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Our Favorite Vacation Place

For me, my favorite vacation place is Lake Toba in Medan. There are so many reason that makes me loved to go there.
Some fun facts for you to know:
Did you know that Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world? Yes, you read that right. The length of the lake is 100 kilometres with a 300-kilometre width. Lake Toba was formed by an explosion that occurred around 73,000 to 75,000 years ago, which, ironically, also marked as the biggest eruption in the world that led to the extinction of 60 per cent of the human race.
The lake is a lovely expanse of water surrounded by beautiful hills. The lake also has an abundance of flora and fauna, overgrown with pine and palm trees with wild animals such as monkeys, orang utans, langur monkeys and tapirs.

Lake Toba is also known for Samosir Island, located right in the middle of the lake. The island also offers myriad arts and cultures, and we got the chance to see traditional Batak houses, as well as how to weave North Sumatra’s traditional fabric, called ulos. It’s really fun and makes me know more about tradition of North Sumatra.
There are also plenty of Medan delicacies offered in the area.Yeah they were so delicious 😍One of the more famed and popular dishes is the Batak Grilled Pork.

We also visit the tallest waterfall in Indonesia. The air there are still so fresh, that make me stay relax and forgot all pressures.

Then we also have a picnic and a walk by the lake. There is no better way to appreciate nature than taking your time to revel in it. We just lay down a picnic mat to have a picnic , and enjoy the beautiful view.
It’s one of my favorite vacation place that I would love to go again. BELIEVE ME, you would like it very much.
I recommend going to Bali, a very famous island in Indonesia. I have been there twice. The first time was when i was still small and i only remember a few things from that trip. For the second visit, it was only last year if im not wrong and i went there with my family.

Bali is rich with art and culture. They have their own unique culture. I saw amazing carvings, sculptures, paintings and architectures all around.

Another reason I love about Bali is because of their beach. We can eat while we enjoy the beautiful sunset there. I enjoyed taking a walk around the beach bare foot.
We went to tanah lot and took a lot of photos there. We also went to Danau Beratan, a lake in Bali.

Bali is definitely a great place for holiday. It will be one of my favorite holiday place for a long time.
Vanessa R.
I went there 2 years ago for study tour,it was a really nice trip ! Jogja itself is rich in culture
On the first day we went to a mountain, we ride a jeep to the foot of the mountain, the ride was really unforgetable!

We stay for a night at a village nearby
We watch kuda lumping show at night
Day - 2
We went to a rice field to learn how to plant rice
We also learnt how to batik, although I suck , it was really a great experience
We went to borobudur temple a.k.a the largest buddha temple in the world! It was a masterpiece

We went to ‘taman pintar’ it’s a educational place
We went to malioboro, a local market, to buy some goods in good price , it was a nice experience bargaining
We stay at hotel for the night
Day - 3
We went to pindul cave
We had a really delicious meal
We also bought bakpia , I take the tester and already completely fall in love with it! It was really delicious expecially the cheese one!
L a s t D a y
We went to prambanan temple , but sadly only take picture there because we need to catch the plane
We were at the airport and me being myself lost my boarding pass , I was really shock of myself and I went to search trough my bag and suprisingly the boarding pass is in my pocket
We got to the plane and went back safely
Jogja was really fun !, I recommend you check it out yourself!!
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15th Foundation of Mondial
This year’s Foundation Day was very meaningful for us. Because Mondial is 15 years old now. We’re sure that all of us is happy to see this. This year’s celebration was more grand than last year’s because this year is more special.
The 15th foundation day was celebrated on March 9-10, 2018. On the first day we watched the performances prepared by SD , some SMP and SMA students. They were so good. But the surprising part in this year’s performance was that the SMA teachers suddenly joined the SMA mobdance at the end pf the performance and they dance together.

After that, some students brought the cake and then we sang the birthday song together.
The second day, we had lucky draw for a while then we went home.
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Our Thoughts about the 2nd BioFair Exploratorium
The 2nd Bio Exploratium was better than what we’ve expected, its really fun and we were very impressed with what the SMA 3 students presented to us. Everyone who attended this program finds it very enjoyable. It’s a privillege for us to be able to attend this program.
For us this year’s Bio Exploratium is better than the last year’s one. If you happen to join the 1st Bio Exploratium you will notice that it was very different with the 2nd Bio Exploratium. The first one was held in 2 classrooms and that is too small and a little bit hot. But this time they held it in a big room / Graduation hall , it was fully air-conditioned and it was big enough so it was very comfortable for us. Another difference was they present us biology in a completely different way that made us know more about this nature world .
I’m pretty sure people who missed this opportunity to see this will regret it if they knew how fun this year’s bio exploratorium was.
The bio exploratorium was divided into 8 booths:
1. Nervous system
2. Reproductive system
3. Taxonomy
4. DNA
5. Excretory
6. Foodtech
7. Biotech
8. Dinosaur
Our personal favorite was the reproductive system because they are more organized and well prepared. They also have games and videos to watch about the reproductive system.
Here are some videos
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2nd Biofair Exploratium
Hi guys 🤗👋
Do you guys think learning Science is boring?
Well, at first we also felt that way, but after we join our school’s annual activity, we realized that learning Science can be fun. In our school we are not just learning science theoritically but also with videos, games, experiments through our school’s annual activity, which are the Science Fair and Biofair Exploratium. Soon, the Biofair Exploratium will be held.
Do you guys know what biofair exploratium is?
Biofair exploratium is a biology fair which presents mostly biological experiments and some theories.
Want to experience it yourself?
You can always come and join us in our school, Sekolah Mondial. Sekolah Mondial will be having a biofair exploratium at February 13 , 2018 at Graduation Hall , Sekolah Mondial . The ones in charge of this activity are the SMA 3 IPA students. We are excited just thinking about what will they present to us this year. Last year they showed us how to make wine and they also showed us the bacteria in an expired yakult using microscope. They even presented a pig’s liver, but unfortunately I miss the chance to see it . Can’t wait to see what other organs will they present to us this year 🤔.
TRUST ME this activity will give you many benefits. It will increase your knowledge about science particularly in Biology. You will gain even more knowledge than reading the theories in the textbooks . Experiencing it by ourselves is better than only reading and imagining how Biology truly works.
We’re looking forward meeting you guys in this year’s Biofair Exploratium. Hope you guys will enjoy this activity organized by our hardworking teacher, Teacher Crisel and also with the help and cooperation of all SMA 3 IPA students. Hope this activity will be a successful one and will be a memorable experience for all of us. 😀
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There’s a first time for everything
There will always be a first
Our own first step
First school
First happiness
First laugh
First fall
Now we are creating our very own first blog together.
It’s our first to post an entry like this and we will make it as entertaining as possible. Hope you guys will like our post 😉
Let us introduce ourselves as a group, we are a group of three highschoolers who likes kpop, dramas, music and many moreeeee
Read below to know more about the members
Our first member 1️⃣
Hi ! 🤗 you can call me Sally. Like typical high schoolers I love to read novels and watch dramas. I have watched many dramas that sometimes I can even guess the plot.
Our second member 2️⃣
Hello 👋 I’m Valerie. I am the youngest here although i look like the oldest hahaha
I like to watch dramas in my free time and i also like kpop. My fav group is BTS ❤️ and recently i have been listening to k-rock and bands that play their own instruments.
Our third member 3️⃣
Heyyo peps! I’m the last member but not the maknae , You can call me Vanessa . I like all type of music but I prefer K-Indie and a little bit of 90’s will do, and of course BTS!✨ My main bias is Suga , Who’s yours?
The reason we made this blog is because we were assigned to make a blog by our English teacher, Tc.Crisel . Hope you guys enjoyed reading it! 🤗
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