moonsnailstories ¡ 9 months
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Sigh. The 1950s shit you want from me 🤝 1940s
Hairstyles. We see you @taylorswift
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moonsnailstories ¡ 10 months
It’s Thanksgiving. I know that that holiday comes with a lot of baggage for some. However, there are some people that I want to thank. Gaylor Twitter: You are the smartest, and most beautiful people that I have ever met. They have given me a space to grow, and a space to fail. A space to disagree and a space to reflect. Its a space to uphold my values if Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and a place to learn about people who are not like me in all aspects of the word. @taylorswift i hope that you realize that you build a community within a community. Its a place to grow, and learn, and to develop as a person, in order to make life different for out children.
I did not get this ability to grow as a human for 15 years as an educator… but I get it now.
Yall are incredible.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 10 months
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@taylorswift, you are a comedian. Thank you for being you. The 👀 during “..wear you like a necklace” as you scanned the crowd was also ✨chef’s kiss ✨ Being a fan of yours (one of the ones that reads lyrics and stuff….) is so fun. I cant wait till you burn it all down.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 10 months
I am very proud of my billionaire bestie @taylorswift who might not have any idea that I exist, but I will forever shout it from the rooftops. You are an incredible human, performer, and humanitarian.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 10 months
Taylor- if you happen to read this- please take care of yourself, and stay close to your support system. I hope that you have the ability to postpone tomorrow’s show.
This random fan is behind you.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 11 months
Society is frustrating. Society when it comes to relationships is a whole other later of frustrating. Of course, I have to be talking about THE Taylor Swift and THE Travis Kelce. How can I not! Their alleged love story has literally been force fed to me through a tube, through every media outlet known to mankind for the past month. If you havent heard if either one of them before, congratulations, now you have.
Random thoughts tonight include:
1) every person I kiss, I am not “with” or dating. Thats on strong friendships and stronger boundaries within ACTUAL relationships.
2) NOBODY knows the inner workings of their day to day lives. NOBODY knows what they label themselves as, but themselves. One of my partners, her partner is Quills. Thats it. Thats her label. WE know what we mean to eachother… and that is all that matters. She isnt my girlfriend, by label.. but if we were to base commitment on a label…. I mean- whatever… she still isnt my girlfriend.
3) The number of straight people, that are OBSESSED with the sex live of these two is absolutely disgusting. We have NO IDEA what their personal relationship is with sex. I am a hard core demi sexual… I dont engage in anything sexual with a person until i really get to know them. No bar hookups for me. Gross. So read about people OPENLY SAYING that Taylor is going to spend the day with Travis and have her insides arranged by him…. And that’s romantic?!?! Yet,,, EVERY DAY.. its the Gaylors, who might think that she can love women…. They are the invasive ones. I dont get the double standards.
Writing this out in long form helps me process. Character limits suck. I apologize for the train of thought.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 11 months
I wish I could be a cool Tumblr person and make fun gifs and stuff, but I’m going to ride on everyone else’s coattails, and kind of absent minded-ly write my thoughts.
The grip that toxic ass monogamy and the relationship escalator have on the heteronormative society is actually soul crushing. Every relationship, in society’s eyes HAS to end with marriage and kids, and it has to “ride an escalator” to the end point. You know, meet each other, date, get seen in public, social media bullshit and shit posting, ohhhs and ahhhs from friends, move in together, get engaged, get married, have kids, and Tada! Life is grand.
There is so much wrong with that line of thinking.
I admire Taylor Swift. She is an entertainer, a wonderful businesswoman, and an amazing lyricist. The same woman who wrote “Lavender Haze”, I can infer, is not going to publicly ride the relationship escalator. I had to leave social media for a bit today because of the sheer amount of talk about “an endgame”. Ew. Let the woman live.
As a non-monogamous Queer she/they human, I see Taylor’s lyrics with a Queer lens. I guess that makes me a Gaylor? I dont know? A Queerlor? All the terms are new to me. Im not a straight, white, ultra conservative Swiftie who things her and her latest boytoy (that she bought with a price) are the endgame, and Id rather focus on her art and messages that she is telling us.
All of the hiding, the foxes and the hunters, the “I loved you in secret”, the “Hiding in plain sight”. What straight relationship ever has to hide this much? Why is Taylor literally dragging around a male counterpart with flashbulbs popping in her face? I don’t understand? Why can’t fans appreciate her 6 Grammy nominations and not her latest installment of the xy chromosome.
Im not exonerating Gaylors. They are too into the ships as well! She played that for Karlie! Kaylor endgame! BYE! Thats about Diana, Swiftgron forever! Like, damn yall.
Im sorry, Taylor, that people cannot listen to a song like “Labyrinth”, and listen to the chord progressions and your literal insane vocal range. Nobody picked up that you wore the NYU sweatshirt where you referenced the song in your speech. People magazine boasted that was about Taylor was falling In love with Travis, and Kaylor /Gaylor twitter were screaming how she and Karlie were endgame. As a member of this fandom, its so embarrassing.
Anyways , on the off chance that you see this, Taylor. Congratulations on your Grammy nominations. This random fan on the internet is proud of your accomplishments, and I promise to never distill your music or art to your plausible or probable partners 😭😭😭.
Late night musing for the win
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moonsnailstories ¡ 11 months
I never post here, and if I do, it is a repost. However- today feels really warranted. I am a huge Taylor Swift fan, and a “Gaylor” if you will. I look at her music from a Queer lens, because that is how I see my own life. Im very Queer. Anyways
Taylor, tonight was hard. Tonight was hard to watch you in that box… standing next to an alleged abuser and their defender. It was hard to watch you high five, and dance with someone who defended the actions of an alleged abuser. It hurt to see the cameras pan to you- and to have you be visible with these people. You dont know me, and I dont know you- but I speak for every victim out there when I say that I would feel some sort of way if I saw my abuser chilling with literally one of the BIGGEST names in the world. I am going to tow a little bit of a line here, because this situation might not have been disclosed.
I hope that, as an advocate for SA, you, or your team, can stand up and say *something*.
Im so sad. Today seemed like a mix of Anti-Hero, Mastermind, and Your Losing Me. I see Taylor in so many different lights, but this one, Hits Different.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 5 years
... and also
All of these posts about Tessa and Scott are a PRIME example of toxic monogamy.
You can love more than one person. You can be in love with more than one person. Different people in your life have different roles.
❤️❤️❤️ I’m not salty... because I’m not monogamous.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 5 years
I guess...
My friends and family mean shit to me too, because they found out I was getting married when they received my save the date.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 5 years
That eyeroll from Piper... is everything .
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
Sigh: the definition of boundaries and rules. Sensual verses sexual: a study
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yep, still stuns me into silence. (x)
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
If this isn’t myself, and my former college roommate (now wife) I don’t know what is.
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“We had dorm rooms next to each other freshman year.  We mainly just played a lot of board games: Risk, Scrabble, Scattergories, a Trivial Pursuit game from the 1980’s, which everyone sucked at.  But we became best friends, and the next year decided to get a house together.  That’s when things started to get tense.  We began sitting closer together.  We were touching more.  We’d play with each other’s hands.  Never holding hands, but playing with hands.  And we’d even fall asleep in the same bed together.  There was a time that she told me goodnight, and I swear I felt her brush my lips, but by the time I opened my eyes she was out of the room.  Neither of us had ever dated a woman.  And I was terrified to try anything.  We were such good friends.  There was always this fear that if I voiced the desire, it would ruin our friendship.  But one night we were out for drinks at a hotel where Al Capone used to stay.  I was feeling pretty drunk, so I leaned over and said: ‘Sometimes I feel like I want to kiss you.’  And she replied: ‘Sometimes I do too.’  I didn’t say a thing.  I wasn’t even sure that I’d heard her correctly.  I just kept thinking: ‘Oh my God, it’s happening.  It’s happening.’  Then once we finished our drinks, and started walking home, I stopped her in front of a bridge.  I said: ‘Shall we do it here?’  It was December 12th, 2002.  And even though we got married five years ago, that’s the day we celebrate as our anniversary.”
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
So pretty
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
Reblogged for the sole purpose of the last gif
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Tessa Virtue X Mathieu Caron : cute moments
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
Watching the fandom explode like....
Y’all stupid.
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moonsnailstories ¡ 6 years
My polyamorous self is DYING.
“yeah we’re… we’re partners”
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