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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. The Moon🌙 is now moving through the sign of Capricorn♑️ where she’ll reside for the next 2 1/2 days. . Capricorn energy♑️✨ brings an extra boost of self discipline, responsibility and integrity, so it’s a good time to knuckle down and tackle those jobs that you’ve been putting off. . It’s also the sign of the elder... ... and, as this is my personal Moon sign (and ‘the Moon represents How you were mothered), I’m honouring my beautiful Mum with tonight’s picture💞 . The eldest of the elders in my family tree🌳 and a fine example of a wayshower to her rather enormous family👩‍👩‍👧‍👦💝 . A lady who raised me to be compassionate, hardworking, kind and honest, but who also rocks the ‘age is just a number’ way of life 🙂 . Whilst in her 70s my mum has jumped out of planes✈️, had her first tattoo and partaken in countless adventures all over the World🌎 . Yes, she has the Sun in travel-loving, optimistic Sagittarius ♐️ and her independent, free-thinking Uranus/Sun contact means she was never going to be the ‘blue rinse and carpet slippers’ kind of Nan. . Like the one she’s sitting on, my Mum’s dependability is as solid as a rock(Sun/Mercury/Venus opposite Saturn). . She’s always there with a nurturing word of kindness and boy!! - does she understand small children (Jupiter in Cancer♋️) . Like to know what the energy in your birth chart says about you? . Go to and receive my free E-Book: ‘Introductory Tips for Astrological Self Awareness’ when you sign up to my newsletter 👍🏻 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. Now that is one chlorophyll loaded juice💚 . But did you know that what you put onto your body is just as important as what you put into it?🤔 . If you’re not already an avid label reader🧐, I recommend downloading The Chemical Maze App on your phone and having a good look at what’s hanging out in your pantry and your bathroom🛀🏻 . It can be an enlightening experience⚡️😲 . Thankfully there are heaps of good people creating some amazing chemical-free self care products; like this beautiful lemon🍋 scrub. . Exfoliates the skin, smells divine, lifts your mood and all without harming you or the planet ☺️🎉 . Available in my online store at (Shop -> Don Tolman Self Care products) or click the link in my bio to be taken straight there 💝 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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The Moon🌙 has now entered the sign of Sagittarius♐️ as we move to our Full Moon - exact tomorrow. . Sagittarius♐️ is usually a sign of growth, optimism and expansion🤗, but with Mars slowing down to turn retrograde you may be meeting with frustration😖 related to these themes. . Sagittarius energy♐️✨ asks that we nurture our spiritual needs as well as the need that our soul has for growth💗. . If you’ve not been doing this, then you may find yourself feeling suffocated, lost and/or stuck now; especially as the Full Moon🌕 energy builds. . Where are you feeling this? . Meditation🧘🏻‍♀️ can help to foster a strong connection to your higher self and to strengthen those intuitive hunches💖 and promptings of your soul✨ . 10 minutes a day is all you need👍🏻 . Being tuned in✨🙌🏻 doesn’t mean that you do not experience delays or frustrations, but it can help you to flow through them🌊, to understand the bigger picture that’s at work and to cultivate patience, self-awareness and a sense of being helped and guided👌🏼 . For more on this Full Moon energy, please see the link in my bio or visit . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
What Spiritual Growth do you Need? Vision, Inspiration and Room to Move - Full Moon in Sagittarius- May 2018
What Spiritual Growth do you Need? Vision, Inspiration and Room to Move – Full Moon in Sagittarius- May 2018
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If you’d like to receive my New and Full Moon reports in your In-box a little earlier each month, you can sign up to my Newsletter here.
This Lunar Month, the Full Moon will exact in the sign of Scorpio on 30th May 2018 at 00:20am here in Brisbane (AEST, GMT+10) – Click here for a time conversion to your part of the World.
  Compassion and Oneness
With a beautiful Water Grand Trine taking place…
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. The Moon🌙 remains in Scorpio♏️ and as we’re building to a Full Moon🌕, this can bring intensity, drama and - power struggles!! . Our children can be our greatest teachers about how we hold our power!! In fact, they can be our greatest teachers about everything!! Ever noticed that? 🤔 . This was my gorgeous 3 year old yesterday amidst one such power struggle - still gorgeous😍 despite the drama and even more so, as he was sporting a chocolate🍫-smoothie-monobrow at the time 💖 . Yes, this made yesterday morning challenging⚡️, but we got through it and later went to the bike jumps on the park to work some of that excess energy!! . Children readily pick up on the heightened Full Moon🌕 energy and that can send family life a little haywire as we navigate this part of the lunar cycle. . The key is to remain open to what this event means to you. What is the fullness of the Moon illuminating?💡 What is it showing you? Maybe it’s testing you? ... and did you respond or react to that test? . Do I love my son any less because of this? - No way!! In fact, I probably love him more💗, because he’s human and, as a young person, he’s so emotionally honest. . He doesn’t feel the need to hide himself away or be polite when he doesn’t want to be, and he teaches me how to become a better parent in how I handle these moments 📚 . You too may be feeling some strong feelings right now. . Does that make you feel unlovable? . I hope not, because that’s just fear talking 💞 . What you’re most likely being asked is - are you brave enough? . Are you brave enough to confront what’s coming up for you and to deal with it in the best way that you can? . To feel into those feelings, to have those conversations, to get it all out in the open? . Scorpio energy♏️✨ likes a good purge and it usually involves something a bit gnarly. . And yes, that can erupt as drama, but if you catch it soon enough you may find that you can actually deal with it lovingly. . Avoidance does not make things disappear🙈. In fact, it often makes the next time bigger. . Scorpio♏️ is ultimately the energy of powerfull transformation!! What needs to transform? . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. The Moon🌙 is now travelling through the sign of Scorpio♏️ . Scorpio♏️ is deep, powerful energy; the strong, silent type💪🏻🤫 . Through Scorpio we can be taken down to the depths and through this same energy✨ we can rise again; more empowered, more emotionally wise and more resilient. . Today the Moon🌙 moves towards a growing Trine to Venus and later she will trigger the beautiful energy of the Jupiter/Neptune Trine (now gently waning). . With all of these placements taking place in the 3 watery💧 signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) it’s a great day to allow for some silence, to feel into the heightened energy of love and compassion✨🙌🏻 and to honour the oneness that exists in all of life. . Scorpio Moon energy♏️🌙✨ is ultimately about power and when the Moon transits this sign we can feel quite emotionally intense and focused. . It’s a great day to channel some of that intensity into exercise🚴🏻‍♀️, to meditate🧘🏻‍♀️, to practice gratitude✨🙏🏻 and to celebrate the love vibration that is shared between you and your loved ones ✨💖🌈
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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One of the joys of living in Brisbane is the beautiful bird life 🕊 . These were outside Jesse’s childcare centre when I dropped him off on Tuesday☺️ . Not a bit concerned about me taking a photo either 💞 . The Moon🌙 is now in Libra♎️, sign of diplomacy, balance and relationships💏 . With Venus (ruler of this Moon) currently opposing Saturn it may be time for a reality check. . Saturn makes us face our responsibilities and commitments and can make things feel ‘hard’. . The theme of of give and take and sharing of duties could be important somewhere and watch for stress triggers and the feeling of being burdened 😞 . With the Moon🌙 also square to Venus things could feel less than cosy right now and it’s probably a good day/evening to focus on work rather than romance 👍🏻 and give everyone some space. . Our next Full Moon, which we’re currently building to, falls in Sagittarius♐️, so space could be a strong feature right now as could the need for freedom, adventure and inspiration💖 . Where do you feel hemmed in and how can you start to change that? . What’s one thing that you can do today that will give you a sense of growth, expansion or excitement? . ... and how can you take responsibility in creating a more inspired future with your partner? . The Moon is currently forming an air Grand Trine with Mars and the Sun, which could have your curiosity peeked. . What can you use that extra boost if mental stimulation for? . What tasks are calling for your attention? . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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Some of the most important changes I’ve made to my lifestyle have been motivated by the love I have for my children💞👶🏼 . For years I knew my body wasn’t tolerating something, but could I eliminate the suspects (🥛🍞) from my diet? . I’d try!! ...and then fall prey to self sabotage😔 before I could confirm what the issue was. . Then in 2010 I gave birth to child number 3🧒🏻 and spent a very long night in hospital with him, because he was passing blood in his nappies. . A dairy allergy was suspected and so with a 2 month old baby, who was dependent on my milk, I dropped dairy for 8 weeks and I never felt better(or looked back)!!☺️💖 . I say ‘dropped’ - Of course that transition wasn’t without its challenges⚡️, but because I was doing it for my son, I didn’t back out, I didn’t give in and I was more focussed about it ... . ...and that triggered enormous changes in our eating habits and wellbeing as a family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 . I have Mars in my natal 5th house, so it’s no surprise I’m motivated by my kids, but think about it for a second🤔 . If you eat well🍏🍌, your children will. . If you spend time and care on yourself💝, your children will learn to do this & it will become a normal way of life for them... . ... and if you don’t look after yourself, who’s going to be driving🚗 you to those hospital appointments, making nursing home visits and likely footing medical bills💉💊? . If your child had an ailment, which caused them pain or discomfort, would you do everything in your power to help them? . I know it can feel tough😔. . I’ve been there. . ... but I can tell you that the other side of these challenges is glorious 🌅 . And the next challenge you meet will be a little easier, because you now have greater resilience and self-discipline👍🏻 . Like the time I eliminated gluten and I did it all for myself because it was hurting me - now that’s self love 💞 . You are a precious commodity too 💝 . So why not spend today introducing a little more precious self care into your day? - just for you🌺 . And remember true wellbeing covers physical, emotional, mental and spiritual✨🙏🏻 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. The Moon🌙 has now moved into the sign of Virgo♍️ and into her First Quarter Phase, which marks a great period to catch up on work and house chores. . Your appetite is usually lower under the Virgo energy✨, but a growing sextile to Venus in Cancer♋️ May flip that rule on it’s head today. . Slice of 🍰 anyone? . Virgo energy is great for analysis and detailed work🧐 as well as a good tidy up!! . Refined and pure it’s also great for meditation🧘🏻‍♀️ and rituals; especially if you’re feeling anxious or worried about anything. . Have you ever noticed how calming green💚 grass is? . When I was in my teens I was always drawn to sitting on grass when I felt sad or anxious, so a walk and a little connection with nature can help too . Health is also the domain of Virgo♍️. Which rituals help to keep yours on track? . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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Navigating the cocoon!! . I actually wrote a different post for today, but as I was completing it my daughter phoned me, my battery died and my rather long post, which I’d spent ages formulating, vanished with it🌪 . Probably for the best, as it was a bit mopey really. . Neptune on your Mercury and Mars can do that to you - It can make you feel depleted, lower your immunity, wipe out your memory, your motivation, your ‘it took me such a long time to write that!!’ posts and yes - it can totally trigger victim-mentality like a boss. . The first hit of such a transit is usually the most disorientating - there you were doing what you were usually doing and Bam💥!! - Neptune’s here - all watery and vague and teary and tired and OMG!! Why can’t I function!! . Luckily there are some things that can help and I’ve written about those in my blog, which you’ll find at the link in my bio👍🏻 . Hope you find it helpful💞 . Neptune is currently at 16 degrees of Pisces where he’ll be hanging until he turns retrograde on 19th June and moves back to 13 degrees, so if you have planets at those degrees in your chart this could prove especially useful. . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
Neptune Transits - What are They, What's the Point and What to Watch For...
Neptune Transits – What are They, What’s the Point and What to Watch For…
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  As a keen leaner of all things astrological, I’ve read plenty of books on Neptune transits, I’ve taken the courses and I’ve listened to experiences of those going through them, but as with anything, it’s not until you actually experience one that you really get a feel for this energy.
Right now I have Neptune activating both Mars and Mercury in my chart and boy am I feeling it!!
  What are…
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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The Moon🌙 has now moved into Leo♌️ - sign of joy, creative expression and leadership. . It’s also the sign of Royalty👑 and how beautiful was yesterday’s Royal Wedding? . I totally loved the Bishop (okay his speech could have been a little shorter, but I’m a Virgo♍️ so I completely understand the ‘wanting to share the detail -> concisely!! complexity)... , . ... the choirs we’re divine 😇😇😇, the venue was stunning and how gorgeous did Harry and Meagan look!! 💞 . And there was so much in this ceremony that showed how much further forward the World is progressing ✨🙏🏻💖 . Evolution can take a long time, but there’s no doubt that our move to more heart-based💗 conscious living is happening - everywhere!! ... and in its own time⏰... . Being English and away from family (I’ve lived in Brisbane for 12years) such events are always a trigger for me😢, but especially so this week with so much activating my natal chart. . Uranus (now in Taurus♉️) is hitting up my natal Uranus and with Taurus ruling my 4th house of home, family👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 and roots, it’s no surprise that I’m questioning where I belong right now ✨💖 . Neptune is squaring my Mars adding to my rather lost and confused feeling and with Mars also opposing my natal Saturn it’s no surprise that my energy has been low and run down😔 and I’ve been feeling run down. . On top of that, Pluto is activating my Sun🌞 bringing on all feelings associated with an identity crisis!! . Thank goodness I have Astrology to help me understand that I’m going through a process and that this too shall pass!! . As Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are all fairly lengthy transits, I should add ‘eventually’ to the end of that sentence!! . Yes, I’m in the mush phase of this particular cocoon!! . So, as the Moon🌙 travels through Leo♌️ today I am going to be seeking out as much colour, joy and love as I can muster whilst also taking it easy and enjoying my meditation moments 🧘🏻‍♀️ - as Lord Neptune is demanding!! . And it’s started with a beautiful walk in the Autumn sunshine today whilst my gorgeous daughter watches my younger two 💝 . Enjoy the warm Leo♌️ energy and the replays of that stunning ceremony 💝 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. Let’s face it - life can be tough!! . There are days, weeks, months when I’m floating and flowing🌊 and I’m totally in it!! I’ve made it 🎉 and then - bam💥 . It’s time to readjust, go that little harder💪🏻, be that little more!! Raise the bar, but all I want to do is zone out and oh my God!! I’m so confused🤷🏻‍♀️!! What does life want me to do now?!! Where am I headed👣? I’m such a victim!! This is all too hard!! ... and wham!!💥 . I’m in the zone again and life is awesome🤗💞!! Arrhhh xo (deep breath)🌬 . We’re all evolving - all in flux, Times they’re changing - for all of us, Staying is stagnant - Embrace the change!! Stay open - Life is constant!! - Re-arrange!! . There is always a way!! ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. The Moon🌙 has now entered the sign of Cancer♋️ for the next two days increasing your urge to care for yourself and others. . Most likely the former will win out today, as there’s a growing opposition to Saturn, which can find you feeling withdrawn and craving alone time🤫 . Cancer energy✨ can bring heightened sensitivity💝 and worry, so be mindful of those close to you and be extra gentle with your children, who may be a little more ‘needy’ over the next 2 days👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and with Saturn strong, watch for ‘low’ moods in yourself and those around you. . The urge to retreat🏡 and hideaway could be strong 💞 . With Cancer♋️ ruling the stomach, a well-planned healthful meal or two is likely to provide comfort - the kind of foods that make you to feel nurtured whilst looking after your body💞 . This was Wednesday’s breakfast for me when I visited @rawsqueezeevertonpark - Acai Bowl 🍌🍓🥝and a warming Beetroot Latte☕️😋 . How can you feel quite so serious with all those bright colours?🌈🙂 . Think veggie soup and home made garlic and herb toast, lentil bake, a colourful salad🍅🥒🥕, baked potato🥔 and some garlic vegan mayo or oil - 🤪 . Those of us travelling through Autumn may favour PJs and socks today, but Saturn is likely to ask that responsibility be taken somewhere👩🏻‍💻 . A great day to catch up on chores, attend to the family accounts and to allow yourself some quiet time🤫 . Oh... and it’s Friday!!🎉 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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... and today’s special ‘Natural Healing Star🌟Award’ goes to these two beauties 💞 . My youngest - Jesse (3) was unwell yesterday evening; complaining of a tummy ache, which turned into fever😞 during the night. . Usually for fevers I turn to my Mulla Mulla Bush Flower Essence🌺, which helps the body to burn it off (and burn up🔥whatever the fever is fighting off), but being all out of that, I turned to my Aromatherapy book instead📗. . For fevers it gave Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Ginger. . I didn’t have Ginger, so just applied a drop💧 of each of these two in some Coconut Oil onto his feet, lower back, chest and tummy. . I was expecting a day off from childcare today, but up bounced my Gorgeous boy👦🏼, demolished his banana🍌 sandwich and off he went without so much of a murmur - no fever, no sickness, no dramas ☺️ . The Moon🌙 remains in the curious and ever-learning sign of Gemini♊️ today, so hopefully you enjoyed my sharing of this story 😀 . You can also see yesterday’s post for more on the Moon in Gemini energy✨ 👍🏻 . Have an awesome Thursday 🎉 . Much Love, Toria xo✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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. Feeling so lifted and full of gratitude this morning 💞 after spending the early part of today meditating🧘🏻‍♀️ and setting my intentions under the new Taurus Moon energy🌑📝✨ . The Moon has now slipped into Gemini♊️, which is great for communicating your desires💖 . What will you wish💫 for? . Remember to include some gratitude ✨🙏🏻 into your day - what are you truly thankful for? . When we appreciate what we have, we lift our energy and open ourselves up attract more into our lives 🤗 . Ruled by Venus, Taurus♉️ is a sign connected to what we value and desire - and yes!! - Abundance 🏝 . Now that Uranus has shifted into Taurus you may be feeling a change in the air✨ . How’s your energy feeling today? . As the Moon🌙 continues through Gemini♊️ you may find yourself needing to take some short journeys . Gemini is connective, social and mentally stimulating 🙇🏻‍♀️ . Uranus is electrifying⚡️and can give you the feeling of being wired, so with Mercury (ruler of the current Moon) and Uranus conjunct in our skies🌅 you may need to ground your energy - walk in nature, hit the beach, use an appropriate flower essence, eat potatoes and root veggies (yum roasted😋!!), hold grounding crystals or like me today - wear Hematite powder on your feet ☺️ . That powder is awesome stuff and it’s available from the beautiful @simone.m.matthews at 💞 . There may also be a few surprises or unexpected occurrences around communications and networks at the minute 👍🏻 . Happy New Moon🌑 and if you’d like to follow the Lunar Cycle and use the 8 key phases of the Moon to help you forge forwards in manifesting your intentions over the month, you can subscribe to my Lunar Illuminations🌙✨ - link in bio or visit -> Shop -> Astrology Services . Remember to include a vision of what you’d love Uranus to bring forth for you as he transits Taurus for the next 7years too 🌟 . Wishing you infinite abundance, joy and the manifestation of your most cherished desire💫 . Much Love, Toria xo ✨💖
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motherearthastrology · 7 years ago
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It seems to be a bit of a trait of mine - get just that bit closer to a goal and boom💥 Do you recognise it in you too? . And it can be triggered by the slightest thing ... - a passing comment, a well-intended suggestion, perhaps an upping of your ‘less-than-kind’ internal dialogue or even something you dreamt last night... . With Uranus moving through the very final degree of Aries♈️ you may be facing a form of Aries-related self sabotage . - How energised do you feel? - Can you speak up for what you want and need? - Do you feel that you are brave enough, motivated enough, pioneering enough, ‘enough’ enough to push forward with your hopes, dreams and ambitions? . Think of these last few days as a kind of Full Moon🌕 on steroids - what about your strength and vitality is being magnified? . What is Uranus trying to awaken⚡️ you to before he finally departs this sign for the next 70-odd years? . Where are you being asked if you have what it takes, to take a stand, to bravely go where no one else seems to be going, to back yourself? . Perhaps there have been aggressive outbursts from you or those around you. Regardless of the perpetrator- how did that make you feel? . Irritation, Anger, Depression (blocked anger), Rashes, Headaches, Fevers -> These are all in the Aries♈️ Domain. . I have the Pink song “It’s always darkest before the light” on repeat in my head at the minute!! . Songs can be messengers upon our path, so I always take note of those and this one’s filling me with a little more hope - Thank you, Pink✨🙏🏻 . I’m also extremely blessed to have such a rock solid support network of healers, coaches and way-showers to help me through the pitfalls✨🙌🏻💞 . If you’re in a similar space, one of the best recommendations is to surround yourself with those who embody the energy✨ that you aspire to and then to believe in yourself wholeheartedly💖 . You’ve got this - as have I!! . The New Moon🌑 will exact in 8 hours. I recommend waiting a little longer to set intentions - until Uranus follows and shifts into Taurus♉️, as the way you feel right now may well change 👍🏻 Uranus moves into Taurus at 01:15:81am Weds morning in Brisbane (GMT+10) . Much Love, Toria ✨💖
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