moonvenerer · 2 years
Tighnari is my new obsession-despite being on vacation I feel very inspired to write a series with him-I feel like a hydro user reader would be cute
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moonvenerer · 2 years
After a hiatus from Genshin I spent the past two weeks grinding my ass off for my baby Scaramouche and now that I have him I can rest easy-words can’t explain how since I first saw this character I’ve beeeeeen waiting for him to be a playable character-I looked forward to the release of Inuzuma thinking that’s when he’d be released and was so depressed when I was wrong anyways I am so happy oml 🥹🫶
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Can someone explain why everyone hates Childe?
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Look at him.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
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Nah cuz I know this one has unprocessed trauma.
Like you don’t even need to ask me why.
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Dear Mihoyo,
Hope this finds you well.
I am not well.
Respectfully, make Anemo heartthrobs taller than 5’6 and not heavily seasoned with depression.
They all look like they need therapy.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
The Hero & The Healer
Concept: Aether x GN Hydro Vision Reader. Similar to Barbara you’re a very skilled healer. Your relationship with Aether was originally established by him often being covered in scratches and buries and you healing them.
Word Count: 996
Genre: Romance, Fluff
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You frown upon carefully inspecting your travel companion’s body, you notice a new dark purple bruise on the lower right side of his back. Upon relentless nagging he finally agreed to set up a temporary camp under the shade of a tree near by, on the way to Liyue the two of you were ambushed by treasure hoarders, Aether got hurt shielding you from a shovel’s blow to the head. You sigh feeling quite guilty and responsible for this visibly painful injury. You take out your catalyst book and open to the appropriate page. Without hesitation, as this was perfectly normal to have your hands all over Aether in order to heal him from many injuries he had accumulated in the past, you place your hand over the bruise. With a quiet murmur of a healing spell the bruise completely heals. you look up at Aether only to be met with his smiling face “I don’t know what I’d do without you [Y/N]” he hums happily, stretching up and out his arms upon the relief he received. “You’d probably not sustains half of the injuries you received in the past due to the need of protecting me” you mutter still maintaining your frown-unable to look at his face anymore so you stare down too your feet, you often worried that your attachment to Aether and insistence to accompany him in his travels has been holding him back. “Not this again..”  he sighs and lifts your head by cupping both your cheeks in his hands, so that your gaze meets his again.
 “[Y/N] I was very fortunate to have met you by chance shortly after waking up in this world, without you I would not have a clue where to start in trying to find my sister. Additionally, I do not have a tenth of my full strength back so the injuries I have sustained are never your fault but mine for overestimating my current abilities, okay? if anything you’re a saint for consistently healing me like this-Id not be able to be half as productive as I am in my search for her because I’d spend so much time trying to slowly heal on my own”.
You puff out your cheeks a bit, now pouting “I just wish I could be more helpful, I hate that the most I can do is distract certain opponents enough for us to have an opportunity to flee-most of the time I am just helplessly watching you get hurt”. He shakes his head, letting go of your face only to pull you into a hug “you’re perfect as you are, if you want to learn how to fight in order to defend yourself in the off-chance I am not by your side then I would be more than happy to teach you but Id personally die in shame if I ever put you in a position where you felt like you need to be strong to protect me”. You blush in response to the closeness, and return his embrace by wrapping your arms around him sighing into his arms. He was impossible to argue against-always knowing what’s best to say in response to your every concern.
You stay in each others arms in silence for a few heartbeats before you break that said silence “Hey Aether?” you say quietly, your voice sounding smaller than before. He hums in response as he begins to rub your back comfortingly, allowing you to continue “When you find Lumine, will you leave this world and me with it behind to go on to the next?” your eyes tear up as you could not fight the immediate burning sensation in them that springs up whenever you entertain that notion. As time went by travelling with Aether, your attachment towards him grew and you’ve developed strong romantic feelings for him-but always held back knowing he was someone completely unattached to this world, for unlike you this is not his home.
What you do not expect is how quickly he pulls you back and away from him in order to look at you. Studying your facial features before he finally speaks “I would never dare to think to leave you behind [Y/N].. it’s just” his words die out as his eyes no longer hold your gaze but off to the distance behind you. Your hearts sinks as it prepares to hear the worst, a confirmation of what you dreaded the most, him departing from this world. Your tears start flowing down your cheeks and this causes him to panic “hey! hey.. please don’t cry” he gently wipes away your tears, “please don’t leave me Aether, I’d go anywhere with you even to a different world if you’d let me” your voice cracks as you cry even harder. He laughs a little and looks relieved, your brows furrow in confusion “whats so funny?” your voice quivers as you hiccup. “I am just relieved to hear that you would not mind leaving this world with me and Lumine, I often found myself contemplating how to bring this up to you, as its a selfish request-but leaving you is impossible to me, plain and simple”. “really?” you say weakly he nods and continues to wipe away your tears which stopped upon his reassuring words “really” he reaffirms you. “you should consider yourself unlucky [Y/N], for you are loved greatly by an out-worldly resident that will never let you go” he joked though his confession leaves the both of you blushing. You shake your head and finally laugh “unlucky is the last thing I feel about this” you tip toe and place a kiss on his cheek “as I too love you greatly and never dare wish to be let go by you”. Aether says nothing and causes you to jump by his sudden pull of your waist with one arm and his free hand on your cheek lifting your face in order to kiss you deeply. 
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Concept: braiding your boyfriend Albedo’s hair
Albedo x Reader
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Well this was a first.
You’ve never seen your lover with his hair completely down and this messy. He must be on his way to his most recent and biggest research break because he’s been sleeplessly working throughout the nights the past week.
Your heart aches a little because of how much it shows, the deep dark bags under his eyes as well as how the colour in his face has almost sunk out completely.
Upon much insistence he finally agreed to accompany you on the couch to some rest and invest in some quality time. You gently message his tense shoulders then play with his hair. The two of you never felt the need to really engage in much conversation, this was usually more than enough for the both of you-just basking in each other’s presence.
“Sit up a little for me Bedo” you say in a hushed tone and he comply without much of a word. You then begin to fix up his hair. Brushing it, then braiding a bit of it to complete his signature look that you adore so much.
You spent at least 30 minutes making sure it looked perfect. What you didn’t notice is that the calming sensation of your fingers on his hair has caused him to fall asleep.
You let out a small and quiet laugh.
So adorable.
You gently pull him close and allow him to rest more comfortably in your arms. He almost immediately holds onto you, taking in your scent as he falls deeper into sleep. You smile at this and begin to whisper “I love you Bedo”.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Do you have a masterlist ? I also make free masterlist headers let me know if you want one
I appreciate the offer & I’ll definitely make note of it-as of right now I don’t have a masterlist yet, I guess I’m waiting on creating enough work and kick starting this blog before I make one :)
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moonvenerer · 2 years
I loved part 3 to your venti story? Is this a series?
Thank you 💗 & It is! I have a loose idea of where I want to go with it so please stay tune for multiple parts of it in the future 😊
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moonvenerer · 2 years
At My Beckon Call
I’d be a fake Xiao Main if I did not write for my boy. Anemo husbandos hit different I swear.
Xiao x Reader 
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“Why did I entertain Hu Tao’s creepy stories of the world of the unseen?” you question yourself out loud. Night fall has long since passed and you had a long dark walk to Wangshu Inn where you temporary lived. Every little sound made you jump, already quite the scaredy cat. 
Your fear of the supernatural is quiet ironic given your the lover of a well feared Yaksha.
However, Xiao has always been gentle and kind with you, never giving you a reason to fear him.
You thought distracting yourself with thoughts of your partner would calm your nerves as you walk along the path but you were proven wrong when your start to scream-your immediate reflex to stepping on a crinkled leaf. You begin to tear up, unable to handle walking the rest of the way home alone.
‘Just call out my name and I will be by your side’.
you remember your Lover’s words and at the top of your lungs you begin to call out “Xiao!”. You quickly begin to look around only to see that you’re still alone. This causes your few tears to break into a full cry “Xiao!” you scream out again and again. Until you feel someone grabbing your wrist and pulling you close to a hug. “What’s the matter? you’re in no immediate danger, you’re okay-I am right here Angel” every part of you relaxes in his embrace-almost losing complete strength in your legs due to the fear you initially bared. You squeeze onto your partner, burying your head into his chest as you cry and hiccup. Xiao was always only ever patient with you, rubbing slow circles on your back as he waited for you to calm down to explain the reason behind your distress.
Only when it sounded like your crying has stopped did he slightly pull away to look down at your tear stained cheeks. You almost lose yourself in his golden eyes, even after all this time certain features of his will always maintain this affect on you.
You explain everything to him, how Hu Tao’s stories scared you and you started to panic because of how dark it was. He quietly hears you out, occasionally giving your physical assurances of his presence by either stroking your hair and/or the sides of your arms.
“You know I am at you beacon call Starlight” he offers you a small smile as he tugs a hair of yours behind your ear. You slowly nod “I know I just often find myself so anxious of these things when you’re not here with me-I only feel safe in your arms” you begin to bite your inner cheek feeling a bit pathetic admitting this. He lets out a soft chuckle at your words and kisses your forehead, “You have nothing to fear, remember you’re the lover of the most feared Yaksha” He pulls you back into a hug “we spend so much time this close too each other are you aware of just how of me simply lingers on you?” he whispers in your ear causing you to shiver-always sensitive to him. Whenever you react like this it always makes him grin and bring out his mischievous side but it was not an appropriate time for all that-not yet at least.
“I assure you nothing that scares you will dare to come close to you-you reek of Yaksha” He continues in his hushed tone. You couldn't help but giggle a bit at his wording. Your giggles were interrupted though by a squeal as he suddenly readjusts so that he was carrying you in a bridal style. “hold on tight Starlight, its about time we head home”
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Will there be a part 3 to your older venti story?
haha yes! its right here . Thank you so much, for your support and engagement with my blog and work!
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Albedo X Pyro Vision Reader
Now its Albedo Stans’ turn to have their fill of fluff!
Word Count: 701
“BEDO~! OH DARLING OF MINE~~ WAIT ON FOR MEEE” you scream out and laugh while you run to catch up to your quiet lover who without turning around continues to walk if not at a faster pace upon hearing your voice.
opposites attract would definitely be an understatement here.  
No one in Teyvat would expect the calm, quiet, and very serious ‘Knights Of Favonius Head Chief Alchemist’ would end up with someone...as openly expressive as yourself.
and who are you?
Well, you are the Knight’s of Favonius’ latest prodigy-even Diluc is often admittedly impressed with your abilities.
However, you’re the definition of trouble. Everyone in Mondstadt adores you though and the liveliness you introduce in everyone’s daily livelihoods.
Once you were close enough you launch yourself at Albedo, clinging onto him, this is far from the first time you've done this so he is quite adept to adjusting himself so that he is giving you a piggy back ride. You simply squeal in excitement and joy at this, giving him plenty of butterfly kisses on the sides of his face and the back of his neck. Even without seeing his face you know your significant other can’t resist letting out a small smile whenever he’s on the receiving end of your affections.
“You’re lively as ever Firework” he says in his usual calm voice that you’ve grown to love over the years.  
“of course baby~! I am sooooo excited that I have been assigned to accompany you in your next research project in Dragonspine-don’t you worry Ill keep you warm and kick ever bad guy’s butt that dares to threaten my Bedo~!” you flash a grin, tightening the hold you have on him. His body shakes slightly as he lets out a laugh that only you seem to bring out of him, “I am just as thrilled...especially knowing I am in such good hands”. “mhm!” you nod eagerly.
Due to your Pyro vision you often feel hot so you rarely ever dress warmly. Your typical attire is this cute above the knees red dress which you pride yourself for having shorts attached to as well as pockets! its incredibly convenient in combat allowing you max flexibility which is especially handy as you’re a pole-arm user. However, It was definitely not in your favour in Dragonspine’s climate. Despite your partner’s pleads to at least dress a little warmly or to bring a coat you spent the entire travel there insisting you’ll be just fine.
You definitely were not fine.
You were freezing your ass off.
“B-b-bedoooo” you whine as you shiver from the cold “why isn’t by vision keeping me warm? it’s so c-c-cold” you voice cracks as you tear up.
You, as someone as emotionally expressive as you were, were quite the cry baby.
This is why your lover was your perfect match because his greatest skill is calming and comforting you.
“I know Sunflower, this is why I told you-you should dress warmly” He cups your cheeks with his gloves hands, fingers gently and expertly wiping away your flowing tears. You press your face against his hands as it provided a little warmth-pouting slightly at his lecturing. “I can’t fight with too much on you know thisss” you protest and he shakes his head “yes yes I know, here-” he lets go of your cheeks and you let out a small whimper at the loss of heat. “I prepared plenty of these expecting this outcome” he hands you a bottle that appears to be a potion, you do not bother asking him what it was before quickly chugging it all down. You almost felt instantly a rush of heat consume your whole body and you smile brightly at the comfort of it. Out of pure bliss you wrap your arms around his neck-pulling him close and kiss him. A laugh escapes his lips between your kisses, his hands resting at your hips “Thank you Bedo” you say after pulling back slightly for a moment to stare up at his face only to indulge further into his personal space, hugging him. He rests his chin on your head, rubbing your back slowly “Of course, anything for you, my dear”.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
From Friends To Lovers
Diluc X Reader
Thought Id feed the Diluc Stans some fluff today
Word Count: 1238
“Where could he be?” You murmur to yourself, your voice barely audible in the sea of noise of the busy streets of Mondstadt. It was about midday and you’re sure you’ve scouted every corner within the city’s walls for your significant other.
The two of you have only just as recently as last night started seeing each other romantically-after being close friends for years.
‘Is he purposefully avoiding me? He made no mentioned of retiring to his manor today-usually he works at Angel Share today and especially by the bar at this hour’.
You let out an exaggerated sigh playing the the straw of your Berry & Mint Burst drink.
“No luck?” Charles, the bartender at Angel Share and a mutual friend of both you and Diluc questions lightly as he wipes down the bar table. You shake your head still mindlessly staring at the drink you have yet to drink. Watching the condensation drip down the slides of the clear glass. “I just don’t understand why he’s disappeared..without even uttering as much as a word since last night” you huff “did he regret becoming my lover overnight?” You look up to your friend hoping he’d reassure you. Charles shakes his head and let’s out a chuckle “we both know that this is not uncommon for Diluc to disappear unannounced-my bet is that he probably took it upon himself to handle some commission the Knights Of Favonius are struggling with” he then shrugs “you know just as much as I do how much he enjoys to prove how incompetent they are when it comes to getting a job done”.
You let out another sigh before finally taking a sip of your drink “I know but I guess I’m just on edge-maybe I was half-expecting something different sense our relationship has changed”. Charles laughs at your comment “what? That he’d be at your doorstep in the early morning to greet you with a bouquet of flowers? He’s never strucked me to be the that type of romantic” you puff out your cheeks in a small pout “...I don’t understand what’s so funny of entertaining that possibility of happening”.
“Possibility of what happening?”
Your eyes widen in excitement as you look up at Charles briefly flashing a smile knowing that you’d recognize that voice anywhere, you quickly turn around in you bar stool seat only to face your lover who was standing not too far away in front of you.
He had a brow raised, curious as to what the two of you were discussing before he had entered the tavern and interrupted.
“Took you long enough to show-I was beginning to worry if she continued to sigh anymore at the table that it’ll start to dip in” you turn your head back to Charles only to scrunch your nose at him in disapproval of his poor joke, it only made him laugh.
You bring your attention back to Diluc, looking up at him and his beautiful hair that matched his warm reddish brown eyes. “I was just wondering where you were all morning is all” you answer as causally as possible, not wanting to disclose your cringe worthy expectations of romantic gestures to him just yet. Your partner looks unconvinced of your answer but drops it by slowly nodding then responds “I was on my way to fetch a couple of records that I left back at Dawn Winery and on my way back here but my travel was interrupted by a gang of hilichurls who were blocking the roads”. You looks him up and down, studying his physic to be sure he wasn’t hurt, the expression of worry easily paints your face. “I’m fine-you know I’m more than capable of handing hilichurls of all things” he gives you a reassuring smile which catches you off guard and causing you to blush and smile in return-Diluc rarely smiles in the presence of others. “Hold on! I think I need a bucket because I’m going to be sick” Charles quips from behind you and you roll your eyes. Diluc returns to his typical poker face, his eyes still holding its glimmer of a smile though. “Were you looking for me all morning? Apologies for making you wait if that’s the case—is there anything you needed?” He genuinely did look apologetic and it causes you to quickly shake your head to rid of any guilt he may begin to develop “no” you says quietly, standing up from the bar stool and looking to the side unable to stare directly at him anymore feeling a bit flustered with what you’re about to say “I don’t need a reason to want to see my lover, do I?” You say shyly, fidgeting a bit where you stand. You half-expected to hear another witty remark from Charles but luckily he got preoccupied with a customer. Diluc didn’t even bat a eye, seeming completely unaffected by your endearing statement-you almost felt idiotic for acting like a middle school-er with their crush. Just as you were about to make a joke to save yourself any further embarrassment he grabs your wrist gently. “Charles, [Y/N] and I will be back tomorrow-be sure to close up shop properly” he announces as he drags you behind him out the door. You stay quite, caught off guard by his swift action and most of your attention was towards keeping up with his fast pace as he continued to drag you. It was only until the two of you were a couple of miles away from Mondstadt’s main gates do you stop walking-forcing him to stop as well “Diluc what’s wrong? Where are we going?” He looks around to make sure that the two of you were alone, which you were, before pulling you into his embrace. You eyes widen as your cheeks burn red, slowly returning the embrace by warping your arms around him. “You’re going to be the death of me [Y/N]” he murmurs into your hair. You furrow your brows a bit confused by his statement, pulling back slightly to look up at him “what do you mean?” You question softly, he chuckles and responds “I mean you’re too endearing, I’ve never heard such a sweet line be delivered so adorably” you puff out your cheeks a little recognizing that Diluc is just teasing you in his own way now. “It’s true though! I even anticipated seeing you all morning since last night” you say as a matter of fact-trying to repress how much more flustered you’ve become, he simply hums and ruffles your hair a bit “why’s that? You couldn’t wait to receive the affection I didn’t indulge you in during our years of friendship?” He raises a brow at you now smirking. You step back a little and away from his embrace only to lightly smack his right arm “oh shut up you” you then huff and fold your arms “and too think I was going to expect mm—” your interrupted by the sensation of his soft lips against yours. Your mind goes completely blank for a moment, you only realize you’ve been holding your breath when your lips part and you gasp for air. “Come on, let’s go, we shouldn’t waste anymore of the day” he takes your hand this time and drags you along behind him “hey! You never answered me earlier! Where are we going?” You tried to hide your embarrassment. He looks behind, down at you as he walks
“We’re going on our first date of course”.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
You: I’m done with the conversation now
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Venti: Sit back down
You: I’m sat
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Insomia meets an insatiable appetite for fluff.
Venti x Reader/Traveller
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!Disclaimer! this is fanart of Howl from the famous Studio Ghibli movie Howl’s Moving Castle, full credits go to the artist Felix! Please check them out @/Aerinon on Twitter and @/xfelix_callist on Instagram.
This is how I portray Venti.
Love can be associated with a lot of things.
Some associate it with the sun and it’s warm rays in the early days of summer.
Some associate it with the beautiful colours of spring flowers.
You associate it with the wind.
“Veve~! I’ve missed you!” You exclaim as you practically launch yourself into your significant other’s arms.
Venti laughs as he opens his arms, ready as always to receive you in them. He allows your weight to push the two of back, he only allows his anemo abilities to cause the two of you launch up effortlessly and to float just before hitting the ground once he hears you’re endearing squeals.
He holds you close as he adjusts so that the two of you to float back down to the ground, standing up right as before.
“How’s my little adventurer?” His calming voice fills your ears, his breath tickling your cheeks. You wrap your arms around his neck, looking up at him before you respond, allowing yourself to indulge by taking him in. His messy navy blue hair that graze his broad shoulders, his enticingly beautiful eyes, his tall height. Your partner was just so incredibly handsome. “I’m wonderful now that I’m with you” you say cheerily, earning another addictive laugh from him.
“You’re just too adorable my Windblume”
“Not as adorable as you Veve”
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Where in the world am I?
Hello! here is part three of my Venti X Reader/Traveller series
Please be sure to read part one & two prior to this for it gives the context you need.
Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 808
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“Sure, I can play you another tune- but it’ll cost you an apple”
You playfully and lightly hit Venti’s left arm in response as the two of you laugh before he complies to your request of composing another song on his Lyre. This is how the two of you often spent the late evenings together during the Davalin rescue mission. It was always just the two of you, usually the rest of the team would retreat to their own sleeping quarters. During these times you'd spend it like this, just enjoying a beautiful symphony after symphony, other times the two of you would just talk the night away over just about anything. It was during these blissful moments of the night where you believed that you knew Venti most as he definitely knew you most.
Your blissful dream of the past is interrupted by his words at Windrise.
“I am actually the Anemo Archon, Lord Barbatos” .
Before you allow your mind to relive that scene your eyes open and you quickly sit up, again, the quick movement is greeted with a sharp headache. Your whole body ached in fact. It was the expected hangover you knew you’d be greeted with in the morning. Trying to suppress your extremely discomforting symptoms you look around, this isn't the typical Knights of Favonius sleeping quarters. This room is one you’ve never seen before, you were unsure if this was even a room in Mondstalt despite it slightly resembling the unique aesthetic this city maintains. It was just so—luxurious? You’re unsure, that description seems to be an understatement.
You’ve never seen nor been in a bedroom so large, you could swear that it was at least three times the size of Master Diluc’s manor’s ground floor . The walls were a sage shade of green, the trimming appearing to be dusted in gold. The wall on the far right opens to a grande balcony that seems to be open, a light and pleasant breeze fills the room. The room was filled with expensive furniture, the bed you lay in is covered in white silk bedding and feels incredibly soft, along with its four poster alaskan sized bed, the curtains matching the green colour theme of the room. With a small up-tilt of your head, careful, moving as little and as slow as possible in order to bypass your headache, you take note of the details on the ceiling. It seems to be filled with an intricate plaster of classical motifs, it took a light creme hue that complimented the sage walls. What was most eye-catching was the stunning crystal chandelier. You felt like you were in another dream, this room could hardly be real. Aside from the birch and cedar tables and chairs, the room was filled with many different instruments. A grande piano on the far left corner of the room, a violin not too far by it, a beautiful harp, and multiple lyres.
Your heart rate almost suddenly elevates upon realising just where you really are.
This is Venti’s bedroom.  
This is Lord Barbatos’s bedroom.
You quickly swing your legs to the right side of the bed, ignoring the almost punishing sensation of nausea due to your sharp movement. It's only when you stand at the side of the bed, no longer covered under the soft duvets do you notice you’re not in your typical attire but in a silk light cream coloured nightgown. Your cheeks almost immediately are dusted pink.
‘Did he dress me?’
You’re incredibly flustered by the possibility, rushing towards one of the many grande doors in the room-paying no more mind to your attire nor to the fact that you’re barefoot. The doors lead to an equally impressive sized bathroom. Before you can even take in the details though you almost bump into a maid-who seems very surprised by your sudden entrance. She quickly regains her composure though-“Good afternoon Miss Honorary Knight.. I am Mei, one of the many maids here at this Manor-it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance” she greets you with a perfect polite smile and curtsy. You simply nod in response-not familiar with this level of formalities. She continues on-paying no mind to your mannerisms “I was about done preparing your bath and was going to wake you up-sense you seem to be already well awake please enjoy yourself to it, I will be in another room preparing your gown for Lord Barbatos requests your audience for lunch”. Before you can utter a word she had already left the bathroom with a click of the grand doors closed leaving you alone again. You fall onto your knees, onto the marble floors in disbelief.
Just what kind of lifestyle does the Anemo Archon live in now? And why is it so overwhelmingly different from anything else you've witnessed in Tyvat?
Nothing makes sense.
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Do you have any rules for your blog?
As of right now, I do not have any 'officially stated rules'. I intend to just create them by necessity- i.e. if future circumstance requires certain rules to be stated then Ill definitely make a post for them.
The only thing I can think of that's worth mentioning for now is that I intend to keep my blog mostly SFW, that said I would not accept NSFW requests.
Hope that answers your question! I appreciate your engagement with the blog :)
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Who even are you now?
I have decided to turn my version of Signora’s confrontation with Venti and how I believe it should have gone into a small series.
If you haven’t read it yet please do! It gives this part a bit more context :)
The True Anemo Archon 
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!Disclaimer! this is fanart of Howl from the famous Studio Ghibli movie Howl’s Moving Castle, full credits go to the artist Felix! Please check them out @Aerinon on Twitter and @xfelix_callist on Instagram.
I am using this fanart as a visual for the version of Venti I will be portraying. He takes a form of a friend that appears to be 15 years old despite the Archon being over 2600.
I personally feel uncomfortable writing anything remotely romantic with a minor involved even if its just his physical form;; so the version of Venti I will be writing will change forms to appear to be 26 years old. The Traveller is over 3000 but I will write in context that they appear to be 24 as oppose to also visibly looking 15 years old.  
Trigger Warning: Mentions of excessive drinking and a bit of angst
Word Count: 1550
That’s all! please enjoy :)
“Are you even listening to Paimon?!” Five emptied bottles of Dandelion Wine are left half-hazardly on the table. 13 days and 17 hours since the world of Teyvat has grown to be far more complicated than initially anticipated. 13 days and 17 hours since the two of you have last spoken. 13 days and 17 hours since you’ve lost yourself in his eyes. 13 days and 17 hours since you realized he was playing you and the rest of your companions for fools. “HELLO!?” A piercing high pitched voice snaps you out of your thoughts and back into your alcohol muddled world. You simply grumble in response, not in the mood to entertain another episode of Paimon’s relentless line of questions and concerns over the state you've been in over the past 13 days. You continue to rest your head on the cold surface of Angel Share’s Tavern tables. You silently pray that the cooling sensation on your burning cheeks will sober you enough to pull yourself together before Paimon alerts another member from the Favonius Knights to take you in for the night and take care of your hangover in the morning. You hate the person you’ve become in these 13 days. It does not even make any sense to you as to why you’re acting like this. Not even the absence of you twin brother alone has left you this distraught but a friend who you feel has betrayed your trust? A friend you need to remind yourself that you only met over a short lived heroic mission. Is it simply just the reality of everything crashing onto you? Is it that you can not believe how you easily fell for the Anemo Archon’s facade? Is it that you can not believe how you easily fell for the Anemo Archon’s facade? Was it how he made light of every hardship and you found comfort, reassurance, and courage in his words? Was it his beautiful eyes? Was it because he was an Archon? A being that could be a key character in reuniting with your brother and you’re mistaking your excitement for this lead for love? Are you in love? Do you love VentI? Venti isn’t real. He was just a character Lord Barbatos played to live a quiet care-free life. He was taking a form of a friend. Does this mean you don’t even know what he really looks like? You feel your heart sink at the realization. You then feel an unfamiliar tap on your shoulder-Paimon would usually resort to pulling your hair to draw your attention at this point. Upon raising your head you wince at the sharp headache your quick movement welcomed, trying to bring your eyes to adjust to your surroundings that seem to be endlessly spinning. You end up falling backwards from your chair, realizing too late that you use a bit too much of your strength to lift your head up, expecting to meet the ground-however the back of your head presses against someone’s firm chest. A confused expression paints your face, slowly looking up-you’re met with the same eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Before you can bring yourself to string along the many words in your head. He chuckles “Oh my! Traveler! and I thought I had poor drinking habits”. Its Venti. Its Lord Barbatos. The realization forces you to sober up enough to adjust yourself to stand up and away from him, still stumbling a bit so you decide to seek stability by placing your weight against a near by wall. “To whatttt… do I owe the ‘great pleasureee’.. of being in the presence of Lord Barbatoss?” You spat out however the slur in your words made it difficult to convey the harshness you wish to communicate. Even in this state you can notice his frown of displeasure in how you choose to address him. You felt stupid and childish for acting like this. However, You felt even more stupid for believing in ‘Venti’. What you did not notice is the knights that accompanied Venti’s visit to you or how he waved them to stand back in response to your disrespect to the new governor of Mondstadt, the Anemo Archon had announced his return to his nation shortly after explaining everything at Windrise. 13 days and 17 hours has passed since then. The most important thing you did not seem to notice is how his form changed, how he is taller, looks more mature. You couldn’t take much notice of anything at this point, seems like your attempt to sober yourself up enough to stand has taken out all your remaining energy that was used on maintaining consciousness.
Everything fades to black.
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