there's a monster in the mirror
125 posts
I see everything ; I feel nothing
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters... some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
Creatures | Standard Rules | Application
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters... some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
Creatures | Standard Rules | Application
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters... some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
Creatures | Standard Rules | Application
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters... some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
Creatures | Standard Rules | Application
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
Important Announcement
Our Activity rule is being updated to the following - 
Three days without activity merits being kicked from this roleplay. Even if you're active on AIM, we need to see activity on the dash as well, whether it be from interacting on blogs or posting up AIM logs from relevant conversations.
Know that if you're only posting pictures/music/reblogging, or if all that's happened on your blog is a reply or two, you are still subject to be kicked. Feel free to drop us a line if you know you're going to be busy, and know that we will take into a count whether you are normally active versus frequently disappear. 
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters… some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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All Time Low | Vampire | Open
Alex doesn't really talk about who turned him. The band was taking a few days off on tour, and no one heard from him, which wasn't like Alex, but sometimes people went on a bender: no one was too surprised. Until he got back, just on time for the bus to roll out of Chicago, and refused to say where he'd been. He seemed… different, and disappeared without telling anyone where he was going more than he ever had before. Eventually, Jack got fed up with it and forced Alex to explain, and a year or so later, when Jack was turned, they teamed up. Any business in the supernatural world, they handle together. They hunt together and always back each other up. Alex is respected, mostly because he's generally a nice dude, but he's not insanely powerful. However, any special powers he might have haven't been reveled yet, so only time will tell how much value he really holds. 
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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My Chemical Romance | Vampire | Open
Gerard Way was turned years and years ago, and truly does stick by his words- Vampires Will Never Hurt You. Though he isn’t a vegan vampire, because vegan vampires all die out within a year, he cumpulses his victims to ‘donate’ blood, and never kills or turns, not if he can avoid it. He tries so hard to maintain his campaign of vampires having the ability to be good to the rest of the supernatural world that he’s begun rifts between many a vampire, most recently William Beckett, for the image they were composing on top of his own carefully constructed hopes. Unlike some, he’s incredibly enthusiastic about being a vampire, and is friendly to just about everyone, regardless of what they are, though comes off as rather awkward and shy despite his enthusiasm. He’s one of the older vampires in the music scene, and his brother Mikey, a witch himself, is his lifeline, his most trusted person that he would truly do anything for. 
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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VersaEmerge | Werewolf | Open 
Sierra Kusterbeck was turned when she was still a child, only five years old. She hardly remembers life before tracking the moon and the toll it had on her family. Despite her family asking her to lie low, she took vocal lessons and fueled her passion for performing and singing and music, sending an audition to VersaEmerge to become their lead singer just before she turned seventeen. As she grew up, she was never around anyone who knew anything about the supernatural world, and assumed werewolves were probably the only thing on this earth, cursed to turn the ones found around them when they couldn’t think straight. After meeting Blake, a werewolf himself, her world has turned upside down, and she’s determined to live a full life from here on out. 
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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JJAMZ | Witch, full blooded Wiccan | Open
Z Berg resides in California, and is making music with the majority of her tight-knit coven. A full blooded Wiccan, head of and born into her coven, after parting her ways with The Like, she started to focus on gaining more members as previous ones from her coven dropped off, like Ryan Ross, or died. Since, she’s recruited Alex Greenwald, already a vampire, Jason Boesel, and James Valentine, a werewolf to start with. She unconventionally believes music is a sort of channeled energy she should be able to focus, and attempts to achieve that with some of JJAMZ’s work, though her experiments have only been successful live, and when introducing previous elements and other existing spells to the mix. As of late, she’s been spending more time on music, though keeps updated on what’s going on in her coven, and which new member is the metaphorical whipping boy left in charge of their Book of Spells. Her coven is often the one to help out a vampire needing a sun charm, though never interfere if the vampire has scorned another coven.
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
Starting Tomorrow
The mods are going to be beginning a sweep of characters to re open and write and become far more active in modding and whatnot. With most of us settled in now save Ursula Mod who is still very much with us, we're going to be posting more frequently, and we're going to be discussing the start of challenges/group events, along with helpful things like roleplaying style guides (which are not telling you how to roleplay, but different ways you might not have known previously). 
With that said, I must include that we may remove a few characters from the roleplay, and we will be happy to explain to you before you do if you aren't okay with our judgement.
Ta ta now, go about your business as usual.
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
Everyone wish Ryan a super awesome birthday!
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
Ursula Mod just got hired at a new (grown-up) job and so she apologizes for being flakey on activity while she adjusts to the schedule and workload. Thanks for being radical, bros.
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
Ryan's gonna be takin a leave of absence! Make sure to welcome him back when he decides to fly back in. (Ha, ha.)
Welcome back to William Beckett!  
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monsterinthemirrorrp-blog · 13 years ago
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We’ve all got our monsters… some of ours are just more literal than others. Demons and angels, vampires and werewolves, even the humans are just coping with life as they know it, taking it day by day, discovering more and more about the people and secrets they’ve stumbled upon, were born into, or went searching for.
Monster in the Mirror is a supernatural bandom roleplay with open original character spots. Bios will be posted for open characters, but they can be requested or created by any potential member. We’re just now opening, and any and all characters are up for grabs! 
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