morning-absentglory · 2 years
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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Katrina - Unsullied or Pure
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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Robecca my beloved 😌 I don’t draw her nearly as often as I should 😭
Anywho, bringing y’all another redesign :)
(Image IDs included as alt text)
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
it's done. I did it. double life smp as vines.
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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[reblogs appreciated!]
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
new personality test just dropped: what's your favorite empires the musical song, mines the stand-off
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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I hadn’t realized how wonderful this jacket is, even though I’ve seen it a few times before. I wanted Luke to wear it, but it’s impossible in the canonical history, so it’s AU… Emperor Vader raises his children?
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
Imagine the potential of a Clone Wars style TV series set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
Luke “YOLO” Skywalker with a laser sword, no master, no training, bullshitting his way through the galaxy and somehow saving everyone despite having absolutely no idea??? what he’s doing????
Han “I won’t say I’m in love” Solo having a midlife crisis because he’s supposed to be a scoundrel?? But now he’s a rebel GENERAL and not sure how that happened? Also he may be in love with a actual princess what even is his life now???
Leia Organa being the youngest general in history, who can command a entire resistance but not legally order a drink yet. Who also accidentally uses the force on a regular basis but purposefully ignores it because there is already one feral wizard on the team and she has a actual job thank you very much.
Chewie having the time of his LIFE watching Han and Leia stumble around each other, providing the WORST wingman advice in the history of the galaxy. Also Wookie’s can live 600 years so there’s a damn good chance he’s heard of another reckless General Skywalker with a laser sword and should he mention that? No? Nah it’s probably nothing.
R2D2 knowing DAMN WELL who Darth Vader is and knowing Luke and Leia are twins and not telling anyone because he ain’t no snitch. Also he knows Tano and Ezra are out there somewhere and could train Luke but nah, this is way more fun.
Ahsoka “living cryptid” Tano trying to do her own shit when she hears about a Skywalker with a blue lightsaber running around and not believing it, nope, fake news.
Darth Vader realizing Luke is his son and losing his damn mind because we never got to see his reaction. Padme and he have a child who’s alive and force-sensitive and he’s on the wrong but he’s such a good pilot Vader’s so proud.
Vader banging his head on the wall because he searched for Obi-Wan for TWO KRIFFING DECADES and of COURSE the bitch was on TATOOINE with Vader’s SON, who was living under his REAL LAST NAME
Vader wondering how the hell Luke got R2D2??? and C3PO?? And is that his old lightsaber??? Palpatine sir we need to talk.
Like imagine the shenanigans. The character development. The pure chaos of THREE SKYWALKER’S alive at the same time.
Luke watching old Holo Vids of Clone War jedi and trying to copy the moves in his bedroom and Leia stop laughing this is serious jedi business LEIA-
“Luke why is there a hole in the wall shaped like your foot?”
“…Have you ever heard of Ataru?”
Luke and Han offering to teach Leia hand-to-hand and she absolutely wipes the floor with them. Han’s in love; Luke is in pain.
Han and Leia have to go undercover as a married couple for a mission and it goes as well as you think.
Luke Skywalker being the Chekov of the Alliance.
“Oh good, he’s nineteen.”
“We need someone to undertake this extremely risky mission-”
“I can do that! I can do that!”
Captain Rex still working for the Rebel Alliance, running into Luke and R2D2 in the hallway and having Vietnam flashbacks.
Rex telling Luke about Clone War Era Anakin - never saying he became Vader, but making sure Anakin’s son knows who his father really was. Rex becoming Luke’s family, because this kid lost his entire life in like 5 hours someone help him please
“Uncle Rex!”
*choking back tears* “Yeah, kid?”
Force Ghosts like Obi-Wan, Windu, and Plo Koon popping in at random to give advice. They regularly bicker with each other, but Luke and Leia are the only one’s who can see them. Han see’s them talking to themselves and is concerned
Cobb Vanth calling the Rebels for help when Imperials set up mines near Moss Pelgo. Can’t believe when old Wormie Lar’s shows up
“I blew up the Death Star!”
“Sure, Wormie. And I’m gonna be the town Marshal someday.”
“Yeah, you left your part-time job a Peli’s garage without warning her she’s might actually kill you.”
Other force-sensitives in the Alliance besides Luke. Luke having friends who understand because they’re just as scared and confused. None of them have any idea what they’re doing but they’re all doing their best, ok?
Luke meeting a force-sensitive Mandalorian named Korkie Kryze who looks a LOT like a young Obi-Wan and he has questions
Luke: *Finds a Sith Holocron* “Oh cool!”
Obi-Wan’s ghost: “Put that thing back where it came from or so help me-”
Han dodging both Boba Fett and Cad Bane. Han and Din knowing each other from past jobs.
Din taking a bounty on Han Solo and Chewie. Din going after LUKE, because he thinks he’s Han’s new crew member and look this isn’t personal, please stop looking at me like that
“Call me…uh, Wormie!”
(Luke doesn’t recognize him later in his shiny new armor. Din not recognizing Jedi!Luke later because he met a boyish farmboy and wait what do you mean that Jedi was Wormie, Han Solo’s smuggler co-pilot?!?!)
A grown-up Omega joining the Alliance. Sabine Wren and Leia training. Fennic Shand popping in as a anti-hero. Mentions and references of the Rogue One crew. Cara working in the alliance as a shock trooper and getting a proper backstory.
Just…original trilogy expansion WITHOUT betraying the characters (looking at you, Sequeal! Luke) or dramatically changing the original plot. Yeah, that takes some finagling but hey it worked last time.
Watching them go from ‘allies of convenience’ to ‘I will walk out of a base during a snowstorm on Hoth to find you’ friends.
*Add any other ideas you have!
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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… I miss them..
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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Enigma Lizzie!
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
imagine for a moment that anakin didnt go darkside and he just raised his family in secret. just for a second
anyways padme and luke and leia live on naboo and anakin comes to see them way more than not now that the war is over and around the time luke and leia are sixteen they get caught up in an adventure on accident when they catch a ride on a frieghter headed for coruscant with their friend han solo
during which, they encounter some anti-republic scum who hijack the ship and basically barely an hour into this trip han asks them to trust him with their life and they pull the empty-ship-but-actually-were-in-the -floor gag from a new hope. then luke (who had training from anakin because anakin was having a dadakin moment) decides to jump up and right hook one of these motherfuckers and pulls out his very own lightsaber that not even leia knew he had
then leia pulls out a blaster, which padme had taught her to use "in case of emergency" that luke didnt know about. the skywalker twins and co basically take out a bunch of pirates as their ship autopilots its way into coruscant
flash to anakin walking down a hallway in the temple when he feels the presence of not just one skywalker but two and he immediately knows something has happened. thing is is that he doesnt want the council to know that he has two kids, which they most certainly will find out between luke's appearence and leia's sass.
so anakin goes to the only other group he knows will help him: his off-duty clone friends that have been vibing on coruscant since the clone wars, plus obi wan and ahsoka, who are like uncle and aunt at this point
flash back to leia and luke getting it handed to them by these pirates, and although they keep themselves well defended, they dont kill anyone yet. han makes a run for the cockpit while luke tries to protect leia while leia tries to protect luke and they bicker about who should be protecting who
well as han is in the cockpit he gets a communication code over the comm; "hey, you got any skywalkers on board?"
basically, anakin got all his besties back together for a heist to go hijack a ship back from some pirates. anakin docks with ahsoka and obi wan and han is like "oh fuck oh fuck this is the guy leia told me about this is definitely anakin skywalker oh shit please dont let him kill me for making out with his daughter"
anakin finds luke and leia and being anakin his first instinct is to slice everyone right there but its his kids so he just force chokes and knocks out everyone while looking cool
luke and leia are obviously very surprised because they didnt think they would get saved by their own father and now they have to explain why they're on a ship bound for coruscant when they were specifically told to stay on naboo
before they even say anything, anakins like "no im not mad and no i wont make you go home. wanna go get some food i know this really good place down by the temple"
and thats the story of how the council found out that anakin had kids because they found him drinking smoothies with his feet up with two suspiciously familiar-looking teenagers
... and thats how han solo was almost killed by anakin for being a cocky motherfucker and taking luke and leia to coruscant by going through a smuggling route filled with hijackers.
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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harley quinn (the suicide squad, 2021) ; lockscreens 🖇 pls like/reblog if saving or using.
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morning-absentglory · 2 years
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Impulse, behind you!
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