How Did I Get Here?
41K posts
Emery • 25 • They/Them • Just a hoard of beans in the vague shape of a gremlin • My life’s aspiration is to be the village cryptid
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mooneyed-kid · 3 years ago
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mooneyed-kid · 3 years ago
I like to imagine that in any atla modern au, aang still, for some reason, finds a reason to beat ozai’s ass
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mooneyed-kid · 3 years ago
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We’ll never die
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mooneyed-kid · 3 years ago
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Hot Girl Summer is over get ready for Frog and Toad Fall 🍂
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
fascist ideology is so hilariously fragile. the strength of your nation is threatened by me? i was minding my own business. i was eating toast. childlessly. like oh no, what are you going to do, western society is in downfall because i am not raising any cannon fodder? there's a war on masculinity, and it's losing, you say? cultural marxism must have got to me? like oops i am getting deliberately more effeminate in response lol haaaay! fuck the state. i'm starting a nature preserve for gay frogs just to piss you off
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
just passed by my college security guard watching Naruto on his phone
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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Don’t let them bury me as someone I’m not.
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
The tone difference in foraging guides between native plants and invasive plants is literally so funny to read
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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The wikipedia page for The Coleman Frog is a but a single paragraph but what a paragraph it is
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
"sex scenes have no narrative purpose" is such a funny take on so many levels. people will really believe that the whole human experience is valuable to portray artistically except sex, which of course has never held emotional weight or significance for anybody
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
Feral Housewife Aesthetic
If "Domestic Housewives" are a thing, that implies the existence of a "Feral Housewife", so I've decided to make a silly little Aesthetic for that idea. Please take this with a grain of salt, I just wanted to make this for fun. Also, this could apply to all genders, so Househusbands and Housespouses are always welcome too!
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Baking and Cooking at weird times, like getting up to make brownies at 3 in the morning
Playing your favorite Music for your plants to help them grow
Planting catnip in your garden so the local cats will visit you more often
Appreciating Dandelions, Mice and other “pests” that most homeowners would despise
Cleaning while listening to stuff like ‘The Crane Wives’ and ‘The Oh Hellos’
Tongues and Teeth by the Crane Wives is their anthem
Probably has plenty of Pets instead of children
Does whatever they want, has plenty of agency
Either Tomboyish, or Feminine in an unconventional way
Hates having visitors inside the house
Telling folktales and scary stories to local people and children
Probably a Kitchen Witch, or even just a Witch in general
Flirting with the postman, or the local gardener
Living life like a Ghibli Movie, or like they live in Moomin Valley
Hair done up in a messy bun or braid that ends up falling out as the day goes on
Silly Apron designs for cooking and baking
Afternoon naps that last from 2 to 4 pm
Painting and Drawing on the walls of the house to ��give it some character”
Drying herbs on ceilings and in large, old books you won’t be using
The kind of neighbor that has fairytale-like rumors spread about them, like kids telling one another not to go by their house or she’ll steal your voice right out of your throat
Befriending local animals (and spirits?)
Embodying Sophie Hatter from Howl’s Moving Castle
Passive Aggressive or very Sassy
Doesn’t want to be tied down, hates the idea of being bonded to one person for the rest of their life
Planting easy-to-grow plants on the side of the road
TONS of houseplants
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
i apologize for being nosy, and please don't answer this if you don't want to, but i remember a few years ago you had identified as asexual and i was wondering if you still do? i did for a long time but i'm with a new partner now and i'm starting to wonder if maybe the connection just wasn't right with anyone before and that's why i wasn't into having sex? is that normal? i mean, i identified that way for YEARS so i'm just. very confused at myself.
I mean listen, I’m in my 30s. These labels don’t mean a lot to me anymore. Like, literally everything is normal. Everything is fine so long as nobody’s feelings are being hurt. Don’t worry about some label that used to be useful maybe not being useful anymore. Thank it for its service and let it retire. Maybe one day it will be useful again. That doesn’t change anything about you, because you are, and always have been, a complex, multifaceted, constantly changing kaleidoscope of emotional and sexual needs, and “asexual” is just a word that helped you make sense of it for a while.
Like, y’all, give yourselves a break. Sex is complicated. Some people are straight their whole lives, and then they meet one person who changes everything. Some people are one thing for a while, then they’re another thing, then they go back to being the first thing. Some people stay one thing forever. Some people are really into something in their 20s that grosses them out to even think about for the rest of their lives. All if it’s normal.
The words you put on your orientation are not elementally a part of you. They are tools, and as tools they should serve a function. That function can be to help you understand and categorize your own experiences and desires. It can be to help you find a community. It can be to help you get laid. It can just be to set social expectations. These words can be a revelation when you first apply them to yourself: they can be life-saving. But you are not beholden to them. 
“Idk, I thought of myself as ace for a long time, but I’m into my current partner, so like, enh? I’m having a good time and my partner and I are both happy, so I guess labels aren’t really useful to me right now” can be all you have to say on the subject.
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams - Rora Blue
“Sweet Dreams explores the intricacies of everyday ableism and everyday ableist comments. Some of the comments recount dialogue said to the artist. Other phrases were submitted by other disabled and/or chronically ill individuals as documentation of comments that have been said to them. Through using recognizable objects associated with disability in correlation with playful colors, Sweet Dreams aims to reclaim objects commonly associated with pain and disrupt the narrative on what it means to be disabled.”
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mooneyed-kid · 4 years ago
COVID is slowly becoming a "third world" disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can't get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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