moonlightjudgement · 1 month
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hello it is the beloved Octopath detectives, the bozo and the sass-mouth, out to sniff-sniff mysteries and crime.
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moonlightjudgement · 1 month
@throne-anguis Pay me no mind. I'll just leave this here. ;)
tumblr ask game! 
👤do you live alone?
👥 if you do live with others how often are you home? if you don’t, do you ever have guests staying when you’re not there?
💡 how late do you keep the lights on? 
📌 what is your work schedule?
🏝 going on a vacation soon?
📺 count the number of electronics in your home! what are they?
🔫 do you own any weapons and if so are they in a safe?
🛌 are you a light or heavy sleeper?
 🪙 do you collect anything? sneakers, jewelry?
💵 do you ever keep cash laying around the house and if so where?
🐴 are your neighbors nosy? do they own weapons?
🚨do you have a home security system
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moonlightjudgement · 5 months
what it feels like to cast heavenly shine/sacred effulgence
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moonlightjudgement · 5 months
Victory Fanfare - By Yasunori Nishiki
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moonlightjudgement · 6 months
Temenos, the Cleric - By Yasunori Nishiki
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moonlightjudgement · 6 months
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moonlightjudgement · 7 months
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moonlightjudgement · 8 months
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moonlightjudgement · 8 months
Doubt is What I Do - By Yasunori Nishiki
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moonlightjudgement · 8 months
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moonlightjudgement · 10 months
Temenos, what do you intend to do now that Kaldena is dead...? Do you intend to return to Flamechurch?
First, we finish our work here. Just because Kaldena is defeated does not mean her compatriots aren't still at large. We'll have to track them down and bring them before trial soon enough. After that... well...
To be quite honest... I do not wish to return to the church. I doubt I'll be a welcome face now that I played a hand in toppling their hierarchy, and I don't find myself being safe in a church anytime soon...
Do not be mistaken, my faith is still greatly important to me; however, perhaps I should learn what my faith means outside of a church's walls?
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moonlightjudgement · 10 months
Ginger? I hate to break it to you, Ort, but my hair is far from red.
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moonlightjudgement · 11 months
Shaken, but standing strong nonetheless.
Inquisitor Temenos! Are you alright?
Yes... I'm better now that you're healthy
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moonlightjudgement · 11 months
...so is kaldena dead, orrr...?
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moonlightjudgement · 11 months
Give Carmen more trauma
Carmen Sandiego 2019 is what Throné's story should've been 🙄🙄
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moonlightjudgement · 11 months
Inquisitor Temenos! Are you alright?
Yes... I'm better now that you're healthy
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moonlightjudgement · 1 year
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yeah, i am not immune to propaganda. a propaganda at men's tits that is lol lift your shirt up boy
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