small floor to reach the counter.
A heavy blow of the wind outside however closed the door as the second ring echoed through the hall.
The sudden sound made me shriek as I blinked once out of reflex and opened my eyes again to be greeted by something different.
The furniture as well as the buildings structure changed.
What was happening in here??
I felt by breath quicken when I heard some kind of jazz music starting to play from a room that was hidden from me.
My legs worked faster then my brain could process once they brought me towards the door to escape this place.
But it was locked.
Wasn't the place empty when I entered?
I looked outside the glas part of the door to find the bus station but there was none to be seen.
The rain grew heavier as I stood there, paralyzed and terrified.
The ground outside formed small puddles that reflected the building.
One of them showed me the sign where the hotels name was written on it and even this changed.
What the hell was 'Oddinary' supposed to mean now?
A few moments passed until I decided to roam the place. There may be another door in here to lead me outside.
But my guess was wrong.
As I stepped in further into the building I was met by a dimly lit corridor. The lights flickered every second as I tried to understand where this was leading me to.
The flicker started to find it's rhythm until it stopped.
Darkness filled the room until the lights turned back on and I found a pair of eyes staring right into my soul.
"holy sh-!"
There was a guy with blue hair and a weird kind of glove covering his hand. He wore glases and held a book.
Not only did he suddenly appear but also a collection of high quality furniture.
The shock was still fresh but he looked at some kind of list and only nodded my way.
His concentration was then aimed at something else as he completely ignored me.
I continued my way and heard the movement of the fabric he wore. He turned around-
What a strange guy.
My walk brought me to another room that was decorated by candles and various kinds of clocks.
Another shock run me over when a bird spawned out of one of them.
I stumbled back and soon another person was coming my way.
Or well..  the clocks way.
The anatomy was very muscular so I assumed that this was another men.
He wore a strange hat and run towards the clock to turn it off.
A smartwatch on his joint showed him an upcoming message when he turned around and saw me.
My presence didn't seem to faze him at all.
A judging glare was sent my way as he turned around again to strangely sit down and put on some eye drops.
Why does this place only get weirder with every second..
I decided that I saw enough and continued my search for an exit.
The corridor brought me to a staircase which was filled with countless of polaroid pictures.
These faces seemed to be oddly familiar..  the faces.. they were the busses passengers!
Why the hell are they here?
My thoughts were suddenly stopped by a bright flash. This was my third encounter today in here.
Another guy with his camera high.
The rest of the room was filled with equipment you'd find in a photo labor.
I stepped closer and he got a cake from one of the desks.
He took some steps closer to me and handed it over..  it's print left me speechless.
There was a childhood picture of me.. where did he get it..
Why don't I remember it being taken in the first place..?
"Who are y-"
My question was stopped when he handed me another Polaroid.
The one he just took.
I tried to grab it but he let it fall right before I got a grip on it and left the room.
I kneeled down to pick it up but as soon as I got it the room changed again.
Newspapers were gathered all around the floor and a bed was suddenly placed right before me.
Another guy was in here, lying on the bed with another one of the newspapers covering his face.
'Missing people'
That.. that was the guy from before..
I tried to take the paper but that seemed to wake him up.
He suddenly sat up and looked through the room.
I fell and couldn't crawl further back thanks to a desk.
Unlike the others he was coming right at me.
Goosebumps formed all around my body as he lowered his head next to mine.
All I could do was to look away, hoping that he wouldn't do anything to me.
Luckily my prayers were heard and he stepped back, lying back down and putting the paper on his face again.
I managed to calm down but something new catched my gaze.
There was my picture on the paper..  right where the other guy was just now.
'Missing people'...
What kind of black magic was this right now?
Did I fall asleep while I was on the bus?
That has to be it, nothing could explain this situation any better right now.. right??
But why did it feel so real? Why don't I remember falling asleep at all..
A cold light disrupted my train of thoughts and lured me to another staircase.
A wooden like structure decorated the wall next to me and the sound of moving fabric picked my senses.
I looked up and found yet another person.
He was different though.
A guy with vivid red hair holding an apple that was resembling the very same shade of red.
He was ready to bite it but as soon as he saw me he moved his arm down and stared right into me.
Those eyes.. I knew them from somewhere but from where..?
That gaze he held was dangerous.. I felt my fear growing and eating everything it found in me.
I know where I knew them from.
The driver.. the smirk.. the eyes..
It was him.
That guy lured me in here.
The ride wasn't an hallucination then.. it was real but where was the station?!
My breath grew heavier and I stormed down the remaining stairs to get away from that creep.
Just when I thought that I could jump down and sprint away, I was met with a squished can.
That thing flew right infront of me straight into the wall.
If I was just a milisecond faster.. I'd be dead..
I was terrified at this point as I looked to my right.
A new person holding a hockey bat.
He held another can and crushed it as if it was nothing, then he pointed the bat at me, lowering that thing and walking straight to me. The tremble started to get the best of me as he stood exactly where the crushed can had landed.
I looked down, trying to calm myself the best I can until he'd go away just like the ones before him.
And he did. Or in fact.. I disappeared.
Just like when I tried to get the polariod of me, I found myself once again in an empty corridor, lights flickering wildly as I finally lost the battle of my cool.
There was no escape and no matter who these guys are, I won't leave this place unharmed.
The pauses between the flickers grew bigger again. I wasn't just terrified at this point.. my fear reached levels beyond our understanding.
As if it couldn't get any better, another person spawned right infront of me.
There was a frame he was standing in.
The lights then closed again and he disappeared.
"What is this now.."
I stepped back, trying to find any support in that wall but as soon as the light went on again, he appeared again, closer.
This was the first yell that escaped my lips today, the flickers became faster and he continued to appear closer and closer each time the light went back on.
I was running at this point.
And there it was, an elevator.
I ran as fast as I could, maybe, just maybe that could save me from the madness in here.
My hand smashed the button to close the doors once I entered it and when I turned around I saw something new on the strangers torso.
A sign
'Hug me'
This was getting worse.
Since I didn't know on which floor I was, I didn't know which one to chose.
The first floor was locked and the others filled with psychopaths.
Just before I could push anything I was met by a new face.
This one however seemed to be kind.
His eyes didn't hold that hatred or that disgust.
They weren't kind, but they were softer.
I was captured by his freckles until I catched him moving his hand and pushing the highest floor by himself.
He gave me a lock and looked outside the window.
"Good luck"
Was all he said until he disappeared.
The elevator started to move itself upwards. There was a big window behind me showing the whole city from above.
And once again, the light flickered.
I tried to somehow calm myself down because everytime that happened it meant that someone new was here.
And yes, I was right.
I felt someone's hot breath on my neck.
Whoever it was was standing very close to me.
My heart pounded in my chest so hard that I heard each beat as if it was connected to any sound boxes.
"Do you want to be ODDINARY?"
I jumped at this, the voice was very cold and lacked of any warmth or sympathy.
You could basically hear the danger and that was what gave me the last shot.
My body started to tremble uncontrollably.
"Please.. I-I just want to get out of here"
Tears were starting to form at the brink of my eyes.
"Believe me, you will"
And with that he appeared right infront of me.
It was him, the guy from earlier.
His red hair.. the blue eyes.. he was smirking as he moved his arm and pushed me right against the window.
It broke and here I was, falling down.
I felt the cold wind enveloping me into it's unforgiving embrace. Fear was eating me whole but at the same time.. when did I ever feel this alive?
Was I supposed to feel this much at once?
My hands were trying to grab anything, anything to safe me from that fate.
But the only things in my reach were shards of shattered glass.
Aswell as the lock that the guy from earlier gave me.
I tried to look up, finding the elevator with the guy standing on top of it.
He was looking down on me, smirking.
Not long after he jumped aswell, diving into the fate that awaited me soon enough.
As soon as he jumped though I heard a small crack.
The lock.. it broke?
My mind wasn't able to process everything that happened at this moment, the only thing I was trying to do was to get ready for the merciless impact.
Which never came.
I opened my eyes confused as to why I was still breathing.
My legs found their strength again and I stood up, recognizing a staircase in the deep end.
I walked to the spot and saw the eight men I met earlier.
Here they stood together, looking at me and then at the guy I saw the last.
He was looking at me but this time with a softer look.
Even if they stood there united, there was one blank space in the center.
I eventually realized that the spot was meant for me.
Their lingering gazes stressed me so I made my way to take the spot and what I saw made me speechless.
We were looking at the exact same spot I entered the building earlier, but the thing is that the said building is nowhere to be seen.
Not the station, not the building.
But what I was looking at was something completely different.
Yes I knew this place, the variant I was looking at right now however was empty.
"This right here will be filled with your experiences"
The guy I saw at the entrance spoke first.
"My experiences..?"
The clock obsessed guy continued the first ones work.
"The hotel will be the place we'll all be living, but this is your space to fill with anything you create or collect"
"And here's the first item already"
This time it was the red haired person who spoke.
I tried to focus to see what he was seeing and he indeed was right.
There were mirrors. Some broken ones.
Why were they there.. as if some mirrors would be of any help..
"The day will eventually come when you'll understand what's going on here"
This was the soft guy now.
"Tell me at least your names.. please"
"Of corse"
The guy with the list from earlier said and they all introduced their names.
Bangchan was the oldest one and the first I saw when I entered the building.
Han was the person who looked at me with that judge stare.. as if I hadn't any reason to do the same with that sick collection of his..
Changbin was the 'Hug me' obsessed one who scared me just enough to run into their last trap.
Hyunjin was the red haired and blue eyed one who pushed me off the elevator.
Seungmin was the guy with the Polaroids..  I still find it scary as to how he managed to get that childhood picture..
Lee Know was the guy who had the obsession with the cans.
Felix was the soft one and as I found out also the most kind hearted one. He was the one who was turned the most recent before I joined them for some reason.
And last but not least Yeongin. Their youngest member and the person who had his floor covered in newspapers.
But the most important thing for now is to understand what these items mean..
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