Wizard stuff but like... chill about it
3K posts
I am constantly tired, but I'm here for things like Star Trek, Star Wars, Gandalf's Big Naturals, and being earnest in my love of stuff again. Also I write fanfiction FF dot Net AO3 Email me at [email protected]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mooseman13579 · 11 days ago
Heyyy, are any of my followers trans people in the US state of Virginia who have changed your name on your IDs and license? If so please shoot me a message, I have a court order for my name change but am feeling very stonewalled by the DMV and Social Security office right now and could use some help
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mooseman13579 · 17 days ago
We have 30 days until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) laws are rescinded. This is the 50-year bedrock of American conservation. Normally, these actions take years but the administration has provided 30 days for public comment gutting clean water and clean air. Drop what you’re doing, before you make any more calls or read any more social media posts, please populate the Federal Register with dissent.
A. Go to
B. Click on the green rectangle in the upper right corner ("SUBMIT A PUBLIC COMMENT") .
C. Fill in your comment, and info at the bottom, and SUBMIT COMMENT.
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mooseman13579 · 1 month ago
so many of my Peers are reading 'way of kings'. buddy, we had a whole war about htat, look it up
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mooseman13579 · 1 month ago
hey if you’re a federal worker you may want to use a vpn and check to see if the “american accountability foundation” (elon) doxxed you. suggesting a vpn bc there’s an IP logger on the domain.
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mooseman13579 · 2 months ago
fat trans people. you agree. reblog
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mooseman13579 · 2 months ago
Turns out that I was the bad bitch who could brave the richmond water crisis to bring myself an arnold palmer. Alas, I was not able to afford three sandwiches, twenty chicken nuggets, a soft pretzel, and the arnold palmer.
God I want like three sandwiches, twenty chicken nuggets, a soft pretzel, and an arnold palmer
Who's a bad enough bitch to brave the richmond water crisis and bring me that at uh..... 11 at night?
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mooseman13579 · 2 months ago
God I want like three sandwiches, twenty chicken nuggets, a soft pretzel, and an arnold palmer
Who's a bad enough bitch to brave the richmond water crisis and bring me that at uh..... 11 at night?
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mooseman13579 · 2 months ago
"The road north is ever more treacherous*," I told the bemused merchant**. "And worse still, each time I venture forth to that forsaken land I find yet more strange and unnatural sights***. Truly the land of my ancestors**** is no longer my home."
*all the fucking road work
**cashier at the food lion
***luxury condo housing developments that used to be woods
****my parents
I think it would be really fucking funny to write a piece of fiction set entirely in real life but using lazy fantasy worldbuilding talk. I gather coin* for the road west** - I will need it to enter the Capital.***
* two quarters and two dimes
** Interstate 64
*** Richmond, Virginia
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
Friday the 13th style movie but one of the camp counselors is clearly trying to provoke everyone else into getting killed
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
Finally, Linkedin... for women!
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
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The entirety of what I left Pax Unplugged with aside from my own luggage. Well.... okay that's not true, I also found a little meeple and brought it back too but I have since lost it somewhere in my room.
Anyway! The first item I will discuss is, of course, my badge. This was a hassle to get only in that the website made it seem like I could only have my badge waiting at will call if I was an international attendee so I paid to have it mailed out but the post office sent it back because I had put my non-legal name on the address.Rip. Will call was quick at least. The second item; my map of the convention, which I picked up off the floor on the first day when someone dropped it and kept it ever since. Much abused but very useful.
I bought the 2 dollar rpg Enter the Orb which is about watching the film The Mind's Eye and then describing your own animated film with friends. On the left are items I got from playing Tournament Arc, a card game made by Little Creature; a medal for winning a game and two shiny variants of existing cards for participating in two separate playtests. Very fun to play, Each time I wanted to go for a specific vibe and each time I was rewarded. Also there will be a kickstarter for production of the game launching sometime next year, probably spring. I recommend it! I will absolutely be preordering this game.
I also have three cards from Drayer Ink, a husband and wife duo who have lately created a game called Bubble Net where you play as a pod of whales herding a school of fish together so you can take a big bite.
Finally, on the bottom right is an old version of a card from Witches' Quarrel, a legacy deckbuilder that my friend and I playtested on the last day with the designer. He actually said that we were the perfect playtesters because we announced everything we were doing, gave each other advice, and asked each other and the designer questions. As someone who doesn't play a lot of deckbuilders, this was very easy to get going with because the decks were generally very small, starting with 5 cards and generally the game finishes before you even reach 20 cards. It was a very tight experience and the designer told us that he'd been working on it for 5 years and it really shows in the experience. The legacy part comes in with Ritual and Prophecy cards where if you fulfill the conditions, you open different envelopes in the box which unlock spells that are added to what spells are available in a given game, different characters to play with their own unique cards and playstyles, and more prophecy and ritual cards.This game also has a kickstarter that will launch sometime next year and I will absolutely be buying a copy.
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
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A bunch of pictures of my Pax Unplugged experience. I haven't been much of a picture-taking person before and I'm trying to be better about it. I am so grateful for the people in my orbit because someone I knew asked their cousin who asked their friend if I could stay with them with only days to go before the con! Thank goodness they said yes, I don't know what I would have done otherwise! I included the first picture I took after getting to Philadelphia; the room I was staying in. It was really cool but that futon mattress was hard as a rock and I ended up folding up my flannel robe as a back cushion.
I also walked around the exhibition hall with my friend who lives in Philly and I got to do a demo of the Slay the Spire boardgame, which was pretty neat. On the second day we ventured towards other areas of the convention which is where I saw the trans inclusion signs (every bathroom also had a notice with a trans flag put up next to the door). I will say I felt very safe going around and I only had to correct someone on my pronouns the one time just because I don't always bother to change my voice.
On the last day my friend and I played a very cool legacy deckbuilding game that I will speak more on in a later post and then I went to go learn how to play mahjong before I began the long drive home. And I only even drove to Philadelphia because I had been misreading my train ticket for literal months so I went to the station twelve hours after the train left. Rip. Anyway, I got back and a water main burst further up the street so I ended up having to heave my luggage across before throwing myself bodily as well.
All in all, this is an experience I would do again. I enjoyed Pax Unplugged as a way to play weird or experimental games that I'd never heard of or were still in development or ones my friend had played and wanted me to try. I will absolutely make sure to have accommodations set up well in advance and not miss my fucking train.
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
not allowed to say Harry Potter, but what was your book series obsession as a teen
mine was definitely Eragon
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
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mooseman13579 · 3 months ago
In half an hour I will be starting my journey to Pax Unplugged, where I will be meeting up with a friend and staying at an in-home massage parlor
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mooseman13579 · 4 months ago
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
As a reminder, I will be discontinuing Radio Free Monday in the new year, although the guide to fundraising will remain, and you should feel free to link to it. I have had inquiry about passing it to someone new to keep going (I swear I will reply soon) and I'll keep you all informed about that as well.
Ways to Give:
stabbedinthenameofscience linked to a friend, Spark, who has life-threatening endometriosis that has gotten into zir lungs; ze is fundraising for extensive lifesaving surgery and aftercare. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
amour-de-tours is a multiply disabled and chronically ill queer Indigenous woman; she is in the process of applying for SSI, but has been unemployed since 2019 due to disability, and is in need of $1,500 for urgent medical care. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here or give directly at Paypal here.
dignitywhatdignity's 8 year old's school is fundraising to bring back their chess club; funding dried up, so one of the parents has started a fundraiser, especially since the chess club helped his kindergartener with behavioral issues. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Darcy linked to Blank Conversations Theatre Company, a small community theatre in New Mexico, which was founded five years ago by queer students and aims to diversify theatre in southern New Mexico. They've put on musical, comedies, dramas, and a signature "Brews with the Bard" series, and are now fundraising to finish out the season with their female-led Jesus Christ Superstar in January and The Play That Goes Wrong in March. You can read more about the theatre or support the fundraiser here.
Help for Free:
mooseman13579 is going to Pax Unplugged and the planned accommodations are under construction; she needs to find a place to stay for three nights. If you are comfortable hosting her, you can message her on Tumblr; I should say while I've never met her in person I've known her many years on tumblr and can vouch that she's not a random.
News to Know:
soc_puppet wanted to let people know that Dreamwidth community moodthemeinayear is wrapping up its first year of existence and looking to next year; if you've ever wanted to make your own custom mood theme for Dreamwidth or Livejournal, and need an excuse or just want some folks to cheer you on as you do, check out the community!
Recurring Needs:
Aviator Celadine is an unemployed trans woman raising funds to try and keep above water while she continues to apply for jobs and preps to apply for state aid; she needs to raise $2.5K to survive until she can reapply for aid in February of next year. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
loversdoom is raising funds for an assessment to get help with mental health so she can be treated and remain in school, where she has a safe place to live and basic psychiatric support. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here or give via paypal here.
chingaderita is raising funds for their mother-in-law, who recently found a lump and needs medical attention to determine if it's cancer; the family has been struggling after having to move into an unsafe living situation after a house fire. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form.
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mooseman13579 · 4 months ago
i dont consider myself a 'fashion guru' by any means but one thing i will say is guys you dont need to know the specific brand an item you like is - you need to know what the item is called. very rarely does a brand matter, but knowing that pair of pants is called 'cargo' vs 'boot cut' or the names of dress styles is going to help you find clothes you like WAAAYYYY faster than brand shopping
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