“Heart eyes Howell and Love eyes Lester” OH BOY
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FALL! :”D ... A season I don’t have ;-;
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Autumn Nights | Camille Chew
A cozy, spooky, fall inspired pattern. Available on Society6.
(Just managing to get this month’s pattern done before the end of August!)
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This is so cute :”3
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“Phil is my bestest buddy” :3
based off this
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url moodboard: @curlyfringe
other moodboards
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Questions I found
-Someone I follow posted these questions so I was like: I’m gonna answer these even tho they weren't meant for me. 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? -A: I don’t use any of these ;3;
is your room messy or clean? -A: Messy (( I try to clean it ))
what color are your eyes? -A: Mixture of Blue, green, and grey 
do you like your name? why? -A: Yes? Its spelt an unusual way insted of “Rebecca”, “Rebekka” or “Rebekah” mine is: Rebecka :) 
what is your relationship status? -A: Single and i’m fine I don’t wanna mingle with any other singles. 
describe your personality in 3 words or less -A: Pastel, Dark, and Awkward? 
what color hair do you have? -A: Born with dark brown hair, light brown hair, then I got blonde highlights, then I got it dyed a dark brown and now it is back to light brown due to the summer sun. 
what kind of car do you drive? color? -A: I don’t drive ... I could but only with an Adult with me ... I haven’t gotten permit yet.
where do you shop? -A: I don’t go outside ... Walmart and Gamestop.
how would you describe your style? -A: Sweaters in 100 degree weather ... I stay inside 
favorite social media account -A: Instagram? Youtube? Tumblr? 
what size bed do you have? -A: I think I have a double o3o 
any siblings? -A: Two step sisters ((1 younger and 1 older)), Step brother, and half sister. 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -A: ENGLAND! I just love British people. If I had to live somewhere else in the US tho I would probably say North Carolina? Its nice but I think I would die of cold winters ... I can’t do really hot weather as well so idk ... I would live in Florida but its super hot .. I live near Florida and its hot here due to Humidity ;-; 
favorite snapchat filter? -A: AHAHAHHA I don’t use snapchat.  
favorite makeup brand(s) -A: I don’t care I only use makeup for special events or any acne that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter what I do. 
how many times a week do you shower? -A: I literally have to shower everyday ... I HAVE TO WASH MY HAIR EVERYDAY (( I hate washing my hair everyday ... my hair is fabulous but it gets greasy QuIcK! ))
favorite tv show? -A: AHHHH IDK!? Its got to be between BBC Sherlock or M.A.S.H (( M.A.S.H is about war doctors in the Korean War )) 
shoe size? -A: Any where between 7-9 just depends on how the shoe is made. 
how tall are you? -A: 5′8 :D
sandals or sneakers? -A: Sandals I live near a beach. I need them. 
do you go to the gym? -A: Hah! Why would I be on this website if I went to the gym? xD
describe your dream date -A: Just snuggling together watching a movie :P
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -A: I’m to lazy to go grab my wallet. Why? I’m not rich. 
what color socks are you wearing? -A: *looks down at feet* I don’t wear socks ... I only wear them for PE and they are white when I do.
how many pillows do you sleep with? -A: Like 6 or 7 and a Body pillow ((No it doesn’t have anime on it xD )) 
do you have a job? what do you do? -A: No. 
how many friends do you have? -A: Like 6 friends ... then 3 in art class. TONS of Internet friends (( actually probably only 5 internet friends ))
whats the worst thing you have ever done? -A: Uhm ... i’m not that far in life???
whats your favorite candle scent? -A: My grandfather won’t let us burn candles in the house ... they are a “fire hazard”
3 favorite boy names -A: Alex, Dan, and Matt.
3 favorite girl names -A: Anna, Rebecca (( yes I used my name )), and Hanna.
favorite actor? -A: Benedict Cumberbatch? 
favorite actress? -A: I don’t know ;-; 
who is your celebrity crush? -A: I don’t spend enough time to know that =3= 
favorite movie? -A: “Movie” I haven’t watched would be TATINOF but my fav movie that I have watched would have to be “The phoenix priestess”
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -A: No I do not. Fav book might have to be “Call of the Wild”
money or brains? -A: Brains. I can’t stand stupid people. 
do you have a nickname? what is it? -A: Chewbecker ... I made a Chewbacca noise once and my Aunt said its: Chewbecka ... My friends made up: Rebeckerrrrr so they combined it to be “Chewbeckerrr” 
how many times have you been to the hospital? -A: Never. Unless you consider the day I was born. 
top 10 favorite songs -A: The internet is here remix ((1st video pulled up)), Run Run by [CK9C], Past Lives (nvmbr remix), Ed Sheeran castle on the hill remix, Zedd,Alessia & Cara - Stay here, Knife Party -Bonfire, Far Too Loud -Drop the Bomb, Nightcore - The other side of paradise, Kill it kid - Run, and Gotye -Somebody that I used to know ( 4FRNT Remix ). 
do you take any medications daily? -A: Yes.
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -A: Oily m8 ;-; 
what is your biggest fear? -A: The unknown.
how many kids do you want? -A: Non and if I ever decide to want a child it probably only gonna be 1 and adopted. 
whats your go to hair style? -A: Just down (( All I do is get up and brush it in the mornings )) I can’t really put it up bc its short. 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) -A: Medium size?
who is your role model? -A: Don’t really have one m8.
what was the last compliment you received? -A: I don’t know ... probably some artwork I did. 
what was the last text you sent? -A: “*sends a picture to a friend* I think this is something we would text each other. Idk who would be phil tho xD”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -A: 7? I didn’t really believe in him in the first place. I was a smart child. I don;t like pretending he is real for my little cousin either. 
what is your dream car? -A: I don’t care as long as I actually have a car bro. 
opinion on smoking? -A: I don’t care ... I just don’t want to smoke. 
do you go to college? -A: Nope. I’m in HS right now.
what is your dream job?-A: Youtuber but I don’t think I could pull it off.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? -A: I don’t care. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? -A: No.
do you have freckles? -A: Yes :) 
do you smile for pictures? -A: Yes ex(Smile: :) -- Grin: :D) so I guess no bc what I consider grinning is a smile for others. 
how many pictures do you have on your phone? -A: Oh gosh *checks phone* I HAVE 5,338 in my camera roll. 
have you ever peed in the woods? -A: Yes! I was born in an area where we have a lot of woods. My dad still lives there so I was kind of taught to do that when I was with him (My mom, grandparents and I live in a/the city tho)
do you still watch cartoons? -A: Yeah. Its cool dude. I can use it for art references anyway 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -A: Wendy’s (if you knew how McDonalds chicken was made you wouldn’t want to eat it anymore). ALSO why these places? I prefer Chick-fil-a. 
Favorite dipping sauce? -A: Sweat and sour sauce. 
what do you wear to bed? -A: T-shirt and shorts, Long-sleeve w/ shorts, or a tank top w/ shorts (I don’t wear pants unless its SUPER cold or I have tight but comfy pants on that won’t get tangled up in the sheets) 
have you ever won a spelling bee? -A: No.
what are your hobbies? -A: Art and (when I was able to) play the violin.
can you draw? -A: Yes. 
do you play an instrument? -A: I used to be able to play the violin. 
what was the last concert you saw? -A: Winter Jam 2017
tea or coffee? -A: Coffee 
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -A: Starbucks 
do you want to get married? -A: Eh? Idk just depends if I find the right guy.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? -A: I don’t really have a crush but  the last crush I had was: A*** B***  
are you going to change your last name when you get married? -A: Probably 
what color looks best on you? -A: Blue? 
do you miss anyone right now? -A: Not really. Maybe a few of my friends. 
do you sleep with your door open or closed? -A: Most of the time I close it.
do you believe in ghosts? -A: Nope. 
what is your biggest pet peeve? -A: When people are right handed but put their cup on their left side. 
last person you called` -A: I don’t call people lol. 
favorite ice cream flavor? -A: Salted Caramel 
regular oreos or golden oreos? -A: Regular 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -A: Rainbow. 
what shirt are you wearing? -A: Black Tanktop 
what is your phone background? -A: A fluffy Dan Howell 
are you outgoing or shy? -A: Shy 
do you like it when people play with your hair? -A: Yes uwu (( as long as you aren’t yanking it out of my head ;-; )) 
do you like your neighbors? -A: I don’t have neighbors beside me ... I have neighbors behind me and in-front of my house tho. They are pretty cool but 1 neighbor I don’t like bc he gets drunk at night and plays loud music while sawing wood at 12am. 
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -A: Sometimes and Depends on my mood. 
have you ever been high? -A: No :3
have you ever been drunk? -A: No :3
last thing you ate? -A: I think it was some goldfish. 
favorite lyrics right now -A: “Such a shame the poor grooms bride is a whore!” -Panic at the Disco 
summer or winter? -A: Winter 100% 
day or night? -A: Night. 
dark, milk, or white chocolate? -A: I like milk the best but my second fav is White chocolate. 
favorite month? -A: Nov. ( PINOF comes out and its not super cold for me yet but its just the right temp ).
what is your zodiac sign -A: Pisces 
who was the last person you cried in front of? -A: Urm I think it would have to be my friend Zoe on a church youth trip (okay it wasn’t just infront of her ... I was emotionally touched and the whole youth group saw me cry). 
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Wow xD @danielhowell @amazingphil
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I drew them wayyyy too much on Friday during school. I am concerned. Send help. 
I will be working on this digitally later ;w;” 
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The internet is here remix
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJVSsjJeX3A 10/10 remix by weirdtoby  :)
@danielhowell @amazingphil
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yasssss m8 
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I had to 
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Sounds like something I would do xD 
I fall over my own feet bc i’m so clumsy! ex:(Last year in middle school (8th grade)) I was walking out of our gym to change back into my school clothes and I just fell over randomly ... my friend started laughing so hard she was crying xD)
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golf with one friend
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awe this my friend is adorable 
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I thought about showing my mom this xD ... that wasn’t a smart idea 
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I missed the upload bc I was looking through crack posts on here xD - at least I got to watch it afterwards ;3;
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Phil playing with glow in the dark slime.
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This brings up my self esteem so thanks xD
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Okay I agree with mine (( I’m a Pisces )) 
Things I Associate W/ The Signs
Aries: Dark humour, contagious laugh, long lashes, feisty personality, interesting conversationalist, long debates, black and white
Taurus: Beautiful hair, clumsy, big eyes, bright patterns, rolled up jeans, good teeth, hopeless romantic, ambitious, hearty red and burgundy
Gemini: Loud laugh, soft hair, rap music, early mornings with pink eyes, excitement, eagerness, plenty of crushes, baby blue
Cancer: Sweet smile, snorts and giggles, perfect teeth, tanned skin, tries their best, pop music, sweet food, hot pinks and peaches
Leo: Wild child, messy yet perfect hair, deep eyes, mixed signals, empathetic when needed, fashionable, cheeky, khaki and navy blue
Virgo: Inquisitive eyes, pink nose, shiny hair, cool, good posture, clear voice, pretty hands, nice nails, calm, deep auburn and midnight blue
Libra: Baby face, affectionate, friendly, kind, passive aggressive, throwing their head back whilst laughing, tumblr, baby pink and yellow
Scorpio: Cool, dark, brooding and mysterious, black coffee with secret sweeteners, old tv shows, slept on music, black and beige
Sagittarius: Smirks, cold drinks, different hair every month, internet friends, scarves, pink knuckles and lips, burnt yellow and grey
Capricorn: Heart shaped lips, infectious laugh, house music, lopsided smile, old movies, salt, roses, damp hair, pretty pinks and black
Aquarius: Freckles, throaty but addictive voice, Netflix, pink lips, sleepy smiles, tired eyes, familiar laugh, cupcake icing, grey and sky blue
Pisces: Striking eyes, lonely smiles, blushing, great playlist, athletic build, baggy jumpers, cold nights, curious stare, mint and fern green
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love rain 
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