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The last time that I have touched a keyboard was 8 yrs ago and that was also my last blog. I forgot how I was capable of writing stories and poetry, I was blinded to having fun and being careless and I lived a life of better left unsaid.
Yesterday, I opened a new account in Tumblr and I also start the blogger.com ever since I was a kid I already saw how the world is cruel how people are scary and how families these days is demotivating. I already saw how it is but I didn't speak. Hearing different kind of stories, made me want to help them/you overcome it. I can never compare my experiences to you growing up since we all have different challenges in life but I will tell you that it was also dark. There has been a lot of time that I have been put down, bullied and has been told by someone close to me that I was not enough for my dreams.
After 20 years of being lost, I have found myself with the help of our Almighty. He keeps showing enough reasons that I am capable of doing the things that I have been longing to do. He found me and fixed me. I remember the day of feeling very blessed because that exact moment where he found me I started following him. He gave me strength that I have never felt before, the faith that cannot be broken.
I flew out in the United States 3 months ago, and I have never been better. God gave me the break that I have been wanting to experience. He cleared out my mind. He started to build me up. So let me tell you how I always start my day. I pray. I give thanks and I am grateful no matter how many challenges that I am facing I know God is working on something. And I am for sure that He is also doing that for you too. Stop complaining and everything will be smooth for the rest of your day.
Start your day of not being afraid about what you wanted to do, God is always with you. Bless up.
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Remember when you were a careless eight-year-old kid riding a bike with your friends, racing each other around the neighborhood? Remember that feeling of absolute freedom as you felt the wind in your hair and the smile it put on your face. Do you still remember how you came into that conclusion of finding the perfect cartoon for you to call it a night? The feeling of not being pressured and the feeling of enjoying without even thinking what will happen next. That's the feeling I have been searching for quite some time now. But frankly, we cannot always rely on what we have had before since we cannot do something about it and besides we will not able to move on if we keep on checking our past. A few days ago my mom and I talked about getting myself into a nursing school. I was bad at school. I never liked school and I thought that it was not for me. I started fooling around and have the momentum that everything will be just fine, I lost myself having fun. Every single of my family member was disappointed and they think of me as a person who doesn't want to have a bright future. My family was the first one who told me that I can't.  I was so devastated because words do affect my mindset, I know that I can but I still can't find the urge to do it. I have been living life since high school. I drank alcohol, I smoked, I had sex, I had done everything I wish I never did. But that made me wiser so I technically did not lose the battle. Either you float or sink, right? either way, there is always an island. The time I was in college, but not really. Since YOLO-ing has been a huge part of my life it was expected that I didn't make it to another semester. At that time I was not thinking. I have no idea why I am here I don't know what I want in my life. So I started working as a customer representative, luckily I got the job and I finally felt like this is something that I can do but I was not planning to this for the long run, but then again I have no plans. I was not thinking I was just vibing the ride. A few months later,  I got exhausted and burned out and I'm having anxieties I'm surely not happy of what I'm doing yet I still don't know what to do or where to start. I'm a firm believer by the way, not the Bieber way, though I am but I am talking about God. He made me strong, He has been there through good and bad. There has been a lot of time that he saves me from getting trapped. And he did it again. He flew me out to the United States to maybe get some time off spending some time with my family since my mom, half brothers, stepdad, and grandfather are there. During the time I was here he made me realize how I need to take everything seriously that having friends, and having fun with friends will always exist. But the chances, of having a life, having a family will always be limited and decisions should be chosen wisely.  Honestly, Im still frightened since growing up the mindset that was planted on my mind is I cannot do something. But this time, I will face nursing school because I know God believes that I can do this. And having him with my everyday journey is always a win-win situation
For those who are scared “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Phillippians 4:6-7
It is never too late ;) 
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After 8 yrs Im back tumblr HAHAHA yay
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F.r.i.e.n.d.s. S3E7 // Murder Mystery (2019)
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