IVIS (from the Undertale AU Moontale)
130 posts
Comic has officially released!!! AU by DRYEMIDDI
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
moontale-official · 5 months ago
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'We now have a second moon!' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
The asteroid 2024 PT5 will orbit earth for approximately 2 months until November 25. According to NASA this temporary capture will start right at this moment (September 29, 19:54 UTC) if tumblr queued this right. source link
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moontale-official · 5 months ago
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Happy 8 Years~ (09/29/2024)
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moontale-official · 8 months ago
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ayo more doodles and some eye expressions lets go
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moontale-official · 9 months ago
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Who are you
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moontale-official · 10 months ago
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Holy fuck, holy fuck I'm al i ve
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
IVIS - Chapter 9 is out!
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
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IVIS' 2023 REFERENCE! Finally finished it hoh my god.
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
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Is this what you want? Is this what you want anon?
I need ivis to give me a death by snu snu
I'm sorry what
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
and by 'female bara' I don't mean butch I mean like any woman who is muscular, large and/or plus sized in a way that isn't inherently tied to sexual orientation or any standards of traditional masculinity
Okay but for real though what would the term for a female bara even be? Please I am desperate and need to know
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
Okay but for real though what would the term for a female bara even be? Please I am desperate and need to know
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
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moontale-official · 1 year ago
Chapter 8 is up for Undertale's 8th anniversary! Enjoy!
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moontale-official · 2 years ago
Most of my creative energy is being put towards my uni portfolio (which I am currently very busy with, among a multitude of other things + less than stellar mental health), so while there ain't gonna be much for content until late September, I wanted to do a little bit of idea rambling as to not neglect this blog. least not too much.
That being said, welcome to my little TED Talk about Bitty Ivis, who I'm calling Lilac (because one of my favourite blogs started talking about bitties and now I can't stop thinking about them):
So as far as the bitty rabbit hole goes, I have a basic understanding of how it works. Bitties are made in a lab/factory by using dust and a piece of magic/soul from a regular monster -resulting in a still sentient but less capable pocket-sized version of the source monster- and are basically marketed and sold to humans as pets, more or less.
With that in mind, Lilac would be a much larger bitty compared to most & be much more physically sturdy, though she wouldn't be more than 7-8 inches tall (approximately. I'm not solid on it yet) and is definitely considered to be a bitty of higher maintenance compared to most.
She isn't very aggressive -quite the opposite- but it doesn't take an expert to look at her once and know keeping her healthy & happy will most likely cost a pretty penny. Not only does she have quite the restrictive diet (albeit a very healthy one), Lilac is very sensitive to the type of environment she inhabits. That is to say that if her enclosure/living space isn't to a particular standard, she'll make her distress quite known.
It doesn't help that her mental health in response to her situation as a sentient pet isn't exactly stellar, so any environment she isn't wholly comfortable with will make her already bad case of anxiety and depression even worse. That isn't even mentioning the prospect of therapy (or other treatments such as medication) tailored specifically for bitties, which could potentially cost more than a simple monthly vet bill.
And while her source is only semi-verbal, Lilac is entirely nonverbal: only able to make squeaks and other such noises as opposed to words. So while she has next to no trouble with communicating that something is wrong, to say that it is a struggle for her to get across exactly what is wrong would be the understatement of the century.
And her writing (at least in English) isn't the most legible, so to productively communicate with Lilac, you're either stuck with providing her writing/english lessons (and she is anything but a quick learner), or you're giving her a whole device fit to her size to type on (and you'll still need to properly teach her how to operate tech she isn't familiar with).
Any way you have it, that will cost an amount of time time and money that would be a complete deal breaker for most people who are only looking for a pet.
So the only people who would reasonably take her and meet those needs are either people who already conveniently have easy access those resources, are willing to get very creative with potentially cheaper alternatives or, the most likely of the three, are exorbitantly wealthy and express at least mild interest in much less common types of bitties.
(Or the secret fourth option: be Ivis who has the exact same needs as Lilac, if only to a slightly lesser extent and wouldn't really need to change a thing in her ideal environment to accommodate for her bitty self)
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moontale-official · 2 years ago
Chapter 7 is up! Sorry for the wait y'all!
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moontale-official · 2 years ago
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IVIS (from the UNDERTALE AU MOONTALE) - PART 27 - COMIC FINALE (pages 118-123)
Two years. Man. It was long, and late 2022 hit me especially hard in both the best and worst ways possible. It started becoming a question of whether I could even finish this frankly over-ambitious project at all. Which, I realized I couldn't realistically finish it. Not even close.
But the last thing I wanted was to cancel it and disappoint not only everyone supporting the comic... but mostly myself. I wanted to get the story out there in a state I was proud of. No matter what.
So... what did I do?
I scaled down the ambition. I threw my ego to the side, looked at the project with a more practical lens and then came the decision to end the comic here. Think of this comic as a sort of glorified opener/ introduction for the story that ties a neat bow on the premise. The hook. The narrative this whole au sort of exists around.
I see this as the best place to end off the comic in a way that was most satisfying for me, in a way that didn't sacrifice quality.
With this comic, I reached to the end of Chapter 4, about 15% of the full story. Since starting to translate the story into a fanfic seven months ago, I have approximately 40% of the story written out. So it's safe to say, even in the worst case scenario, I should be able to finish the story before university next year.
Even though the official comic is coming to a close, there is still the Ao3 fic I'm doing my best to upload consistently on. And, if I have the time/energy to do so, I'll made tidbit comics of certain scenes or moments in the au. Small scale stuff like that.
So... yeah. Thank you for reading. If you liked the comic, go read the Ao3 fic for chapter 5, 6, and the updates to come in the future.
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moontale-official · 2 years ago
Chapter 6 is now up!
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moontale-official · 2 years ago
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haha. yeah! that's totally what it is! just a normal growth spurt. very normal. nothing to see here!
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This stuff is only a month or two old: just me figuring out Ivis' exact body type and proportions (which have been and still can be woefully inconsistent).
She's got a very strongman body type? I mainly used the powerlifter Janae Marie Kroc as reference for her body type (if only with more belly, though it doesn't show as much when she's fully clothed due to her obi belt)
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