On the first day of Klancemas Voltron gave to me
The bonding moment of a good team
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Lance and Keith find Tumblr
Lance: Why does everyone want me to suffer??
Keith: Why does every want me to fuck you?
Lance: while suffering
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Voltron characters as things said in my math class
Romelle: Why are my nails always so short?
Pidge: Uhhhh because your half lesbian?
Coran: What kind of hip teen punk rap-rock are YOU listening to?!
Hunk: I’m listening to Hercules.
Shiro: *shows class pictures of his school dances*
Lance: Let’s GOOOOO!!! Get them gurllssss!!
Coran: Can anyone give me an example of a straight angle?
Keith: *looks at Lance and winks*
Lotor: Do you guys have airdrop on?
Everyone: Ya!
Lance: OHHH Can I bring the attendance down to the office?!
Shiro: Sure.
Keith: bitch
Hunk: Mr. Coran can you turn on some music.
Coran: Sure!
*proceeds to play Britney Spears and Justin Bieber*
Pidge+Kieth+Allura: *Start screaming*
Lance+Hunk+Romelle: *Start singing at the top of their lungs*
Matt: Im about to be dank af!! Are you ready kids?!?
*puts on swim goggles and dances around the room*
Lance: *licks paper, rips it in half, hands to Pidge*
Pidge: *throws paper at teacher* YEET!
Pidge: Ughhhhhhh I’m starving guys.
Hunk: boy have I got a treat for you! *proceeds to take a full size box of Froot Loops out of his backpack*
Pidge: FUCK YES!
Lance: Mr. Shirogane?! Can I go to the office? Ummmm I’m having my period?
Shiro (done with life): Your a man Lance.
Lance: fuck.
*class is talking*
Coran: “I mean cmon! Who doesn’t wear socks in the shower!?”
Keith (under his breath): what in the fuck
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