Wow. Such gay.
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Sooo just a gay guy. I post mostly gay things and FFXIV related content. Occasional NSFW, it'll be tagged. You can follow me if you want and ask questions too :3 Valorous Paws - Coeurl Cittabun is my prince ❤
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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Figured I’d also do a Twitter link shoutout thingy for my hubby as well. But yeah if anyone wants to, feel free to follow us on Twitter. I’m just gonna warn y’all tho, we tweet a bunch of nonsense. :3
@Cittabun (Main, if you’re a mutual/friend feel free to send a request. ♥)
@PrinceSweetBun (Art)
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
@Almost every male roegadyn
Could you guys stop being so fucking creepy? Like you really don’t need to hit on any other male roe player that exists, especially those in committed relationships. I don’t care if you’re just trying to be funny or people shouldn’t take it so seriously, you’re actually so fucking creepy and need to stop. Like this is actually exhausting and making me more and more tired of the ff community every single day. Please actually leave me and my husband the fuck alone. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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“I want you to caption it ‘Sorry, bitches, he belongs to this prince.” - @mrlolzdragon
I came out of hiatus for #Roevember to deliver some more of that Daddy Valor and his Gucci Prince Royal realness. Had this idea in my head for a while with Royal draped over Valor just to remind y’all that y’all will never get the opportunity Royal has. :3c 
Added in the Sketch, flats, and no tattoo version since I’ve never shown off my process pictures before!
Feel free to follow me : >>Twitter | | Furaffinity <<
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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I was really confused because people have been complaining about how all of the female characters from Overwatch have the same face and I’ve never really seen it that way so I went and did a study on their face shapes and structures by tracing reference lines over official art of them and they are literally all different. They have different face shapes and facial structures, different eye shapes, even different eyebrows so no, the Overwatch artists are definitely not ‘reusing the same female model’ as so many people have been saying. Overwatch is an awesome game with great representation and diversity and I hate to watch it get shit on like this.
Its okay to be critical of something but not to the point where people are harassing the artists and creators over it on Twitter. That team works really hard and deals with a lot of harassment from fans and should be given some well deserved credit.
To any fanartists who see this post, feel free to use this image as a reference for fanart so that you can get the face shapes and stuff on point, and also, y’all overwatch fanartists rock.
Stay cool.
Edit: I know someone is going to reblog this with that gif (you know the one) but I’d like to point out that 1.That gif is incredibly cherry-picked and specifically leaves out characters with seriously different faces like Zarya. 2. The womens faces are angled specifically to downplay unique facial structures and shapes. 3. The gif was made to move quickly to make the faces seem to blur together on purpose because considering the creator cherry-picked the hell out of the gif I wouldn’t put it passed them to make it extra fast (so that you don’t have time to pick out differences) just to make their point valid (even though in the gif you can still see that not everything lines up perfectly). - Thanks
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
Demon daddy best daddy right? :3c
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When your husband goes from Lifeguard Daddy to Demon Daddy in a span of a few months. Hubby wanted to update Valor’s look and backstory a little bit so I thought I’d do some art to reflect it! @mrlolzdragon
Alternate glowing tattoo/eye version on my Twitter. :3
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
So, a few weeks ago I decided to enter @mrlolzdragon into that summer screenshot contest using my screenshot of us.. and was picked as one of the 50 winners! :D Aaaah! Now the community has to bear witness to our cute ass Roes.
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
Reblog for mah hubby :3 he does good arts
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Not really the circumstance that I wanted to open commissions, but I’m gonna have to. Long story short, hubby started a new job, however was let go for missing 3 days of work during the training. On top of his asthma kicking his butt with the wild fires paired with walking to work, he had to have sudden wisdom tooth removal surgery. Although all medical reasons, and had proper documentation, it wasn’t enough apparently. Thankfully, rent for Sept. is already paid, but it’s just making it until he finds his new job, and hoping to gather some money up before things start being due again.
So down to the nitty gritty:
So, above is all the things that I’m going to be offering for the moment, however if you’re curious about busts/waist ups, please feel free to message me and we can figure something out! 
Things I will NOT draw: Full NSFW (suggestive is okay), copyrighted characters(OC’s okay), mecha, feral or any hyper art. SUGGESTIVE MEANS THERE CAN BE NO VISIBLE GENETALIA, BUT CAN BE COVERED AND ONVIOUSLY THERE.
Payment is in USD and will be done via PayPal! I’ll send you an invoice after confirming your commission, and the payment is needed before work will begin. I will check in with you after each stage of the drawing. Requesting changes after a picture is done will cost a bit extra.
If you’re interested or have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact me here on Tumblr, or e-mail me at [email protected].
If you’re not able to commission me, I’d very much appreciate if you could reblog this to help get the word around!! Thank you!
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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Not really the circumstance that I wanted to open commissions, but I’m gonna have to. Long story short, hubby started a new job, however was let go for missing 3 days of work during the training. On top of his asthma kicking his butt with the wild fires paired with walking to work, he had to have sudden wisdom tooth removal surgery. Although all medical reasons, and had proper documentation, it wasn’t enough apparently. Thankfully, rent for Sept. is already paid, but it’s just making it until he finds his new job, and hoping to gather some money up before things start being due again.
So down to the nitty gritty:
So, above is all the things that I’m going to be offering for the moment, however if you’re curious about busts/waist ups, please feel free to message me and we can figure something out! 
Things I will NOT draw: Full NSFW (suggestive is okay), copyrighted characters(OC’s okay), mecha, feral or any hyper art.
Payment is in USD and will be done via PayPal! I’ll send you an invoice after confirming your commission, and the payment is needed before work will begin. I will check in with you after each stage of the drawing. Requesting changes after a picture is done will cost a bit extra.
If you’re interested or have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact me here on Tumblr, or e-mail me at [email protected].
If you’re not able to commission me, I’d very much appreciate if you could reblog this to help get the word around!! Thank you!
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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Please appreciate this super quick Orc Valor I did for @mrlolzdragon. 💖💦💦
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
What a wonderful quality meme :3 lookits thosw fuckin butts 👌👌👌
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Finally finished these!! Let’s just say I saw these things floating around, and I kinda.. really needed Royal and Valor in them. :3c @mrlolzdragon
Also, the debut of Valor’s butt tattoos… that took me an hour alone to figure out. OOPS.
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mrlolzdragon · 6 years ago
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mrlolzdragon · 7 years ago
My heart. The pain. ;v; I love you so much honey bun ❤️ Here’s to many more years of being petty together :3
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Happy 2nd Anniversary!
Yesterday marked me and @mrlolzdragon second anniversary together IRL. It’s definitely been such an amazing ride so far, and I love him so so much. I’m so happy that I never listened to anyone telling me that online relationships would never result in anything because this one turned into finding the guy who was just right and perfect for me. Here’s to many many more, hubby bear! <3 ^u^ 
This year, I wanted to include Royal and Valor’s canon son, Leo, into the picture because hopefully someday, we’ll have our own little Leo. :3c Spoiler Alert: That’s gonna be our kids name if we have a son.
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mrlolzdragon · 7 years ago
Look how fucking cute my Gucci Prince is ❤️
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Every Lifeguard Daddy needs a Gucci Prince. :3c
Been itching to do a pic of Royal after doing the Valor one!!
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mrlolzdragon · 7 years ago
Heads up! 2 Commission Slots opening up! 
I have an Emote commission I gotta finish up tomorrow, but after that I’m gonna be opening up for 2 slots after. I’ll make an actual post, but for now:
Full Body: $45 USD *
Waist Up & Chibi: $30 USD *
Headshot & Icon: $20 USD
Additional Character: 50% of chosen type’s base cost.
Difficult Designs & Backgrounds will cost a bit extra!
Please keep in mind, the prices listed above are my prices for my refined sketch line style. Requesting clean lineart will cost a bit extra! 
If you’re interested before I post, feel free to message me. Visual or Written refs are okay. We can discuss Do’s and Don’ts over message. ^^/ Feel free to claim a spot before the post is open. More examples of my art, of course are on my tumblr’s art tag!
Please also understand, I have the right to turn down a commission if I’m not comfortable with it! 
* For Full Body commissions, I’ll only be taking male characters. I am not fully comfortable with female anatomy currently, and I don’t want to deliver sub par quality commissions. Chibi commissions, however, are open to Male and Female characters!! Thank you for understanding! (^u^)♥ *
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mrlolzdragon · 7 years ago
It’s been a good 2 years :3 and I’m sure we’ll have many more to come ❤️
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Today marks Royal and Valor’s second anniversary!! Can’t believe it’s been two years since @mrlolzdragon and I got married in game, and in a few more days the day we got together IRL, too after flirting REAL FUKKEN HARD FOR LIKE 3 WEEKS.
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mrlolzdragon · 7 years ago
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He’s not just a lifeguard, he’s a daddy making a difference. ./SHOT
 First drawing I’ve been able to sit down and finish in a month since all this moving nonsense happened. ♥ Of course, Valor is my amazing husband’s character, @mrlolzdragon!!
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