Musings from a fictional professor
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moriarty87 · 7 years ago
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[Image Description: Tag reading “canon is an illusion and also for suckers except for the parts I like”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: This author is valid
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moriarty87 · 7 years ago
I loveeeee These Foolish Things! When are you gonna update it agaaaain. I neeeeed the next chapter. :)
Hey, thank you! I’m glad you like it. 
Quick answer: I’m almost done with chapter 12, so it should be in the next few weeks. I always let a chapter simmer for a bit after I’m done to make sure I’m happy with my writing. 
Long answer: I am actually writing five of the chapters at once. 😳  Plus, I’ve had to go back and watch the revival (yuck), and that usually involves a shot of whiskey to get through it. Basically, I’m just trying to make sure what I’m doing works well enough with the craziness of AYITL. 
Also, I’ve been taking down chapters and rewriting them. They will be posted before I post 12. Nothing major is changed plot-wise, but I’ve changed my words and the flow of chapters a bit. 
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moriarty87 · 7 years ago
These Foolish Things - Chapter 11
Chapter Title: Hearts
Quick Summary: Love doesn’t always need a declaration.
Rating: M for adult situations
Read: Fanfiction | AO3
Warnings: There is mention of lost pregnancy in this chapter
I posted this chapter a while ago but didn’t post it here. Would love to hear what you think. Fair warning though - it is the most emotional chapter so far, but also my favorite. 
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Strange Magic - Chapter 2
Prologue: Part II
Chapter Summary: Lorelai confronts her past. 
Read: FanFiction | Archive of Our Own
Story Summary: Rory Gilmore thought she was just an average kid, although with a few strange abilities. However on her 11th birthday she learns a secret, thrusting her into a world she only ever imagined in her books. But this new world is not as wonderful as it seems, and something dark lingers on the horizon. A Gilmore Girls/Harry Potter AU. 
Rating: K+ but will change with later chapters
AN: Yes, I’m around and still writing. I’m doing a rewrite/change of my other long story and working on my one-shots in the meantime. I hope you like it!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
I had a terrifying nightmare last night…
I dreamed that Netflix announced Season 2 of Gilmore Girls with a surprise promo picture on its Twitter. I awoke in a cold sweat, whispering “NO!” to myself, unable to fall back asleep. It’s quite a ridiculous thing to fear, to be honest.
But that’s just it, isn’t it? We get so involved in our fandoms that it bothers us when we really should be concerned with other things, like reality. Anyway, this isn’t the first time it has happened nor will it be the last. One day I’ll learn to stop obsessing over my fandoms.
(I envisioned a really cute promo, though. It was a coffee cup with a jammy child's handprint on the side. If hell ever freezes over, Netflix should hire me)
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
These Foolish Things - Chapter 10
Chapter Title: Guitar
Summary: It was an evening in late January; Logan watched her from across the room as he gently strummed his guitar. 
Rating: M for adult situations
Read: Fanfiction | AO3
 I really like this chapter – it’s a callback to a very important episode in the series. I hope everyone likes it too.
Thanks for reading!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
And now in more fantastic news, apparently my laptop touchscreen decided to break like an iPhone screen (how? I don’t know but I legit just cut my finger brushing over it) sooooo ahahahahah until I get a new computer (or a new touchscreen but I’ve yet to find one) I guess I’m going to be typing on my iPad. 
So I was planning for the end of this week, now, who knows? 
Personal Message from Me
I know that a lot of people who are not Tumblr users check my blog from my FF/AO3 profiles, so I figure this is the easiest way to do this without making multiple notes on different sites. 
I was waiting to hear back from someone before I said anything, but now I have and I can now pass it on to all of you. 
There are some big things happening in my life right now that are, uh, not great. Don’t worry, I am fine, but it has to do with my family. Because of that, I will be spending more weekends traveling and spending my little free time dealing with things. As a result, my stories are going to be put on the backburner. So if you wonder why I’m not updating very much, that’s why. I’m not abandoning anything, just going to be very slow.
Believe me, I would much rather be spending my time doing anything else than to deal with this family thing. Sometimes though, life throws you some curveballs that you just can’t duck. As always, my inbox and messages are always open! Thanks to everyone for reading my stories and sharing your thoughts - you are awesome!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Personal Message from Me
I know that a lot of people who are not Tumblr users check my blog from my FF/AO3 profiles, so I figure this is the easiest way to do this without making multiple notes on different sites. 
I was waiting to hear back from someone before I said anything, but now I have and I can now pass it on to all of you. 
There are some big things happening in my life right now that are, uh, not great. Don’t worry, I am fine, but it has to do with my family. Because of that, I will be spending more weekends traveling and spending my little free time dealing with things. As a result, my stories are going to be put on the backburner. So if you wonder why I’m not updating very much, that’s why. I’m not abandoning anything, just going to be very slow.
Believe me, I would much rather be spending my time doing anything else than to deal with this family thing. Sometimes though, life throws you some curveballs that you just can’t duck. As always, my inbox and messages are always open! Thanks to everyone for reading my stories and sharing your thoughts - you are awesome!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
These Foolish Things - Chapter 9
Title: Auld Lang Syne
Summary: Not every New Year’s Eve is the same for Rory and Logan. 
Rating: M for adult situations
Read More: Fanfiction | AO3
This is a music heavy chapter, but if you feel like listening to anything while reading, listen to Ella Fitzgerald’s version of “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” I kind of played around with it while writing. But Guy Lombardo’s 1947 version of “Auld Lang Syne” is also pretty good for this chapter. 
Thanks for reading!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
About this Revival of a Revival business
Okay, so some of you messaged me about my feelings regarding the Metro article on Gilmore Girls Part 2: Three Women and a Baby, and some asked what it means for my stories, so I’m just going to address it in one long post because it’s easier than doing 15 different PMs. And maybe only three people will see this, but whatever (too few follower problems haha). Warning,  extreme ramblings and nonsensical arguments are below. 
My main gripe about all this is that AYITL ended perfectly for what the Palladinos wanted to achieve, despite the anger I had over it. Everyone got their okay-ish ending, and most of all people could speculate what would become of Rory, kind of like the end of Season 7. Fine, leave it at that. Great ending. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!
Emily’s story was perfect. Honestly, it was the best part. Kelly had fantastic lines and was tremendous. Amazing. Can’t think of enough adjectives. But for those of you who don’t know, Kelly really had to make it work. Her husband is ill, so one of the kids had to move up from Florida to stay with him while she was in California. It took a lot of finagling to get Kelly available. If her husband is ill would she want to do that again, and get a kid to take time off to help? So I get the feeling Kelly would be in very little (or watch ASP kill Emily off). Shame, because Lorelai’s relationship with her parents really makes the show for me.
Lorelai’s struggle over the death of her father was so wonderful. That phone call in Fall just about killed me. It was everything I wanted back in the original show. Again, Lorelai’s arc was just what I needed. Now with Luke. Most of the whole manufactured drama with Luke was because Amy said it always upset her that the fans never got the wedding they always wanted. So they needed a way to put the wedding in there. BUT THEN – they couldn’t even do the bigger wedding because shockingly all that money had to go into producing that stupid, annoying musical.  And what would be their great manufactured crisis now? (Watch, one of them gets deathly ill or something). And now Lauren has a pilot – what’s going to come of that and trying to get her in the Revival Part 2: All Night Dance Marathon Electric Boogaloo?
Rory’s career arc was just flabbergasting. The reviews were right – feels like it should be about Rory in her twenties. After all these years she couldn’t go hmmm I need a job? Nothing about her career makes sense. How does she afford to travel? What is she even doing? Then she gets her big break with eccentric Naomi to write a book, which goes down the toilet, won’t even bother to try with Suzy says and Conde Nast, just ew. And then Jess appears and after four years goes “write a different book about your mom!” Which let me tell you, angers me no end. Not only is it as meta as fuck, but this is not a “fix it”, Rory. She will still need money to live before the baby shows up. That’s if someone decides to publish it. Then she’d have to find a way to support herself after it is published. Just, ew. It’s a cheap as hell solution to a much larger problem. But again, everything is swept under the rug by ASP and Co! So Miss “I want to be the next Amanpour” will just be floundering in the Hollow? *vomits* 
I said long ago that I would be perfectly fine with whatever the Palladinos had in store regarding relationships. Naïve ole me thought they’d all just show up for a cameo. Listen, I never shipped. I still have magazines debating Jess versus Dean, but I didn’t shed a tear when they left. I was always like well Rory has moved on. Then the details of the revival came in. At first I thought, well the only one I could really see being all that serious would be Logan. Then spoilers trickled in and we knew he was in quite a bit, so it got me thinking. They spent a lot of money on Matt. Milo, who worked very little in early 2015, was only on set four days. It seems like Logan was going to be the contender. Alright, fine with me. I can deal with that. Makes sense. It was her most serious relationship and they loved each other very much. Can I go back to being that naïve again? 
Then Amy and Dan said “I don’t know why people pay attention to who she dated in high school. Over and done with.” (That makes it seem to me like Dean and Jess don’t have a future btw) Amy and Dan acting like Rory’s relationships are not a big deal just annoys me no end. They were a big deal. OBVIOUSLY, IT’S THE BIGGEST ONE OF THEM ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR DUMB ENDING. So that brings me to the boys. 
Dean was always the most blah. But his ending was great. Have fun shooting in Vancouver Jared because we really never need to see you again!
God, I’m so angry about Jess. We still don’t know very much about him, other than he’s an author and lives somewhere… and visits Stars Hollow often to see Luke and Doula. Still has a thing for Rory who just can’t really give him any attention (sad as hell). There’s so much I want to know about him! Again, they could have scratched that dumb musical for more Milo. He was available. I know Jess has a lot of fans, but I would personally need a lot of Rory/Jess scenes for a possible romance with Rory in Gilmore 2: Judgement Day. Rory said “I might have loved you,” but she never really reciprocated so I never got the feeling she ever did? So would Rory just go from not really paying attention to him for these last eight years to thinking he’s the love of her life? What? Even ASP and Dan went “they’re star-crossed and family now” so the rational side of me thinks that’s never going to happen. But then I think about how Luke was never intended for Lorelai but they changed because of the fans. And there are a lot of fans out there. But would Milo be involved in Revival Part 2: Return of the Krakenbaby? He’s in a popular show now. I don’t watch TV but I hear he has a big part.  Won’t he be busy?
Then Logan! We know nothing about Logan! Why is he working with his father? Why is he Rory’s sounding board? Why is he the only one who knows what’s going on with her? Logan is her best friend, more than Paris and Lane.  I know people don’t agree with me, but honestly, OS Rory and Logan had a mature, adult relationship. Logan understood her Stars Hollow and Yale life, didn’t disparage her about it, called her out on her privilege.  Again, naïve ole me thought that Amy and Dan thought Logan was it based on the way they wrote him with all those stupid marriage references. Boy was I wrong. Listen,   Alexis said we’d know who had won her heart. I think Alexis knows it’s Logan. So let me move onto this sham of a relationship they had. 
They are having an affair, but it doesn't seem like an affair because it’s pretty serious for them? She’s basically living with him. Remember, Naomi’s book was going to take eight weeks. So she’s living with him for those eight weeks and who know’s how long she’s been crashing there before. She’s getting her shit shipped there. So this has been going on long enough for her to have the audacity to do that? They are going on to eat all the time, having fun, he’s planning dates. They are both putting in the effort to have this serious affair when neither of them do not put that effort into their other lovers. AND THEN we learn about his fiancee. I was like wow what the hell Amy why are you both making them so shitty. And I was all aboard the Logan doesn’t care enough to break it off train because for some reason he still wants to marry Odette but then… DYNASTIC PLAN? WHY in the world would they write that if it didn’t have some meaning? So does he not want to marry her? Rory doesn’t want this nonrelationship either but won’t tell him? Okay, Amy and Dan could have easily made it a wham-bam-thanks for the sex type of relationship, but no they did not write it that way. They are putting feelings into this. Logan is begging her to tell him what’s happening. There’s such a disconnect between what they write and what they want to show. Why do Amy and Dan want us to believe they don’t care about each other in some capacity? ARE YOU SEEING WHAT YOU’RE WRITING?  So Rory are Logan are just going to shut up about what they really want in Revival Part 2: The Palladinos Strike Back Against Negative Reviews? Both will be unhappy? I just don’t get it. 
So Rory is pregnant. It’s not the Wookie’s, it’s not Jess’, it’s not Paul’s. They said the hints were there. It’s Logan’s, we all know it’s Logan’s, it goes with her full circle bullshit after all. I get the feeling that Amy was going for Rory not telling him and doing it alone because you know, Rory has to lead the shitty life, but it’s just WHAT? Lol, let’s be real. Lorelai will know it’s Logan’s. Even Lorelai told Chris and always had the door open for him to be involved for Rory’s sake. Luke would be okay with it now because… Amy wants him to be despite his history with Anna? And Logan is a freaking adult, not a damn teenager. He can support his kid. He needs to know about his kid. I don’t understand how someone she dated for three years, who proposed to her, would not like to know. This is not a one night stand. Wouldn’t he find out anyway through the grapevine? But let’s be real, he’s never going to know or be involved because it goes with Amy’s plan, despite everything she’s written to the contrary. She wants her story. Hey, if Amy actually made it a happy ending I would be shocked. But I put it at 0.001%. You know what does bring me joy, though? That Lauren, Alexis, Kelly, Milo & Matt were all upset about Rory’s ending and to repeat Kelly’s words, “it was mean.” Matt (who also has a pilot) is too nice to say no to them so he’d probably make an effort to appear and man, that’s depressing to see where Logan would be. 
Oh and let’s talk about this Life and Death Brigade business. These guys flew in from wherever the hell they were to take Rory out on the town because she was feeling upset. Something I found interesting – Rory has clearly kept in contact with them. She knows about Colin’s knee surgery. Again, Rory knows more what’s going on with her lover’s friends than her soon to be step-cousin Jess. She was putting more effort into keeping those relationships when it would have been so easy to get in contact with Jess. Then they have their big tearful goodbye where Rory is basically Mother Hen. So after all that, does ASP really think we’re to believe that pregnant Rory would just be ignored by these guys? That once they found out, one of them wouldn’t show up and be like “it’s Logans?” Remember, Colin and Finn helped Rory move out of her grandparents after she and Logan broke up. They are friends. So I don’t get it. Once again, there’s that disconnect between what ASP writes and what she wants to show.
So let’s talk about Amy’s grand plan. She and Dan said the father was going to be who was under contract at the time of the show’s ending. I’m also going to assume that it was going to be with whomever Rory recently broke up with. Someone on Reddit put together a list of each boyfriend and all their Chris comparisons (can’t copy it here), and it’s obvious now that’s what they were going for all along. And you know, after looking at that, the one I could believe that could fit that role best would have been Jess Season 3. Jess was so lost at that point and left without telling her, without a way for Rory to contact him. Rory going off on her own would have been believable. Dean, not really. Even if the relationship was doomed, Mr. Dean “I like the Donna Reed show type of life” would still be in contact with the kid. Let’s talk about Logan now.  Season 5 maybe? But Logan, the one that walked out on his family after the disastrous dinner, wouldn’t somehow be around for Rory? (And let’s remember Shira was pregnant, and that’s why Mitchum married her). Season 6 is baffling because they parted so in love and Rory is living in the apartment. She can’t hide the baby.  Season 7? (I know that’s not her season but come on) Lol, the dude wanted to marry her, Amy. So even if that was Amy’s plan all along, there’s that disconnect coming up again! 
Well, I feel I’ve gone too far yet again tonight. This is a mess.  TL;DR: I won’t be watching it Revival Part 2: The Curse of the Netflix Sequel. Part of the magic of AYITL was that they were able to bring everyone back. This isn’t Arrested Development. There are too many power players with busy lives. Could it happen? Maybe. As for me (if they do this) - I’m going to finish up the stories I’ve started/have planned and say goodbye to this fandom. I feel like the revival ruined Rory for me. Melodramatic, sure, but it’s just so sad and heartbreaking. It’s like Emily and Lorelai got these wonderful arcs and Rory became like Walter White (bad analogy but I’m tired give me a break). Jess, Logan, and Paris got shitty endings, too.  There’s a lot of happiness I wish I’d see, but knowing Amy, god knows what she has planned. And frankly, I just don’t want to feel sick to my stomach again.
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Strange Magic
Summary:  Rory Gilmore thought she was just an average kid, although with a few strange abilities. However on her 11th birthday she learns a secret, thrusting her into a world she only ever imagined in her books. But this new world is not as wonderful as it seems, and something dark lingers on the horizon. A Gilmore Girls/Harry Potter AU. 
Rating: K+ but that will change later in the story. 
Read More: Fanfiction | AO3
AN: I plan for this to be another long story. It’s Gilmore Girls retold in the Harry Potter universe so everyone will make an appearance. It will span all seven years of school and a couple years after. I hope you all will like it.  
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Well, first I want to say I'm working hard to post my new story tonight (hopefully). It's something completely different, and I hope people will like it. It also will appeal to a much broader audience than what I am writing now.
However, I got an interesting question that I want to answer while I still remember it.
Why do you think Rory needed a reason to have an affair with Logan? Couldn't you just say she was selfish and move on from there? Does she need to have a crisis? She did it back with Dean in Season 4, makes sense she would do it again.
Good question. I could have done that, but I chose not to do so. Why?
Simple answer: prior history.
Not so simple answer: because her affair in Season 4 began with a personal crisis, too.
Rory in her freshman year was just kind of floundering. Dean is wonderful, always asking after her, etc. Rory wants to go back to that comfort. She realizes how awful she has been when she a) cries on the steps and b) writes that letter to him. I doubt Rory would forget how awful that situation was.
So in my story, it's the same type of thing, just on a larger scale. Rory is floundering, Logan is wonderful and caring to her, etc. Now, I do think it's an entirely different ballgame with him. For Rory, going back to her only serious boyfriend (I'm assuming that mostly because we're given nothing to the contrary and lol Paul ain't serious), "this could be the one" talk in Season 6, one where she seriously considered accepting his proposal - that's so significant. I can't ignore it.  And that's just Rory's side of things.
With Logan, oh man that's so complicated. I'm not saying more because of *my story* but man, I think there would have to be some pretty strong reasons there too if the girl you proposed to suddenly wants you around again.
Honestly though, this is just my opinion. I have no idea what Amy was going for with some things. I have a huge list of questions regarding small issues in this revival. We pretty much have to come up with everything ourselves. It feels like I'm watching Lost again HA!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
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Anyone want to adopt a cat?
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Tying Up Loose Ends
My notes on chapter 8 of my fanfic These Foolish Things
If you're reading this, I hope you've finished reading Chapter 8 of These Foolish Things. We are now officially in the revival time and it only took 60k words to do so! I mentioned before that I was going to answer some questions I've received in reviews and I'll answer those first before I get to my notes on Chapter 8.  
I don't understand Rory's finances.
Good question. I don't either. However, I am playing with the information ASP gave us. I'm going to bring it up in a few chapters. I'm trying to mention things as they come up in the revival. I have certain theories about Rory after Yale that I'll weave into the story as we go along.  
Why do you think Rory keeps rejecting Logan? Does her career have anything to do with it?
Again, it will be answered in snippets, though not overtly answered. I think it's a complex issue and there are many layers to it. Rory will have her own realizations and discussions with friends where she will gain some new perspective. I can't really say much more because if I did I'd be giving a huge part of the story away.
I don't understand your author's note for Chapter 7. What are the references?
Ok, very good question. My author's note from Chapter 7:
"I also reference two things in this chapter that I think are pretty significant for the R/L relationship. One is a reference to an important episode just tweaked a bit, the other is a reference to an earlier chapter in this story (and in a way, a different but later episode in the OS). If you picked up on both of them and the reason why I added them, great. The latter is very subtle."
Reference One: The title of the chapter is a reference to YJIJJ, the first episode where Rory jumps into something new with Logan. It really was the beginning of her crush. I tweaked the meaning of it for this story. Rory is drowning and desperately needs some guidance. Logan helps her along emotionally, helps her regain confidence, helps her with work. I thought it was *very* interesting that Logan was the only one who knew what was going on with her and was the first one she'd call when she was in trouble. This was me setting it up. He was offering her shelter. So now the umbrella means two things - her jumping back in this *thing* with Logan and Logan giving her his own umbrella to help protect her. I basically said as much in the beginning, middle and the end of the chapter.  
Reference Two: The earlier chapter was Chapter 5. Remember in Chapter 5 Rory had a realization about Logan after the death of Richard. Logan was a huge part of her life for almost three years and she's now back in this casual relationship with him. There's a part of her that knows she's in too deep and needs to stop while she's ahead. So she breaks up with him. You add in her struggling career and things are just not going so well for her. If we think back to the final episode of season 5, she goes to Richard complaining she doesn't know what to do anymore. She freaks out, stops talking to her mom and quits Yale. I used some of the same lines from that episode with Logan in Chapter 7. She goes back to Logan because he's so supportive; he's always been supportive. He knows her so well and she knows from experience (season 6) that he won't yell in her face or push her to do something she's not ready for. He just offers to help and lend an ear. She's willing to risk the affair at this point because she desperately needs the support.
Finally we can talk about Chapter 8!
Like I said in my author's note, we don't really know if Rory spent the holidays with him but we know she was in London before her visit in Winter. The town was still all dressed up, so I figured it wasn't too long after Christmas. More importantly, why would Rory be missing two holidays with her mom? She lives not too far away and you would think that she'd want to spend it with family especially following Richard's death. I just found it odd. I get that she was busy but she only spent one night after Christmas before flying out again?  
Yes, I had Logan write a book. Some of you may see the meaning behind the book already. It's also a nod to Matt, who has actually written a book. I haven't read it but I've seen excerpts. It looks pretty good. I mostly just had to deal with Logan's competition comment. I don't know if Amy wasn't thinking but when would Logan be a published author?  
Overall, this chapter was a weird one. There's really not that much in the way of plot but it serves a purpose in the long run. I hope you could pick up on the deeper meaning of it as well.
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
These Foolish Things - Chapter 8
Summary: Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas! It’s a chapter about Christmas, that’s all you need to know :)
Read: Fanfiction | AO3 
Rating: M for adult situations
I have chapter notes this time and I’m also answering some questions there too. You can read them here. 
Thanks for reading!
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
Off topic but I just saw Tanc Sade’s coy reply on twitter to a question about season 2 for AYITL and it legit has me worried. 
I may be a minority with this opinion but I really don’t want this. A revival of the revival terrifies me. I fear what ASP would even do at this point.  Just please, no. Please be joking Tanc. 
Anyway, back to writing. 
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moriarty87 · 8 years ago
No update this weekend. Sorry! I've been pretty busy with work and going out with friends so I've had very little time. I'm actually at a super bowl party now so I probably won't write any tonight (you can tell I'm very invested in the outcome if I'm on Tumblr now). In all honesty I was almost ready to finish it but as I watched season 7 again, I found an interesting plot hole that actually affects my next chapter. It's a very innocuous comment but it gave me pause and honestly I can't figure out why they said it the way they did. And until I figure out how to deal with that, I can't finish the chapter. However I am also writing another long story at the same time so I hope to post the first chapter of that in a couple of weeks too.
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