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movienews516 · 4 years ago
@zach When I messaged you the other day on Tumblr, you blocked me.  The only reason I have been attempting to contact you  was because of the fact, that I was willing to intervene and  get you more up-to-date options in managing your music and  the archives that you may not have access to, since I am able to do that.   I am not making fun of the pictures I found of you, or doing  anything of that nature, as a matter of fact, the only reason that I have a sloppy method of messaging and Tweeting is because I can’t release information, on the internet, and the process of messaging or contacting people, is always, hindered by the  fact, I don’t leave information out, so people can check it at  their leisure.  I also don’t mind writing because I at least have  something to signify that I put work into a particular topic.   So, I don’t know, about Hollywood or anything, it is my guess  that since we’ve crossed swords via Twitter, it may have more  to do with I am attempting, to outline, the way I would commit to an “intellectual pass time” if I was you, which in turn probably brings up a lot of sentiments about how our band was arguing  back in 2000, over this and that, and so, just to make this  clear.   If you had reciprocated with me, as soon as I had tweeted  you, I would figure, you, Rob and I were all in the same boat  as far as the racial issue is concerned, considering, us three  are all very fond of African American culture, music, and that  sort of thing, but blocking me, when I try to make points, about  “actors getting kicked off the set, because they made eye  contact with a cast member who was more prominent than them”, doesn’t leave as much of a “Race Card’ for you to play.   Even when I was talking about the astrologer, for whatever  reason, taking up these hobbies of either astrology or astronomy, seems to get me thru customs a lot easier, when I am on the  way back from Jamaica, because I do look fishy, it is not like  I’ve never burned a joint, or a blunt, but it got so bad that I did  a lot of extra-curricular stuff, in order to not get, “profiled’ for  this nuance and that nuance.    That is why I jump thru hoops, referencing Hollywood, and  90210 and psychic numbers and all of this.  You know, I need  to stay in the spirit of this, walking the straight line, and you  always have to back track, and figure out, how to keep your  posture.  So, you did block one of my Twitters, and I didn’t  Tweet you from another account, and I didn’t leave the tweets  up for strangers to look at, but I did, message the man who  was hosting your songs, and I told him, your work isn’t worth as much to me, due to the fact, that you, used the band to  skip school and get in trouble.    That is where I am at.  I also said that it was kind of poison  and that it was causing us to argue, over and over about the  work, the songs, to the extent, I feel like we should abandon it to obscurity, just so you aren’t being empowered by the idea  of “good musicianship”, since their were devious things attached. You also seemingly lost the ability to make the host out to look  as though he wasn’t overly interested in African American culture, Rap Music, Social Work, or anything like that due to the fact,  if you were so interested with that, you would ultimately  have put a cleaner foot forward, and didn’t resort to stealing  anything, which would ensure people had less of a pretext  to harass you when you were either recording with someone who was a rapper. The fact you were willing to use the Band, as a reason to  come to Glen Cove, (my neighborhood) and get into trouble  shows you were using to use it and abuse, it in order to have  fun with your friends, and that makes us look terrible, I also  don’t feel you have the ability to put any credible effort into  doing anything with African American culture, Jazz or anything related to ‘The Harlem Renaissance’, like I have been doing.
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
I think there are people who like to listen to me talk about  “Warehouse Value’ on the internet, because, I have been seeing  that, I felt poisoned by the presence of the drummer, since he  was skipping school to record music at my house, and all  I have been doing, is feeling that quote, and thinking about  where I would be now, if I was able to stick to that mantra, way back when.  So I am pretty sure I was poisoned by this  experience, and that it upset a lot of acquaintances I had,  to the point, I don’t enjoy listening to any of the work he has  done.
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
Hello! My friends from back in the day, what is going on with you in  2020?  What is going on with the business, how did I come across  it, what are you doing here, why am I involving you, so let’s  Get that, done.  You know we had a lot of African American friends coming by the practice area, when we had Warehouse Value,  and we drifted into the category of Reggae, but, since their is a  copyright issue here and there, I figured, my stake in all of this  is to just, apply my political sympathies, or my cultural feelings  about, “White Washing” in Hollywood, and let it be so their is  a record of my voicing my grievances towards this. “Buddha’s Final Form”,  yes, I wrote this song, but I gave no  consent to have it released.  This doesn’t suit my business deals  because I took the term from a martial arts movie, and whatever, I know who the actresses are, I can name them because I have  a fairly well read, summation of “Xenon”, “Wu-tang cinema”,  and so, I am not, necessarily going to apply any red tape against using this song, now, because it is not the use of it that  bothers me, as opposed, to, “it” being taken in a direction  that is not well read on the subject matter. I don’t necessarily condone it being used in the idiom it is in,  because I know “Hsu Feng”, and “Michelle Yeoh”, took pictures  together, and not using the name “Hsu Feng’, I originally didn’t  want to use her name, because I wanted to say, ‘you used my  song, that was named after a film, which you probably didn’t  know the name of, and you don’t know any of the actors are, you shouldn’t of did it and now look where you are”, but alas,  I had some issues with my older sister, when I wrote you a  letter, the e-mail version of this.   My older sister came to the house and stuck an erroneous  letter in my mail box, from Ohio, about my father, and her boyfriend who is on your friend list, e-mailed my younger sister.  I am  mad about your unread approach, to my affinity towards the  woman of Martial Arts Cinema, dismissive and truant, but my  sister was there at that time, and as I was writing it she creeped up on us, and put this weird thing about my father in our mail  which, makes me feel, she had a negative effect on you  during our upbringing.   Maybe her being there, effected the martial arts movie  experience, to the effect, my perceived “white washing” by you  was in fact, a certain sense of reproach towards the dragon,  (Marjorie was born in 1976, year of the dragon) sleeping in my basement, and that maybe a reason we didn’t get a long.   I noticed the timing, and so I am unsure what to say,  I certainly do say a lot, I know, but I am willing to work at it, and I intend  to work at it.   I don’t think you look bad, for using these songs titles, and not  knowing anything about martial arts movies because I feel like the Wu-tang Clan who used these films, was kind of a, lets shall we  say, “complicit idiom’ in terms of not giving anything for people  to hang on to, as though it was a “Make Your Own Damn Movie’  thing that Lloyd Kaufman has put out.  I have a book that cites  Michelle Yeoh, and Ziji Zhang’s effort with Ang Lee, as certain  type, of idiom that didn’t give any up and coming film makers  anything to “grab on to’ in order to get in the industry. I’ve been kind of unhappy with Michelle and Z for a while, but  I don’t harbor anything that I can get rid of?  You know, I like to  get rid of negative energy, if possible, and being magnetically  attracted to the franchise, doesn’t suit me, since I usually get  tangled up in the fishing nets of red tape, which separates fans from celebrities, that can be found at talent agency’s and big  Hollywood premiers.    So, I feel as though, I am going to be getting something by  bringing all of this to you.  I don’t like to answer questions about my family business, it would be very devastating, if you were  overly interested in gossipy family stuff, rather than the things  that I’ve laid out, which, consists of artistry and analyzing the  ability of moving up in the industry.  I don’t want to answer  questions about anything personal, dealing with my family  except to say, my sister, is very malevolent, and securing these  things for you, in the industry helped me dodge her attempt  at upsetting the serenity down here, because I have my films secured.   I feel like, I am not going to be heard, as someone who wants to make movies, and my only possible chance at receiving any commendable exhilaration, is by being a social worker in the industry and I am quite leery of being filed as a “gossip hag”  of sorts.  Throw away the art, and delve into the soccer mom, talk.  That fear that I have, trumps any fear of losing a copyright  claim, to “Buddhas Final Form’, because my direction, and  my aim, is being pulled back by a mysterious force, in  exchange for keeping an audience with you and entertaining the stuff you like.   This really gives Ziji Zhang and Michelle Yeoh a blank check,  I think, when I am doing stuff like learning blender, and trying to  use self taught C.G.I< for my work. we have a misunderstanding which puts them in a higher realm of affluence, where I trace  back to ancient times, like the release of “House of Flying Daggers”,  and remembering how what makes the film enjoyable is the  fact that it’s a departure from the soccer mom rhetoric.  
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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movienews516 · 4 years ago
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