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mrardin85 · 2 years ago
You wake up to find you are now the owner of Lucasfilm. What's the first thing you would do?
Following the exact parameters laid out in the question by Darth Thunder @XDarthThunderX on Twitter if I woke up to find that I was the owner of Lucasfilm not just in-charge of it under Disney but sole owner of it.  The following plan is what I would do if I woke up tomorrow to find that I had somehow acquired Lucasfilm from Disney & become the owner of it:
- KK sacked & removed possibly even barring her from the premises
- Meet with all old EU/Legends authors, settle all grievances they have with LFL, set up payment plans for the back royalties of those LFL haven't been paying, & set up methods of payment for all future royalties from there on.
- Studio would close its doors for 14 days until such time when I have a plan in place to move forward which is when I would hold a press conference to announce our new plan going forward. (COMPLETE MEDIA SILENCE)
- Use LFL database of all old EU/Legends content & all Disney-Era content to figure out where I need to start.  If no database exists outside of those fan sites such as Wookiepedia I would create a simple spreadsheet for the time being.  Later on, I would bring in a team to setup an online database containing everything Star Wars including Disney-Era content for fans of that era of Star Wars likely in conjunction with the creative team with it also serving as their resource as well. (HOLOCRON NETWORK)
- An actual creative team would be created initially to go through the Skywalker saga, all old EU/Legends content outside the 6 films by George Lucas, & all Disney-Era content outside the sequel trilogy to find what works & what doesn't work in order to craft a cohesive narrative to create a new continuity that is a fusion of both.  Old EU/Legends are brought in & made officially canon regardless of what it was under GL while Disney-Era content will be meticulously combed through to figure out what elements work & what elements from the Disney EU wouldn't work with Legends so elements such as episodes 7-9 will need to be retconned along with anything else that doesn't work which would be done in the first movie we would make that would use the WBW (World Between Worlds) to destroy the Disney EU to create this new thing going forward.  After they finish this the creative team would work from then on to oversee the continuity of the EU moving forward so everything from there would remain canon to this new EU so strict oversight would be necessary to ensure that issues of the old EU such as plot holes & retcons won't occur in the new EU.
- Iron out a proper plan going forward from the initial movie where we do a soft franchise reboot to setup this new canon & everything from there on with a few movies being released over the span of years to keep them special while making a lot of TV shows, games, books, comics, & other stuff which is used to grow our new canon.
- Once my initial 14 days are up I would hold a press conference where I announce our new plan for Star Wars.
- Initially I would be very hands-on with LFL until I get it on the right track & while I do this I will bring on a second-in-command who will deal with the business side of things for me so I can focus on creative.
- Star Wars is for everyone. The Force is not female or male. It's for everyone. (An idea I agree with from Star Wars Theory's plan)
- There will be no more attacks on fans who criticize/dislike anything we do & if an employee is found going after fans for any reason, they will immediately be fired from Lucasfilm. (OUR SUCCESS DEPENDS UPON THE FANS)
- Relaunch fan film festivals/contests to encourage creativity in the fan community & possibly find talented filmmakers out of the fan community that can be given a chance to create for Lucasfilm.
- ALL old content from movies to video games get redone/remastered.
- An anthology series either on film or TV about the Jedi called Tales of the Jedi & while the title was previously used by Filon this won't just be about Ahsoka & Dooku but instead it will span across thousands of years of their entire history with it covering the origins of the Order all the way into the far future into the Legacy Era & beyond through the PoV of various Jedi. (IF ON TV MAY GO MULTIPLE SEASONS)
- An anthology series either on film or TV about the Sith called Tales of the Sith (UNORIGINAL TITLE) which spans across their entire history with it following the PoVs of both the well-known Sith & the obscure Sith that have interesting stories. (IF ON TV MAY GO MULTIPLE SEASONS)
- Since most of the old EU/Legends would be officially canon Mara Jade is too so if everything is canon she's dead while I can find a way to do it I would retcon her death so she's still alive which may change events later on down the road.
- We'd do a Sword of the Jedi trilogy as our sequel where Jaina Solo-Fel & Ben Skywalker would be the main figures with Leia who is either recast if need be or deep faked if I have to, Han, & Luke serving in the mentor role while Jaina & Ben would take over the protagonist roles with their own team including Jagged Fel & possibly a redeemed Vestara Khai.  
- Besides that we'd explore the entirety of the Star War galaxy across time even exploring the periods that have yet to be explored & the characters that lived during those time periods.
- Eventually my long-range goal if this is successful would be to branch out with subdivisions in book/comic publishing & game development being setup so we can do everything in house instead of contracting out to comic book publishers & such which could be done but I'd need to be smart about how I will go about this so that it doesn't bankrupt the company.
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mrardin85 · 4 years ago
This makes sense.
I read in many of your previous posts where you talk about wookiepedia having the wrong information on it but what exact information on there is wrong?
Let's see:
The Yuuzhan Vong never demonstrate a weakness to Force Lighting in canon
Vergere had no connections to the Potentium in NJO. That was later fanon.
The description of the Potentium in the Power of the Jedi is also suspect. It used to be flat out wrong, but they changed the wording a bit.
The entirety of the Gray Jedi article. That was always a fanon concept and never really a thing in canon, but Wookiepedia makes it look otherwise.
There's others, but I'm not line checking the whole damn site. Just read the original sources.
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mrardin85 · 4 years ago
Was Timothy Zahn planning more with Mara?
JJ Abrams. Please bring Mara Jade back simply to spite Karen Traviss
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mrardin85 · 4 years ago
The problem with the old EU was that things like this were allowed to happen with no oversight and where each creator had free reign. It could've been easily solved with a creative team to oversee the continuity of the EU. The story group could have been set up by George Lucas to ensure the continuity of the EU.
JJ Abrams. Please bring Mara Jade back simply to spite Karen Traviss
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mrardin85 · 5 years ago
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Buffy | 2x22
“ Open your eyes, Mom. What do you think has been going on for the past two years? The fights, the weird occurrences… how many times have you washed blood out of my clothing, and you still haven’t figured it out? “
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mrardin85 · 6 years ago
Tell us why you ship Dangel! They have such a complex, layered history and are so horrible for each other yet still have this chemistry and connection...
OMG, Darla and Angel, they are such an amazing and dark and fascinatingand multi-faceted ship. So here, Nonnie, have an essay exploring their relationship and showing why they are soamazing together!
Darla and Angel have one of the most complex relationships in theWhedonverse, which combines hate, love, lust, violence, dependency, anger,responsibility, selflessness, selfishness, darkness and patience. First andforemost, Darla is Angel’s sire. She made him which means he will always belinked to her. She chose him because she saw something great in him, a darknessshe could share. Together they were a near-unstoppable force of evil, pushingeach other to greater heights of sadism. If Angel had never been re-ensouled hewould have stayed with her. Even when he has been re-ensouled he tries toreturn to her, because she is his constant. They do not love each other butthere is a deep connection there. They are each other’s “mate” for all intentsand purposes. Darla represents Angel’s darkest place and she will always be theperson who will tempt him the most. Wolfram & Hart recognises this which iswhy they choose to use her as a weapon against him.
When she returns as human, Angel recognises whyWolfram & Hart have brought her back. He understands instantly why theychose to deliver her to him because he knows how dark he can and has beenaround her. Darla, too, knows this, and it is a driving factor for her in herpursuit of him, possibly as a way to ignore her pressing soul and the feelingsand emotions she is not used to. When Darla returns as human, she once againfeels the pull towards Angel that she did as a vampire, but due to the presenceof her soul, these feelings are deeper, more real and affect her much more thanthey ever could have when she was a vampire. For the first time in centuriesshe is feeling real, deep human emotions, and I think she genuinely starts tofall in love with Angel over the course of Season 2.
Angel, meanwhile, tries to stay away from her,but once her soul kicks in he finds it impossible to resist trying to help her.In a way his helping her is selfishly motivated; he wants to see her throughthe adjustment of having a soul because no one was there to help him. Throughher, he can offer the support and understanding that he never had. He also feelsresponsible for her because he is truly the only one who can completelyappreciate what she is going through. He wants to help her but he can’t helpher in the manner which she wants – he refuses to turn her, as it goes againsteverything in his nature. He also knows that if he did turn her he would unleasha monster, one who could tempt him even further than before.
However, as soon as he finds out Darla is dying thedynamic changes. Now he truly is selflessly helping her. He recognises howWolfram & Hart have manipulated her, how cruel and vicious they have beentowards her, all to get to him. Once more, he feels responsible for her as shewould not be going through the hell she is if it weren’t for his battle withWolfram & Hart. He looks for ways to save her, and in his search he finallyfully sees her as human and his feelings for her start to change. In his eyesshe becomes someone he could love and someone he cares for enough to try tosave. In his most selfless gesture he offers up his life in exchange for hers,wanting her to have the chance that he feels he never will, the chance to leada normal human life, completely uninterrupted by supernatural forces. He wantsso badly for her to be human, to experience her life the way she was meant to.When they are informed that nothing can be done for her, his breakdown is inequal parts about her and about himself. He is devastated that Darla will nowdie but he is also devastated because he sees that there is no redemption, nosecond chances for her and by extension, himself. The greater forces will neverallow them peace and in that moment he realises that.
This is perhaps why he offers to turn her. He sodesperately wants her to be given a second chance that he contemplates siringher, saying that it might be different given that he has a soul. However, bythis point in time Darla has realised that she has been given a second chance.Not the one they were both hoping for but a second chance nonetheless; thechance to die the way she was meant to. Through Angel’s sacrifice, through hiscaring, she has accepted her fate and made peace with herself and with him. Sheasks Angel to make peace with it too, and he embraces her and says that shewon’t be alone in it. This is probably the most touching moment in theirrelationship, as together they accept the inevitable and connect on a level theyhad been unable to connect on before this.
This connection is only allowed a few minutesbefore it is brutally ripped from them, once again courtesy of Wolfram &Hart. As Angel watches helplessly, Darla is sired by Drusilla. This event has aprofound effect on Angel and on Darla. Darla is no longer the evil counterparthe needs to stay away from. She has now become someone real, someone human whomhe cares for deeply and was willing to give his life to save. To be forced towatch her die and then be turned into a monster again is more than Angel can takeat that point. He is left devastated that he was unable to save her. When hereturns to the hotel he is babbling incoherently, remembering the details ofhis own siring and thinking over what Darla just went through. He gathers hissenses enough to try to save her again. He doesn’t want her to rise, howeverthis time it’s less about the monster she will become and more about her. Hehas finally come to genuinely care for her and he doesn’t want her to gothrough existence as a vampire again. Yet when he comes face-to-face with her,these feelings are ultimately his downfall. As she looks up at him and asks“Angel?” he hesitates. He doesn’t see her as a demon anymore and in that onemoment he is unable to distinguish between Darla the human and the demon thatnow wears her face.
Darla, meanwhile, is suddenly a soullessmonster again, however, she is now a soulless monster who has recent memoriesof being human, of feeling human emotions and of connecting to Angel on a humanlevel. This is extremely important to remember, because it explains Darla’sconflicting and confused feelings towards Angel, and why his presence throwsher for a loop. Darla was a soulless vampire for four hundred years and she allbut forgot what is was like to be human. To become a vampire again after beingnewly human for so long allows her to develop very complex feelings forAngel, feelings which she fights and denies, because they are so foreign toher, but feelings which are ultimately her downfall, because she allows them totake control of her. 
Once Darla has been turned, things become much morecomplicated for Angel. Where once he could easily see Darla as demon and nothesitate to kill her (as he has done to protect Buffy) he now knows what it isfor Darla to be human. He has feelings for her now and has seen the true Darla,the one he never encountered as Angelus. This makes it infinitely harder forhim to kill her and in order to do so, he needs to access his darker urges. Heneeds to become darker in order to eliminate someone who has become importantto him, whom he now cares for. It will cause him pain to kill her, some ofwhich he experiences when stalking her and Drusilla. He admits that he is tooclose, that he has felt her heart beat, he has smelt her human scent and he isstill too close to those feelings. He cannot kill her directly so he choosesinstead to set her and Drusilla on fire before turning his attention towardsWolfram & Hart, seemingly forgetting about Darla in the process.
By the time Darla resurfaces Angel has losthimself so completely in his own darkness that any feelings for her human sidehave all but disappeared. She has reverted back to being his dark place, tobeing the demon that turned him and fed his most sadistic urges. This is whywhen he loses faith in humanity he automatically turns to her. He has just beentorn down by Wolfram & Hart and made to face all the evil that exists inhis world. He wants nothing more than to forget the world, to “feel somethingother than the cold”. In the moment he decides to sleep with Darla it is notabout losing his soul (which he knew would never happen with her) it is about acomplete escape from his good side. He wants, in that moment, to completelygive into darkness and Darla has and always will provide him with that. Withher he is allowed that darkness, soul or not. He uses her for his own selfishreasons but he would only do this with her. Sheunderstands his darkness, she will always encourage it and with Darla he cancompletely give himself over to it.
Darla, in turn, is still so caught up in herleftover human emotions, that she pretty much uses Angel back. She is hoping to turnhim into Angelus, to bring forth the soulless monster she once knew andconnected with, the demon who can sever herlingering feelings of humanity. She gives herself over to Angel completely,because she is hoping to see the return of Angelus andtherefore, the return of her mate, her darkest place.
Unfortunately for Darla (but not for Angel)sleeping with Darla has the opposite effect and actually provides Angel withanother important event, his epiphany. He recognises this and even thanks herfor it, although she in turn is disgusted and appalled by the turn of events.The gratitude that Angel feels for whoever provided him with his epiphany istransferred to Darla and he once again decides not to kill her, warning her tostay away as the next time he will not be so lenient. He then leaves her in hisroom, leaving her and everything she represents behind him.
When Darla returns Angel is able to distancehimself from her. Possibly spurned by the memory of what happened the last timehe felt compassion for her, he keeps himself aloof and refuses to engage her inany way. It is only after he has heard the heartbeat of the child she iscarrying and comes to the realisation that it has a soul that he allows himselfto feel for her. As her pregnancy unfolds Angel is unwittingly drawn closer toher, especially once the child’s soul starts to affect her. In one of theirmost beautiful scenes, Darla confesses how much she loves her child, and in thatmoment she and Angel are bonded together deeper than they ever have beenbefore. They have created a child with a soul, something no one thoughtpossible. They both love him more than anything in the world and will doanything and everything to protect him. This bond is one that neither Buffy norCordelia will ever share with Angel. Darla is the mother of his child and assuch he will always be connected to her through Connor.
In the hours that follow, Darla’s condition worsens, and as she starts to feel the child’s soul more she starts to realise what sheneeds to do. The revelation that Holtz is in their time allows her to realiseall the evil that she and Angel did and, for the first time, fully feel andappreciate what it means to have a soul. As she collapses outside Karatos andtearfully tells Angel that they can’t make up for anything they have done, hesees her completely for the first time. He recognises what they have donetogether and apart, what she has gone through as a human, then a vampire with asoul. He tenderly holds her hand and kisses her fingers and in that moment, heloves her.
Long after staking herself, Darla will remain apart of Angel and a part of his life. She lives on in his son. Theirs is acomplex, rich, complicated and deep relationship. Darla will always hold a partof him. She will always represent his darker half yet at the same time, throughConnor, she also represents the good in him. She will always be connected tohim and in the end, he loved her. Darla will always be a part of Angel and this is why I will always love this pairing.
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mrardin85 · 6 years ago
Do you think angel and Darla ever truly loved each other? It’s always insinuated they were incapable of loving each other but I feel like ATS seasons 2 and 3 disproved that.
As soulless monsters Darla and Angel did not love. They were one another’s “mate” and revelled in each other’s sadism and violence which bonded them, but they did not love each other.
However, when they both have souls, there are two moments in which I believe they did love one another, or at the very least, were in a place where they could love each other.
The first is the end scene in The Trial, after they have discovered that Angel going through the Trial has failed and they are sitting in Darla’s motel room together. Angel sits on the bed with her and she tells him that she felt how much he cared for her, the way no one has cared before. He tells her that he will be with her until the end and they embrace. In this moment, I believe that they connect deeply and that they love one another, before it’s torn away by W&H. I believe that this is why Angel becomes so obsessed with her in the following episodes, after she is turned back into a vampire, because he remembers those remnants of love which he felt and feels that he needs to “save” Darla from the monster she’s become.
The second instance is just before Darla stakes herself, when she’s lying in the alley behind Caritas and telling Angel how they could never make up for any of the horrifying things they did as soulless vampires. Angel takes her hand and kisses it and, in that moment, once again they seem to connect. Darla is being influenced by Connor’s soul, so she is able to feel love and human emotions, and she and Angel share a moment just before she stakes herself, in which I believe there is genuine love.
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mrardin85 · 7 years ago
This family definitely would end up as a Jerry Springer episode!!!
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Bonus cos i ran outta room
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Hey so i have way too much time on my hands
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
This is adorable!!!
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
The Drake, Hastings, & DiLaurentis Family Connections
Spencer & Alison:
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First Cousins through their mothers Mary Drake & Jessica DiLaurentis, but they are genetically Half Sisters because their mothers are identical twins.
Spencer & Jason:
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First Cousins through their mothers Mary Drake & Jessica DiLaurentis + Half Siblings through their father Peter Hastings. They are also genetically Full Blood Siblings since Mary & Jessica are identical twins, and they already share the same father.
Spencer & Melissa:
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Half Sisters through their father Peter Hastings.  
Melissa & Jason:
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Half Siblings through their father Peter Hastings.  
Alison & Jason:
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Half Siblings through their mother Jessica DiLaurentis.  
Charlotte & Spencer:
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Half sisters through their mother Mary Drake. Episode 7x11 confirmed that Peter Hastings is Spencer’s biological father, but we have yet to discover who Charlotte’s father is (subject to change).  
Charlotte & Alison:
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First Cousins through their mothers Mary Drake & Jessica DiLaurentis but genetically Half Sisters because their mothers are identical twins.
Charlotte & Jason:
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First Cousins through their mothers Mary Drake & Jessica DiLaurentis but genetically Half Siblings because their mothers are identical twins.
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
Their family would make a good Jerry Springer episode!!!
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This is one complicated web we call the Hastings/DiLaurentis/Drake Family Tree!
We thought we’d make this in case anyone was confused or needed it for their theories!
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
Their family would make a good Jerry Springer episode!!!
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This is one complicated web we call the Hastings/DiLaurentis/Drake Family Tree!
We thought we’d make this in case anyone was confused or needed it for their theories!
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
Arrow Rant!!!!!!!
I was a big fan of Arrow for the 1st 2 seasons & even liked the 3rd season to a degree but as Season 4 progressed my interest in it slowly began to wane.  It was mostly due to the horrible fight choreography, soap opera drama, clunky pacing, & Oliver relegated to a background character of his own show.  As the episode neared where we would learn who was in the grave I watched a video from MelinaPendulum who theorized it would end up being Laurel in the grave.  I knew she was right but hoped that she wouldn't be since I wanted Laurel to flourish as Black Canary.  When her death happened I thought to myself that there'd be a twist but that turned out to be a fool's dream but I still watched the show every week, rants about Laurel's death on Youtube, & reviews of each episode that I tuned in to watch.  With the conclusion of season 4 I decided to not watch season 5 but as time passed I watched a Youtuber that I'd grown to respect & he convinced me to give it another shot.  I tuned in for season 5 & actually admit that show had improved with Oliver being more of the focus, the better fight choreography, & better pacing.  I found that I no longer enjoyed the show & before I got very far I dropped the show in favor of Supergirl which I actually enjoyed.  I tuned in for the crossovers & even contemplating returning when they brought Laurel back but decided not too which proved to be a good idea since they just ended up & screwing over the Black Siren.  She was a great villian in Flash & could bring down buildings with her Cry even killing people but on Arrow they downgrade her abilities & make Felicity able to take her down.  This was the last straw & I'm done until I hear that something changes & Laurel regardless of what Earth she's from gets the respect that she deserves but I will still watch the weekly roasts & reviews of Arrow to see what's going on.
With that out of the way let's get into the real meat of this post & that is what I would've changed with Arrow if I was given a chance to do so that is.  The main thing is that I would have not shown flashbacks to Oliver's 5 years but rather I would've made season 1 be Oliver's journey on the island with maybe flashbacks to how he ended up there & the person he was before.  I'd have kept him on Lian Yu for the entirety of the 5 years like in the comics instead of having him globe-trotting like in the show.  I'd have Laurel become the Black Canary & her decision to do so would be to fight the crime & corruption in Starling City that can't be brought down by the lawful channels.  The pilot episode would be the trip on the Queen's Gambit, the storm, & Oliver ending up washing ashore on Lian Yu to kick off his season long journey.  I'd condense the 5 years of hell to just the 1st season with the season finale being the rescue by the fishing boat.  I'd break the season into 4 main arcs with the 1st arc being Oliver's 1st year on the island & learning to survive on his own possibly even crafting his own bow & arrows to procure food with.  I'd show Oliver training & growing into the person who'd eventually become the Hood once he returns to Starling City.  The next arc would have him meet Shado in much the same way he did in the show but without Slade being there to help Oliver out.  I'd show their relationship progress with them working as a team & her teaching him other skills he'll need with them slowly falling in love.  I'd show the progression of their relationship even her becoming pregnant with their child & her keeping a journal.  I'd show them building a life together on the island after stopping Fyers with Slade being introduced in the 3rd arc but as Deathstroke & he'd be former ASIS that became a mercenary & was working for the Triad or possibly even ARGUS.  Deathstroke would kill Shado which would lead Oliver down the path of darkness where he was at in season 1 of the show with him wearing her green hood to honor her & remind him of happier times.  I'd also have Oliver tell her about Sara, Laurel, & how he wants to make things right if he every gets off the island.  The final arc will be Oliver's war with Slade which would culminate in Oliver believing Slade dead somehow which is why his mask is seen when Oliver's rescued from Lian Yu & the arrow is through the eye.  On the last moments of the season finale would be the scene at the beginning of the show with a rescue from the island of a disheveled Oliver Queen.  I'd have Oliver find some way to memorialize his love for Shado with him possibly carving the names of her & their child on his body or getting a tattoo on his body instead.
Season 2 would basically be season 1 of the show with the changes that are made being results of the changes that were in season 1 & leading to Malcolm Merlyn being dead.  Tommy would be believed dead but would in fact take up his father's mantel & go away to learn all he'll need to learn to be the Merlyn from the comics.  I'd have Laurel & Oliver team up with them forming a friendship & possibly coming to suspect the truth of 1 another.  I'd borrow from the comics whereever possible except I'd have Thea remain as Speedy & I'd use Oliver's actual Rogues' Gallery not Batman's.  I'd have the path of Deathstroke & Merlyn cross with Oliver more than once with them basically being Oliver's mortal enemies but with Slade ultimately deciding to spare his life but handing him over to be locked up in jail.  I'd show Oliver becoming the Green Arrow from the comics & taking over his family's company with him as a shrewd businessman by day & masked archer by night.
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
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SQ AU: Emma finds an unexpected letter.
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
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Anatomy Of A Mermaid
“Mermaid Anatomy - A scientific outlook
Contrary to popular belief, mermaids are not human or fish at all. They are mammals with the appearance of a human being above the pelvis and the appearance of dolphins or whales below. All mammals are warm-blooded and have hair, and all female mammals have mammary glands (breast and nipples for feeding young). Fish have a completely different anatomy. Mermaids do appear to have scales, but it is possible that this is in fact a pattern or camouflage that resemble scales. Some species of mermaid also have twin-tails and there are even some that are completely humanoid in appearance, apart from scale-like skin and dolphin-like biology (sonar, respiratory, circulatory and skeletal systems). The mermaid is also known to have both a caucasian or negro complexion and some sighted have a greenish appearance.
Biological functions
Mermaids have organs in their chest that can operate as a lung or a gill, depending on whether they are in or out of the water. The organ expands and contracts exactly like a lung, yet has the ability to extract oxygen from the water. This allows the mermaid to ‘breathe’ water in the same way that they breathe air - by filling and evacuating the chest cavity. This organ is also needed to operate the larynx. The human larynx cannot operate under the water as it cannot be made to vibrate from water pressure, yet the mermaids larynx operates equally well using water or air. The mermaid circulatory system is also designed to withstand differing water pressures like that of the dolphin and whale, while the skeleton is light and pliable like those of a bird or dolphin. The lenses of mermaid eyes are also different and are able to correctly focus for use both above and under water. A mermaid is also able to hear on a different level to humans and has the ability to use sonar for communication and hunting purposes underwater.
In mermaids, reproduction is much like that of dolphins. The reproductive organs of both the male and female are akin to the dolphin and whale, and mermaid babies are born live (as opposed to hatched from eggs).
Females have human internal reproduction organs; however the vagina is slightly shorter, and the common urogenital opening (the urethra merges with the vaginal canal near the opening) is at the front. The opening can stretch as much as a human vaginal opening; mermaid babies are born live. A clitoris (which is the same color as the tail) is slightly below the urogenital opening, and an anus is above the urogenital opening. Mermaid vaginas are slightly smaller than human ones (since merman penises are smaller, explained below), so they tend to be more sexually satisfying to human males.
Males do have a penis, but it is almost as small as a human female clitoris and is the same color as the tail; it is hardly visible (this is the only plausible explanation to why no one has ever seen a penis on any of merman). It is used for urination, as well as sexual intercourse. The testicles are inside the tail, as opposed to the pelvis, since they require a slightly lower temperature to function properly (the human and pelvis part is warm-blooded, but the tail is cold-blooded). The anus is above the penis.
The mermaid mostly eats fish, but has been known to subsist on other meats, fruits and vegetables. There are some species of mermaid that are vegitarians only.
The mermaid is able to exist equally on land and in the sea, although it can become dehydrated if on land for extended periods of time. Most mermaids live in schools or pods, but some are known to travel as hermits. They can live in caverns below the sea and in undersea cities. The merpeople cities is more common on other planets, but in the future there will be build bigger merpeople cities on Earth. Some of the merpeople are more advanced technological and spiritual than Earth human and is several thousend years ahead. They have free energy, teleportation, interstellar space travelling etc. Some of the merpeople live on big space stations and on starships.”
For more info, see the Kindle book, The Anatomy of A Mermaid on at
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mrardin85 · 8 years ago
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→ The Targaryen women pre GOT// Katheryn Winnick as Visenya, Alyssa Sutherland as Rhaenys  Cate Blanchett as Alysanne, Megan Follows as Rhaenyra, Jessalyn Gilsig as Daena, Viva Biance as Shiera Seastar, Claire Danes as Daenerys I, Joely Richardson as Rhaella
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