“Caution not spirit, let it roam wild; for in that natural state dance embraces divine frequency.” ― Shah Asad Rizvi
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The fact that Ares starts fights on Twitter bring me great joy for some reason
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"he's so wet cat-core" I say in reference to a man that could probably kill me with his bare hands
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Wakasa Imaushi is the single(widowed rip shin-chan) father of 2......senju and seishu cause my mans so much anxiety, he does NOT need to be dealing with two delinquent teenage kids at age 27
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"he's my little snuggle puff whom i adore with every ounce of my being, he's my comfort character" Ma'am, that is a fictional mobster.
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One of my characters(drew) was very often in wildshape as a rat, so he canonically has rat like tendencies now because the other pc's pointed it out
I think one of my favorite DnD Things is when random rolls become retroactive Lore/Quirks for the character. Not even as a DM ruling, I mean something the whole table adopts organically, whether seriously or as a running joke.
A paladin I DMd for failing every single perception roll turned into him canonically needing glasses and not realizing it.
A combination of failed perception checks and concentration saves becoming a character having ADHD and that getting worked into the acting.
My gnome barbarian with low intimidation rolls despite doing/saying some actually terrifying things suddenly having a voice that cracks like the "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS!! HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!" kid when he shouts.
Or my favorite, my tabaxi artificer, Gus, comedically failing every religion check when it comes to praying so now it's a whole plot point that gods literally do not perceive him.
(Yes this is an invitation to reply or tell me in the tags if you've had any canon-altering rolls like this I love PC stories)
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conversation my best friend and I just had in regards to naming my pet snake:
Me: what about brick? that would be a good name,
Her: No, I refuse, If you name that poor baby brick I will never talk to you again, you should name it Sand.
Me; OOOOOH! actually, that reminds me, Whiskey would be a great name, I should name her whiskey
Her: Absolutely, fits both her personality and the fact that your main personality trait is your family history of alcoholism!
TL;DR my snake is now called whiskey
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somethin I've noticed
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Kenma: I think I’m coming down with something. I’ve been so nauseous lately. Kuroo, seriously: Maybe you’re pregnant. [they sit there in silence for a moment] Kenma: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack.
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5 fer reasons i put in comments
ok ranger’s apprentice fandom…where are you sitting
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you can tell mizu was raised by an old man from the absolutely everything about them and I deeply love that
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Mizu when they get to London and looking for a specific white man becomes so much more difficult:
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Mizu when they get to London and looking for a specific white man becomes so much more difficult:
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Apollo:....and I took that personally!
y’know nora sakavic really could make the comeback of a lifetime with a jean moreau spin-off. he’s already a fan favorite with his tragic backstory and his 5 1/2 lines, people would love if she delved deeper into his character. bonus points if she makes jerejean canon obviously
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aftg prompt- matt has to get his wisdom tooth out, the girls tag along
Ohh i love this, thank you! This also didn’t end the way I thought it would, but hey I’m still happy with it!
Not beta’d all mistakes are my own.
Matt shook his head. “Nope. Let’s not do this, let’s go back home.” He reached his hand to put the truck in reverse, but was stopped by Dan smacking his hand.
“No you don’t, get your ass inside.”
Matt turned to give a pleading look to Renee, who just smiled and got out of the truck, pulling Allison with her. Dan was opening his door, as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“C'mon babe, you gotta get this done.”
“Uhh no, no I do not. Why are girls even here? I should’ve brought Neil” he mumbled.
“We’re here because we knew this would happen idiot,” Allison shook her head a fond look on her face, “it’s funny isn’t it? How scared of needles you are now.”
Dan sent her a glare and Renee hit her shoulder, before pulling her away and looked to be scolding her. Matt really loved Renee. He looked at Dan who just stared back, unrelentingly. He sighed, rubbed his hands over his face and got out of the truck. He slammed the door.
“That’s the spirit!” Renee chirped, eyes twinkling.
Matt rolled his eyes, shoved his hands in his pockets and walked in the clinic. The smell of cleaning supplies was overwhelming and turned to see the girls doing the same. He got in line behind three other people, and before he knew it he was standing in front of the nurse. She smiled at him, kindly but a little strained. She looked tired.
“Hello dear, how can I help?” Her name tag said her name was Chrissie.
“I uh I have a 3 o'clock appointment with Dr. Zach.”
She turned to her computer, “And your name hon?”
“Matt Boyd”
She typed his name in, printed out some papers and handed them over with a pen, “Well Matt could you quickly fill these sheets out and then bring them up?”
Matt nodded and gave her a quick smile, “Thanks Chrissie.”
He found the girls sitting reading some magazines, he looked closer to see Dan reading an Exy one and Allison with a fashion one while Renee read over both their shoulders. He rolled his eyes at them, then sat down beside Dan. He looked at the papers, they were asking if he had any allergies regarding medicine, which he didn’t. He read through the rest and filled out the necessary parts before signing the bottom and handing it back to Chrissie.
“Thank you Matt, Dr. Zach will see you soon.”
Matt sat down and tried to listen to the girls conversation but couldn’t pay attention. He was getting his wisdom teeth out. That involved needles. He hated needles now. Couldn’t stand the sight of them anymore.
“Matt Boyd?” He looked up to see a doctor looking round​ the room and only stood up when Renee pinched his leg. He walked to Dr. Zach, shook his hand and walked into the room he indicated to.
“Take a seat Matt.” Dr. Zach motioned him towards the dentist seat. Matt sat down but didn’t lean back yet. Dr. Zach explained to him what would happen. He would be getting some anesthesia to knock him out during the procedure. It would help with the pain so he wouldn’t feel anything, but would likely still be high on in when he woke. Matt nodded, laid down on the seat and closed his eyes tightly.
When he woke up Dan, Allison and Renee were looking down on him. He blinked his eyes and tried to think about where he was. He looked around the room but only saw pristine white walls.
“Am I dead?” His voice was hoarse.
Dan laughed and Allison got her phone out. Renee ran her hand over his hair, “No youre not, you just had surgery fo-”
Matt cut her off, “Oh no! Is Neil okay?”
Dan looked at him, her face confused, “Yes Matt he’s fine, wh-”
Matt cut her off too, “No don’t say that! He’s never fine! Where is he? Where’s Neil?”
Allison​ was covering her mouth, but Matt could see her eyes tearing up. She was laughing at him. Matt pouted.
“Don’t laugh at me Allison​, thats mean, I just had surgery.”
“Yes you did Matt, Dr. Zach will be in soon to talk to you” Renee was still running her hand over his head. Matt gripped onto her wrist.
“Who cares! Is Neil okay? Is he safe? Is he happy? He’s not playing Exy right now is he? Where’s Neil? I want Neil.” Matt was on the verge of tears. He just wanted to know that Neil was okay and happy, what was wrong with that?
“Matt, Neil is okay, yes he’s happy, no he’s not playing Exy. He’s with Andrew-”
“Andrew can’t have him all the time! He’s mine too! He was mine first!”
“Matt, you don’t own Neil.” Dan sighed.
“I know that Dan don’t be mean, I just had surgery” Dan rolled her eyes at him and walked away.
“No don’t leave me.” Matt started crying. “Don’t leave me please. I love you almost as much as I love Neil, don’t leave, Dan please.”
Dan looked at him while Allison and Renee looked on both laughing but trying to hide it.
“You love me almost as much as you love Neil?” She asked.
“Yeah! He’s so pure Dan,” he grabbed her wrist “he’s so innocent, he doesn’t deserve the life he’s had, he, he deserves love and kindness, he deserves the world. I want to give Neil the world, but I also want to give you the world Dan! I wanna show the rest of the world my two favourite people, the people I love so much. Dan I really love you.”
Dan smiled softly, “I love you too Matt, more than anything”
“More than Exy?” Matt’s eyes were wide in astonishment.
“More than Exy.” Dan confirmed.
Matt smiled, “We should get married then, you love me more than Exy.”
Dan gave him a shocked look, “What? Matt did you just propose to me while you’re high on anesthesia?”
“Yeah! Dan let’s get married! Neil can be my best man! Ohh!” He turned to Allison and Renee, who had tears in their eyes and still recording everything. He reached a hand out to tap Renee on the arm.
“Guys I’m gonna marry Dan Wilds!”
“We know Matt, we’re happy for you” Renee patted his arm.
The next day Allison showed the rest of the foxes the video, Andrew glared at him for his comments but when it got the part where Matt proposed, all their eyes got wide. Wymack looked at them, eyes shinning, Abby rushed to give them a hug. Neil confirmed that he would be Matt’s best man, he had tears in his eyes. Matt had never been so happy to have them as his family. He loved them all.
Feel free to send me some prompts, only accepting aftg, teen wolf and harry potter prompts!
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i live for the second version!
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3. Edition of Exy Today!!!
(inDesign ruined the quality a bit, sorry about that, posting only the art with a lot of close up details soon!)
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AHHhhhhhhH Matt Neil besties is REAL and THRIVING, I am LIVING for the Nora renaissance and I am actually crying with how many questions she has been asnwering
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the singular most best thing to come out of the Nora renaissance for ME mattandneil alive and THRIVING in 2023
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me? making a 273 page document of all the aftg extra content? available for anyone to view, print, and download? instead of doing homework? nooo of course not. couldn’t be me. definitely not what this is
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