Euphemia the White : Writings, drawings, and screenshoots from FFXIV
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Age Chart of Characters in Final Fantasy XIV
posted with permission from @Texanona
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Leofard’s age is placed wrong, he should be 32, not 22.
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look at the japanese text for what fray says to you at the very end of the lvl 80 dark knight quest (in place of where ENG’s “was it ever mine…?” speech is) 😭
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My man killed his brother but at least he gives me carpet burn on my hoohaa with that broom under him snooter.
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New goddess idea: She’s an earth goddess of the new age who’s domain is spinning and weaving, but specifically spinning and weaving gigantic structural steel cables for construction and other industrial purposes. Her skin is steel grey and hard to the touch and her hair is like long dredlocks of woven steel. She laughs at shitty architecture deigns that will fall apart if actually built and protects well-made bridges and buildings she likes. She might warn you of unforseen danger if you always wear your proper PPE.
Okay now what do I name her
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Amour sucré (Halloween 2022) - solution
Évènement: Vendredi 21/10 à 11h - Lundi 31/10 23h59 = 11 jours
Mini jeu
But: reproduire de tête le kit de secours Nombre de parties: 3 par jour Coût d’une partie non gratuite (sans attendre): 50 PA Nombre de Kit au TOTAL: 35 Gain: 5 items de tenue + Perruque
Débute: une fois le mini jeu terminé Nombre de dialogues: 3 par jour Coût pour un dialogue non gratuit (sans attendre): 50 PA Coût pour changer de Crush: 70 PA Gain: 5 items de tenue + Perruque + 5 illustrations
Tenue The Scavenger
Obtention: MINI-JEU Veste 65G, Top 40G, Pantalon 45G, Bottes 15G, Machette 60G + Perruque 70G Coût en boutique: 295G
Tenue The Infected
Obtention: Dialogues CRUSH Chaussures 16G, Peau 66G, Collants 40G, Pantalon 50G, Top 33G + Perruque 65G Coût en boutique: 270 G
Item BONUS: Sirius
Obtention: Jauge commune 100%
Tenue PAYANTE: The Scientist
Solution des dialogues
Nathaniel n°1
Je te promets de nous sauver… et de battre mon record!
A. Ça va les chevilles? En cas de véritable invasion, tu ferais moins le malin. B. Hé, je me suis plutôt bien débrouillée, je te ferais dire! C. Tu as quand même pris quelques risques inutiles…
Nathaniel n°2
A. Je pense que je ferais tout pour fuir sans faire de mal au zombie concerné. Ce serait trop douloureux. B. Je crois que je préfèrerais me laisser mordre que de devoir m’en prendre à un proche, même zombifié. C. Mais dans ces cas-là, quel autre choix a-t-on que de se défendre? Ce n’est plus vraiment la personne qu’on a connu.
Nathaniel n°3
Dans ces cas-là, l’essentiel, c’est de se tenir au plan…
A. Je pense qu’il faudrait aller nous barricader au Cosy Bear. Il y a de la nourriture! B. Il faudrait aller au commissariat pour s’armer, non? C. Je pense que ma priorité serait de se regrouper avec nos amis. On est plus fort à plusieurs.
Nathaniel n°4
A. Mais je suis sûre qu’avec un peu d’entraînement je pourrais te dépasser! B. Mais je défendrais le fort pendant que tu tenteras de récupérer un moyen de transport. C. Il faudrait en tenir compte dans notre stratégie.
Castiel n°1
On se serait cru dans Matrix! Roulade et bim! Un chargeur dans la tête! Points de style infinis…
A. Personnellement, ce que je trouve stylé, c’est d’avoir réussi à survivre. B. Oui mais c’est facile quand on passe sa vie à se déhancher sur scène! C. Tu crois vraiment que tes roulades nous sauveraient en cas de véritable invasion zombie?
Castiel n°2
A. Moi je crois que je n’arriverais pas à lui faire du mal, même sous cette forme. B. En ce qui me concerne, je crois que je me défendrai coûte que coûte, peu importe les conséquences. C Personnellement je pense que j’essaierai de m’enfuir pour ne pas avoir à choisir.
Castiel n°3
A. On court retrouver Nath au commissariat. Il y a des armes, là-bas! B. On file à la maison et on se barricade! C. On fuit la ville au plus vite pour augmenter nos chances de survie!
Castiel n°4
Je crois que la seul question qui reste, c’est qui y passera en premier de nous deux?
A. J’ai bien peur que ce soit moi. Il faudrait bien que la plus douée de nous deux tente une sortie, à un moment. B Toi. Définitivement toi. Tu veux qu'on reparle de nos scores respectifs au jeu VR? C. On y passerait ensemble, comme un vrai couple.
Hyun n°1
Je comprendrais si tu m’abandonnais pour sauver ta peau. Je serais un vrai boulet, j’en ai peur.
A. Si vraiment l’éventualité d’une invasion zombie te taraude à ce point, on peut refaire une partie pour s’entrainer… B. Pas question! Je préfère succomber à tes côtés que survivre seule! C. Mais non! Je suis sûre que personne n’assaisonnerait les dernières conserves comme tu saurais le faire!
Hyun n°2
A. Le plus urgent serait de nous rassembler avec nos proches pour survivre ensemble, non? On est plus fort à plusieurs. B. À mon avis, le plus important, c’est de se trouver un abri. C. Je pense que la priorité serait de fuir la ville, tu ne crois pas?
Hyun n°3
À ton avis, quel serait le meilleur endroit où faire notre nid pour affronter l’invasion?
A. Hum… le commissariat, peut-être? Il y a des armes, là-bas, on pourrait se défendre. B. Je ne sais pas… Pourquoi pas au Cosy Bear? Il y a des vivres, la trousse de premiers secours… C. Il faudrait aller chez Rosa, maintenant que j’y pense. C’est excentré, et on pourrait pêcher pour survivre.
Hyun n°4
Force est de constater que mes chances de survie ne sont pas colossales au beau milieu d’une marée de zombies.
A. Je suis sûre que s’il s’agissait de me protéger d’une véritable invasion, tu révèlerais tes qualités cachées. B. Mais je te défendrai, moi! C. Tu pourrais cuisiner de bons petits plats que nous troquerions aux aventuriers plus expérimentés contre des services.
Priya n°1
Tu imagines, en cas de véritable apocalypse zombie? Je serais un poids mort pour nous, mon amour.
A. Mais non, tu n’étais pas totalement dedans, ça arrive. Tu veux refaire un partie? B. Je ne pense pas. Je suis même certaine que si ça arriverait pour de vrai, c’est toi qui nous sauverais. C. Ne t’en fais pas, si ça arrive, je serai de nouveau là pour te sauver, c’est promis!
Priya n°2
Pour moi la vrai question, c’est: “Qu’est-ce que tu fais si tu tombes sur un de tes proches qui est devenu un zombie?”
A. Je crains que n’aies pas le choix. Il faut te défendre à tout prix, même si ça signifie… B. Je crois que je n’arriverais pas à faire quoi que ce soit. Je préfèrerais me laisser mordre que de devoir “faire le nécessaire”. C. Je pense que je tenterais de fuir à tout prix pour ne pas avoir à tuer d’autre proche, même zombifié.
Priya n°3
A. Je pense qu’il faudrait se barricader au Cosy Bear. Il y a de la nourriture… et des couteaux de cuisine. B. Je crois que la priorité serait de trouver d’autres survivants et de se regrouper pour être plus forts ensemble. C. À mon avis, la première chose à faire serait de mettre un maximum de distance entre Amoris et nous.
Priya n°4
A. Mais… tu sais monter à cheval, toi? Parce que moi pas. B. Mais où est-ce qu’on trouverait des chevaux? C. Mais tu n’as pas peur que le cheval soit pris de panique au milieu de toute cette agitation?
Rayan n°1
Alors que ça pose tellement de questions. En faite on est pas très loin de la théorie cartésienne du rex cogito…
A. Je te promets qu’en cas de véritable invasion zombie, je protègerai ce magnifique cerveau de mon mieux! B. N’essaye pas de détourner la conversation! Je me demande ce que Descartes aurait dit de ta performances comparée à la mienne… C. Descartes parlait d’un univers virtuel à la Matrix, non? Là, c’est encore autre chose. Avec les combinaisons haptiques, les sensations sont réelles.
Rayan n°2
A. Mais ça me paraît évident que je chercherais à fuir. B. Mais si la guérison n’est qu’une hypothèse, pour moi, c’est clair: il faut te défendre tant que tu fais encore partie bien portants. C. Honnêtement, je serais totalement tétanisée par l’idée de tirer sur une de mes meilleurs amies que je finirais probablement par me faire infecter…
Rayan n°3
Si j’en crois tout ce que j’ai vu et lu, les premières heures sont capitales si tu veux faire partie des héros de l’histoire et pas des zombies.
A. Je pense que la priorité, c’est de se regrouper entre non-infectés, non? B. J’imagines qu’il faut fuir les villes au plus vite pour réduire les risques de se faire mordre. C. Personnellement, je courrais me barricader à la maison avec toi.
Rayan n°4
Et on croiserait tout de même quelques nids d’infectés, en chemin…
A. Moi, en tout cas, je préfère mourir à tes côté que te survivre! B. Ne t’en fais pas. Je te l’ai dit, je te protègerai! C. Il y a différentes façons de lutter contre les zombies. Un cerveau hautement fonctionnel peut s’avérer plus important que des gros muscles!
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HEY BABES! Brief review + correct answers
I just finished the episode and omg… this was so, so cute. I loved every minute of it. The shyness, the awkwardness between two people that were in love years ago and just happen to meet again…
I really liked that they decided to change the theme of every couple because, when Lysandre ep came out, I thought that all of them would have that weird ass long distance relationship going on and I admit, I prefer it this way. There is something about falling in love again with the person that once broke your heart, like they did with Castiel and Nathaniel in Love Life. The tension…. ugh, top tier.
And I love the doggos, and his redesign, and his livestyle. All of it. Looking forward to the next one.
Edit: the dogs look like skinwalkers. These are human eyes sir. They scare the shit out of me.
Now, with the answers in case you don't have it yet:
-Tell him he has changed +5 -Tell him you like the pets names because it's cute and coherent +5 -Sit on the terrace +5 -Tell him you wanted to make yourself interesting? (I'm sorry english is not my primary language) +5 -Clean his face with your fingers +5 -Stay at the terrace with the dogs and don't pay +5 -Say you were just surprised about the thing going on with Alexy +5 or neutral, don't remeber -Tell him he'll have to find another way to apologize +5 -Tell him you had fun, sttutering. I think it's neutral but gives you the image.
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Eldarya Episodio 11
In your childhood home, a face from your past surfaces: you learn that you weren’t erased from everyone’s mind. A lot of things have changed in your family circle. Faced with all these revelations, one question comes to mind: did they really look for you?
Nella casa della tua infanzia affiora un volto del tuo passato: impari che non sei stato cancellato dalla mente di tutti. Molte cose sono cambiate nella tua cerchia familiare. Di fronte a tutte queste rivelazioni, viene in mente una domanda: ti hanno davvero cercato?
È possibile vincere entrambe le illustrazioni, ma bisogna avere almeno 50% di lov con i personaggi
Si spendono circa 3000 maana
In verde le risposte che alzano il lov’ometro
In rosso quelle che lo abbassano
In viola quelle che non lo modificano
Vai in soggiorno e ruba la cassaforte del padre!
—> stanza del palazzo.
Allontanati dalla villa prima del ritorno del padre.
—> Vai al quartiere storico, dove sbloccherai il dialogo con i tuoi amici. Dopodiché, vai al centro città.
Vai al pc per avviare la ricerca.
"I was out of loyalty..."
I understand perfectly. I'm sure he needed you more than ever. (+)
Yes, and also to keep your job... (-)
(I shook my head. He was more loyal to my father than to my mother...) (0)
I forbade him to call him. Is that clear? (-)
Please don't call him. We have other commitments to make before... (0)
"Helped by my five colleagues, whose presence you have already noticed"
(I had my means to resist. I could refuse) (0)
(I almost wanted the situation to get out of control, just to be able to hit him) (0)
(It was horrible, but I think I liked him) (0)
"If he needs help or consolation, he will know where to find me."
Thank you, I'm calmer. He doesn't want to talk to me... ()
Do you think he would look for him if he wanted consolation?! ()
I hope he remembers that. He may need... (0)
I understand what you're trying to do, thank you. But it's no use. (+5)
Stop, I don't need it now.
I'm sorry, but... Now is not the time. (0)
(At last! I thought this would never happen again!) (+5)
(At last, he was back! I was very happy to see you ready for the attack again) (0)
(I was a little surprised, but I'm glad...) (0)
"There's something almost poetic about it, don't you think?"
I don't know if you're serious, but yes, actually, until it is. (+5)
Honestly? No, not at all. In fact, it's the other way around. Probably negative
I don't know if it's for that... (0)
"Wait a minute, aren't you curious to know what's happening on Earth?"
Why not, if you prefer...
Honestly? No. Anyway, we will have already left tonight.
Actually, now that you mentioned... A little, yes. (0)
"I don't think these disguises are enough to go unnoticed"
I agree, we were a little presumptuous. (+5)
The disguise doesn't solve everything. It doesn't hide your scar, for example.
That's the least we can say. Everyone is looking at our group.
Nevra? Would you like to stay with us? ILLUSTRATION
(But he was right, we needed to move forward)
(He might well have run away if Nevra hadn't found him)
(Something could have happened to him, and we wouldn't have been able to do anything)
(We needed to concentrate more) (0)
Huang Chu
(I blinked discreetly at her. She reacted positively) (+5)
(I struck her with my eyes so that she would stop smiling) (-5)
Very lucky, really. (0)
I think we should stay on Earth as little as possible. Eating can wait. (-5 Lance and Mateus), +5 Huang Chu and Leiftan)
Actually, I'm hungry too. I am voting in favor of going to eat. (+5 Lance and Mateus, -5 Huang Chu and Leiftan)
I'm going to abstain. Nevra, I'll let you decide. (0)
"Leiftan route:"
I... It's a fear we both have (+5).
As far as I know, it's not a facade (-5)
He's... He's very tormented. His past pursues him... (-5)
Lance's route follows: "I understand... But then, do you fully trust him?"
Let's say I trust him as much as I trust... you, for example. (+5)
I'd like... But a piece of me is still on the defensive.
Yes, blindly. I know he's trustworthy.
Matthew's route follows: "You expected me to try to dissuade her, right?
Well... yes, since you hate him in a cordial way...
No... Not at all! What makes you think about it? (-5)
Let's say you're not always very sweet to him...
Nevra's route follows: ""Incidentally, for you... Is it the position he holds that catches your attention? The attraction to power?"
No. Actually, I like him despite that. (+5)
It's not the first thing. It's just... he's smart, you know?
Let's say it's an important factor. I like to see you in charge...
"Say, [Guardian], I have a question about the phones"
(Maybe they're right, I was too nervous. I'd better relax). ILLUSTRATION
(I didn't want to talk now. I'd rather stay alert).
"Give to those who have nothing, fight tyranny and injustice"
I thought the Guard had been founded to maintain order... (+5)
I'm glad you're enjoying the book so much. But I came for another reason. (-5)
I understand... You know what? You should keep the book (0).
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Guide episode 11 eldarya
(I��ll be editing this) (Blue answers, are the ones I choose)
Dialogues are a little different, as I’m translating them from Spanish to English. Also, dialogues with the butler are a mystery, as we don’t know his lovometer.
Butler: I stayed out of loyalty
A. (I nodded. He was more loyal to my father than my mother…)
B. Yeah, and also to keep your job.
C. It is very honorable. Without a doubt, he needed you more than ever.
Butler: I’d better let him know so he can prepare.
A. I forbid you to call him. Is It clear?
B. Listen, be nice, don’t call him. I have other things to do before that…
Huang Chu:
A. (I glared at her to stoped her from laughing)
B. A real stroke of luck, as you say.
C. (I winked at her, discreetly. She had a good reaction) +5
Mathieu: (all neutrals)
A. (Even I’m a little surprise, it’s better this way…)
B. (Finally, he’s himself again! I’m glad to see that he regains his initiative)
C. (About time! I thought he wouldn’t!)
Huang Chu:
A. I think we should stay here as short as possible. Pity about the food. (prob +5 Leiftan. Maybe: huang Chua +5. Mathieu -5 and Lance-5. I’m not sure about this one)
B. I abstain. Nevra, I’ll let you decide. (Nevra +5 Huang Chu -5)
C. To be honest, I’m hungry too. I vote for the food. (Huang Chu -5. Leiftan -5. Mathieu + 5. Lance +5. )
If your route is Lance:
Huang Chu: I get it… So, you you trust him completely?
A. Yes, blindly. I know he’s worth it
B. Let’s say I trust him as much as I trust… you, for example. +5
C. I’ll like to… but a part of me has its doubts.
Mathieu: it’s almost poetic, don’t you think?
A. I don’t know if it matters that much… neutral
B. I’m not sure if they are serious, but actually, yes, quite a lot (I don’t remember, but I believe this one is +5)
C. Really? Not at all. It’s even the opposite.
Nevra: I feel like these clothes are not enough for us to be undetectable.
A. I agree with you, we have been a bit presumptuous. +5
B. Clothes are not everything. It doesn’t camouflage your scar, for example. -5 (I choose this one, yeah, I f- up)
C. It’s the least that can be saids everyone is looking at us. Neutral
A. I’m sorry but… this is not the time. Neutral
B. I understand what you are trying to do, I appreciate it. But it is not working. +5
C. Enough, I don’t need that now.
Huang Chu: Hey, Erika, I have a question( regarding the phones.
A. (I don’t feel like talking right now. I’d rather stay alert) no illustration
B. (No doubt they are right, I’m too nervous. I sonido relax) illustration
A. (We need to concentrate more)
B. (He could’ve left, if Nevra hadn’t found him)
C. (Something my have happened, and we couldn’t have done anything)
A. (But he’s right, we need to keep going)
B. Nevra, do you want to stay with us? Illustration
Lovometer here: Mathieu 40 Nevra 45
Mathieu: wait a moment, aren’t you curious about that happens on earth?
A. Well, now that you mentioned it, yes, a bit. Neutral
B. to be honest, no. We will be leaving tonight anyway
C. Why not, if you want…
Huang Chu: Give to those who have nothing, fight against tyranny and injustice.
A. I’m glad you liked it so much. But I came for another reason. -5
B. I thought the guard was founded to keep order… +5
C. I understand… you know what? You would keep that book. Neutral
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Mapa San Valentín Eldarya 2022 ❤️
Les dejamos el mapa del evento de San Valentín Eldarya 2022 ❤️, esperamos les sea de ayuda. 💕
Les dejamos el link del mapa interactivo:
Link del mapa de imagen:
Únanse a nuestro grupo de Facebook: Gardiennes de Eldarya: paraíso otome ~✨
-*•.¸𝓐𝓲𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 ⋆☾♡𓃠♡☽⋆¸.•*
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So, I feel like the event baits are all over the map. Most of the time I got 4 items per round. These are the things I got so far:
I found Zarali ( unicorn ) at the Field of Ginger area but did not have the right bait. Considering the only other event bait at the cat shop is the Moonstone, I assume that's the bait they went with for Zarali.
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Can we talk about Graha Tia using back his Crystal Exarch stance during the chaos in Radz-at-Han? I believe this was how he lead people of the First through the horror of sin-eaters. The Exarch is always in him.
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Thancred: So the incantation didn’t work.
Crystal Exarch: No.
Alisaie: And, the pleas for help didn’t work.
Crystal Exarch: Not at all.
Urianger: Did you try cryptically implying there was peril?
Crystal Exarch: Several times.
Alphinaud: Hmm…
Thancred: Mmm.
Alisaie: Guess we just cannot summon our friend to this Shard after all. All hope for the first is gone.
Y'shtola: …Perhaps not.
Urianger: Oh? Have an idea Master Matoya?
Y'shtola: Yes, but our friend has to be in his Black Mage aspect to pull it off.
Crystal Exarch: I am listening.
Y'shtola: Here is what you do.
*3 weeks later*
Crystal Exarch: Aeon Become Instant!
WoL: *appears in Leyline Circle drawn in chalk on the ground*
Crystal Exarch: I…can’t believe that worked.
Y'shtola: Oh yes, after watching our friend here for sometime. I found the easiest way to make them go anywhere is to draw a false Leyline Circle on the ground.
Alphinaud: That is genius and now we can hunt the Lightwardens.
Urianger: Not quite, be must now needst to get them to leave the Leyline.
Alisaie: No, small feat to be sure.
Thancred: Luckily me and the Exarch came up with a solution for that too. Minfilia, if you please.
Minfilia: *sets down a treasure box*
Thancred: *claps his hands as a ring of light appears near the door*
Minfilia: D…Duty Complete!
WoL: *moves out of the circle towards the chest*
Alisaie: This is…so stupid.
Elidibus in the Shadows next to Emet-Selch: QUICK WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!
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