moviefanmike · 6 years
Schmoedown Spectacular III Spoiler Review: The Future is Bright
After watching nearly 7 hours of fantastic entertainment, it’s time to give my thoughts on this year’s Schmoedown Spectacular III.  What would happen to the KOrruption movement?  Would Thadd’s secrets be revealed?  Would there be new champions or title defenses?  Here we go...
Part 1 Match 1: Commission Bowl (Finstock vs Fyffe vs Williams vs Harloff)
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KOrruption had run rampant over the Schmoedown for over half a year, under what seemed to be the careful direction of Mike Kalinowski.  But what many expected was someone was pulling the strings.  Kalinowski was directed to force Thadd Williams (the current Commissioner) to push for a Commissionership Match against Kristian Harloff, the original commissioner of the league.  Thadd was to give up temporary leadership of the Schmoedown at the end of last year’s Spectacular, but chose not too, using a faulty contract as the reason for keeping his power.  Eventually with Brianne Chandler’s suggestion, 2 more competitors were added in Emma Fyffe and Tom Dagnino (aka Finstock), making this a Commissioner Bowl, the winner becoming Commissioner of the Schmoedown for the next season.
Surprisingly Thadd Williams, in this very awkward position, was winning early.  Harloff and Finstock were struggling with Fyffe holding close to Williams.  At the beginning of Round 3 Finstock was eliminated early.  But after the final questions were asked we headed to Sudden Death with a 3-way tie.  Ultimately one question decided it all and Emma Fyffe won, and deservingly so.  But then Thadd trying to preserve his secrets attempts to shred the original KOrruption letter he received from Kalinowski, and was successful.  But then our mystery lawyer who had been working with Kalinowski, giving him orders from his mystery employer, not only helped reveal that Kristian Harloff was responsible for Kalinowski and using him as a puppet. Kristian then revealed that regardless of Thadd’s contract that he was always the “Chairman” of the Schmoedown and would continue to be so and removed Thadd altogether.
The Chairman hinted that the Commissionership that Emma Fyffe won will be one of many, my assumption being that there could be multiple commissioners heading each league of the Schmoedown and all answering to the Chairman, Kristian Harloff.  
Part 1 Match 2: Team Championships - Shirewolves (Cushing/Wolfe) vs Who’s the Boss? (Bateman/Reilly)
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This was arguably the most anticipated match of the Spectacular.  You had the Shirewolves, a dream team of Rachel Cushing and Clarke Wolfe who proved all the haters wrong and became the most dominant team in the Schmoedown since The Patriots and their ridiculous run.  Then you had Who’s the Boss, a team created out of the anarchy of KOrruption, but ended up being a force in their own right, with surging Ben Bateman and the veteran and 2-time champ Mark Reilly.  
The match lived up to its hype and then some.  It all came down to 2 5-point questions and the rest is history.  The Shirewolves retained their titles and continued to prove all the haters and those who disprove of the Shirewolves wrong.  They are the rightful team champions.  It was well deserved.  Who’s the Boss however seem to want to stay together which leads to a post-match scene that has stirred up conversation amongst those of the Action Army...
Ben Bateman, saddened by his team loss, is greeted by his longtime teammate, the Dastardly Andrew Ghai, who proposes that if Bateman wants to stick with Reilly that he has found another person to be his teammate and they can form a faction.  All seems to be well when Ghai walks away until Ghai tackles (!!!) Bateman seeming to have injured him saying “Who’s the Boss now, B*%^?!?!”  I guess this is the end of Team Action, and this means Ghai’s future in the league will remain a mystery for now...
Part 2 Match 3: Star Wars Championship - Alex Damon vs Ken Napzok
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Alex Damon seems to be undefeatable of late.  He won the 3-way at the live event, he then won the open match for the title.  But it seemed he wanted more of a challenge before really accepting being a Star Wars Champion.  KOrruption gave Ken Napzok an opening to align himself with Kalinowski to make it possible for Kalinowski to push Thadd Williams to put Napzok in a Star Wars Championship match.  
At first the match was close, with each player going blow for blow.  But after round 2 and some misses and steals, Damon took hold and never let go, once again confirming his dominance in the field of Star Wars trivia.  Possibly hinting at a possible future match, Damon wants to battle Witwer for the title, which would be something if the scheduling worked out, could happen at Star Wars Celebration in April.
Part 2 Match 4: #1 Contender Match - Clarke Wolfe vs Dan Murrell
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This was a long-awaited match between two legends of the Schmoedown.  Clarke Wolfe, who has forged a singular path in the Schmoedown and lost her first ever title shot against a then undefeated Dan Murrell.  Then there is Dan Murrell himself, the GOAT as many call him and 2-time champion, who has had a rough year but had a great Ultimate Schmoedown Tournament run until running into Ethan Erwin, the potential Rookie and Player of the Year.  
This match was going to be tough by many prognosticators for Clarke Wolfe, knowing she would be defending her Team Title just two matches earlier against Who’s the Boss, and in the end that ended up being accurate with Dan Murrell taking the match and securing a spot for himself at the Season Opener in NY to go up against the winner of the main event of Spectacular between John Rocha, his current stablemate/rival and Ethan Erwin.  Clarke however once again fought admirably and you can tell she did all she could but came up short.  
Part 3 Match 5: Innergeekdom Championship - Mara Knopic vs Mike Kalinowski
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This was probably my 2nd most anticipated match of the Spectacular, especially after what occurred in the 1st match between between these two competitors.  Mara Knopic came out of nowhere and took the Innergeekdom League by store.  Watching her live and taking the belt from Jason Inman was extremely impressive.  But then a wind of KOrruption blew through the room and Kalinowski showed up to demand (and then arrange) a rematch at Spectacular for the belt that Knopic just won, to which she shrugged it off saying she would do it.
At this point in Spectacular, Kalinowski is down as well as KOrruption.  Finding out Kristian Harloff has been using you, Napzok your partner loses his match, how does it end?  The match was as close as expected going all the way to Sudden Death.  And somehow, someway, Kalinowski won.  I feel like this match could have been won by Knopic, but that’s just how it goes.  More shocking was Knopic essentially stating she wants to take a step back from the Schmoedown and having an extremely brief interview.  I hope Knopic returns to the league because she definitely put her stamp on it.  Kalinowski however finally achieved his dream of holding the Innergeekdom belt.
Part 3 Match 6: Singles Championship - John Rocha vs Ethan Erwin
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Since the beginning of Season 3 of the Schmoedown I fell in love with the Outlaw, John Rocha.  The personification of pure determination and will power, with a dose of good, old (and new) fashioned justice and smack talk, I couldn’t help but be a supporter of John Rocha then and now.  I’ve been on the train of Top Ten, the Four Horsemen, and now the Five Horsemen.  I was however concerned that this match might not go his way with the heavy favorite for Rookie and Player of the Year in Ethan Erwin challenging for his title.
As expected Ethan Erwin played as well as always, with Rocha stumbling a bit in the 2nd round.  Rocha kept it close but eventually lost in a TKO to Ethan Erwin, who is now a Singles Champion will have a rematch with Dan Murrell in NY, which potentially Murrell becoming the 1st 3-time champion.  That will make for a compelling season opener.  Then in the post-game interviews, Matt Knost, longtime partner of John Rocha, decides to retire from the Schmoedown, leaving an opening in Rocha’s stable.  That will be an interesting development going forward.
And running throughout the entirety of the event was a storyline involving Finstock/Dagnino looking for his infamous mask to no avail.  Well we found out that it was in fact Robert Meyer Burnett, the man burned and evicted from the Lion’s Den one year ago, getting some immediate revenge on Dagnino by burning his mask.  Not sure what this means going forward but RMB could be ready for a comeback...
We also got some major announcements regarding the Schmoedown for Season Six.  I recommend you watch for yourself towards the end of the Part 3 video yourself to learn more, but their Patreon comes into play which will help grow the league further.
And that was it for the Spectacular!  It was easily the best event put on by the Schmoes themselves Kristian Harloff and Mark Ellis.  Not to mention the countless others who put so much time and effort into this.  Please check out the Schmoedown thus far on Collider Video.  And please support them on Patreon!
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moviefanmike · 6 years
The HFPA Dilemma (or why the Golden Globes still can’t get it right...)
As you all know I’m a self-professed film fan.  I love the movies and one of my favorite times of year is awards season where the best films of the year take their place on top of the pedestal.  However, there are instances where the awards season makes me scratch my head.  Today I want to briefly react to the Golden Globes nominations from this morning and give my two cents...
First of all I believe whole-heartedly that most, if not all the film nominees deserved their nominations.  But there is a major problem when it comes to the way the Hollywood Foreign Press Association decides what gets nominated.  Best Picture and Best Actress/Actor gets split by Drama and Comedy/Musical.  Supporting Actor/Actress does not.  Which is where I bring up the glaring dismissal of nominations towards arguably some of the best supporting performances of the year for Sam Elliott for A Star is Born and even more so for Michael B. Jordan for Black Panther.  This also makes me point at the way Black Panther was recognized almost as if it was mandatory, but not recognized further for the quality of film it represented.
Then there is also the matter of the way Best Picture films are nominated.  I remember when The Martian was nominated and won for Best Picture - Comedy or Musical and the controversy that followed.  That film was a drama.  Yes it had some funny moments but it was not even close to being a comedy.  The same can be said today.   A Star is Born could be classified as a Musical, but at the same time so could Bohemian Rhapsody, but Green Book while having some funny bits should be a drama. 
Worst of all is that the HFPA consists of around 90 voters who all work outside of the US and nominate all these films, which is why the Golden Globes have had a strange streak.  Compared to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and their 6,000+ voter roll that work directly in the industry.  This is why the Oscars are held up to scrutiny and have high esteem.  The Golden Globes though have become more known for their television presentation and seeing the celebrities get drunk on live tv.  Yeah...
Not much more to add except to be cautious when looking at the Golden Globes.  I would urge you to check out what is voted on by the Critic’s Choice, Actor’s Guild, Director’s Guild and Producer’s Guild as they have mostly voters who are also registered with the Academy at AMPAS.  Happy Movie Awards Season everyone!
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moviefanmike · 7 years
My Top Ten Films of 2017
As is my yearly tradition on Oscar Sunday after attending Best Picture Showcase I put up my final list of top 10 films of 2017 for myself.  There are movies I didn’t see which might have made this list, but this is what I have...
10) War for the Planet of the Apes
“All of human history has lead to this moment. The irony is we created you. And nature has been punishing us ever since. This is our last stand. And if we lose... it will be a Planet of Apes.“ - The Colonel
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Weta Digital has cemented themselves as one of the greatest visual effects studios on the planet, but their work here is astounding, even topping what they did in Dawn.  However, the heart of this movie is Caesar, played exceptionally once again by Andy Serkis, and his struggle with leading the Apes to survival and dealing with the humans who hate them, more specifically an army lead by a colonel played by Woody Harrelson.  The interplay between both is terrific.  The worst thing is that the studio marketed this as a war film when it’s really a movie of survival and escape, while also hearkening, honoring and linking to the original Planet of the Apes which it does very well.
9) Baby Driver
Bats: “This one, they say that listens to the music all the time?”
Griff: “I mean, is he retarded?”
Doc: “'Retarded' means slow. Was he slow?”
Griff: “No.”
Doc: “He had an accident when he was a kid. Still has a hum in the drum. Plays music to drown it out. And that's what makes him the best.”
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Edgar Wright is just one of those special filmmakers that makes films that match his talents, which include screenwriting and direction.  Never did I think I’d see such a masterfully put together film then Baby Driver.  Not only does the film have an amazing soundtrack which plays into the character of Baby played by Ansel Elgort, but it also has an amazing supporting cast of characters.  Yes, the elephant in the room is Kevin Spacey, luckily his character is not likable.  But Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx really up the tension as terrific original antoganists which makes this a great heist/chase flick.
8) Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Kylo Ren: “Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul?”
Luke Skywalker: “No. I failed you, Ben. I'm sorry.”
Kylo Ren: “I'm sure you are! The Resistance is dead, the war is over, and when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi!”
Luke Skywalker: “Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.”
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There is something to be said about fandom.  It can bring us together, but in some cases weed out the pretenders and haters from those that truly love the themes, characters and everything about their own fandom.  This movie does the latter extremely well.  If anything, The Last Jedi proves that Star Wars is not a stagnant franchise, and that it can be so much more.  Terrific performances from Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver make us learn what it means to be a hero or villain in this universe while Mark Hamill gives probably the greatest performance of his career as the challenged Luke Skywalker who removes himself from all conflict.  But there is the great supporting cast, most specifically Kelly Marie Tran who steals our hearts as Rose Tico, to the princess/general we lost in Carrie Fisher who gives a powerful performance as Leia.  Ultimately the imagination, screenplay and direction from Rian Johnson are what shine brightest, bringing us a Star Wars universe we thought we knew, but as Star Wars has always shown us, we keep learning new lessons of the galaxy from a long time ago and far, far away.
7) Logan
Charles Xavier: “F**k off, Logan.”
Logan: “Oh. So, you remember who I am now.”
Charles Xavier: “I always know who you are. It's just sometimes I don't recognize you.”
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Logan is a great example of how to do a superhero movie without falling into the tired gimmicks of such a genre of film.  It’s very obvious from the opening scene of the film that we are in a bleak world, and that the setting evokes the feeling of a western.  This setting sets the stage for some amazing stuff ahead.  Hugh Jackman and newcomer Dafne Keen have tremendous chemistry together which allows Hugh Jackman to give us the best and last performance he gives as Wolverine, while Patrick Stewart gives a fantastic performance as a much older Professor Xavier who has a tragic story arc.   The villains are mostly forgettable, but their role helps elevate our heroes stories and make them more personal.  James Mangold’s vision is magnificent and bold, but brutal to behold.  
6) Coco
“Remember me, though I have to say goodbye.  Remember me, don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart.  I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.  Remember me, though I have to travel far.  Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar.  Know that I'm with you, the only way that I can be until you're in my arms again.
Remember... me.”
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Easily Coco is the best animated film of 2017 and once again another tremendous achievement for Pixar.  Using the Dia De Los Muertos celebrations to influence the story, along with the culture and music of Mexico, Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina are able to tell a story faithful to Mexican culture yet adding that dose of Disney/Pixar magic that makes this an emotional story about family at it’s core.  But the soundtrack stands out amazingly, especially with the song Remember Me which WILL bring you to tears.  This movie will continue to stand on its own for what it represents.  
5) Dunkirk
Commander Bolton: “You can practically see it from here.”
Captain Winnant: “What?”
Commander Bolton: “Home.”
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What more can be said about Christopher Nolan except he is a truly talented filmmaker with a truly distinct style of storytelling.  The same can be said about his film Dunkirk, dealing with the military disaster of the Battle of Dunkirk and the evacuation of the British troops away from Dunkirk and back to England.  What makes the film special is Nolan’s technique in telling the story from three different perspectives at different points in time which eventually converge to the same point in time, but in doing so it creates a compelling narrative to a story we all know.   The ensemble cast here is impressive, but no one actor oversteps any others, thus making it more about the overall tale and not the individual performances.  And with all that serving the narrative you get Nolan using his visual storytelling talents to impressive extremes.  A true throwback war film that is more about survival then the fight itself.
4) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
“I haven’t heard a word from them in seven goddamn months. I’ll tell you this, I’ve heard an awful lot from them since I put them billboards up.”
- Mildred Hayes
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I didn’t know what to expect from Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.  As soon as it started though I knew I was in for a great ride.  The story revolves around one Mildred Hayes, whose daughter is raped and murdered 7 months earlier and the local police haven’t gotten results.  Out of anger and frustration she decides to stir up trouble and conversation by provoking the police chief with three billboards she rents to accuse him and get him to answer for why there have been no arrests.  The chief played by Woody Harrelson starts to take offense to all this for his own personal reasons and another cop played by Sam Rockwell takes even greater offense due to his old-fashioned, terrible personality.  While there is something to be said for everyone’s actions or motives, Frances McDormand’s Mildred unleashes her righteous anger in such a realistic way that you might as well give her the Oscar for Best Actress.  Her performance is powerful, raw and uncompromising.  A fantastic tale of how anger, prejudice and misunderstanding can consume us.  
3) The Shape of Water
“If I spoke about it - if I did - what would I tell you? I wonder. Would I tell you about the time? It happened a long time ago, it seems. In the last days of a fair prince's reign. Or would I tell you about the place? A small city near the coast, but far from everything else. Or, I don't know... Would I tell you about her? The princess without voice. Or perhaps I would just warn you, about the truth of these facts. And the tale of love and loss. And the monster, who tried to destroy it all.” - Giles
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Guillermo Del Toro.  GDT.  A master and practitioner of the art of storytelling.  He continues to surprise and amaze, and now he brings us possibly his strangest yet truest work yet.  A story of love between an aquatic creature and a mute woman.  How?  Why?  Doesn’t matter.  It’s just flat-out amazing.  A cross-breed of dark fairy tale and classic monster movie, GDT uses these genres to great effect while also adding so many layers that speak to humanity as a whole and whether or not we see ourselves as human or monster.  Sally Hawkins as Elisa gives us a wholesome, heartbreaking performance and makes us believe what true love is about, while Michael Shannon plays the defacto villain he always excels at playing.  But I also have to shout out the great work from Octavia Spencer, Richard Jenkins and Michael Stuhlbarg whose supporting performances are stand-outs.  And then there is Doug Jones, who works so much with GDT and does his role well playing the creature of the tale.  It’s all about substance over style, but most of all heart.
2) Get Out
Chris: “All I know is sometimes, when there's too many white people, I get nervous, you know?”
[pause, Georgina laughs creepily with tears in her eyes]
Georgina: “Oh no, no. No. No no no no no no. Aren't you something? That's not my experience. Not at all. The Armitages are so good to us. They treat us like family.”
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I remember watching the trailer for Get Out when it came out back in late 2016.  I had no idea what to think of it.  Was it a horror movie?  A comedy/satire?  Ultimately I decided to wait for reviews.  They were extremely positive and audience reactions the same.  Finally when I got to see in a theater nearly one year removed from it’s initial release I was so hyped due to the response to this film, and it exceeded not only the hype but my high expectations.  Get Out is one of those films that comes every once in a while that you can call special.  It truly is.  It takes social commentaries to amazing levels of creativity and takes the horror genre into new and familiar places, but never overstepping.  Always taking the approach of being a thriller, and sprinkling in moments of comedy, suspense and always adding to the mystery.  Daniel Kaluuya is a fantastic lead character whom you root for by the end of this film, hoping he eventually gets out of his predicament.  But in moments of high stress or conflict is when Kaluuya shows us how wide his range is and he makes us believe his situation is incredibly dire.  His supporting cast is terrific and plays their roles extremely well, but the majority of credit falls to Jordan Peele for his screenplay and vision as a director for creating a modern classic.  
1) Blade Runner 2049
Rick Deckard: “I had your job once. I was good at it.”
'K': “Things were simpler then.”
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I’m going to say it now.  This was probably the most underrated movie of 2017.  Blade Runner 2049 is not just a great sequel to a classic, cult film in the original Blade Runner but it also succeeds in being a true work of art.  Rarely do you see a film try to exceed it’s own ambitions, and this one does it masterfully.  Denis Villeneuve takes an established world and makes it grander, more expansive.  He takes the relevant themes of the original and expands them even further, but leaves enough out for the audience to decide for themselves.  Ryan Gosling as K gives us a protagonist we can relate to, as someone who is trying to find his place and purpose in this vast world, and ultimately finds it in a mystery which unravels directly from the events of the original Blade Runner and eventually gets him involved with Rick Deckard, played wonderfully by Harrison Ford, who at times shows why he is one of the best actors of his generation.  Roger Deakins cinematography is stunning, Hans Zimmer and his protege Benjamin Wallfisch bring back the amazing themes of the original but adding a most atmospheric and electric score, adding to the emotionality.  Ultimately Blade Runner is about Replicants, and how they represent humanity and we treat them reflects upon our own humanity.  Villeneuve knows this, takes this narrative, and then challenges the audience with these themes.  When I left seeing this film, I left impacted.  That’s what great film does.
So there is my list!  Until next year!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
Definitely. I've been saying it forever. He's the best Disney Prince we've gotten. This post is a validation of my praises!
Prince Philip is the most badass prince EVER. And here's why.
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Okay, so he’s got a girly face, and he wears tights and some high boots. Sure.
But check out that noble steed. That’s one ready-to-kick-ass-and-take-names steed.
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While other princesses just run away and leave nothing, Philip gets AN INVITE TO HER HOUSE. He gets a song, a dance, and a first date.
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He comes home, just to tell his dad he’s not going to marry the princess because he’s in love.
No. Other. Reason. He rides in and is just like, “I met the girl I’m going to marry. Now I’ve got a birthday party to be at. Bye Dad.”
Now how much do you think his dad weighs? That short fat little man? Probably pretty heavy.Not a problem for Prince Philip.
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And then he gets jumped by goblins, both hands tied behind his back
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But that’s not enough to stop Prince Philip.Oh no.
He breaks his hands free and starts chucking goblins.
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Look at that face. That face. The “BITCH JUST YOU WAIT” face. He may be tied down by a dozen goblins but he’s not gonna take no shit from this witch.
In fact, he’s so strong, she ends up keeping him chained to the wall, but he still fights back.
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Now when he finally does get free–
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He’s ready to go into battle UNARMED. He don’t need no shield or sword, he’s going to go punch Maleficent’s face in with his fist. If Flora didn’t stop him, he probably would have, too.
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Backed up against a cliff edge, nowhere to go. Fighting off goblins. But there’s so many and just one Philip.
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Gate closing?
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who gives a fuck? certainly not prince philip.
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Lighting hitting rocks around me?
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Giant forest of thorns?
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Bitch, get out of my way. I’ve got a princess to save.
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Giant dragon of hell?
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Fire? Dragon? Burning dry twigs? No. Fucking. Problem.
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Just smack that bitch on the nose.
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Sheer cliff face? Fire burning behind me? Back to a wall?
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Calm down guys, I got this.
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And fight the bloody beast from 500 feet high, with literally nothing to save me if I fall.
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Lose the shield off the cliff?
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Just chuck it. Straight through.
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Then jump out of the way…
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And survive. That’s what happens to bitches who mess with the woman I love.
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Get the horse.
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Get the girl.
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that’s how he EARNED his happily ever after.
Srsly. The most bad. ass. prince. disney ever wrote.
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moviefanmike · 9 years
I will be at the Diamond Celebration 24 Hour Kickoff Event on Friday, but I know not everyone can attend.  But the Disney Parks Blog announced they will have live feeds for the full 24 hours at the park!  Both DCA and Disneyland will have live feeds going and they will have the premiere performances of Paint the Night, Disneyland Forever and World of Color - Celebrate! available to view, live, for free, with full audio!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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moviefanmike · 9 years
So the people who are saying there's 1,000 happy haunts now:
The CMs are saying Hatty was always there, that he was just hiding. There’s 999 happy haunts and always will be.
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moviefanmike · 9 years
Heeeeeee’s Baaaaaack!
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The Hatbox Ghost is back at Disneyland!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
After an earlier tease in the season of the fact that Walt Disney was an Author, we see in last night’s season finale of Once that Isaac, the current Author, was appointed immediately after Walt Disney’s passing.
I also love the Apprentice’s slight pouting when he tells Isaac, almost as if they lost someone extremely special.  Loved how they handled it.  Brilliant!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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OUAT Season 4 Recap
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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Concept art for new areas coming to Tokyo Disney Resort in 2017. On top is Scandinavia port coming to DisneySea which will celebrate Frozen. On bottom is Beauty and the Beast and Alice in Wonderland which are two new areas of Fantasyland whose size is being doubled.
not following stitchkingdom.tumblr.com already? Just imagine what you’ve been missing!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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Magic always comes with a price.
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moviefanmike · 9 years
The places I go, well, they’re a lot further apart. I travel across realms, realms of storytelling (…) This place, right here, is one of them. It exists ouf time (…) We’re not in a time, we’re in a real of story. They are many, some beautiful, some horrific and some just plain magical.
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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Wooo!! Season 5!!
Watch http://ktla.com/on-air/live-streaming/
forward to 9:21:07
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moviefanmike · 9 years
Star Wars Celebration Live Stream Reminder
Just a reminder to the Star Wars fandom who cannot attend Star Wars Celebration, especially the opening panel with JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy, a live stream hosted by StarWars.com will be available for all to watch.  It starts at 10am sharp!
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moviefanmike · 9 years
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moviefanmike · 9 years
“Sympathy for the De Vil” – In fictional 1920s England, viewers meet a young Cruella, whose oppressive mother uses her Dalmatians to terrorize her daughter. Cruella is confined to her mother’s attic until a...
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