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What Types of Billing Systems Do Lawyers Use In Ontario?
Rarely does a lawyer carry out multiple tasks for any single client, without charging the same client for his or her services. Still, not every injury lawyer has gained expertise in the same area of the law. Consequently, an injury lawyer’s billing system tends to reflect the nature of that same injury lawyer’s cases. Some […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/what-types-of-billing-systems-do-lawyers-use-in-ontario/
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Tips On Filing A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
If you see someone in the medical field performing substandard work, you may have reason for considering the possibility of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. Understand, though, that the person that files such a suit needs to prove that he or she was harmed by the act of medical malpractice. Things to check out before […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/tips-on-filing-a-medical-malpractice-lawsuit/
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Should You File A Lawsuit For A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?
In the mind of an insurer, that might seem like a logical question. Yet to a doctor, it could seem to show a lack of logic. A mild traumatic brain injury results from movement of the brain inside the skull. That movement could produce consequences that might persist for an extended length of time. Fortunately, […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/should-you-file-a-lawsuit-for-a-mild-traumatic-brain-injury/
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How You Can Tell That Your Long-Term Disability Benefits May Be Discontinued?
In order to avoid a lawsuit, an insurance company cannot discontinue a policy holder’s long-term disability benefits suddenly and for no reason. However, it can drop a hint that it has a reason, and it might then cut-off benefit payments at some point in the near future. Policy holders should know that a hint can […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-you-can-tell-that-your-long-term-disability-benefits-may-be-discontinued/
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How Any Residential, Commercial Or Public Property Can Represent A Danger?
You know your way around your own home, but not the home of a neighbor. By the same token, you lack great familiarity with commercial establishments and public places. Consequently, a visit to any of those locations can push you to venture into a dangerous area. Some specific examples of general dangers, as found in […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-any-residential-commercial-or-public-property-can-represent-a-danger/
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How A Motorcyclist Can Keep From Colliding With A Motorist?
A motorcycle is much smaller than an automobile. For that reason, any motorcyclist makes a risky move, each time that he or she travels down the road or highway on a vehicle with 2 or 3 wheels. Still, Injury Lawyer in Burlington knows that there are ways by which lovers of motorcycle-riding can limit the […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-a-motorcyclist-can-keep-from-colliding-with-a-motorist/
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Have Your Children Been A Victim of Negligent Supervision?
More than 35 years ago the film War Games showcased what can happen when young teenagers have no after school supervision. Parents expect children of every age to get supervised while in school. Yet sometimes instances of negligent supervision cause some young people to get harmed. A supervisor should demonstrate a recognized level of wisdom. […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/have-your-children-been-a-victim-of-negligent-supervision/
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Picking The Right Lawyer In Light of Your Denied Disability Claim
Following the denial of your disability claim, not all hope is lost. The next step to take would be to hire a lawyer to help you resolve the problem and obtain the benefits you are owed. The process of finding the right lawyer for the case may seem daunting, but we are here to help […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/picking-the-right-lawyer-in-light-of-your-denied-disability-claim/
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How To Prevent Involvement In A Motorcycle Collision?
While all motor vehicle collision can end in injury and death, no other group is as at risk of such tragedy as motorcyclists. Due to the lack of a metal casing and airbags, motorcyclists are more prone to severe injuries, permanent impairments, and fatality, which makes it all the more important for all motorcyclists to […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-to-prevent-involvement-in-a-motorcycle-collision/
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How To Maintain Your Property Legally Free of Hazards?
Whether you are just the occupier of a property, or the legal owner, you will be required to uphold your property in a hazard free state. This is because lawful visitors, like mailmen or food delivery service providers, have a right to set foot on your property without putting themselves at risk of injury or […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-to-maintain-your-property-legally-free-of-hazards/
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How To Avoid Personal Injury During The Harsh Cold Season?
The citizens of Canada are familiar with the harshness of winter. Slippery and snowy roads that lead to impossible road conditions and an inability to see the hand before your own eyes is commonplace for Canadians during the winter season. Unfortunately, these circumstances are a breeding ground for accidents and injuries. That is, if you […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-to-avoid-personal-injury-during-the-harsh-cold-season/
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How Compensation Is Determined In The Case of A Wrongful Death Lawsuit
The most common source of wrongful death claims in Ontario are motor vehicle collisions which were caused by another driver’s negligence or recklessness. While mostly referred to as wrongful death claims, you may also encounter the titles “wrongful death lawsuit” or “wrongful death action” which describe the same legal action. How To File A Wrongful […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/how-compensation-is-determined-in-the-case-of-a-wrongful-death-lawsuit/
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Determining The Value of Your Slip And Fall Case
There is a series of factors which will influence the ultimate value of your slip and fall lawsuit. They range from the seriousness of your sustained injuries, over how the accident occurred, all the way to how the property owner or occupier behaved prior, during, and after the accident. To help you determine the true […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/determining-the-value-of-your-slip-and-fall-case/
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Who To Hold Legally Accountable When You Are Injured By A Dog?
As a dog owner, you may not want to even think about the possibility of your dog inflicting harm upon another human being. However, it does happen. Quite frequently, even. And yes, oftentimes the dog’s owner is absolutely shocked by their pet’s actions, especially when they have never shown any previous signs of violent behavior. […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/who-to-hold-legally-accountable-when-you-are-injured-by-a-dog/
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What Are The Options For An Injured Employee In Ontario?
If an injured worker cannot carry out his or her job responsibilities, that same employee stands to lose a source of income. That fact highlights the employee’s need for an alternate source of financial support. Injured employees in Ontario must choose between 2 potential sources of help. What are the 2 sources of assistance that […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/what-are-the-options-for-an-injured-employee-in-ontario/
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Truth About Pedestrians And The Right of Way
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable party when it comes to traffic accidents. They wear no protective gear, they are not surrounded by metal casing, and they are easily overlooked, especially when dressed in dark colors. As a result, drivers need to keep a careful eye on any pedestrians that may be moving to cross the […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/truth-about-pedestrians-and-the-right-of-way/
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Know The Process of Personal Injury Lawsuits
Each filed personal injury claim is required to undergo a series of steps as they are assessed and ultimately judged by different people in regards to the value and validity of the claim. Personal Injury Lawyer in Brampton knows that while steps vary on a case by case basis, there are some the vast majority […] from MPC Personal Injury Lawyer https://mpclaw.ca/blog/know-the-process-of-personal-injury-lawsuits/
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