do you know that we bleed the same? tyler lockwood. spoiled rich boy. untriggered werewolf.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
starter for @madefaulted!
tyler never knew what the hell they were, quite frankly he didn't think he ever would. the relationship they shared was boarding casual with something underneath and while he was well aware vicki wanted something more, deserved something more, tyler just couldn't be that person for her. she'd have to suffice for sex and excessive drinking because that was all he could give her. despite that though, he couldn't say he wasn't worried about her because regardless of everything he did care for her. more than he probably let off too.
" here, i - uh got you these. " holding a small, but impressive, bouquet of flowers the boy held them forward gesturing that she take them. he figured it would be a nice hope you are feeling better present, the best he could provide since he gathered she wasn't up for hanging out under the bleachers and sneaking tiny bottles of cheap vodka. " you feeling any better? "
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there were open books and papers scattered across the large table in the library and tyler, for better or worse, did not give much care to us history ii and the cuban missile crisis. his elbows were against the table and through the dim screen of his phone he was reading on the aftermath of the bon fire. vicki donavon, animal attack. that seemed to be an all too common solution to problems around here and sometimes he wondered if it had just a mountain lion raising hell in the woods of mystic falls. he had been worried about vicki and given that well, they were nothing more than friends that fucked occasionally, he had no place to act like worried boyfriend.
" do you think there's really a mountain lion lurking in the woods? or maybe it's something more mysterious. "
#tyler being a douche to cover up that he's worried about vicki? more likely than you think#vinctumstart
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best of scream » jake fitzgerald in season one
#— ( dirtied foot prints and blood stained canines / isms )#i love this moron so much#— ( mirror mirror on the wall / reflection )
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“ sure, why not? ” elena replies, shrugging. there’s a pool of beer still sitting in her cup, so she chugs it down before wiping her lips. “ i mean, it kind of sucks being the only person here who isn’t buzzed. ” yes, elena is painfully late to this absolutely beautiful extravaganza of teenage mistakes, and she’s not even sure if she’s glad she decided to attend. elena a few months ago would have been the total life of the party, chirping on about having fun and letting loose. it’s hard to believe she’s the same person now; but oh, how hard she’s trying to salvage every broken piece of that precious image. ( it’s almost embarrassing, really . )
her words almost falsly saddened him and tyler resisted to pout, with anyone else in this situation he would have blown full dickhead dramatics as always but he wasn't heartless. tyler was still somewhat sympathetic and well aware that teenage rebellion may not have been the first thing on elena's mind. " y'know i'm sure we could fix that. " if anyone knew how to have a good time it was tyler and given that most of the time he was hungover it entitled a lot of experience. " not a fan of cheap beer? "
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you should go to that bonfire. it’ll be good for you. jenna’s order suggestion echoed through his head as he knocked back another beer. d on’t even pretend they’re not hosting one. it’s tradition, and you need to get out of the house. the bonfire was bullshit and everyone there was bullshit. school was about to start and it was bullshit, too. the pity stares were bad enough any time he went into town over the summer. now he was supposed to face them for eight hours a day straight? it fucking sucked. he needed another beer—no, what he needed was to smoke, but he hadn’t even seen vicki yet. fuck. jer flipped his hood up, hoping to avoid attention. “ah, shit. which way to the keg?” he asked, staring down at his empty cup. coulda sworn it was to the left.
the few conversations tyler had shared with jeremy gilbert were not technically pleasant. jeremy was emotionally pissy and tyler had a short temper, it was not the best mix especially given that there were plenty of times they were forced to cross paths. he didn't hate the kid, there were few people tyler actually hated but they were not friends. so the junior striked it odd that jeremy gilbert, baby face and all was wandering around the bonfire without elena by his side. " did not peg this as your kind of party, gilbert. " he looked like a lost puppy, it was almost sad.
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caroline couldn’t say that she and tyler were ever really close. sure, she grew up running around the mayor’s backyard with a certain redheaded darth vaderette, but she couldn’t say she really knew tyler. nor did that matter as she clutched at his arm tossed around her, slim fingers gripping his wrist in a subconscious attempt to stay steady on her feet. how many had she had so far that night ? good question. ❝ let’s just say … enough. ❞ she giggles shortly, allowing herself to be guided along through the crowd ❝ but you definitely need another drink. ❞
most of his life caroline forbes had spent days at a time in his home, stuck to his sister's side and the funny thing was he did not know her. not at all. it was an odd thought knowing that they had spent years only feet apart and he could count the conversations they've shared on one hand most including snarky challenges or significant amounts of alcohol (usually on tyler's part) " your wobbling might've tipped that off, car. " he commented still feeling pretty sober for a guy who downed a couple of cups of cheap beer and what he thought was a tequila shot. " and we can agree on that. "
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the sugary - sweet bite of hard lemonade slides down the back of her throat. she’s perched on the edge of a log between tyler and sara, laughing at something jackson and danny were saying. whether or not it was actually funny is irrelevant what mattered was that she laughed and spoke at the right times. the lengths a teenage girl would go to to ensure she was liked. vibrant eyes shift to tyler as he addresses her and a smile toys at her lips at his question. she offers the empty bottle to him, dangling between her fingers. ❝ only if you’re offering to fetch me another. ❞ tone’s playful as she addresses him, though she stands only a beat later, head rushing in the process. ❝ lead the way, lockwood. ❞
tyler did not pay too much attention to those around him with the exception of those who stood out like one caroline forbes by his side. he'd known her for more years than he could count on his hand given her former attachment to his sister. their falling out was not something he was aware but his drunken mind did not give much care to the business between mystic fall's blonde bombshell and his sister. " suppose i am now " he sets the emptied glass bottle down and throws an arm around her, mostly to steady her wobbling and tracks along through the crowd shoulder first. " how many of those have you had? " he’s not judging, only wondering.
#just so ya know i'm hiking him less of a dick bc#what was with s1 of tvd and all the guys just being the worst tm
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am i from tennessee? cause i’m the only ten i see
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MYSTIC FALLS WOODS always seemed so fitting for a party, especially one of this caliber so fitting for tyler lockwood who maintained a somewhat infamous party boy life style at the ripe age of sixteen. he'd make his mother so proud with a plastic bright red cup in hand, gulping down what must've been his fourth serving of cheap beer. this was an almost casual week end night for tyler with the exception of beer being switch out with a stolen bottle of scotch from his father's whiskey cabinet which must have cost at least half of tyler's college tuition. standing among a crowd of other drunken or drinking teens tyler finished off his drink and turned to the closest person beside him. " you want another drink? i'm going to get another, "
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WHAT IS THIS / AN INTRO? it is, hey demons its me ya girl! i’m taylor, 18 yrs whatever and i’ll be playing everyone’s favorite fuckable werewolf (thank you mark for that) tyler lockwood! i love superheros, naps, bein lazy as heck and iced coffee! you can find me on discord @/#whitewolves(2758) that’s all! his stats are here and here is his pinterest board / child abuse, mental health, and alcoholism trigger warnings
tyler was born prematurely on halloween (how ironic) causing great issue to his two loving parents carol and richard lockwood. for better say tyler has been a problem child since birth, but that was not always his intention of course
he is the only biological child of richard lockwood and his only son, yet, the man has always treated him as a failure despite tyler only sixteen and full of potentional. he may not get the best grades but he is average and compensates for what he cannot in sports which seems to suffice for now
richard has never taken kindly to the unforgiving rage that has always been inside of tyler who for the life of him cannot back down from a fight. he's almost aggressively brave and while has gone along with a lot of what his father asks would not give it a second thought to argue with him on something he is passionate about.
the anger problems he clearly inherits from his father were more or less a side effect of the wolf burrowing under his skin anticipating the trigger to set free. tyler is completely unaware of the supernatural at the moment, the whole lot, and has absolutely no clue to the fact that he is a werewolf.
unfortunately his greatest fear is not his father but becoming him. in fact it terrifies him that one day he'll be the mirrored imagine of richard lockwood and that's his worst nightmare. tyler wants to find love and grow up happy doing what he loves, not a miserable angered man like his father.
since he was a little kid tyler has grit his teeth and stepped in front of his sister out of protection whenever the threat may occur. whether that be shitty boyfriends or their father, despite lydia being a little older he has always been protective of her and whoever chooses to fuck with lydia martin is going to have to deal with him first.
due to their close age lydia has been tyler's best friend since they were kids. it never mattered that they did not share a father and it could never change anything. regardless of technicalities lydia is his sister and he wouldn't want anyone else to have to put up with his bullshit.
child abuse tw // while carol may not be aware of it on a handful of occasions tyler had been " taught a lesson " by his father after acting out through teenage rebellion. it almost always entitled being back handed or thrown against a wall, ty puts on a brave face like it doesn't mean shit to him but secretly he is afraid. if anything he will gladly deal with it over lydia having to face the wrath of her step-father
alcoholism tw // tyler might be the definition of a cliche frat boy. he is a massive jock, wears god awful dad shirts and is the person to beat at beer pong but throughout forbidden high school parties he's gotten into the habit of drinking a little too much. at first it was a sip here or there, which then turned into a few bottles before that shifted to half empty whiskey bottles hidden under his bed away from prying eyes. there have been plenty of times where the newly junior has shown up to first period with tired eyes and a killer head ache. like father like son.
mental health tw // between the abuse and drowning it in alcohol it has left tyler a little more than damaged. he's managed to keep it pretty on the down-low from a lot of people but it's hard for him to understand that he can't be perfect and he doesn't have to be. he's sad and just needs acceptance even if it is not something he thinks he'll ever get from the person he seeks it most.
such a mama's boy tbh??? like there must be a billion baby pictures of tyler holding his mother's hand and trailing behind her like a little duck. it's pretty precious but now that he's older he doesn't want to bother his mother and leaves his own issues to be dealt with himself. she's still his hero and he wishes that she did not have to deal with someone as shitty as his dad.
nsync vc: BI BI BI
tyler has never been in love, not for real. he's had girlfriends and boyfriends, hooked up with people and been in many pleasent company but he's never got even a slim experience of love. most of his relationships don't last longer than a couple of months and to be honest even if he did catch solid feelings for someone he wouldn't be able to stay. he'll never admit to it but he has a hard time accepting that he is enough so the idea of deserving love or someone amazing is abstract to him. he doesn't want it. ( pls give him exes omg )
on that point though he is infatuated with vicki ( gotta work stuff out there ) it ain't love probably but he likes being in her company and like,,, she's beautiful so who is he to complain? again this will be added too in the future but yeah
he tends to speak before thinking things through and this is why i contemplate: why does tyler have friends? not going to lie, he's kind of a dick. he is well aware he's a dick too and most of the time he can't help it ( blames it on being a scorpio smh )
the thing about tyler is that he has good intentions, like he really means well most of the time but most of what he says either sounds awful or he acts like a cliche rich boy to impress people. tyler is seeking acceptance to fill the void that his father's disapproval left in him and well, it's clearly damaged him a lot.
doesn't always make the best choices ( and this needs to be plotted out still ) but i'd like to say that tyler is pretty damn loyal. he is willing to die for his friends and eventually will gain ones that he does in later seasons of the show so more than just matt.
is a pissy little bitch at times and yes wants to fight the small baby child that is jeremy gilbert. has straight up asked what the child is doing here when jer is around, just let him be extra.
he is such a nerd!!! loves superhero movies and star wars!!! probably has all the marvel movies not going to lie but also really enjoys horror movies just saying
his best class is gym and shockingly english
the most dramatic rich boy you'll probably ever meet but shrug emoji, he is a lockwood dammit and he'll be dramatic as hell. punch him in the face? he'll make a bloody nose look good.
aesthetics include: wet hair, howling, thick forest trees, dirt under finger nails, the fresh smell of coffee, dark grain in wood, worn down sneakers, chalk dust, the chime of a whistle, bloody noses, expensive whiskey, fire places and football jerseys.
char insp: loren hale, nate archibald, sirius black, jake fitzgerald and jace wayland.
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Caroline: Why didn’t you say good-bye? You just left. Tyler: You want to talk about this now? Caroline: Well, if we’re going to die, I might as well know the truth. Why did you leave me?
#no clue what his and caroline's relationship is going to be like but#i feel that tyler doesn't feel like he's good enough for anyone#— ( dirtied foot prints and blood stained canines / isms )
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