moonyclaws · 1 year
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moonyclaws · 1 year
🌊 ✨💖⚡☄if you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄go send this to 10 people who make you happy or who you think need cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄If you get it back then the better🌊💞💖⚡✨ 😊💙
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moonyclaws · 1 year
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🩸Blood & Manipulation🩸 After barely escaping Azkaban, Sebastian isn’t willing to risk losing one of the last people that truly cared for him.
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moonyclaws · 1 year
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Art by: Rikku.art (IG) | Rikku_the_Leaf (twitter)
Saw this on Reddit and it was too good not to share. 
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moonyclaws · 1 year
Okay, so I've been away for quite a while from this blog but I promise I'll start posting more and continue working on the fics I had planned. 👀
(Leon Kennedy really took a hold of my mind and my thoughts, my bad)
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moonyclaws · 1 year
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MC after being Crucio'd in the scriptorium this is a scene from the newest chapter of my fanfic, which you can read here! i was looking forward to rewriting the scriptorium quest for SO LONGG😭💘💘
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moonyclaws · 1 year
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some people need jesus.
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moonyclaws · 1 year
Professor Fig's letter
Days after the events that shook Hogwarts, Professor Weasley summoned you to her office. Sitting in front of her, she handed you a letter with your name on it, and you recognized the handwriting of Professor Fig, causing you to shrink at the memory.
"This was among his belongings in his office, take all the time you need." The professor closed the door behind her, leaving you in silence.
The death of the professor caught you by surprise in the midst of battle, and despite having spent a few days and receiving the honors and memories that Professor Fig deserved, you still hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that he was no longer with us.
In a short amount of time, he had become a father figure that you didn't know you needed until he was gone, leaving you with a huge void that you didn't know you harbored for him. For that very reason, you didn't want to open the letter; you didn't know how you would react to the words he had left you and how to manage your emotions.
After much contemplation, you gathered your courage and opened the letter, starting to read with his voice resonating in your head:
If you're reading this, it means I won't be around anymore. It was a risk I took in the days following our attack in the carriage. I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened to me. We both wanted to know what Ranrok's plans were and how Miriam also became involved in the troubles he brought.
Miriam... you would have loved to meet her. You both had the same adventurous spirit, and I'm sure you would have gotten along well. At least, thanks to you, I was able to find out what happened to her, and for that, I will always be grateful.
You are an extraordinary wizard. I could see that from the moment I started you on your journey through the magical world, even with a wand that didn't suit you. I hope my early departure doesn't stop you from continuing to explore all that magic has to offer, and all that you can offer the magical world with your incredible ability.
We never got to talk about our relationship, but I think you could tell that I welcomed you as a member of my family. I hope you keep that memory of me, and don't neglect your studies, you have great potential.
With love,
Eleazar Fig"
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moonyclaws · 1 year
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moonyclaws · 1 year
I’m literally crying with laughter 😭 the way he is snoring and wakes up
credits to vr2_vc on twitter
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moonyclaws · 2 years
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Ominis Gaunt by @oladcnfthb
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moonyclaws · 2 years
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Sebastian 💚
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moonyclaws · 2 years
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Ominis & MC & Seb (as Smudge the cat) by @oladcnfthb
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moonyclaws · 2 years
A Rather Rocky Introduction
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Ominis Gaunt x Carmen Wells (My Mc)
Summary: This new transfer student has been shaking things up around Hogwarts!- She is loud, rowdy, unladylike in every manner. Ominis thought he'd be lucky to never run into her! Unfortunately for him, he is sorely mistaken.
Requested?: No, not requested. I know I have a few requests in the inbox, and I am getting to them, but I just wanted to write for my Mc since I am feeling abit under the weather. Shout-out to @moonyclaws because they've been chitchatting about Ominis and Carmen with me, and it means the world to me 🥺
Warnings: None, unless you think a sassy, loud-mouthed, southern belle needs a warning LOL. And a bit of arguing but nothing too harsh!
Word count: 1,428
*Additional notes at the end
Carmen had not been at Hogwarts long, but she was already starting to feel comfortable despite being a transfer. She stood out like a sore thumb with her behavior, ever since she was late for the sorting ceremony due to almost being eaten by a dragon. Not many people came to Hogwarts by carriage, but that being said, not a lot of people had a southern accent either. And if those two indicators weren't distinctive enough, perhaps her growing string of disciplinary warnings could help point her out. Oftentimes she was being scolded for chattering through classes, or giving her opinion bluntly, or helping Garreth with his many concoctions. She couldn't help it though; Professor Fig had given her a bit of fatherly advice as to how to fit in and keep a low profile, but the Gryffindor couldn't do that to save her life. Carmen Wells was really bad at not being herself, but she was still well received by most, which is why she felt so comfortable so quickly. She had befriended sweet, fiery Natty, and mischievous, kind-hearted Sebastian; two friends were better than none, and it made the adjustment so much more enjoyable. 
Now she knew (more than anyone her age it seemed) how quickly good times can be ripped from one's grasp, but instead of being bitter about life and the way it often works in such unfortunate ways, she decided to enjoy the moment as it is. And in this very moment, everything was lovely. Currently the redheaded girl was exiting the Undercroft, a pep in her step, and a soft smile on her face. She had met up with Sebastian, giving him a southern pastry she made the ol' fashioned muggle way as an apology for the library, and in turn her Slytherin friend taught her Confringo. As mentioned earlier, everything was lovely, but Carmen's bubbly mood became dampened as she came face to face with the one and only Ominis Gaunt.
He needed to speak with Sebastian, urgently approaching the Undercroft with his dark wand blinking a crimson shade on a consistent tempo before him so he didn't lose his way. Ominis skidded to a halt, however, as the undeniable scent of cinnamon and vanilla curled in the air between him and the unknown assailant that had just stepped out of his Undercroft. That was not Sebastian, for he had only smelled such a scent around a certain someone, and he hoped- no prayed that he was wrong in assuming who stood before him. Straightening his posture and preparing for the worse, he spoke sharply, brows furrowed.
"You there! I hear you moving!" 
Carmen's shoulders tensed, arms coming to rest behind her, fingers interlocking as she rocked anxiously on her heels against the cobblestone beneath her feet. Of course, it was Ominis! Who else would it be! Just her luck she had to run into Mister Gaunt. There shouldn't have been an issue, but on the contrary! Despite having never held a proper conversation with him- save for the jeering, sarcastic remarks he would toss at her whilst passing her in the hallway- Ominis couldn't stand Carmen's presence and the notion was likewise. Whereas Carmen thought he was a stuffy trust fund baby, he thought she was unlady-like and unnecessarily loud. And to think they shared a mutual friend. 
So as Ominis stumbled upon her, she took in a deep breath and held it before expelling it, an anxious chuckle exiting her as well as she addressed him. "Oh- Heh, Ominis is it? I believe we have Herbology and Potions together if I'm not mistakin'!"
The Gryffindor watched as the pureblood's face twisted in pure disdain, and she still somehow took offense to such a reaction despite fully expecting such. A ugly scowl was pinching his mole-decorated features, almost as if he were about to snarl "I recognize your voice, speaking to Weasley in potions. With an accent like that it's not that hard to place; You're the new fifth year- Wha- Did you just come from the Undercroft?! How did you get in there?!" 
Ah, well there was no use in lying to him. Upon taking in his angry tone, she stopped rocking on her heels, hands now coming to rest clasped upon her skirt as she hummed a bit in response. "Weeeell, lets see! Your darlin' friend Sebastian was showin' me about- Lovely fella, truly! But he swore me to secrecy; My lips are sealed-" And it was true, Carmen had no intention on running her mouth, she had no reason either. Plus, she too had entrusted Sebastian with keeping a secret. She was a loud mouth, and perhaps even a bit of a gossip at times, but she would never tell a secret; loose lips, sink ships. 
Though Ominis clearly didn't seem convinced, his anger hardly concealed in his tone as his hands turned to fists at his sides; an action that Carmen couldn't help but roll her baby blues at."That rat!" He hissed, which was rather ironic to her. "If you breathe a word about this, not even your precious Professor Fig will be able to help you!! I will have you know that my father is friends with the headmaster, and I'm NOT afraid to exploit that connection if I need to!" 
Now if there was one thing that Carmen didn't take kindly to, it was being threatened. The nerves ebbed from her almost immediately, her arms crossing over her chest moodily as she began to defend herself. "Well I won't be needin' any help because I won't snitch- But you bes' be thinkin' before you threaten people mister-" She warned, glare so harsh that Ominis could practically feel it sear his flesh; Carmen would be damned if he threatened her, for her Grandma didn't raise no pushover. "I don't give a damn who your daddy knows. Watch that tongue, or I will make you regret it." 
Ominis felt his eye twitch. The nerve of Americans never ceased to baffle him. Venom was dripping from his tone as he leaned in, gesturing to his chest with his wand as he spoke. He was never the most expressive fellow when it came to body language, but Carmen brought it out of him! "I don't understand what Sebastian sees in you!- You quite literally just betrayed him by explaining what you were doing in the Undercroft! I never want you to come back here ever again!"
"Excuse me?!" Carmen shouted, forgetting that they were still out past curfew as her hands flew up, waving about as she spoke. Clearly this thick-skulled blond was aching for a fight! "I was only tryna defend him, don't you dare twist my motives to fit your view point! Lord!- maybe you should trust him a bit more! He is a good friend, and you're assumin' the worst!" She bit back, to which Ominis replied:
"I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend!!-" 
"Well CLEARLY ya do because it was quite shockin' to you that he would show me the Undercroft-" She yelled back, taking a step closer. She was rather bold, Ominis would give her that, and if she wasn't insufferable, perhaps he'd go as far to say admirable, but he did not like her nor did he trust her. He opened his mouth to defend himself, but Carmen cut him off by jabbing a finger into his cloak. To his dismay his face ran a smidge warmer from the fleeting touch against his chest.  
And with that Carmen pushed by him, shoulder checking him slightly as she stormed away. She was muttering under her breath about how insufferable and entitled he was, though Ominis could hardly hear over his heart pathetically pounding in his chest. Her audacity was vile, and yet for some odd reason his cheeks flushed. This made him confused, and confusion turned into anger. He swallowed hard, gripping his wand tighter with a white knuckle grip as his face set into a grimace, making his way into the Undercroft. 
Though Carmen did not know of the effect she had on him, just getting in his personal space despite how inappropriate it was to shout and argue so plainly as a lady in this society. "Perhaps you don't know him as much as you think! Perhaps you shouldn't be so insecure in your relationships! You have no right treatin' me this way without a justifiable cause! Stay out of my way, Gaunt! Hmph-" 
Oh yes, Sebastian was going to get an earful about this indeed. 
*I hope you enjoyed this!! If you have any questions about Carmen and Ominis I would adore answering them 💕 but simply reading this means the world to me, so thank you 💗
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moonyclaws · 2 years
okay I don't know if I got it right but I've been dying to do this
Ominis confessing his love to you (Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice, 2005)
I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love... I love... I love you
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moonyclaws · 2 years
loving ominis gaunt is not enough I need to bite him
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moonyclaws · 2 years
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By Pasta As Avatar
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