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04 why I Teach spa from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
Maestra de séptimo grado, Vicki Rutherford, comparte: El otro día estaba manejando hacia la escuela y me puse a pensar, “no hay lugar en el que preferiría estar que aquí en BV, caminar hacia mi aula, y compartir el amor de Jesús con mis alumnos.”
Yo solo quiero que los padres sepan que estos tiempos en que vivimos son difíciles y duros. Estamos viendo como el mundo tiene una fuerte influencia en nuestros hijos, especialmente en el nivel de la secundaria. Es genial ponerlos en nuestra escuela a ese nivel, pero lo mejor que puedes hacer por tus hijos es, empezar desde el principio aqui en la escuela de la iglesia. Llévalos, inscribelos en la escuela, haz que amen las historias de Jesus, amen orar, que canten libremente sobre El cada mañana y todo el día. Nomas mételos en la escuela aquí en Buena Vista.
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04 Why I Teach from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
Vicki Rutherford, 7th grade teacher: The other day I was driving to school and I thought to myself, “There’s no place I would rather be then coming to BV and walking into my classroom and sharing the love of Jesus with my kids.
I just want parents to know that these times we are living in are very difficult and hard. We’re seeing the world have such a strong influence on our kids, especially at the Jr. High level. It’s great to put them in our school at that level, but the best thing you can do for your kids is to start them out right here at church school. Get them in, get them in school, get them loving the stories about Jesus, loving prayer, being free to sing about Him every morning and all day long; just get them in school at Buena Vista.
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04 Why I Teach eng from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
Vicki Rutherford, 7th grade teacher: The other day I was driving to school and I thought to myself, “There’s no place I would rather be then coming to BV and walking into my classroom and sharing the love of Jesus with my kids.
I just want parents to know that these times we are living in are very difficult and hard. We’re seeing the world have such a strong influence on our kids, especially at the Jr. High level. It’s great to put them in our school at that level, but the best thing you can do for your kids is to start them out right here at church school. Get them in, get them in school, get them loving the stories about Jesus, loving prayer, being free to sing about Him every morning and all day long; just get them in school at Buena Vista.
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04 Why I Teach kor from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
7학년 교사 Vicki Rutherford: 며칠 전에 학교로 운전하던 중에 BV로 가는 제 발걸음과 예수님의 사랑을 학생들과 나누는 일보다 좋은 것은 없을 것 같다는 생각을 했어요.
저는 부모님들께 저희가 사는 이 시대가 정말로 어렵고 힘들다는 것을 알려주고 싶어요. 세상이 우리 아이들에게 강력한 영향을 미치고 있는 걸 우리는 보고 있어요. 특히 중학교 수준에서 말이죠. 그들을 저희 학교에 보내는 것은 좋은 선택이지만, 부모님들이 할 수 있는 가장 좋은 일은 바로 그들의 자녀들을 교회 학교에서 처음부터 시작할 수 있게 하는 겁니다. 그들을 저희 학교에 보냄으로 예수님에 대한 이야기를 사랑하게 만들어주고, 기도하기를 좋아하도록 도와주고, 매일 아침 그분에 대한 노래를 부를 수 있게 해주고 하루 종일 그분에 대해 노래할 수 있게 해주세요!
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Епізод 3: Духовне зростання (укр) from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
Духовне зростання є критично важливим компонентом цілісного підходу Buena Vista SDA Schools до навчання розуму, тіла, духу та серця наших учнів.
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Episode 3: Spiritual growth (spa) from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
El crecimiento espiritual es un componente fundamental del enfoque holístico de las Escuelas ASD de Buena Vista para educar la mente, el cuerpo, el espíritu y el corazón de nuestros estudiantes.
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Episode 3: Spiritual Growth (eng) from D. Morgan on Vimeo.
Spiritual growth is a critical component of Buena Vista SDA Schools holistic approach of educating our students mind, bod, spirit, and heart.
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