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Any pronouns, this blog is about any hyper fixation I can find lol. 🍉🍉
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monsterdoll14 · 5 hours ago
I started using Head and Shoulders ten years ago for itchy scalp and dandruff, and then for ten years I have not had itchy scalp and dandruff, so I thought “why do I still buy shampoo to combat itchy scalp and dandruff when I do not have itchy scalp and dandruff,” so I stopped buying the shampoo for itchy scalp and dandruff and can you guess I have now? Can you predict what currently afflicts me? It’s alright if you can’t because apparently I fuckin couldn’t either
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monsterdoll14 · 1 day ago
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outfits i wore in my dream last night
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monsterdoll14 · 2 days ago
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Huh? What do you mean that's not how the Sonamy cutscene went?
So I played SonicxShadow generations and I had a lot of fun! Definitely some of the best stages in forever, I'm so happy they didn't mess up one of my favorite sonic games
As soon as I got to that cutscene I wondered why Sonic sounded so embarrassed (?)/ agitated(?) at such a normal comment from Amy. So I figured he must've misinterpreted what she had said to him in some wayđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
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monsterdoll14 · 2 days ago
Little thing i did between work
(Song is “It's fate, baby, it's fate” from “Take me out to the ball game“ (1949) . Haven't watched the film btw i just know the song)
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monsterdoll14 · 2 days ago
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monsterdoll14 · 2 days ago
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monsterdoll14 · 3 days ago
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was thinking about ocs tonight and decided to draw some absolutely awesome ocs from @percexe with some of my own because cringe is cheap and joy is free.........ophelie and ollie my favs!!!!! i threw holiday with ophelie because they're both cool kids with alternative fashion senses and ollie and georgia because i think . something would go Wrong if they were within five feet of eachother
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monsterdoll14 · 3 days ago
Half-baked CHB OC’s PART 2
Child of Ares who is very in tune to other people’s emotions to the point where they know how to either incite a fight or calm a person down with just a few well-placed words. They themself are a very chill person; you wouldn’t guess they would fit in with their hot-headed siblings. But it becomes clear when they leave a trail of people suddenly fighting for no reason, after having been best friends only a moment ago.
Child of Athena with a photographic memory instead of the usual wisdom powers (or maybe in addition to-?). At first no one can guess that they’re any different from their siblings, since they’re just as wise (if not wiser). But instead of relying on magical wisdom powers, they pull wisdom out of all their previous experiences better than the average person could. A mix of “learn from your mistakes” and “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.
Child of Dionysus who (upon reaching legal drinking age) just CAN’T get drunk. They’ve tried. It doesn’t work on them. They’re so tired of being the designated driver.
Child of Iris who wears rainbows and bright colors to the point that people in their everyday life begin to think that they’re LGBT. They’re actually straight, but they can’t exactly explain to people that their mother is the Greek goddess of rainbows, so they often find themself in an awkward spot.
Adult child of Tyche (goddess of luck) who owns a casino in Vegas and can control the odds in gambling just by standing in the room. You know the saying “the house always wins?” Yeah, they take that to another level. Super rich as a result.
Child of Hypnos (god of sleep) who’s addicted to caffeine. Energy drinks, coffee, and black tea are a MUST. Their siblings mock them and everyone at CHB is generally confused about them, but if you ask them about it you’ll find that they don’t like sleeping all the time like their siblings do. They need all that caffeine just to stay awake. They act as head counselor of their cabin despite disagreeing with their siblings, but only because they’re the only one awake for head counselor business.
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monsterdoll14 · 4 days ago
“Why does Batman need to be a billionaire?”
“He has to fund the Justice League. They often have a space program.”
“But couldn’t he do more good if he just invested-”
“The Earth is routinely invaded by aliens, gods, and the forces of an extraterrestrial god of tyranny.”
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monsterdoll14 · 4 days ago
I hate that SEPTember OCTOber NOVember and DECember aren’t the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months.
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monsterdoll14 · 4 days ago
the emotion i just experienced is kind of indescribable
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
rb if you think asexual people are cool
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
I'm doing my part!!
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
I don't think fantasy writers play enough with the concept of the different fantasy races having distinct ethnicities. Like imagine a group of mixed peoples, where the dwarves are all roasting each other like dwarves do, and one of them remarks that when he first saw one of the other dwarves in the group, he mistook her for a man. The other dwarves in the group blink in surprise - the closest that dwarves will go to an audible gasp of shock - and she pulls out a knife and tries to stab him.
Once the dwarves have been separated from each other and the situation has calmed, one of the humans asks another dwarf what that incident was about. Naturally a human woman would have been insulted too, but dwarves are so jovial about insulting each other, why was this matter different?
And the dwarf who was asked explains that there are things you can brutally insult another dwarf about, and there are things you simply do not touch. The dwarf-woman in question is from a completely different region of The Great Underground as the others, and her people have different norms about what kind of patterns men and women braid into their beards. The dwarf insulting her wasn't only insulting her appearance, he was being racist.
The human is surprised to learn that dwarves have different peoples, and the dwarf looks at them like at an idiot. Of course they do, they even look completely different from each other. And the human listens as the dwarf lists off various distinguishing clothing details too nuanced for a human to notice, and then how dwarves coming from different corners of the world have different physical traits, according to what kind of conditions their local stone types dictate.
The human spots a connection and goes oh! We have that too, though ours are not about rock types and tunnel air, but the weather aboveground. Humans' facial features vary by how hot, cold, arid or windy their ancestors' homelands were, and our skin tone varies by how much the sun shines in their native region.
The dwarf frowns at the last part, going "I thought you people just paint your skin and dye your hair for fun", and the human admits that yeah, we do that too, but not all the time, and not the whole skin. The dwarf asks, what of that tall woman the colour of dravite, her palms and the soles of her feet were lighter than the rest of her. Does that mean she paints herself dark to be more beautiful?
The human says no, that just happens naturally. Maybe it's because one's palms and feet aren't exposed to the sun as much, so they are paler.
The dwarf nods, still unsure whether this is actually legit or just the human habit of lying for fun, and proceeds to ask about the wild northman of their party. He is as pale as an olm, but the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet are dark. Are they painted, or naturally that way?
No, the human answers. That guy just doesn't bathe.
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
Had an idea and had to draw it,,
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monsterdoll14 · 5 days ago
I love that the internet saw people comparing women and other alienated groups of people and went, “they’re dating,” and, “they support each other.” We’re improving as a society.
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