mr-nault-it-all · 12 minutes
Avatar AU where Aang wakes up like 3 days before Sozin's Comet returns and he has to speedrun the entire series.
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mr-nault-it-all · 17 minutes
My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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mr-nault-it-all · 2 days
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mr-nault-it-all · 2 days
why would the crow do this
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mr-nault-it-all · 4 days
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Where's my Jewish phrase for when you people are being irrevocably horny?
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mr-nault-it-all · 5 days
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𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨𝐨𝐨 😭
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mr-nault-it-all · 6 days
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These two sat next to each other in the college humor office for several years and simultaneously know everything and nothing about each other
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mr-nault-it-all · 6 days
While I again lament the fact that apparently we canonically ignored her for so long, I find the mention of the Fifteenth wish specifically hilarious because it practically means that for six years not only have guardians in universe been scrambling to try to locate the alleged 15th wish but Failsafe somehow also knew about the wishes in the first place.
Failsafe oh lord how I've missed you.
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mr-nault-it-all · 7 days
Destiny 2: Echoes
Just started and Saint and Osiris really immediately were like "Aww our baby Crow is all grown up, who is the next saddest person in Sol?" then adopted Failsafe huh?
Also Failsafe is there for exactly 2 seconds before insulting Osiris to his face. Sagira would be proud.
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mr-nault-it-all · 7 days
Destiny 2: Echoes
Just started and Saint and Osiris really immediately were like "Aww our baby Crow is all grown up, who is the next saddest person in Sol?" then adopted Failsafe huh?
Also Failsafe is there for exactly 2 seconds before insulting Osiris to his face. Sagira would be proud.
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mr-nault-it-all · 7 days
Dude is so unmoving I think he may actually he dead
bruh is out cold
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mr-nault-it-all · 7 days
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mr-nault-it-all · 7 days
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read the whole story> here by @clarionglass :)
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mr-nault-it-all · 8 days
In her infinite wisdom mother nature gave the humble pistol shrimp a delightfully colorful shell and a plasma cannon to destroy its enemies
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mr-nault-it-all · 8 days
Her Yay is everything to me
Saint-14 and Osiris adopting Failsafe means everything to me I love her so much
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mr-nault-it-all · 8 days
"You feel real to me."
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mr-nault-it-all · 8 days
Me when a character snaps out of their possession when the person they love is mentioned
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