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Hi! I read many times that water is an acceptable offering in hellenic polytheism, but when I read about offerings in roman polytheism, water is never contemplated and it's always wine/milk/incense. Is water an acceptable offering for roman deities too?
Salve, Anon!
Water, plain or mixed with another substance, was among the most fundamental offerings to the Roman gods, especially water which had been drawn from natural springs or wells. Water was even offered in libations to the nymphs, though they could, presumably, get all the water they wanted from their own spring, well, river, or aqueduct. Libations of water were also offered to the dead.
So, yes, water is an acceptable offering. If you must get it from a tap - and have no water restrictions - let it run for a few seconds so that the water which had been standing in the pipes can flow out and fresh, cool water will fill your offering vessel.
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Finished this drawing of Apollo and his golden arrows.
He’s my favorite of the Greek mythos.
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This new year I wish to become more connected with the gods
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I definitely know that Artemis has been trying to get my attention for years now and only recently have I started to actually respond to her (I'm sorry Artemis I'm a dense mf).
All those years of looking up at the moon, feeling like it was speaking to me. Now I know it was Artemis saying "Hey! I'm here!"
I finally made this blog last night because I witnessed a moonbow for the first time. It is as beautiful. The moon was directly above my house and it had a halo rainbow around it. I've heard of moonbows before, but have never seen anything so beautiful before.
Thank you Artemis for showing me.
But I have to wonder, what other gods have been trying to get my attention, but I've been too dense to see?
Apollo maybe? I do love the summer sun. Poseidon? The ocean calls me much like the moon. And although I almost drowned in it I feel no fear toward it. Perhaps Iris? Maybe the moonbow was a collab of hers with Artemis?
Idk I have a lot to think about
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Historically Accurate Offerings to the Theoi
Olive branches
Styrax incense
Eagle, bull, swan images
Peacock feathers or images
Cuckoo images
Olive branch/oil/fruit
Myrrh incense
Owl images
Red roses, sunflowers
Frankincense (manna) incense
Palm tree
Raven, swan, wolf, mouse, dolphin images
Cedar, palm and cypress trees
Tokens of deer
Myrtle, white flowers
Frankincense (manna) incense
Deer, dog, bear, partidge, quail images
Pig images
Sea anemone
Myrrh incense
Bull, dolphin, horse images
Grape vine
Styrax incense
Leopard, panther, donkey, bull images
Tongue-shaped tokens
Rosemary, saffron
Almond tree and pine tree
Frankincense and styrax incense
Mint (for Kthonios epithet)
Cow, ram, hawk, turtle, hare images
Wild strawberry (purslane)
Bronze weapons
Frankincense (manna) incense
Swan, vulture, dragon/poisonous snake, owl images
Roses, myrtle, anemone (poppy)
Apple, pomegranate
Perfumes and fragrances as incense
Dove, goose, sparrow, turtle images
Frankincense (manna) incense
Donkey, dog, crane images
Frankincense (manna) incense
Serpent, dog, goose, rooster images
Pine, beech trees
Wild flowers
Herbs burnt as incense and the smell of perfumes
Goat, turtle images
Tokens of pigs
Styrax incense
Mint (for Kthonia epithet)
Dove, bee, pig images
Styrax incense
Dried laurel leaves
Poplar, cypress trees
Red Mullet
Amphiphon (candy)
Styrax incense
Dry laurel leaves
Ferret, dog, bull, lioness images
Source: LABRYS’ Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship and
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I spend much of my time reassuring baby Hellenic Pagans about this:
Our gods are not wrathful. They will not be angered by small mistakes. You poured a libation wrong? Or didn’t do a ritual you intended because life got in the way? They aren’t angry with you. They will not punish you.
They aren’t with you in order to take from you. They give to us unconditionally, and in return we give thanks because we are thankful. Not because we are afraid.
In my own experience, the gods will not be angered unless you act in a purposeful malicious or disrespectful way. You would really need to do something terrible for them to be angry with you.
We are human. We make mistakes. All you can do is have good intentions, and to continue learning. They love you for trying, even when you don’t do so perfectly. Try your best. Treat yourself and others with love, and you’re all set.
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7 Book Resources For Hellenic Polytheism:
The following is a short list of some books on Hellenic Polytheism, these are some of the best rated books on Amazon. Mosts of them have a kindle version and all of them have a paperback version (a physical book).

**These are affiliate links**
Keep reading
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Epithets and translations are from here and here.
Please be mindful that this is not a complete list and that the translations may not be completely accurate.
Please comment or Ask any other Hellenic deities or additional epithets you would like me to add.
- Aphrodite Urania , the heavenly
- Aphrodite Philommeides , laughter-loving
- Aphrodite Polos , the high-crowned
- Apollo Epikourios , the helper/healer
- Apollo Daphnephorios , carrier of bay branches
- Apollo Apotropaios , averter of evil
- Artemis Potnia Theron , mistress of animals
- Ares Laussous , he who rallies men
- Ares Obrimus , mighty
- Athena Polias , protector of cities
- Athena Ergane , overseer of handcrafts
- Athena Phronesis , creator of morally responsible reasoning
- Demeter Cthonia , the earthly one
- Demeter Karpophoros , the fruit bringer
- Dionysus Oinos , wine-god
- Dionysus Polygethes , giver of many joys
- Hades Polysemantor , ruler of many
- Hades Ploutos , wealthy
- Hecate Brimo , terrible and angry one
- Hecate Aedonnaea , of the underworld
- Hecate Trioditis , of the three-pathed crossroads
- Hestia Polyolbos , rich in blessings
- Hermes Logos , swift talker
- Hermes Agoraios , bringer of profit
- Hephaestus Klytos , renowned
- Hephaestus Polytechnes , of many crafts
- Persephone Praxidice , exacter of justice
- Persephone Daeira , knowing one
- Poseidon Soter , savior of sailors
- Poseidon Petraios , steady rock
- Zeus Xenios , protector of guests
- Zeus Panergetos , all-achieving
- Zeus Hyetios , bringer of storms
- Zeus Agetor , leader
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Historically Sacred Items/Offerings to each of the Ouranic Theoi! I made this for my Hellenic polytheism group on discord, so I thought I’d share this information with all of you as well.
All information has been taken from as well as various historical books on the gods, and I have decided to make this powerpoint so that other people don’t have to sift through all the pdfs and books themselves.
Make sure to click each image to get a fullview! Ευχαριστώ!
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“Trying to find my deity”
I see a lot of beginner pagans posting about this and I think there’s been a serious miscommunication of information from us more experienced pagans to the new generation.
This is an organic process
Working with deities is more like making friends or finding a passion. You don’t just go embark on some kind of spiritual quest to determine which deity is yours. It’s not a personality quiz. It’s also not like unlocking some kind of secret engraved on your soul or anything like that. In my personal opinion, that’d be a little creepy and would take the choice out of things.
How do I say hi?
Choose a deity that you feel drawn to or share interests/values with and invite them for a meal. Give some offerings based on the information you know about them. Talk to them. If you’re still struggling to rely on your intuition with proper discernment, pull out a divination method to talk to them and get to know them. If it goes well, continue to invite them over, invite them to participate in activities with you, etc.
What if I’m not thrilled with the first deity I pick?
If at any point you become uncomfortable with their presence or you’re just not vibing with that deity, let them know and move on. Deity work shouldn’t be scary or intimidating. If it is, then maybe there’s some unprocessed trauma from Christian culture. No relationships with deities should be fear based.
Can I work with multiple deities?
Forming relationships with multiple deities is normal, that’s why we call it polytheism. Our deities aren’t jealous or possessive like in monotheism. You can even work with deities that may not have gotten along great in the canon mythology too. We’ve been doing so for literally thousands of years, that system isn’t gonna break down now. It’s typical to have a few main deities that you work with the most just like a close circle of friends and then your other friends and coworkers. Throughout my life and my practice I usually bump shoulders with and talk to the entire Norse pantheon but I have my main deities; Hel, Odin, Skadi, Syn, and Eir.
Are there any deities I should stay away from until I’m more experienced?
Nope. In my experience, deities are here to form positive and mutually fulfilling relationships with mankind. I’m not quite sure where this rumor got started that you should stay away from any specific deities or that any deity will “fuck your shit up” or any of that nonsense. Tbh it reminds me of similar fearmongering around spiritwork. In magic, metaphysics, or in paganism if you hear people saying to “just don’t” with anything without providing information about how to do it safely, it’s probably a projection of that person’s own fears and insecurity. There may be specific deities that a specific practitioner doesn’t get along with, and that’s okay. But their experiences shouldn’t deter others from forming fulfilling relationships with those deities.
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Artemis offerings
For large altars:
Moon shaped food (cookies, cakes, etc.)
Animal shaped food
Round honey cakes
Cooked natural meat/fish
Incense such as jasmine or lemon
White, green, and red candles
Animal bones*
Animal hides*
Deer antlers*
Moon shaped objects
Moon water
Pictures of wild animals
Images or statues of Artemis
Clothing (either your favorite garment or clothes bought specifically for Her)
For small/hidden altars:
Cedar leaves or bark
Oak leaves or bark
Willow leaves or bark
Fir leaves or bark
Owl or quail feathers*
Animal claws/nails/teeth*
Art or figurines of wild animals
Art or figurines of bows and arrows
Your own hair (collect by getting a haircut or collect some from your hairbrush)
Donating to wildlife programs in Her name
Donating to women's programs/shelters in Her name
Donating girl's and women's clothing
Cleaning up nature trails or parks
Taking nature walks and enjoying the wildlife
Giving Her offerings at midnight
Including Her brother, Apollo, in your work and offerings
Making arrows
Practicing with a bow and arrow
If you hunt, invoke Her at the start of your hunt and give thanks to Her when you finish your hunt. Never take the creature you hunted for granted and try to use the whole animal or donate what you dont use
Having a feast in Her name that includes all her favorite food and drink
*Artemis will not accept nor like these items if they are gotten in unethical ways. Please, either buy them from a reliable source or find them yourself in nature.
And the rest are what I offer Her!
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Easy Ways to Connect More Strongly with your Deities
Say Good Morning when you wake up, say Good Night before you fall asleep
Share your food with them. If you’ve ever wanted some of your friend’s french fries, you know how they probably feel.
Donate to causes that fall under the jurisdiction of your deity. Are they a goddess for women? Donate to a women’s shelter or Planned Parenthood. Is your deity a patron of the arts? Give to PBS or local theatres.
Cook a full meal in honor of your deity. Seriously. It sounds silly but you can definitely find a regional cookbook based on your pantheon to cook a full ass feast for them.
Write them letters or notes. Keep a little notebook of notes and letters to your deity. Did you see a cute cat that you think Frigga would’ve liked? Maybe you saw a girl’s outfit that would’ve made Aphrodite drool. Let them know, or give yourself a reminder to tell them about it later.
Change your phone background. Does your deity have a temple or built pantheon? Put that shit as your wallpaper! Did you find a picture that so perfectly captures the spirit of your deity? Make it your lock screen.
Make them a Mix Tape. You know, so you can belt out songs in their honor while making your way downtown. Faces pass. And you’re home bound.
DIY your Altar. I’m not going to lie, I’m not to altar type. However, it is a fantastically personalized space that you can do anything with. So don’t let anyone stop you from knitting that mini statue of Hecate a scarf.
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the pun might not work, but here is an ace version of my aro arrows
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