Trauma Hero
2K posts
I blog about trauma and mental illness. Feel free to message me any time ✨
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
So I’ve started moving the contents of this blog onto another account! It’s a free-standing account and not a side blog (like this one) so I think it will be easier to manage. Since I have several blogs on this account, I have all notifications turned off and I miss asks. But hopefully, with an account solely dedicated to Trauma-Hero, I will be able to see email alerts/etc quicker.
The account is just Trauma-Hero :)
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
“Don’t waste your time on those who don’t treat you well.”
— Anonymous  (via cwote)
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
Things You Shouldn't Have To Apologize For
1. caring about something/someone 2. not looking your best 3. being depressed 4. asking for help 5. following what you believe is right for you and not what’s right for everyone else 6. lending a hand to your friends in need 7. crying 8. BEING YOURSELF
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
May you always have enough for rent.
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
shit dude, here’s to all of the quiet victories. the things that other people take for granted but are so, so hard for you. the way your voice didn’t shake when you ordered your drink, the time you felt a swell of pride at something instead of shame, how you got out of bed after only the second time hitting snooze even though you couldn’t imagine anything more difficult than facing another fucking day. fucking cherish those. relish them, rejoice in them, do not let anyone pluck them from your grasp because they are yours and they are important.
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
mood: soft. optomostic. tail up. taking steps in a positive direction
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
I can’t wait to be involved with/in a healthy relationship with someone who cares about me just as much as I care about them
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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[drawing of a green plant in a blue pot saying “It’s okay if you’re still figuring out who you are.” in a purple speech bubble.]
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
take pride in how far you’ve come and have faith in how far you can go.
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
Time to undo some damaging beliefs your abusers tried to ingrain into your psyche:
1. It is impossible to read anybody’s mind. If someone is upset, it is up TO THEM to tell you so you can help. Anyone who expects you to know exactly when they’re upset and what will make them feel better at that time is being unrealistic. 
2. You didn’t deserve it. Even if you think you did something morally reprehensible, two wrongs don’t make a right. 
3. If you don’t do something for somebody else, that does NOT mean you don’t care about them, etc. You can prioritize your own needs before anybody else’s. You weren’t born to be a slave whose only purpose is to fill everybody else’s needs. They shouldn’t expect you to fill their needs anyway. That is a PERSONAL responsibility. 
4. If your abuser(s) have an addiction/alcohol/drug problem, it is NOT your responsibility to fix them, and you can’t anyway. The only way rehab or treatment for an addiction will truly succeed is if the person addicted ADMITS they have a problem, and themselves makes the conscious decision to commit to quitting. You can’t really force someone to quit. 
5. Your abuser(s) have NO RIGHT to tell you how to look, act, what to say, etc. They have no right to control your demeanor, sense of style, social habits, etc. No one does. That is something not found in a healthy relationship.
6. You can leave or cut off a relationship with ANYBODY if you think it is hurting you. It doesn’t matter how much they did for you, how long you’ve been together, etc. It is your life, and you are only responsible for taking care of yourself and doing what makes you happy (as long as you are not hurting anybody else in the process). Healthy relationships are where both parties are happy and want to help each other improve as people.  
7. You are valuable. Not because of what skills/qualities you think/don’t think you have, but because YOU ARE HUMAN. Every single human being on this planet is inherently worth treating with respect, kindness, and dignity. You are no exception. 
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
First of all I want to say.... I never thought I would get almost 900 followers on this blog :0 I’m so glad I can help people or just provide a little bit of solace 💜 I started this blog one night after the Tr*mp Tapes had been released right before the election and was just having a horrible time. But I’m glad this blog has grown and I’ve been able to reach out to so many people...
That being said, this is a sideblog.... I’ve been thinking of remaking this blog on its own account so I can better manage it. This blog would still stay up for some time, but eventually I would deactivate it. What I would like to do is go through my archive and reblog every old post onto the new blog but that seems like... a garagantuan task. But I would like to have links and resources on this blog and it just seems easier to manage as a blog in its own account and not a side blog. I am still considering this, because as I said it would take a long time and a lot of effort. But it IS something I’ve been considering, so I just wanted to let you all know.
Take care everyone 💜
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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moving-trauma-hero · 7 years ago
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Don’t compare yourself to others, you’re doing great :))
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