† ;; DEATH
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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make me choose » anonymous asked Damon or Kai
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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Sense8 Meme: [5/8] Sensates → Kala Dandekar
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
“Woah, when did you get that?”
“Who did this to you?”
“How many time have I told you to be more careful?”
“You’re saying this was an accident?”
“What a shiner!”
“If you look like this, I’d hate to see the other guy.”
“I’m not buying it, you don’t walk into a door and get a bruise like that!”
“Does it hurt when I touch it?”
“Let me kiss it better.”
“If you don’t rest, you won’t heal.”
“Another fight?”
“What happened to your face?”
“I don’t think your arm is meant to bend like that…”
“Let’s get you to bed.”
“Let’s get you to the hospital.”
“Why are you so calm about this?”
“You’re bleeding!”
“What are friends for, ey?”
“So, instead of helping you, they ran off the moment they saw what was happening?”
“You need to look where you’re going.”
“I’m not accusing anyone, I’m just saying it looks suspicious.”
“Do you want to tell me what really happened?”
“Don’t move! You’ll faint!”
“I’ve got some bandages, wait a sec.”
“You’re the clumsiest person I know.”
“I won’t let you be on your own, not when you’re like this.”
“How could you be so careless?”
“I can’t even look at you, you promised not to get into any more fights!”
“H-how many of them were there?”
REACTION MEME: Bruised and Broken Version
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
Send "I'd totally fuck you" for my muse's reaction to yours saying it.
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
Bold everything your muse has done. (caution: contains multiple common triggers)
Broken a bone | Gotten stitches | Had a near-death experience | Killed someone | Tried and failed to kill someone | Invented something | Been hungover | Kissed someone | Slow danced | Been in a long-term relationship | Had sex | Had sex and regretted it | Had a one-night stand | Had a threesome | Experimented with their sexuality | Had a kid | Gotten married | Self-harmed | Traveled to another country | Been in a play | Received an inheritance | Been in a car wreck | Lost a loved one | Been dumped | Dumped someone | Smoked | Gotten high | Been slipped something in their food/drink | Won a contest | Won an election | Joined a sports team | Gone skydiving | Gone hunting | Been in a band | Had a job | Been fired (slash quit) | Been in a wedding party | Owned a pet | Seen a ghost | Skipped class/work | Learned an instrument | Gotten a noticeable scar | Sued someone | Been robbed  | Been mugged | Been kidnapped | Been sexually assaulted | Been brainwashed/hypnotized | Gone more than one day without eating | Had a recurring nightmare | Been bullied | Bullied someone | Seen someone die | Attempted suicide | Been tied/chained up | Shot someone | Stabbed someone | Saved someone’s life | Cheated on someone | Been cheated on | Had a stalker | Been betrayed | Been in a fight | Been arrested | Been to a funeral | Had surgery | Broken someone’s trust | Gotten a piercing | Gotten a tattoo | Used a fake name | Been tortured | Been abused | Been blackmailed | Had an attempt on their life | Gotten away with a crime | Gone on a road trip | Been in love
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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What the hell do you want?
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
☠ Drabble list— You can send one anytime.
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Milkshake: Our characters will have to split a milkshake
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Time: I’ll write a drabble about our characters doing to a different time/dimension. specify.
Befriend Me: I wil write a drabble about our characters meeting for the first time in an AU.
Enamor Me: I will write a fluffy drabble about my character trying to woo yours [be it out of the blue/Valentines Day,feel free to specify.]
Quiet Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to calm yours down [be it from crying, from lashing out, feel free to specify.]
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Confess: My character will speak their true feelings about your character. (or about a topic. you may choose.)
Death: My character’s reaction to your character dying.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Healer: My/your character helping your/my character when they are hurt/sick. (Be specific on who gets which role, and whether the pain is physical, emotional, or just having to catch a fever)
I Do: I will write our characters as a married couple
Broken: I’ll write our characters breaking up or in an angsty scene.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
« : memory from the past with your character
» : a future event my character would like to happen with them + yours
☼ : A memory my character has with yours that they’ll never forget
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.
Pet: I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (specify what kind.)
Sleep: I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
Nightmare: I’ll write my character having a nightmare about yours, or vice versa.
Kiss: I’ll write our characters sharing a kiss, it can be innocent or passionate.
Murder: I’ll write my character killing yours or vice vesra.
Home: I’ll write our characters living together.
Love: I’ll write our character’s falling in love.
Death: I’ll write our character’s mourning over each other.
Insane: I’ll write my character is insane inside asylum and yours is the doctor, vice versa
Secret: My character tells your character a secret.
Candy Corn: Your character or mine being cheesy to the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other.
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
               SAY THE MAGIC WORDS &&                    I’LL  DESTROY  THE  WORLD                     F O R                               Y O U 
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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                     ❝ I’m never mistaken. ❞         Death listened for a second, closing its eyes and listening to nothing         but silence for humans, but completely chaos for itself. Voices, echoing         through the silent night, started to get visible through bodies screaming,         one of them being Jace. He didn’t scream, but wandered through the          night, feeling numb, being only a silhouette of what he once were.                      ❝  Your brother succeeded, Clarissa. It’s time for him to go. ❞
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Green eyes stared in shock as Clary fumbled around for words. “This has got to be a MISTAKE.”
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
       Death sighed, pushing itself from the wall and coming closer as darkness        surrounded them completely. Only after a few seconds of pure darkness        one could see a mix of thrones, building under them and blood dripping         from the throne. It stood on a wall of glass, just like both of them, high        above the dark city, illuminated by soft lights and the moon on the other                                       ❝ You’re safe. ❞         A very shallow description of what happened here. If it could allow itself to        tell the truth? Maybe the truth would only spark a fire inside of her, which        death found to be very appealing and entertaining.                   ❝ You’re in a realm of darkness, blood and void.                        You’re a part of me now, Katerina. Dead. The city                         you see down there’s Mystic Falls, the place you died. ❞
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                           It felt as if her body would never hit solid ground again, falling into nothing but darkness. Did the devil finally catch up to her? Suddenly, something below her comes into view. Her body moves too swiftly for her to truly get a good look at what she descends towards, but her dead heart leaps in her chest in anticipation. The pain of hitting the surface hard doesn’t come at first, her body feels numb, but then it washes over her and consumes every fiber of her being. A voice, dark and taunting calls out towards her. There’s a feeling of fear as she looks up at him.
                                ❛ Where the hell am I? ❜
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
//okay so hi I found your promo in the tags and I gotta say your blog is super epic, I've never seen anyone play death before and you've done a great job with everything. Mind blown really
Of that’s so nice, thank you so much! I’m so glad you like my portrait of death and how I deal with things and not just see them as something completely evil with one FC, as either female or male. Gosh, I don’t even know what to say I’m blushing. 
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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make me choose: bonkaiforever asked: klaus mikaelson or katherine pierce
You know, you all seem to think this is a democracy, and I assure you it is not!
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
              Death leaned against the wall, hands crossed, a devilish smirk on               its lips. There she was -- dragged into a world so unknown to her,                the realm death ruled over.                                 ❝ It took you long enough to be slaughtered. You truly                                  are a fighter, Katerina.. ❞
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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Dakota and Jamie’s promotional shoot for Fifty Shades, thanks to @FiftyShadesEN.
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mortifcr · 10 years ago
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There’s only one rule.  
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