Mother Athena
656 posts
Hi sweetheart, it's so wonderful to see you! Meet me in the Royal Court if you ever wanna talk ♥️ •Ask Requests are currently: Paused•
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mother-athena · 5 months ago
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mother-athena · 5 months ago
Hi Little Ones, I'm not sure if anyone still wanders by anymore, I know it's been ages, but just know I truly still care about each and all of you. I stepped away from caregiving/age regression for so long because it wasn't bringing me joy anymore, and since I've started a new page, not regression related, but I'll never delete this space for the babies who still find comfort in it. It'll stay a keepsake. 🩷
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
Agere Baby Formula!
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I know a lot of regressors (including myself!) can be as young as a few months old! Actual baby formula isn’t very good for us and can make us sick, so I found something we can use that tastes and smells basically the same!
(Warning: make this when big! It deals with the stove and you wouldn’t want to burn yourself :c )
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Hot Water
Klim Powdered Milk
Brown sugar (or white sugar if you like)
Cinnamon (Optional)
Vanilla [The actual thing or essence] (optional)
Boil about 12oz of water in a small pot. Once the water has boiled, remove from the heat.
Add 4 tablespoons of Klim powdered milk. Stir until all clumps have disappeared
Add four teaspoons of your choice of sugar. (Less or more depending on how you like it)
Add one tablespoon of honey. (This helps thicken it a bit and makes it smoother)
Add your optional ingredients! A sprinkle of cinnamon or some vanilla!
Transfer to your cup/bottle/sippy and enjoy!
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
hewo ! wehh , pup is a bit new here ( & shy ) , so . . may hy request the ‘❄️’ emoji ? ( as an anon sign - off , hehehe ) ~
It's a pleasure to meet you, little one! Of course you can request that one, I'll add it into the roster for you now.
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
hi hi mama!! thank you for the bandaid and hug it helped a lot and i'm feeling a lot better already :') i wanna run up to you in a big hug and make sure your weekend was good.
Hi, little one! I'm glad I could help you and that you're feeling better! I like it when my babies are happy. 🫂 My weekend was good though, I had a lot of time to catch up on rest and spend time with family. 💓
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
Hellooo momma! 🩷 How does one get over the shame/fear of judgement of Agere?
I've been trying to get back into agere as if was a comfort for me. After getting into a serious relationship, I regressed more often around this person. Little did I know after we (just recently) broke up that I think it bothered this person. Like they didn't know what to do/how to react.
So, ever-since then I've felt embarrassed and ashamed to regress in my own personal space. Any tips? 🥺😥
Hey angel, that sounds really upsetting... I know it can be hard to not have that support when it comes to your regression, but even though they couldn't accept that part of you, it doesn't make your regression any less special.
It can take a little time to rebuild that confidence in yourself, but in the meantime, try to remember why you began regressing in the first place. Surround yourself with the things that helped you and tell yourself that you deserve to feel comforted and to indulge in the things that make you feel safe.
You're not hurting anybody when you regress. Nobody has the right to make you feel bad for what you decide is self care. It's your life. As long as you're happy, safe, and taking care of yourself, that's all that should matter.
If it feels a little forced when you try to regress, then just take it slow for now. Enjoy yourself. Watch a cartoon because you like the characters. Color just because you feel like it and eat off cute plates because it's fun, but don't necessarily do it to regress. I think its important to allow yourself to enjoy the activity first and let your regression come to you naturally.
And if you start to hear those thoughts that tell you you should be ashamed or embarrassed, then talk back to them and tell them their wrong. Tell yourself that its not embarrassing and that its okay to want to regress. The idea is, the more you say these things to yourself, the more you'll start to believe them. 💓
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
um hello. i heard you’re smart an stuff. um could you maybe help me with a problem i have? so only three of my friends know about my regression. They’re all super nice about it and stuff (and one of them is even also a little guy and sometimes we hang out and play!!). um but one of them i really feel safe around and when im sad i imagine him holding me to make me feel better and fighting the mean thoughts. um i think i want him to be a caregiver? i am new to the agere community but it seems like cgs usually have a romantic relationship with the person while they’re big. but i dont like teddy at all like that. we are just good friends. I’m confused and scared to ask him about being a cg. But i feel guilty thinking about him as comfort without him knowing. what should i do?
-💥 (little-puddle-punk)
Hi firefly! You're so sweet, I will definitely try my best to help you out the best I can. So, initially, yes it does seem as though most regressors are involved in a romantic relationship with their caregivers, but platonic caregiving & babysitting is just as effective for regressors, its just not as romanticized in the community for whatever reason. You can absolutely keep a platonic relationship with your caregiver if you want to though.
As far as feeling guilty for wanting that, I think it's alright to seek comfort from others or imagine them caring for you without them being your designated carer. Its totally natural when you trust them as a friend, I've even done this myself in the past, but if you're wanting to include that caregiving dynamic in your relationship with him, then I definitely think you should be honest and bring it up when you're together.
Let him know that you don't want a romantic relationship with him and explain what you like him to do when your regressed. If he already knows about it and seems to encourage your headspace, then I think there's a good chance he'll agree.
But if you're nervous about his reaction, then you could always generally mention needing/wanting a caregiver that you trust while your with him and see how he responds first 💓
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
🌼 Caregiving Tips 🌼
For my first time caregivers who are completely lost on how to start caring for their little one 💛
🌼 Research! Read as much as you can about age regression whenever you can. The more you can understand how regression works and what it is, the better you can support your kiddo.
🌼 Read Safe for Work fanfiction on regression. It can give you lots of ideas on how to care for and talk to your kiddo when they're regressed. Ask them if they read works on any specific fandom and try looking it up yourself to get an idea of what they like.
🌼 Read blogs on Tumblr and stories on Wattpad for regression advice too. Lots of information is written by regressors and caregivers themselves.
🌼 Ask lots of questions. Your little one's probably already established how their regression works for them so asking what that looks like can be super helpful to you. (Examples: How small do you feel when you regress? Or What do you like to do when your regressed?)
🌼 Your kiddo may feel a little apprehensive at first so patience and lots of reassurance will do wonders. Remind them that you want to be there and don't rush the process of including this new dynamic in your relationship. It will take time.
🌼 Encourage their regression! As often as you can, do things that encourage their headspace. For instance, asking if they want to color with you or watch a cartoon. The more you encourage their little habits, the more comfortable they'll feel around you.
🌼 Don't talk down to them. There's a balance when it comes to talking to regressors. You want to baby them (unless they ask otherwise), but not in a way that's patronizing.
🌼 Be curious. Ask them simple questions and be interested in what their doing/telling you. Most kiddos love to explain things and feel like they're showing you something cool, so it'll make them very happy to know that you're paying attention to them.
🌼 Try not to be harsh. Most feel like harsh discipline and a firm hand is the best way to handle a regressor, but most kiddos listen better to a gentle reminder than a harsh reprimand. So be patient with them, treat them as though their learning everything for the first time.
🌼 Learn their little habits. Lots of times, kiddos don't want to ask to be babied because they can feel embarrassed or like a burden, so they'll give little hints in hopes you'll notice them that way. And it can be something as small as being a little more clingy, to pouting and whining over something that seems minor.
🌼 Become their guardian. Check in with them often, ask if they ate, help them put their seat belt on and remind them to pick up after themselves, little things like that. Some regressors even love to have a certain set of rules laid out for them to follow (or break).
🌼 Avoid ignoring or verbally wounding your regressor. Sometimes emotions can become much more difficult to process when regressed, so a passing comment or action done in frustration can cause deep wounds to reopen, so try to think twice before acting.
🌼 Don't cross boundaries! Just because you're the caregiver, don't abuse your authority and force them to do anything their uncomfortable with.
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
Please make sure to eat little one, you deserve to eat, your tummy needs food, food is good, it helps give you energy to play and helps your body work, it doesn't matter what you eat, just try to eat something
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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the castle my caregiver made me 👑🎀🍼✨
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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name moodboard for “jeah” for @jeahreading
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
I'm still sickkkkk
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mother-athena · 1 year ago
hi mama!! i got all sickies a few days ago, but my stuffies helping me get better and im almost alllll better!!!
Aww, I'm happy you're almost recovered! I bet your stuffies are giving you extra love to ensure you get better as quickly as possible.
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