moonswilted · 3 days
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EDALINA'S EYES ARE           fixated upon the other's. she was regarding them cautiously, before a smile slowly appears on her visage.     "there are other ways of persuasion. there are other modes of control. perhaps one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road,"     she explained, wrapping her hands upon the other's cheeks. her head tilts, and she kisses their forehead.
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moonswilted · 3 days
Send 🌖 to snuggle up to my muse without explanation
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moonswilted · 5 days
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ZAIRA BLINKS HER eyes wide, lashes fluttering. "I thought that askin' 'n being thorough was a good thing?" she asked, tilting her head. she was ignorant and oblivious to the point, as she's never been in similar circumstances. "I don't wanna assume that yer a lady - I thought you were, but I didn't wanna risk 'n call you the wrong preference. I know a lotta men who dress like ya 'n his name is Scar 'n he's a demon-angel hybrid. I don't identify as either woman nor man, and I'm still in the process of comin' out, yanno?"
she was currently dressed as feminine, but part of her longed to wear more masculine clothing. she would be beautiful in a pants suit like that of some of the outwardly masculine attire. "even if I'm dressed femme, don't mean I am 'n you could'a been the same way."
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"so what do ya identify as?" she asks the woman, unsure. she wanted to give Grell the upmost respect - so she decided to ask. "pronouns, I mean. I wanna describe you correctly." | @grellsaw
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moonswilted · 6 days
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
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do not be afraid, friend! I'm love you and I'm excited to talk and write with you.
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moonswilted · 6 days
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I love you, Jazzy. you're amazing and sweet and I wanna write with you super bad.
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moonswilted · 6 days
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating
Send 🐯 for very intimidating
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moonswilted · 6 days
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THE DRAGON LOOKS at the invisible girl, blinking. she was elated to see the goodies -- treats as far as the eye could see. and when she takes a bite, she squeals slightly. aaaand ....
~ poof. ~
she transforms to her dragon form.
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"it's delish, girl! how'd you make it so well?" she could taste the love and affection in it. "it's like eatin' a hugeeeee hug!"
her voice was higher-pitched now, squeaking almost. "teach me how to make stuff like this!"
❝   𝗪𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗟𝗟--  𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧'𝗗  𝗬𝗢𝗨  𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞?  ❞  there's  a  bright  grin  on  her  lips,  unseen  as  usual,  but  plain  to  hear  in  the  way  the  words  tumble  out.  she'd  finally  gotten  around  to  making  the  cake  pop  recipe  sato  had  given  her,  adding  yet  another  delectable  treat  under  her  belt.  if  there's  success  with  this,  she'll  be  able  to  spoil  her  friends  silly!
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so  here  she  is,  on  her  tip  toes,  hopeful  and  beaming,  all  expectations  and  nerves.  please,  oh  please,  𝘪𝘵  𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺  𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘬  𝘩𝘦𝘳  𝘢𝘭𝘭  𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵,  ❝   pretty  good,  riiiight?  ❞
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moonswilted · 7 days
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"so what do ya identify as?" she asks the woman, unsure. she wanted to give Grell the upmost respect - so she decided to ask. "pronouns, I mean. I wanna describe you correctly." | @grellsaw
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moonswilted · 8 days
qvartzlives - moonswilted
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moonswilted · 14 days
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EDA'S LIPS ARE in a tight line, her glacial hues fixated on the person in front of them. they were in danger, and knowing that he had something to do with this... the faerie-quirked woman could hear the male's innermost desires ( and none of them were holy or virtuous ).
the person seemed to be scared, and it sent alarms throughout Eda's body. she didn't know why, she didn't know... but she approaches anyway, once the man has left.
without thinking, Eda grabs Fin's arm. "are ya alright?" she asked, her eyes pleading. she needed honesty. she glances at the male's direction who had just gone to the restroom, her lips mouthing. "do ya need help?"
she had bumped into them on accident, the officer was off duty but.. something told her to press. told her to help. silent victims were as common as bluebirds and swallows - and it was her job to save them. "cos if yer not, I need ya to be honest with me 'n be honest now."
closed starter featuring Edalina ( bnha verse ) | @truly-quirkless
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moonswilted · 14 days
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