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Syd | she/her | 27 || all things ao3 (but mostly sterek lol)main: @essentiallyuseless
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moonwolfblues · 2 days ago
Join us next week at SterekBigBang!
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Presenting Author @moonwolfblues and Artist @angeleyz4ever with:
The Thing About The Truth
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Monster of the week, truth spell, magic!stiles, alpha!derek, hale pack feels, subtle scent marking, everyone is in college, panic attacks, descriptions of panic attacks, protective!Derek, Good!Peter Hale, Alisson is pack, rebuilt pack house, back for the summer, Canon typical violence Word Count: 10,392 Summary: “Oh come on, don’t wake him.” “Yeah Derek, I thought we all agreed to let him rest.” Stiles feels more than hears the growling response to Erica and Allison’s teasing. He frowns when the warm pillow under his head starts to move. “Ugghhh,” he groans – not whines, he definitely doesn’t whine, no sir-ee. “Oh come on Derek, look what you’ve done.” He feels another growl, this time it was more of a rumble underneath him, but the pillow did in fact stop moving. Slowly, Stiles blinks his eyes open to find his face squished up against black cotton. There was only one person in the pack who religiously wore black like any sort of color could poison them. Derek. He’d fallen asleep on Derek. “Oh my god.” He whisper-shouts. Or, the au where the Hale pack is back together in Beacon Hills for summer break after their freshman year of college and Stiles is hit with a truth spell that makes it impossible for him to shut up (even more than usual). Embarrassing hijinks ensue.
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moonwolfblues · 9 days ago
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moonwolfblues · 9 days ago
do you ever re-read your own wips like 'damn the bitch that wrote this oughta finish it'
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moonwolfblues · 15 days ago
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moonwolfblues · 19 days ago
We are aware that bookmarks, work listings, and hit counts on AO3 may not be updating. We are working on a fix, and thank you for your patience! Posted: 13:53 UTC, February 12, 2025
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moonwolfblues · 19 days ago
no matter how fucking sad I am, any AO3 email never fails to makes my day a little brighter
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moonwolfblues · 20 days ago
And then there was another one. Chapter 3, here we go!
You Look At Me Like I'm All You Want (I'm Hardwired To Be With You) by MoonWolfBlues
Ongoing | Sterek | General Audiences | 7,980 words | 3/?
Read on AO3: Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3
The world comes back to him slowly this time, his senses waking up and pulling on the feeling of home. When Stiles slowly lifts his lids, a pair of gray-green eyes are peering down at him. He can feel a soft smile pulling on the corners of his lips. He’s safe; he can rest a bit more. So his eyes flutter shut again. 
“Stiles,” a soothing, familiar voice says. He can feel a warm pressure on his arm. “Stiles, it’s time to wake up. Deaton’s here.”
The mention of the Druid brings reality crashing back down. “Ugh.” His whole body ached. He hadn’t noticed it the first time he woke up, but now he could feel each and every muscle strain when he moved to sit up. “What time is it?” he asks the man beside him while attempting to rub the exhaustion from his eyes. 
“A little past four in the afternoon.”
“The same day I arrived, right?” he asked, worried he slept the week away. It wouldn’t be the first time his drained spark kept him unconscious that long. 
That earned him a chuckle from Derek. The sound wrapped around him like a warm hug, melancholy thick in the air. For a brief period of time, he had thought he was never going to hear that sound again, never feel the joy from making Derek Hale laugh. It wasn’t the same, this wasn’t his Derek, but he couldn’t help the beaming smile on his face despite the ache he felt for his lost mate.
“Yes,” Derek replied easily, “it’s still the same day. You’ve been passed out for a while, but not that long.” When Stiles met the man’s eyes, he could see a gleam of mirth. “Just long enough to drool everywhere.”
Stiles sputtered out a laugh, trying to be offended but failing miserably. “I’ll have you know, that drooling is a natural, bodily function and I’m not going to feel bad about it.” His hands were flying through the air, just barely missing Derek’s face.
Derek laughed again, grabbing one of Stiles’ hands. “You sound like my sister. Though she’s definitely worse than you when it comes to drooling.”
Stiles lights up at that tidbit of information. “Oh my god, I cannot wait to tell Cora you said that.” He laughs, “She’s going to kill you.”
Derek tilts his head to the side in confusion. “Oh no, sorry, I meant my older sister Laura.”
The laughter dies in Stiles’ throat. “Oh, yeah… Laura.”
Derek looks taken aback by the sudden change in Stiles’ emotions. He gives Stiles’ hand a reassuring squeeze. Stiles attempts a smile but he can tell by Derek’s eyebrows that he only managed a grimace. 
“Look,” Derek starts, “I’m not sure what–”
“No.” Stiles interrupts, squeezing Derek’s hand again. “At least, not yet. I need to talk to your mother first.” And wow did that word feel strange coming out of his mouth. Stiles hasn’t had much experience with mothers since his own died when he was nine, and his mate’s passed before they met. Mellisa was the closest he’d gotten in a long while, but even then, it wasn’t the same.
Derek frowned but nodded. They sat in silence for a few moments before Derek tilted his head towards the door. A few seconds later, Stiles could hear shuffling on the other side before Talia walked in with Deaton and her husband. 
Stiles sighed, letting Derek help him sit up before addressing them. “You might as well get Peter down here. As much as I hate to admit it, he’ll be helpful for this conversation.”
Talia did something with her eyebrows that usually meant confusion when his Derek wore them, and called for the man in question.
While they waited, an awkward silence filled the small room. There was nowhere else to sit so the others stood against the wall opposite the bed. Stiles watched Talia assess him next to her son. Which, fair… to her, Stiles was still a potential enemy, a would-be threat. But this meant that he also saw when her gaze dipped to their hands. Hands that were tangled in the sheet between them, grasping on for something neither of them could name yet. She raised an eyebrow at her son in question and he sprang away from the bed, and Stiles, like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar after his parents had told him no. 
Stiles just rolled his eyes at the man. And they say Stiles is dramatic. 
Peter arrived just in time to save them all from another awkward pause, clapping his hands as he entered the room. “Let’s get down to business.”
The group stared at Stiles as if waiting for him to start, but Deaton beat him to the punch. Taking a step towards the bed, he spoke with an air of calm that seemed to settle the Hales. “Stiles, is it?”
Stiles nodded at the man. He looked much younger than the Deaton that had helped his pack back when they were in high school. His shoulders were held back, tall and sturdy, and his face was free of lingering worry. 
“Talia tells me that you aren’t from here. That you mentioned something about time and space? Would you like to explain what you meant by that?”
Stiles smiled and could feel the twinkle in his eye. Boy was Deaton going to regret asking him an open-ended question like that. “Well I’m pretty sure my spark altered space and time in order to send me to a different reality.” 
There was a pause before everyone started speaking at once.
“That’s not possible.”
“You’re a spark?”
“What do you mean a different reality?”
“Who the hell is this kid?”
Stiles just grinned at them before Derek’s dad – woah that was so weird to say – stepped in. 
“Okay, okay, everyone settle down. Stiles, why don’t you start from the beginning. Who are you?”
Stiles paused, debating on whether or not to answer. Was it safe to tell them everything? His magic didn’t feel threatened by them so they may be able to help him figure out what was going on. And the truth would probably be best – damn it, this wasn’t going to be fun.
“My name is Stiles Stillinski.” That got him a confused look.
“Like the sheriff?” Peter asked.
Stiles nodded. “Yeah, he’s my dad.”
“That’s not poss-” Derek’s dad began, but Deaton held up his hand to stop him. 
“Is it safe to assume, Mr. Stillinski, that your memory of things will probably not align with what we know to be true?”
Stiles tilted his head, thinking. “Yeah, probably. I’m not sure what all will be different but seeing as the whole Hale family is up and walking around in Beacon Hills, things are going to be pretty altered.” He winced at their confused faces. He hadn’t meant to say that.
Deaton just nodded, “I assumed so. We’ll try not to interrupt too much then.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes. Deaton was being much more accommodating than he was used to. Usually, he just nodded silently and let the pack figure things out on their own. Stiles nodded his understanding, nonetheless. 
Talia cut in then, “Why don’t you explain your connection to the Hale pack since it seems you know quite a bit about us.”
Stiles gulped, his throat dry all of a sudden. He isn’t sure how they’re all going to take this, though he guesses most of them already heard him say it to Talia earlier.
He began slowly. “Where I’m from, I am the emissary of the Hale pack.” 
Derek’s dad steps forward, “But you’re so young. How could you possibly be qualified to be Talia’s emissary? What happened to Deaton?”
Stiles reached up and scratched his neck, looking away, “Yeah, um, I never said Talia was my alpha…”
Read the full chapter on AO3.
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moonwolfblues · 27 days ago
“What day is it?” Derek demanded.
“The day! What day is today?!” Derek let Stiles go, but only so he could reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. He tapped at the home screen, and then went so perfectly still that Stiles was pretty sure this guy wasn’t human. No human could stand that still.
When it was clear Derek wasn’t going to move again without some prompting, Stiles said, “It’s Wednesday.”
“That’s impossible,” Derek whispered.
“Not really, it comes around every seven days.”
“This is impossible,” Derek said again, looking around himself, as if he was searching for something.
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moonwolfblues · 28 days ago
@sterekbingo Thank you, thank you, thank you 💙💙💙
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@moonwolfblues, your card is ready 💗
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moonwolfblues · 1 month ago
Chapter 2, here we go!!!
You Look At Me Like I'm All You Want (I'm Hardwired To Be With You) by MoonWolfBlues
Ongoing | Sterek | General Audiences | 4,695 words | 2/?
Read on AO3: Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
Stiles woke up groggy and out of it. His mouth felt like cotton and his limbs ached. He reached out gently with his magic, assessing his immediate surroundings. He could sense that he wasn’t at home, but he didn’t seem to be surrounded by enemies either for once. He’d woken up in restraints enough times to recognize the feel of them and that wasn’t what was happening here. Actually, he had no idea what was happening here.
The last thing he remembered was the explosion and feeling the pack bonds break before running for his life through the preserve.
He couldn’t hear anyone talking, so he risked opening one eye. Of course, he regretted it immediately when he was met with the hard stare of what could only be an imposing alpha. And not one that he recognized. It was just his luck that his spark would go on the fritz at a time like this. He should have been able to sense an unfamiliar presence with his magic, but for some reason he didn’t sense her.
He groaned and opened his eyes the rest of the way. He had been caught and no amount of faking on his part would get past an alpha’s keen senses, so there was no point in trying to hide that he was awake.
He moved to sit up and groaned even harder at the pain in his side. He looked down and put his hand to the newly applied bandage. Hmm… they cleaned his wounds? So they weren’t completely evil. But if he remembered correctly, the wound wasn’t that deep, well not deep enough that his bond and spark shouldn’t have started healing it by now. Which could only mean, “I’m not healing.”
This seemed to catch the alpha’s attention. “Should you be?”
“Well yeah, that’s kind of an advantage to being an Alpha’s mate. One of the cooler ones if I do say so myself.” He was rambling. He really needed to stop doing that in front of potential enemies. “That’s beside the point. Where am I? Why did you bandage my wounds?”
Her surprise turned to apprehension at his mention of mates but she didn’t move from her place at the door. “What Alpha do you serve?”
“Okay, guess we’re not answering any of my questions today.” He rolled his eyes and looked around the room. From the small window near the ceiling, he could tell it was daytime and that he was underground, most likely in a basement if the lack of furnishings and damp air was anything to go by. He couldn’t have been out that long, probably a few hours tops, so they couldn’t have dragged him far.
In fact, when he sent his magic out again, with a clearer head this time, he could feel it sing with the magic of his own territory. “My name is Stiles Stilinski, and I am the emissary of the Hale Pack.” He looked back over to the alpha and stared her down with his own brand of well-earned fierceness. “Which you should already know, seeing as we’re still on Hale land.”
The look on the Alpha’s face would be comical if she didn’t remind him so much of his dad, imposing and fierce with a touch of softness that only a parent could hold. And wasn’t that a sobering thought? Immediately, he felt the grief pouring over him in waves. It was all he could do to not cry out at the loss of his pack, of his friends and family and loved ones.
It took him a few moments to compose himself. When his eyes met the alpha’s again, they had softened somewhat. He mentally rolled his eyes. Stupid werewolves and their stupid sniffers always snooping on his emotional state. He used his spark to clamp down on his emotions. Putting a wall up between him and his grief. This wasn’t the time. He would have to deal with the loss eventually, but not when he was in the presence of an unknown alpha.
The silence was stretching longer than he was comfortable with. Granted, all silence made him uncomfortable, but he was determined to wait this out. He had done enough answering. It was the alpha’s turn to talk.
She looked like she had a lot of questions but the one he didn’t expect was, “What do you know about my son?”
His head tilted to the side, a habit he picked up over the years from spending too much time with his pack. Her son? He didn’t know her son. Why would he…? But then gray eyes flashed in his mind and he remembered who had tackled him to the ground just before he passed out. He thought it had been a dream but by the look on the Alpha’s face, it wasn’t.
“Derek…” he said it with the same love and grief that he had earlier. The emotions in his chest were battling for dominance. Grief at his death, at the loss of both their soul bond and pack bond. And cautious relief at the potential of Derek being alive. “But that’s not possible. He’s de-“ he couldn’t bring himself to say it, so instead he shook his head.
Think, think, think. What are you missing?
There was the weird light in the preserve as he was running for his life. There was the magazine-worthy mansion where the burnt-to-hell Hale House should have been. He could feel that he was on Hale land. And there was his spark going on the fritz and not recognizing an enemy five feet away from him… unless the alpha wasn’t an enemy.
“No,” he whispered, “you can’t be.” But when he looked up into the face of the strong woman in front of him, he could see the same dark hair and pale gray eyes as Derek. The same hard set of brows that could speak so well without needing a single word to be spoken aloud. He looked at her in horror and awe, “You’re Talia Hale.”
“Yes.” She said, stone-faced. “And who are you, Emissary Stillinski?”
“But you can’t be.” He yelled in exasperation, his arms flailing around him. “How are you alive? Did I bring you back without meaning to? Did Peter? God knows he has the practical experience.”
And he lost her again. The confusion and frustration was rolling off of her in thick waves. The more he said, the deeper set her frown became.
He was working himself into a frenzy, his mind working too fast. So he did the only thing he knew: he trusted his gut and released his spark in full force, letting the magic reach out of him in search of answers. He could feel his eyes and tattoos glow violet with the power. In the low light of the basement, he shone like a lava lamp, the light pulsing in time with the beat of his heart.
He heard her gasp, but it sounded far away with his attention focused elsewhere.
It didn’t take long to find answers. He felt Talia in front of him and a small group of people outside the door of the room they were in, how he hadn’t heard them with his enhanced hearing, he wasn’t sure. But above them he could sense floors and floors and floors of people. And all he could picture was the family gathered at the front of the house when he launched into the clearing. Most of them with dark hair and gray eyes. The… Hales.
“You’re alive,” he whispered, his voice gradually building. Goosebumps were quickly building along his arms, though he barely noticed them. “You’re all alive. How did you survive? No, scratch that. What about the fire? And Kate? And the mountain ash barrier? Did that just never happen? Oh my god, my brain hurts. How can you all be alive?” He just barely managed to miss hitting himself in the face with his flailing, though he did manage to pull at the injury on his side, and boy, did that hurt.
When his eyes were finally able to focus on Talia again, the reality of the situation hit him. Derek was alive. And he grew up with a loving family. And he never had to take on the guilt of their deaths. Never had to carry it with him while bad thing after bad thing tried to topple him. By the end of his questions, he was crying. Full-on blubbering with big ole baby tears.
Talia looked extremely uncomfortable with the turn of events but he didn’t care. He was too happy for the Derek that got all of this.
She stepped towards him, probably hoping to strangle him into stopping the waterworks. But her voice was unexpectedly soft when she spoke. “How do you know about the fire and about what the Argents tried to do?” She paused, “...And why do you smell relieved that their attempt failed?”
He sniffled like the strong man that he was, not even trying to wipe the tears away because he knew they weren’t going to stop any time soon. “Because from where I’m from, they did succeed, and it tore him apart. But here… here he gets to wake up every day to a family that loves him and cares for him, and that’s the best news I’ve gotten in a long, long time.”
She looked stunned that a stranger could care so much about her son. “Who are you?” she asked with wonder in her voice.
“I’m Stiles. And I think I may have accidentally altered time and space as we know it so you might want to call Deaton.” He smiled at her continued surprise at his knowledge of her life. “You still work with him, right? If the fire never happened, then he would still be your emissary.”
She nodded in confirmation.
“Then get him over here ‘cause we’ve got a lot to discuss.���
Read the full chapter on AO3.
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moonwolfblues · 2 months ago
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moonwolfblues · 2 months ago
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happyharpywings asked you: 
Um. Well, could I suggest some Sterek, perhaps? Uh, maybe something sexY? I’m so terribly sorry, I always feel so awkward about these kinds of things… Q_Q
Somehow it seemed sexier in my head. D:
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moonwolfblues · 2 months ago
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i should have been writing fic last night, but instead i was doing this.
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moonwolfblues · 2 months ago
Okay, here's part of chapter 1 of a new fic I'm working on. It's not edited or beta-ed so please be nice. I hope you like it!
You Look At Me Like I'm All You Want (I'm Hardwired To Be With You) by MoonWolfBlues
Chapter 1
Stiles was running through the woods for his life. He could feel the dark presence getting closer, gaining on his human speed.
Scott was gone. His dad was gone.
Erica, Boyd, Allison, Isaac, Jackson, Lydia, Kira, Malia.
Derek. All gone. 
And she was coming after him next.
He didn’t know why he kept going. He wouldn’t have anything to live for after tonight. His pack–his family–were all gone, taken from him in one fell swoop. And none of them had seen it coming. 
Well, that’s not totally true. When you run with a werewolf pack for five years, things are bound to get dicey, but they had always made it out alive in the end. Pain bloomed in his chest with how different this time had turned out.
It had started like any other Friday Pack Night. They had all gathered at Derek’s loft for a movie night. They were piled on any surface available, couches, chairs, the floor and arguing over who’s turn it was to pick the movie. 
Then every werewolf head in the room whipped to the window. Stiles could feel the shift in energy as something slipped past the outer wards of their territory. It felt big and nasty. Darker than anything they had faced before. And that’s saying something when you’ve gone up against a nogistune, dread doctors, and the wild hunt, and come out the other end alive.
Their half-laid emergency plan never stood a chance though and their run of good luck finally fizzled out.
And now they were gone. And Stiles didn’t know why he kept running. But it was instinct pushing him forward telling him that he had to move. Had to get away. 
He could hear them catching up to him, closing in on their final prey. And then he felt a tightness in his chest and the saw a blinding light before he felt the pressure pop around him like a pin sticking a balloon.
Suddenly the dawn light was creeping in around him and the trees were thinning, but he kept running. He wasn’t trying to be quiet. He knew they would find him eventually so there was no point in it; he just needed to get away. 
He heard the pounding of paws hitting dirt flanking either side of him. Closing in but keeping their distance. But this sounded familiar. Like the sound of his pack at his side. He must be nearing the end if he was hallucinating things. 
He was bleeding out of a gash at his side and he was pretty sure his ankle was twisted but he pushed forward anyway, used to running for his life while injured. 
He could finally see the clearing where the Hale House once stood. But when he broke through the tree line, he wasn’t faced with the familiar remains of a burnt-out husk. Instead stood a fierce home four stories high with large picture windows and ivy growing up the sides. Like something in one of his mom’s old magazines. It was a beautiful sight, everything he had imagined the Hale House looked like in its glory days. And also impossible. 
Even more so was the large group of people gathered in front of it. There had to be at least 20 people, all of varying generations. And all stunningly gorgeous, which - totally unfair. 
He was only a few steps into the clearing when he was tackled to the ground. The breath was knocked out of him and he groaned in pain as his wound twisted. But when he opened his eyes just a few inches from his face was the man he was meant to spend the rest of his life with. The man he would now never see grow old. He was scowling, but that was nothing new. The hard set of his brows and the curve of his lip was more familiar to Stiles than even his own reflection. 
If Derek was here right now then that meant Stiles had reached his end. The thought that he would soon be reunited with the rest of his pack was comforting enough that he relaxed under the man’s hold. Stiles was pinned to the ground, but he wasn’t worried. He was in the arms of the man he loved, and that was the safest place in the world in his book. 
But his adrenaline was fading fast and the darkness was beginning to take over, so he did the only thing he could think to do. He sent as much love as he could down their bond, filling it with every ounce of joy and safety and home the man had brought him over the years, and whispered his name before he passed out. 
Read the rest on AO3
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moonwolfblues · 2 months ago
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🔒 speak of all that’s been and all that won’t By Daisyapples
General Audiences | 31,668 | 5/5 Stiles stood in front of him; eyes wild, fists clenched, shoulders tense, but still. The stillness was what made Derek's hackles raise. Stiles was never still. "Stiles?" "Stuck in a time loop. Know where Erica and Boyd are. Need help saving them. Cora is alive and we need to save her too." Derek froze, right down to his marrow. The questions rose up like fish to the surface of the sea after throwing in a stick of dynamite; constant, floating, too many to count. He examined Stiles again; the stillness, the dark bags under his eyes he hadn't had yesterday and were evidence of more than one night's bad sleep, the hitch every third breath like he was just keeping it together. Stiles needed help. It was that simple. "Okay," he said, making sure to temper his voice. Stiles waited and crashed into Derek's chest, wrapping his around him for a quick moment before pulling back. Derek heard him mutter, every damn time, fuck, as he walked into the apartment.
I LOVE a good time-loop fic and I especially love that this one picks up during the last day of the loop, just before Stiles breaks out!! It’s fluffy and angsty and has all the pack feels while still primarily focusing on Derek & Stiles. Definitely one of my new favorites <3
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moonwolfblues · 4 months ago
Are you frustrated you can't leave second kudos on AO3? or third kudos? or whatever-who's-counting kudos?
Well, have I got the html for you!
Plop any of these in a comment (by copy&pasting the code) to make an author's day and show your appreciation!
Second kudos: <img src="" alt="second kudos">
Third kudos: <img src="" alt="third kudos">
nth kudos: <img src="" alt="nth kudos">
yet another kudos: <img src="" alt="yet another kudos">
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It will look something like this (and will be transparent with white outline on dark backgrounds):
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Feel free to spread and use these as much as you like! (and if you have ideas for other variations, let me know ✌️)
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moonwolfblues · 6 months ago
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