mortenhinge-blog · 5 years
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‘RecycleMe’ is a waste-sorting-app that I have developed all on my own.
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mortenhinge-blog · 5 years
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A was a part of a 5-man team developing a map-app for Syddansk Universitet Odense.  I was in charge of doing User Research, and Usability Tests. In the beginning I tested an early low-fi paper prototype and later usability tests of several hi-fi, digital iterations of the app. We also sent out a questionnaire for the University’s students to gather additional information about the users. My responsibility was to ensure that the user’s needs and preferences were communicated and passed through to the design team throughout the process, with the main goal that we would develop a user friendly app. Furthermore, I was tasked with creating links between the digital space (the app) and the physical space (the university). It was important that the two spaces were connected and also integrated in each other. This was done to make it easier for the user to actually use the app for navigating the university. I created some concept proposals for how the integration in the physical space could like (see the last photo).
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mortenhinge-blog · 5 years
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I was part of a 4-man team that developed a short video game called ‘Find the Sheep’, inspired by the pixel-art design from the early Zelda-, and Pokemon-games. I was responsible for the Character Animation, various pixel-art elements, Sound Design, and basic programming for the game. The game is made in Unity and programmed in C#.
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