moocow-chan · 1 year
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moocow-chan · 1 year
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moocow-chan · 1 year
Terfs and conservatives really like to do this whole "transgender is a sex thing" a lot which obviously isn't true but also even if it were it wouldn't somehow make their actions redeemable. Like, if people were doing hormones and getting sex changes strictly cuz it was related to a fetish, harassing them, attacking them, trying to ban their existence from public isnt somehow justified. It wouldn't be any different from any woman going out and getting implants or something.
Terfs/conservatives oppose trans people because they oppose bodily autonomy and are a right wing anti lgbt hate group.
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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252 notes · View notes
moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
if YOU die because I poisoned you…how is that MY fault like I’m sorry you aren’t immune to my poisons I think that’s genuinely something you need to work on. Fix yourself before blaming others.
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
me: *has feelings*
me: Pathetic. Disgusting. Won’t Let It Happen Again.
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moocow-chan · 4 years
anyone else feel like youtube is getting too fucking comfy w/ the multiple ads before every fuckin video?? 
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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moocow-chan · 4 years
during october vampires are at their most powerful. they don’t physically get stronger it’s just a pleasant confidence boost.
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moocow-chan · 4 years
“you must reblog this everytime it’s on your dash” 
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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不知火舞 and レオナ by loped
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moocow-chan · 4 years
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buzzfeed apparently only just realised that there are languages other than english
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