mptaho · 2 years
Viggo wasn’t oblivious, his feline eyes rarely missed anything, so it was with interest that he noticed Taho look even more uncomfortable the more Viggo urged him to be the opposite. Placing a plate in front of the young vet alongside a pair of chopsticks and spoon, Viggo taps the counter space with his free fingers.
“Hey,” He calls the other’s attention, his voice steady without any annoyance or irritation. “You okay? You look…” He hesitated, not sure if being his usual foul-mouthed self would bode well with Taho. But then it wasn’t as Viggo had any plans of hiding himself away. At least the parts of him that were more dangerous were going to be kept stored away as far as possible.
“No offense, but you look like you’re about to jump out of your skin. What’s up? Do I need to beat the crap out of anybody giving you a hard time?”
He gives Taho time to answer as he lays out the plates full of food. There would be plenty of leftovers for the other people who end up pilfering stuff from his fridge later. “Sure, wanna show me where you work before we do stuff?”
What do brothers do exactly? Viggo actually had no idea.
taho didn’t raelize that his own uncomfortable feeling was starting to creep out and also affect viggo. that is, until viggo said something. asking if he was okay and if viggo needed to hurt someone else. immediately, taho held his hands up, shaking hsi head no as quickly as possible. instead, he figured that just being honest would be the best opportunity to explain why he felt so... stifled.
“no! no one hurt me! i just...” he glanced at viggo’s face before shifting around his seat. viggo spent time coming back and forth from the kitchen and taho watched him with bated breath.
“my ears are itchy. can i take my hat off?” taho was trying his absolute best not to appear like a bumbling idiot. unfortunately, it might have been too late for that, but honestly, if viggo didn’t like him, wouldn’t he have said something by now? either way, he was feeling a bit nervous. he didn’t think viggo would have an issue with his ears or tail but he just wanted to make sure.
then, viggo asks him about his work and taho lit up, excited to talk about his own job.
“i can do that, maybe i can show you all the sweet animals we have at the clinic. i love playing with the kittens, it’s really great for their socialization.”
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mptaho · 2 years
betrayal sentence starters edit as you see fit
what did they mean when they said ‘i can’t trust you’?
for months? you’ve been putting me through this for months?
how can you come back and even look me in the eye after all you’ve done
you didn’t mean that, right? please tell me you didn’t mean that
you swore you wouldn’t leave, you promised
after everything we’ve been through? seriously?
did i ever even know you?
please don’t do this, you’re all i’ve left
it wasn’t like that, it was us against you from the beginning
i was never on your side to begin with, don’t you get that?
but i’m doing this for you, for us, doesn’t that count for anything?
i know what you did, don’t even try
wait, how do you know about that
was it you? did you tell them? did you tell them the one thing i begged you not to?
i trusted you with my life, i trusted you with everything i had!
fuck, i regret ever having even met you
so, it was all a lie? nothing of what we went through mattered to you?
you could have stabbed me at least a thousand times before this, why now?
why didn’t you just kill me when you had the chance, huh?
did you have fun? did you enjoy yourself, pretending to be my friend?
i don’t want to hear it, i don’t care why you did it
we took you in, we cared for you, and this is what you were after the entire time?
i should have listened when they told me to stay away from you
the people i cared about… gone, all because of you and some stupid plan
you don’t get it, this is the only way, okay?
maybe if you learnt how to prioritise better, you would actually understand why i had to do this
i never meant to hurt you, it may have been a lie at first, but please, you have to believe me
tell me i imagined you leaving, tell me none of this happened and i’ll believe you
i’d rather die than be stuck with a traitor any moment longer
we all depended on you, how could you do this to us?
is it my fault you trust so foolishly and willingly?
i’m sorry, i know it’s meaningless now, but please, know i’m sorry
you’ll understand one day, you’ll understand i never actually meant to hurt you
you don’t even look dejected, do you enjoy playing with other people’s lives?
you took everything from me, you fucking bastard
i wish i’d have killed you when they told me to
you’re meant for so much more, why cry when you could join me?
i had to make you trust me, you would have never come this far, otherwise
there are far bigger things at stake here than your broken heart
why do you even care so much? you were using me just the same!
so i was right about you after all, i’m glad i never fully trusted you
you know what? you’re nothing more than a lesson to me now, so fuck off
so, now that we’re here, think you can tell me what you’re really after?
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mptaho · 2 years
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minho moments [6/∞]
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mptaho · 2 years
healing time
Continued from here with @mptaho
[ ... ]
“Can you please pass me the bandage over there?” He pointed at the roll of bandage next to Taho on the couch, as it wasn’t convenient for him to stand up and get it himself. It went beyond his awareness that his fox ears were now fully on display, the bright red tips proudly stood tall as he explained, “it isn’t really necessary, but I guess it’s still better to bandage it for a day or two.”
taho felt frustrated, especially over the fact that he had inconvenienced his friend over something so trivial. he had sprained his ankle before and he knew how to take care of it, but he wasn’t used to being... pampered like this. his black ears were still pressed back against his brown hair, awkward and unsure of how to feel about this entire situation. all this additional fussing just made him feel odd, like why was he so important that ayden needed to fuss around and be so kind? it wasn’t making any sense.
he watched, silent. but then, his began to become drawn to a beautiful set of fox ears that suddenly decorated ayden’s head. seeing the ears had his stop moving for a moment, almost as if he had never even considered that ayden would just have his ears out like this. they looked so regal, so beautiful and so soft. he wanted to pet them. but he didn’t, of course, because he knew that ayden would never appreciate that. taho didn’t like it when people touched his ears, so he would be respectful too.
he was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when ayden asked him to suddenly grab the bandage near him. he nodded in response, stretching himself to grab the roll and hand it to the younger man. he was listening, of course, but his eyes were still trained to ayden’s ears. he was starting to feel less self-conscious about his own, but he was also envious of such beautiful ears. it was amazing how the other’s ears seemed to fit him beautifully, accentuating his beauty and making him become almost over-worldly.
“your ears... are beautiful,” taho suddenly spoke, his hands still situation on his stomach politely. his amber-coloured eyes darted between ayden’s ears and his face. “you’re very lucky that you’ve grown up so well, very handsome,” he stated, as if it was simple fact. and it was, in taho’s eyes.
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mptaho · 2 years
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mptaho · 2 years
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mptaho · 2 years
Viggo was busy prepping lunch, hands a flurry of activity, but that didn’t mean his senses weren’t alert. Both because of his innate abilities and his own training, his feline eyes flickered over to where Taho was on the couch, quietly assessing. “Just relax, make yourself comfortable,” He said in a deep, reassuring voice, flipping the pajeon again and giving it one last sear before plating it.
“Lunch will be ready in a few,” He added, and because he felt like he should make more of an effort to actually converse with his younger siblings, asked in an offhand way, “What do you want to do after lunch? I’m not due to the restaurant in a few hours.”
taho was struggling to keep himself still, especially since his ears and tail were still hidden away. he doesn’t know why he’s still hiding himself in from of his half-brother. viggo had beautiful cat-like eyes, even with the vertical slits for his pupils. taho did not, but taho had more cat-like characteristics (hidden away, of course). would viggo even care if he had more cat parts? taho was convinced he wouldn’t but his body refused to take the hat off or uncurl his tail from his waist.
he felt himself starting to sweat and he made a soft whining noise as he scratched his cat ear again. 
“i don’t really have anything to do. i took the rest of the day off from the vet clinic, so i can spend some time with you if you’d like. if you have time, of course,” he followed up, a little unsure if viggo would even be okay with getting to know him more. just because they were half-siblings didn’t mean they knew the ins and outs of their life. they only had just met recently. but taho was hopeful that viggo would be okay with having a younger half-sibling around, even someone as ugly as him.
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mptaho · 2 years
[ A & Taho ] Old Friend
Over the course of his travels and his time outside of the island, he had managed to bring the attention of demigods who had been unaware of the existence of Mount Phoenix towards possibly starting anew at the island. He’d usually be able to check up on them, but over the last few years, his own life was his priority due to the roller coaster it had been over the course of roughly five years.
It just so happens that there had been someone that he had introduced to the island around that time whom he had not seen in a while. They weren’t necessarily close, but the young demigod looked so happy upon finding out there was a place where he could be just himself without having to hide.
Alexios still remembers his name, along with the features he adorned when they met that nearly scared the younger away from him as he thought he’d be repulsed by them. As it turns out, he wasn’t and not only was he not repulsed, they shared something in common. They were both demigods.
After asking around if he was still in the island, he found that he’s working as a veterinarian at Stop & Paws. He figured it would be good to bring his pet cat, Cheol, for a quick check up if they had any openings then and make sure he was healthy, but also to maybe catch up with Taho. He comes in the establishment and greets the receptionist to check in and see if they had any openings and if it was possible to speak with Taho. It didn’t seem busy and he was lucky enough to be able to snag a spot with him.
He then patiently waited as he stroked the cat gently as he placed him on his lap while waiting.
it was coming up on his five year anniversary in mount phoenix, and if taho were honest, it would appear like he hadn’t really done a lot. he still covered up his ears and tails and rarely attended get togethers or large parties (despite being invited several times). he wanted to join, of course, but that nagging fear in the back of his head prevented him from doing so. in fear that maybe, the demi gods and gods here will revert to how he was treated by humans. and he wanted to spare himself the embarrassment and humiliation he had felt time and time again.
there was one demi god, however, who he was a little less fearful of and would accept his presence no matter what the circumstance. and that was alexios. alexios had found him all that time ago, exhausted and practically dead on his feet. he had been so tired and the demi god had swept him away from the humans and told him all about mount phoenix. in addition, the elder had helped him adjust to his new life before disappearing. but taho didn’t worry too much about the demi god, he was an adult now. taho had always learned to rely on himself if anything needed to be done.
he had just finished up with another client and was able to take a nice, long break before lunch when the receptionist informed him that someone who didn’t have an appointment wanted to come by and talk with him. at first, taho was hesitant, but when he peeked his head out and spotted alexios, he quickly agreed. the demi god was brought back to his office, which had a small desk nearby a beautiful window and a small station to work on any additional animals if, by chance, the cats were frightened by others.
“it’s nice to see you,” taho greeted the other, still formal as ever despite their relationship. “how are you both doing? how is cheol?” 
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mptaho · 2 years
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MAXIDENT Trailer - Lee Know 🐰
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mptaho · 2 years
A long day
Kai couldn’t possibly judge nor lacked any understanding towards Taho. Having such unique features would most likely be the synonym for being a constant target. Kids were cruel or could be cruel whenever someone would be just a little special or different. Kai kept himself calm, giving the other space and letting Taho make the decisions, just like when dealing with a scared pup or kitten.
“I promise Taho. I will never touch your ears unless you want me to.” Kai couldn’t help but smile widely, finding Taho rather adorable but relatable in some manner. “Yes, permission. It means to allow someone to do something. People should never ever touch without permission from you.” He motioned slowly, sitting by the nearest chair but keeping some space.
Kai had an idea, perhaps it would be too risky as it would mean exposing his own fears and sensitivity. But it was for a good reason, for someone he cared so Kai spoke softly. “I’m not sure if it will help but… I’ve seen what makes you special, so I will tell you what makes me special.” He cleared his throat, closing his fists and placing them on his thighs.
“I don’t use it, I’ve always made me to repress it. But I can bring bad feelings into people, very bad feelings and it makes them hurt. Also, if someone I met will die, I can dream of it before it happens.” Most likely, the reveal would be too much and Kai was indeed scared Taho would hate him for it. “I don’t like that I can do these things. It makes me scared people will hate me…”
permission. to allow someone to do something. people should never touch him without permission. 
the idea itself confused taho. he had never been given permission to have that kind of autonomy. he was the ugly little bastard at his orphanage and the reject at his school. he was the demon born in the likeness of a black cat. unlucky. unlovable. it was odd, hearing kai offer him advice similar to advice they gave their own customers. to treat animals with kindness and respect, despite taho never receiving any of that similar respect in his entire life, when he lived in seoul. seoul was cruel. seoul was unforgiving, even if just the hair on your head was different; you were made an outcast. and that’s what he was: an outcast.
he licked at his bottom lip as he listened to kai speak and he suddenly felt his own heart ache when he heard the other’s own unique story. kai had his own demons to face, the fact that he could bring bad feelings unto others really surprised taho. kai was nothing but kind and energetic, a wonderful energy brought to their veterinarian clinic. to hear that he was also plagued with his own demons pulled at taho’s heartstrings.
“you’re kind and helpful, so i don’t think people would ever be afraid of you,” he replied softly. his ears were finally perked up on his head, sitting normally and thankful for the break. they had started aching some time ago and they desperately needed to have a good stretch. he took a step closer to kai, seemingly a little more relaxed. but his tone was still dejected, especially when he began talking about himself.
“you still look so... human. but i don’t. it’s why i hide my ears and tail, so that no one can touch and pull on them again. it’s all i endured when i was with all the humans, back in seoul,” he admitted, shame coating his voice as he remembered all the times his classmates poked and prodded at him, the adults' in the room did nothing to help him. he remembers the laughs, the insults, the jeers, everything. it still haunts him, even if he’s in a “safe” place. 
no where is safe with humans around. taho learned that the hard way.
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mptaho · 2 years
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No caption needed
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mptaho · 2 years
A long day
The sight of such unique features makes Kai smile widely. It made plenty of sense that a demigod with animalistic details would seek a career such as veterinary medicine. Kai was filled with curiosity regarding any other attributes Taho might have as a son of the Egyptian goddess. But before he could express all the questions he had, the other’s reaction caught the younger by surprise.
Kai stepped back, giving Taho enough space to hopefully feel comfortable. Clearly, the hat had a much larger meaning to Taho than Kai could understand at that moment, but the younger man had the common sense to be cautious in that situation. “Taho, I’d never touch you without your permission. I’m sorry if I spooked you in any way.”
He leans just enough to reach the hat and handle it to Taho again, in case he needed to put it back on. “I just wanted to compliment you. Your ears are truly cute.” It was evident Taho had issues regarding his feline features and Kai’s mind started to connect the dots and imagine the possible experiences he must have had to justify such a reaction. 
“I can leave if you want but, I’d rather stay and talk about what is concerning you. This place is safe for people like us, but I’ll understand if you need time.”
each part of taho’s brain was screaming different reactions, putting his body into a firm, unmovable stance as he tried to rational and reason through the swirling hurricane of emotions. half of his brain was trying to reason with taho, to remember that the island was filled with demigods who were probably gifted with their uniqueness and talents. rational wanted to remind taho that kai has probably met his half-brother viggo and maybe even more people who had different, special features.
his emotional side, on the other hand, was panicking. afraid that kai would be exactly like the humans who tormented him for years, ever since his ears and tail were exposed at school. when he became the classroom’s punching bag while the teachers turned a blind eye.
when kai spoke, the logical side of his brain was intrigued. the emotional side was hesitant, unsure of what kai’s intentions could be. his black ears were still pressed down, folded backwards like a scared street cat when encountering a huamn for the first time.
but slowly, his ears began to relax and the stiffness in his body began to relax. his brain was slowly beginning to calm down and after a moment or so of silence, taho spoke.
“do you promise?” he asked, his voice soft and his tone hesitant, as if he didn’t trust kai to answer the question honestly. “do you promise to be gentle? and you really promise not to touch me without my... per-miss-ion?” permission? he hadn’t heard that korean word before. he didn’t know what it meant and he was confused by kai’s sentence. what was he talking about, exactly?
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mptaho · 2 years
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mptaho · 2 years
here kitty kitty kitty
[ ... ]
“righty then,” he decides after a moment of absolutely stunned pause, and then he slowly makes his descent back down to solid ground. it goes slowly considering he’s trying to make sure the kitten doesn’t jump out of his hood again as well as keep all of his hands and feet inside the vehicle, so to speak. of course his foot slips like three meters above the ground, but he’s quick to catch himself, scrambling the last bit until he can jump down on the floor. “there we are!” he coos at the little kitten, which seems more than happy to just stay right where it is, just out of his sight. when he looks up, he comes face to face with the handsome man whose name he doesn’t know but whose life he has influenced several times before (without the man knowing, of course) and he promptly flushes a little before pointing at the animal.
“this yours?”
taho was minding his own business, surprisingly, as he took a scenic route around his apartment and closest surroundings. he had been lucky enough to get a day off with little to no hassle (a surprise he still could not expect and did not take lightly) and he wanted to start his day with a nice, relaxing walk. despite his cat-like personality, he was fine with some light exercise here and there, but he actively avoided crowded places like the gym. plus, working out in a hat was uncomfortable. walking around with a little beret on his head, however, was much easier to handle.
but all of his attention had been taken off his walk when he heard distressed meows. he stopped walking immediately, suddenly hyper-sensitive to all the sounds around him (well, more so than usual). he was absolutely so desperate to save this kitten and he was about to throw himself up the tree the poor little baby was caught in... but he stopped. because he knew that the second he would get up, his fear of heights would kick in and he’d also become trapped in the mortal confines of the branches.
before he can make a decision, someone else pops up, asking him what’s wrong. he could barely get the words out, pointing up into the tree where the poor little kitten wailed for help. and then, out of nowhere, this stranger has suddenly decided to take the initiative that taho lacked and he began climbing up the tree without hesitation. the son of bastet just watched, his amber eyes locked on this person who was able to get up the tree without much difficulty.
once the little kitten was in the stranger’s hands, said stranger almost ended up falling down while trying to climb back down. and out of fear, taho stepped forwards to try and move, but thankfully the stranger seemed to be totally fine and miraculously caught himself before any damage could be done. the kitten slipped out of the other man’s grasp and taho flinched forwards but then was taken aback at how close him and this stranger were.
“uh, not really?” he answered, a little confused as he glanced between the stranger and the kitten. “i found him wailing in the tree but i’m... a little afraid of heights, so i was nervous about climbing the tree. i work as a vet so i wanted to take the baby in to get checked,” taho explained, his voice soft but was filled with gratitude. “thank you, for helping get him down. he was crying so loudly.”
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mptaho · 2 years
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mptaho · 2 years
the more, the merrier
Did Viggo set out to Mount Phoenix in order to find his mother? Yes, that was one of the reasons why he did so. And yet, two years into island living, he had seen neither tail nor whisker of Bastet, but instead discovered just how prolific his family was.
He wasn’t complaining. That would mean he let something under his skin, which his training had all but beat out of him years. He just wondered yet again, how on earth did he end up being the older brother to two people when all this time he thought he was an only child?
“I’m fine, just chill,” Deep tones was calm even as his hands were busy in the kitchen. While the restaurant often demanded the kind of complicated recipes meant for its client, his home cooking was a lot more simple, rooted on his home cuisine of Korea. “Do you want some kimchi?” He asked over his shoulder, flipping the pajeon as it finished cooking on one side. Kimchi was one of the few things in his fridge that Irelia managed not to eat, or throw away, as he disguised the container.
well, if he was supposed to “chill”, then he would “chill”.
but that didn’t stop tago from wriggling on the couch, a little unsure of what more to do. he wanted to come over and help viggo but if viggo told him no, then he should listen. but he just felt useless, sitting on the couch while his ears were tucked in his familiar hat, his tail wrapped around his waist underneath of his sweater. he wanted to stretch out and be comfortable but he didn’t know if viggo would be okay with that.
“i do like kimchi!” he replied back, as enthusiastically as he could. he could feel an itch coming up behind his feline ear and he reached up past and under his hat to scratch at his own ear. the feeling was absolutely spectacular and he found himself smiling as he relieved the itch and also sat nice and politely for his older half-brother.
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mptaho · 2 years
A long day
Having a hard-working mother and sister, Kai learned the basic techniques to provide comfort and stress-relief massages and it was something he felt very proud of, since usually helped people he cared quite immensely. Feeling Taho unwind under Kai’s hands made the younger demigod smile and he kept on going for a little longer. Although, Taho’s persistent wish to keep his hat was rather odd as this type of job wouldn’t necessarily need just accessories and he could imagine such an item could even be a nuisance in some circumstances.
At the reveal of the wish for water, Kai was quick to try help a little further, but as he gripped Taho’s water bottle and pulled back to make his way, Kai’s shoulder tapped on the hat, making it fall off. “Oh sor-” Kai leaned over to get the hat back, but as he stood up, his eyes laid on the unfamiliar features. “Taho?” Kai was surprised, with his eyes attached onto the animalistic ears and blinked twice before smiling widely. “Ah! You’re a son of Bastet? Your ears are so cute!!”
he was almost relaxed, almost ready to finally just take some time and rest up before going home. kai had been a good help so far and there was no reason to get twisted over the assistant. kai was just, quite frankly, helping out.
and then kai pulled back as he was trying to move around him and suddenly there was a soft thump. taho’s black ears immediately sprung up and before the son of bastet could realize what had happened, he sat up only to stare up at kai, who was staring back at him with a smile on his face and his eyes looking at something on taho’s head--
oh no. 
his ears.
hearing the words ‘son of bastet’ and ‘your ears are so cute’ made taho immediately flush, his neck and chest immediately flushing red in embarrassment. everyone would always say that his ears were ‘so cute’ until they were suddenly pulling on them, twisting and prodding the sensitive flesh between their fingers. and suddenly, taho is transported back to various flashbacks of high school, of any school life.
and he panics.
“d-don’t touch me,” his voice comes out a lot softer than he could’ve hoped for. he stands up in a rush, his chair wobbling back and forth but thankfully it doesn’t fall. the soft far and hair around his ears has fluffed up, showing his distress despite his ‘neutral’ expression.
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