
the state hall of the austrian national library is just unbelievably beautiful. what a magnificent place!! especially for a book nerd like me
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types of students
a. coffeshops, highlighters, little post-it notes, wanting to be perfectly organized b. 2 am, eyebags, stacks of papers, the deadline is in half an hour c. messy bullet journal, messy desk, messy life but still trying d. night: telling yourself how productive you’ll be tomorrow, day: let’s binge watch another netflix series e. buying tons of cute stationery, having only one pen left by the end of the school year f. working really hard to achieve your goals only to be asked why you’re so smart g. ancient libraries, the smell of new textbooks, wanting to acquire all the knowledge h. studying to help people, to save the environment, to change the world
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some visuals that have been lying in my drafts for a long time
currently stressed + tired + emotionally drained mess and it’s 12am but that’s alright
everything will be alright.
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I started a movie journal because there are so many movies I haven’t seen yet D: This is the first spread of it, The Breakfast Club – if you haven’t seen it yet (although I know everyone had :’)) don’t read much into it, there are spoilers ~
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study moods
sleepy dawn
open windows
listening to lo-fi
wearing pyjamas
planning your day, creating to-do lists
the sky is pretty
spring breeze
coming back after a walk
drinking a glass of water
getting a head-start on the assignment
the great feeling of productivity, ah
cozy evening
sitting on your bed
rewarding yourself afterwards with a bath or chocolate
highlighting with your favourite markers
warm tea or cocoa next to you
night vision
it’s way too late, but you gotta finish that essay
rock music all the way
everything is a mess
you’re gonna be okay though
cinnamon afternoon
drinking coffee
doing some math exercises
listening to a chill/coffeehouse playlist
scrolling through tumblr in your little breaks
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Photo from my instagram: @rotina_de_estudo (check it out) Pink notes! 📌
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2.3.17 // 11/100 days of productivity; two thousand pages of early English stage drama, a hot tea, and an impending political theory paper
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01.16.16 6/100 days of productivity
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I was talking to my parents about how many of my friends are already getting job offers, internships, and study abroad experiences as rising college juniors.
I said, “It feels like my life is buffering, like when you get that spinning pinwheel thing on your laptop.”
My dad responded, “Yeah, but when it finally loads, it’ll be HD quality.”
So I thought I’d share that bit with you all. If you’re feeling the same way, support your friends, but keep your head down, work hard, and wait for it–your time will come. :)
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Bujo spreads for the month of feb! I think having a 5-day work week has been taking a toll on me (っ- ‸ – ς) every day i come home feeling so exhausted that i barely have enough energy to even do anything remotely productive lol (though i’m kinda proud of myself for surviving 3 months of office work so far HAHAHA) plus there are uni applications to worry about especially with my sub-par grades my choices are quite limited siannn ಥ_ಥ sending them in soon, praying super hard that I’ll be able to get into the courses/schools that i want ;_;
(ps.i took some photos from @seigakun bc kou’s photog is A++ and i couldn’t resist)
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- 2.25.17 - This was seriously hell week; I pulled an all-nighter on Monday and slept a couple hours on Tuesday because of tests and quizzes and presentations :( 🌊🌊🌊
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a reminder that not everything is a race. you’ll bloom in your own time. 🌿 instagram: nag_aaral 🌿
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[march study challenge] • 06/03/17
Day 6: science or humanities?
I used to take an even spread of both disciplines - two science subjects (biology and chemistry) and two humanities subjects (legal studies and economics), then dropped both humanities and kept both sciences. Then I went on a two-week science camp in January and enjoyed it so much that I want to study science (Bachelor of Science Advanced AND Honours!) at university, undertake postgraduate science study and do science research for a career. That, and the fact that today’s photo is my biology notes (wrote notes on meiosis to help myself understand it better in preparation for my test on Friday), hopefully answers today’s big question without me even having to explicitly state which subject I prefer.
(just in case you don’t know: I flipping love science. 100% certified science nerd. I would take 14 units of science if I could and I want to live in a lab for the rest of my life. I know this all sounds a little weird but pls just let me indulge my passions omg science is literally the best!!!)
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February 14, 2017. Some tea, reading and writing. Study hard lovers!
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inspirational quote from last year’s calendar + look at how cool my cousin’s phone case is!? his course is mechanical engineering.
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This week I was bombarded by the gift that is Dear Evan Hansen, a new broadway musical that I’ve become quickly obsessed with (hence every quote on this spread being from the show’s lyrics). The songs are honestly soo good and although the score was written by the people who brought us the music of La La Land (another one of my faves) the music is soo different and catchy and meaningful and Ben Platt’s voice makes me cry every time. Even if you’re not a musical theatre nerd like me, I highly suggest giving the cast album a listen!
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