moonraisedsunchild · 3 hours
“Are you the witch who turned eleven princes into swans?”
The old woman stared at the figure on the front step of her cottage and considered her options. It was the kind of question usually backed up by a mob with meaningful torches, and the kind of question she tried to avoid.
Coming from a single dusty, tired housewife, it should’ve held no terrors.
“You a cop?”
The housewife twisted the hem of her apron. “No,” she muttered. “I’m a swan.”
A raven croaked somewhere in the woods. Wind whispered in the autumn leaves.
Then: “I think I can guess,” the old woman said slowly. “Husband stole your swan skin and forced you to marry him?”
A nod.
“And you can’t turn back into a swan until you find your skin again.”
A nod.
“But I reckon he’s hidden it, or burned it, or keeps it locked up so you can’t touch it.”
A tiny, miserable nod.
“And then you hear that old Granny Rothbart who lives out in the woods is really a batty old witch whose father taught her how to turn princes into swans,” the old woman sighed. “And you think, ‘Hey, stuff the old skin, I can just turn into a swan again this way.’
“But even if that was true – which I haven’t said if it is or if it isn’t – I’d say that I can only do it to make people miserable. I’m an awful person. I can’t do it out of the goodness of my heart. I have no goodness. I can’t use magic to make you feel better. I only wish I could.”
Another pause. “If I was a witch,” she added.
The housewife chewed the inside of her cheek. Then she drew herself up and, for the first time, looked the old woman in the eyes.
“Can you do it to make my husband miserable?”
The old woman considered her options. Then she pulled the wand out from the umbrella stand by the door. It was long, and silver, and a tiny glass swan with open wings stood perched on the tip.
“I can work with that,” said the witch.
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moonraisedsunchild · 3 hours
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moonraisedsunchild · 6 hours
Dani is dodging some well-meaning authorities, but cuz her powers are on the fritz she can't fly. She's gonna have to trick them.
It should be easy; there's a weird Halloween party going on, there's people in jumpsuits, and for some reason the venue chosen was some sort of semi-demolished area of the city.
Her problem, the nosey cops asking where her parents are, keep following her.
She turns a corner, sees a lady wearing a ripped jumpsuit with fake blood on her face, white and brown hair that's really uncontrollable and cool, and is a little away from a group of people that are clearly the main entertainment for the party.
If she can get a celebrity to play along, the cops will never question it!
She darts forward and grabs the lady's hand.
"Hey, wait-!" The lady says, her accent thick as she tries to detach her hand.
Dani doesn't let her.
She turns to the cops.
"Look, there's my mom, now stop following me!" She shouts, ignoring the shocked noises behind her.
The cops, for their part, are actually backing away slowly.
Then they just turn and run.
Dani sighs and tries to let go of the lady's hand...but the lady is the one clutching onto her now.
"Sugar, you wanna tell me more about what you just said to those guys?"
Dani looks up, and it's not just the brown and white haired lady staring at her. All of the other people in torn jumpsuits are staring.
"Uh. It was a lie. I was lying."
The lady doesn't look like she believes her. She looks...concerned. Ew.
"Well, I'm Rogue, and hun; I think we should make sure you're...in a safe place."
Damn! Dani escaped one well meaning group only to run right into another!
Or; Rogue was just taking a breather after taking down a Sentinel with the other X-Men, keeping her distance because of her shredded suit and exposed hands, when some random kid ran up and grabbed one of said exposed hands. But nothing happened. Then the kid said that Rogue was her mom. And while yeah, she's pretty sure the kid is lying after having a second or two to process it, Rogue's a little invested in making sure one of the few people capable of touching her and not dying isn't in a bad spot.
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moonraisedsunchild · 6 hours
i love how everyone on this website interacts with each other in ways that are so socially impermissible irl. how did we get here
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moonraisedsunchild · 11 hours
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moonraisedsunchild · 12 hours
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moonraisedsunchild · 15 hours
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Art of Ursula I did just for myself and it actually helped my mental health wow ! :D
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moonraisedsunchild · 20 hours
I got 1 task done today. I emptied the big trash can in my bedroom. That's one less fork to deal with.
I have severe executive dysfunction. I've been dealing with it by having myself do one small task a day. So far it's helped a lot. By doing it this way my brain doesn't freak out trying to tackle everything at once.
I got my inspiration for it from this Donald Duck comic:
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moonraisedsunchild · 20 hours
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this is by far the best explanation of how asexuality and sexual attraction works
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moonraisedsunchild · 20 hours
"the world isn't kind" ok??? Much more importantly are you?????
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moonraisedsunchild · 20 hours
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Repaired my fave jacket, got emotional, drew something about it
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if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. we desperately need help for food as I just paid our rent and bills aka all my ssi check. Kids can go through box of Ramen in 1 day. Mom & Derek need extremely healthy food. My sister needs easy to eat food. We are only allowed access to the fridge to store insulin in it, nothing else. (Liu understands our situation daniel cant)
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically.
Just, more than anything we need food help, I worry about the kids growing up like me, always scared of not having a next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate or share, just that if you want to d*nate, be it any amount is more than I had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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Have you ever wondered how tech technicians recover data from faulty flash and memory whose data cannot be recovered by normal methods.
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through.the.lleaves on ig
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I’m tired of hearing people say “Disney’s Cinderella is sanitized. In the original tale, the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet to make the slipper fit and get their eyes pecked out by birds in the end.”
I understand this mistake. I’m sure a lot of people buy copies of the complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales, see their tale of Aschenputtel translated as “Cinderella”, and assume what they’re reading is the “original” version of the tale. Or else they see Into the Woods and make the same assumption, because Sondheim and Lapine chose to base their Cinderella plot line on the Grimms’ Aschenputtel instead of on the more familiar version. It’s an understandable mistake. But I’m still tired of seeing it.
The Brothers Grimm didn’t originate the story of Cinderella. Their version, where there is no fairy godmother, the heroine gets her elegant clothes from a tree on her mother’s grave, and where yes, the stepsisters do cut off parts of their feet and get their eyes pecked out in the end, is not the “original.” Nor did Disney create the familiar version with the fairy godmother, the pumpkin coach, and the lack of any foot-cutting or eye-pecking.
If you really want the “original” version of the story, you’d have to go back to the 1st century Greco-Egyptian legend of Rhodopis. That tale is just this: “A Greek courtesan is bathing one day, when an eagle snatches up her sandal and carries it to the Pharaoh of Egypt. The Pharaoh searches for the owner of the sandal, finds her and makes her his queen.”
Or, if you want the first version of the entire plot, with a stepdaughter reduced to servitude by her stepmother, a special event that she’s forbidden to attend, fine clothes and shoes given to her by magic so she can attend, and her royal future husband finding her shoe after she loses it while running away, then it’s the Chinese tale of Ye Xian you’re looking for. In that version, she gets her clothes from the bones of a fish that was her only friend until her stepmother caught it and ate it.
But if you want the Cinderella story that Disney’s film was directly based on, then the version you want is the version by the French author Charles Perrault. His Cendrillon is the Cinderella story that became the best known in the Western world. His version features the fairy godmother, the pumpkin turned into a coach, mice into horses, etc, and no blood or grisly punishments for anyone. It was published in 1697. The Brothers Grimm’s Aschenputtel, with the tree on the grave, the foot-cutting, etc. was first published in 1812.
The Grimms’ grisly-edged version might feel older and more primitive while Perrault’s pretty version feels like a sanitized retelling, but such isn’t the case. They’re just two different countries’ variations on the tale, French and German, and Perrault’s is older. Nor is the Disney film sanitized. It’s based on Perrault.
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