morgainesraven · 4 years
Rådare (Norse Creatures)
I will be using the Swedish names/words as there are no English translations.
Rådare comes from the word “råda” which means “to rule/take care of” so a rådare is a creature that rules over something.
Every rådare rules over their own thing. For example there’s a skogsrå for every forest.
The easiest way to make them happy is through respect and gifts.
You can protect yourself from them by wearing metal.
Remember that the gift has to be biodegradable! A lot of sources say that you should give coins, clothes, tobacco etc. But this is extremely disrespectful as you’re destroying their home (and it’s generally shitty to pollute).
Even if you haven’t done anything to make them angry it’s always good to show respect by acknowledging them when you enter their home.
Rules over the forest and the creatures that live there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with a hollow back and/or hooves and tail. She can also take the shape of different forest creatures.
If in a good mood she helps those who are lost and warns people about incoming storms.
If in a bad mood she makes sure people get lost.
If you live on your own in/close to a forest (or if you are camping) she might come at night when you’re sitting by the fire and attempt to seduce you. If you sleep with her she will keep a part of your soul and you will always have a longing and obsession with the forest.
If hunters give her gifts she might “give” them an extra big animal. Though if they manage to shoot one of the animals she protects they have to face her wrath
Rules over the ocean and the creatures that lives there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with long hair, gills, fins, and a fishtail. She can also take the shape of different sea creatures.
If in a good mood she shows fishermen where they can find the best fish or warns them about incoming storms. She can also give them good wind and help boats that are taking in water.
If in a bad mood she can trick boats into storms so they get lost or sink.
Sometimes she will seduce people and drag them down to her home at the bottom of the ocean where they are forced to work as servants.
She might stop boats and offer to buy their load, if this happens it’s best to accepts as if you say no she might get so angry that she takes down the entire ship.
Rules over lakes and the creatures that live there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with a hollow back. Unlike havsrået she has legs. She can also take the shape of different freshwater creatures.
If in a good mood she might help fishermen and warn them about incoming storms.
She only drowns people who have made her angry or if she is very hungry.
Just like skogsrået if fishermen give her gifts she might “give” them an extra big fish. Though if they manage to catch one of the creatures she protects they have to face her wrath.
Rules over mountains and mines.
Usually looks like a tall woman in an elegant, grey dress. If seen wearing black it is a sure sign of death.
If in a good mood she shows miners better ore veins or warns them about any dangers.
If in a bad mood she tries to scare people away, if they ignore the warning signs she makes sure they get lost in the mine.
Enjoys silence and solitude.
Doesn’t like it when people make too much noise.
Becomes very angry if miners manage find one of the ore veins she protects.
Rules over natural springs.
Usually looks like a young girl but most of the time she’s invisible. She can also take the shape of a toad.
If in a good mood she might show you the future though the water surface. It’s important to remember not to look for too long or too deep as you might lose yourself.
If in a bad mood she can make you sick after you’ve drank the water.
A lot of sources will say that if you sacrifice something to her before you drink the water it will heal you as well as make the water clean/drinkable. This is not true. There’s not a magical cure for deceases or disorders. Also there’s no way to magically make water drinkable. Always make sure a natural spring is clean before you drink from it.
This is compiled from my own grimoire / what I was taught growing up
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morgainesraven · 4 years
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Witch Aesthetics // Norse (Viking) Witch
Music Witch | Desert Witch | Water Witch | Love Witch | Cotton Candy Witch | 
Sun Witch | Swamp Witch | Cottage Witch | Ice-Snow Witch
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morgainesraven · 4 years
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morgainesraven · 4 years
Northern hemisphere witches, remember the summer solstice falls on June 20 in 2020 because it is a leap year! 
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morgainesraven · 7 years
Crystals & their Correspondences
ANXIETY • amethyst • carnelian • charoite • chrysoprase • jasper
AURA STRENGTHENING • celestite • jasper • labradorite
AWARENESS • azurite • creedite • jasper • kyanite
BALANCE • agate • amazonite • amber • aventurine • calcite • rhodochrosite • smoky quartz • tourmaline 
BEAUTY • aquamarine • clear quartz • lepidolite • rose quartz • sapphire
COMMUNICATION • amethyst • ametrine • aquamarine • blue calcite • celestite • citrine • kyanite • topaz • turquoise
COMPASSION • angelite • celestite • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • sodalite
COURAGE/CONFIDENCE • agate • carnelian • citrine • sugilite • tourmaline
CLARITY • agate • calcite • citrine • sapphire • tigers eye
CLEANSING • celestite • chrysoprase • jasper • kyanite • moonstone • selenite • shungite • sunstone
CREATIVITY • agate • amazonite • amethyst • aventurine • carnelian • howlite • lapis lazuli • opal • topaz
DEPRESSION • amber • calcite • chrysoprase • fluorite • lapis lazuli • pyrite • rainbow quartz • rose quartz • tigers eye
DREAMS • amethyst • hemimorphite • herkimer diamond • jade
ENERGIZING • agate • amber • calcite • carnelian • garnet • rose quartz • topaz
FEMININE ENERGY • cherry quartz • garnet • jade • lapis lazuli • moonstone • rose quartz
FERTILITY • agate • aventurine • jade • moonstone • pearl • red carnelian • rose quartz • smoky quartz • turquoise
FOCUS • emerald • fluorite • pearl • tigers eye
FORGIVENESS • blue agate • blue chalcedony • chrysoprase • dioptase • moonstone • sugilite
FRIENDSHIP • amethyst • barite • carnelian • desert agate • jade • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • strontianite
GENEROSITY • chrysoberyl • orange jasper • sunstone • topaz
GRIEF • apache tear • danburite • epidote • onyx • peridot • sodalite • rose quartz • ruby
GROUNDING • agate • hematite • obsidian • smoky quartz • tigers eye
HARMONY • agate • amazonite • carnelian • emerald • jade
HAPPINESS • agate • amber • chrysoprase • rose quartz
HEADACHE • amethyst • lapis lazuli • rose quartz
HEALING • agate • amethyst • aquamarine • blue lace agate • carnelian • citrine • clear quartz • hematite • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • selenite
IMAGINATION • aventurine • blue pietersite • citrine • fulgurite • iolite • malachite • rose quartz • sugilite • topaz • ulexite
INSIGHT/INTUITION • amethyst • aquamarine • citrine • dumortierite • euclase • green prehnite • iolite • moonstone
INSOMNIA • amethyst • ammonite • angelite • black tourmaline • clear quartz • hematite • jade • labradorite • rose quartz
INSPIRATION • agate • charoite • opal
INTELLIGENCE • agate • calcite • charoite • green aventurine • yellow tourmaline
LONGEVITY • amethyst • agate • carnelian • citrine • garnet • quartz • tourmaline
LOVE • amazonite • chrysoprase • jade • malachite • rose quartz
LUCK • aventurine • carnelian • citrine • rhodonite • rose quartz • tigers eye
MEDITATION • amethyst • calcite • celestite • elestial quartz • labradorite • lapis lazuli • rutilated quartz • selenite
MOTIVATION/DETERMINATION • aventurine • carnelian • citrine • garnet • jasper • tigers eye
NEGATIVE ENERGY (repel/absorb/protect) • amethyst • apache tears • black tourmaline • carnelian • chrysoprase • jasper • onyx • smoky quartz • tigers eye
NURTURING • amber • calcite • jasper • pearl • rhodochrosite • rose quartz
PHYSICAL STAMINA • amazonite • lace agate • hematite • jasper • red amethyst • red spinel • tigers eye
PROSPERITY • agate • carnelian • chrysoprase • citrine
SELF ESTEEM • agate • amethyst • amazonite • aventurine • charoite • chrysoprase • dumortierite • garnet • jade • malachite • sodalite • tigers eye • variscite
SPIRITUAL AWARENESS • amethyst • bloodstone • calcite • chrysoprase • howlite • kyanite • lapis lazuli • moonstone • pyrite • smoky quartz • selenite • turquoise • unakite
SPONTANEITY • hiddenite • opal
TRUTH • agate • aquamarine • celestite • charoite • danburite • iolite • pietersite • sapphire • scheelite • tigers eye
VISUALIZATION • iolite • imperial topaz • green tourmaline • kyanite • magnesite • petalite • pietersite • ruby • selenite • ulexite
WEALTH/ABUNDANCE • agate • chrysoprase • citrine • green aventurine • jade • moss agate • ruby • tigers eye
Essential Oils & Correspondences
Healing Chakra Imbalances
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morgainesraven · 7 years
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morgainesraven · 7 years
Planets & Minerals/Crystals 🌟
[☾] Moon - moonstone, selenite, pearl, milky quartz, aquamarine
[⊙] Sun - topaz, citrine, goldstone, gold, amber, carnelian, tiger’s eye
[☿] Mercury - blue lace agate, fire agate, aventurine, opal, alexandrite, mottled jasper, citrine
[♀] Venus - emerald, jade, rose quartz, celestite, turquoise, peridot, malachite, sodalite, coral
[♂] Mars - ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, sardonyx, lavastone, red tourmaline
[♃] Jupiter - yellow sapphire, yellow apatite, yellow jasper, green aventurine, azurite, lepidolite, kyanite
[♄] Saturn - hematite, jet, onyx, obsidian, blue sapphire, halite, black tourmaline, black diamond, garnet
[♅] Uranus - quartz, diamond, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, blue topaz, tanzanite, opalite, aqua aura
[♆] Neptune - sapphire, amethyst, turquoise, fluorite, labradorite, aquamarine, celestite, vauxite
[♇] Pluto - smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, black tourmaline, kunzite
compiled from my personal grimoire 
updated on 11-21-2017
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morgainesraven · 7 years
Gemini ♊
Associations: Communication, public relations, change of residence, writing
Botanicals: Anise, azalea, carrots, chrysanthemum, daffodil, dill, honeysuckle, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, licorice, lilac, lily of the valley, lobelia, marjoram, meadowsweet, mullein, oats, orchid, parsley, parsnip, skullcap, valerian, vervain
Crystals: Agate, citrine, fire opal, alexandrite, aventurine, peridot, tiger’s eye
Metals: Mercury (quicksilver)
Colors: Yellow, orange
Numbers: 5
Elements: Air
Planets: Mercury
Day of the Week: Wednesday
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morgainesraven · 7 years
I am mother, I am the one who tucks them in at night and the one who is there when they have bad dreams.
I am mother, I am the one who cares at 3 am when they are sick and the one who makes sure they see a doctor.
I am mother, the one who goes without so they have and the one that cries at night at the thought of losing them.
I am mother, the one who has always been here, is here now and always will be no matter what life may throw our way.
You are not mother, because you have been none of these things, unless it furthers your self described fantasy.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
I just want to throw up sometimes... watching you believe and swallow her bullshit is unfathomable to me. Even your own friends don't like it... how do you not recognise that you are in the same place you were before with the same kind of manipulative bitch you were with before? Baby girl please open you eyes and see that she is leading you into a fantasy world... one I tried to be a part of until I was cast out because I didn't fit her plan... just like everyone else.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
The concept of what you think you will accomplish is mind boggling to me... really you think they are going to give you what you want after 5 years of your wishy washy bullshit? Ha.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
Also protective herbs work well
jack-o-lantern spells 🎃
when you carve a pumpkin into a lantern this halloween, you can burn different herbs and spices for a spooky candle spell! before you light the inside candle, sprinkle the spice/herb liberally on the inside walls of the pumpkin!
some suggestions:
🕯 allspice -  fortune, healing, and wealth.
🕯 cardamom - love and lust.
🕯 cinnamon -  divination, psychic abilities, spirituality, and wisdom.
🕯 clove -  attraction, exorcism, love, and wealth.
🕯 orange peel -  beauty, divination, fortune, love, and purification.
🕯 ginger -  beauty, love, power, success, and wealth.
🕯 nutmeg -  meditation, divination, clairvoyance.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
I can warn you, I can watch you make a bad decision... but I can't stop you. And you don't love me anymore, you decided the soul eater was better. And I hope you learn your lesson.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
That feeling when you know you have won, when you pull out all the stops and send everything back 10 fold. When you call for the hand of your god and goddess. Feels good. I'm done. They are powerless, they are weak. They have nothing capable of stopping me.
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morgainesraven · 7 years
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When are you are told you must store your athame violently….
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morgainesraven · 7 years
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New altar set up, now that I have a whole room to dedicate to my practice
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morgainesraven · 7 years
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Here’s the full lineup in order by date. :) 
You can purchase them here! 
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